I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 634 Escape (1)

Chapter 634 Escape (1)

Vulcan and Flintmace rushed into mine, following Sven to Ashron's location. Their usual tension-free faces were shrouded in worry for Ashton's safety.

Because although they had trained Ashton to become a Xyran killer, there were things that mere skill couldn't overcome and dealing with the Colonel was one such case.

That's why Ashton, along with his masters, had formed a list of codes and protocols to undertake different scenarios. The list contained five protocols that consider various situations and help Ashton have a backup plan for every situation.

These scenarios included: Black protocol, Azure protocol, Shadow protocol, Echo Protocol and finally, the Phoenix protocol.

Black protocol or coordinated combat protocol was to be triggered when Ashton wasn't confident in his victory and might have a risk of his life.

The protocol would be used in situations involving a formidable opponent or unexpected threat. Ashton would signal Flintmace and Vulcan using a predetermined gesture or by simply informing them using his summons.

Upon seeing this signal, Flintmace and Vulcan will immediately join the fight, engaging the enemy as a coordinated team to increase their chances of victory.

However, this protocol was only reserved for fights against Xyrans as Vulcan could only fight the Xyrans and no other species. Under exceptional circumstances, such as with the Behemoth on Orion Prime, the 'only Xyran' rule can be exempted.

Azure protocol was to be used by Ashton only when he would reveal his true form to an enemy, that is, either his Xyran form or the Disassociation/association ability.

In this event, the opponent must be silenced at all costs. If it didn't happen, then the information about Ashton's existence might be leaked to the Xyrans, who would spare no expense at killing him or capturing and experimenting on him for all eternity.

Shadow protocol was a tactical retreat plan. This protocol can only be triggered when neither Black nor Azure protocols have been initiated. As retreating, under those circumstances, wouldn't make sense.

According to the Shadow protocol, Flintmace and Vulcan would provide covering fire or diversion tactics as needed for Ashton, ensuring that he can retreat safely and regroup for a future confrontation.

Similarly, Echo and Phoenix protocols were tactical ambushes and final stand protocols that would be only implemented in situations involving Xyrans or other S-grade or above species.

While details around Echo protocol were clear, that wasn't the case with Phoenix protocol as it involved the use of Ashton's <Resurrection> skill and all three of them hoped there was never a time when they would need to trigger the Phoenix protocol.

"How much further is he!?" Vulcan yelled over the mine's chaos.

"Not much..." Sven replied, his pace not slowing for a single second. "He's right around the corner."

True to Sven's word, they found Ashton standing amid dust and debris as they turned the corner. His clothes were torn, and his body was covered in bruises and dirt, but he was alive.

However, what they saw next to him surprised them even more. It was a charred figure kneeling before Ashton. Without any explanation, Vulcan and Flintmace understood what had happened there.

Ashton had managed to deal with the Colonel and had already turned him into another one of his summons.

They approached cautiously, their experienced eyes assessing the situation. The shadowy figure seemed to be in a state of submission, its posture reflecting his defeat.

"Ashton," Flintmace's deep voice reverberated through the collapsed section of the mine. "Are you alright?"

"I've seen better days, but I'm still kicking," Ashton replied, taking his eyes away from the Colonel's shadowy form. "Unlike a certain someone, that is."

"And here he was worried about you," Vulcan scoffed, pointing at Flintmace. "as for you..."

Vulcan walked up to Ashton before smacking his head with the help of his hammer. "Who allowed you to engage Black protocol and waste our time? Do you not know when you are supposed to use it?"

"Ouch! I was in a really messed up situation, alright!" Ashton replied while rubbing the back of his head. "Can't you see the scene around us?"

"Yeah, yeah... you did good," Vulcan rolled his eyes, clearly trying to cover up his concern for Ashton's safety. "Now, let's go before the rest of the Xyrans get to know what happened here!"

As his masters turned around to leave, Ashton simply stood there. He didn't even need to say a word, and Flintmace understood they were in a lot of trouble.

"He used the beacon, didn't he?" Flintmace asked while pointing at Rikk.

Ashton slowly nodded. "He did as soon as he realised something was off..."

Vulcan was standing between them, confused about what they were discussing. It was then Flintmace decided to fill him in.

Many Xyrans possess a tiny chip implanted within their bodies, which serves as a signal to alert the higher authorities when they come across significant discoveries, such as Precursor artefacts, or in a moment of grave danger.

Once triggered, the assigned administrator would decipher the message and see if it was something the Xyrans needed to make a move. Often times if the beacon was sent by someone insignificant or from an unimportant sector, they would just ignore it.

However, Ombra wasn't unimportant to the Xyrans. It meant the Xyrans were probably on their way to Nefarion with an armada. Therefore, staying there any longer was like waiting for death to show up.

"We need to get out of here," Flintmace mumbled sombrely. "That's the only option we have."

"I agree," Vulcan agreed. "Lycaon and Frank are already waiting for us with the twins-"

"They are already here," Ashton dropped a bombshell on them before nodding towards Rikk's undead form. "They were stationed nearby for security purposes, and every Xyran within the sector is on the way."

"But Otiga's report-"

"This fucker was the only one that knew about the reinforcements," Ashton replied. "and I don't think Otiga got her information from him."

"Damn it! We can't take them on like this..." Flintmace sighed. "We are strong, but not strong enough."

"Don't worry, we won't need to fight," Ashton said with a smile. "Let's gather everyone and go home... without leaving the planet."

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