I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 64 - Blood Moon

Chapter 64 - Blood Moon

"I think I asked you something." The mistress continued.

Ashton slowly turned around to see her sitting there while Disha stood behind her like a guard. sitting next to the mistress, there was a fairly large box. Ashton momentarily wondered what could be inside the box.

But right now, that wasn't important. He needed to think of a way to get out of the situation he was in. If not, well, then he was screwed pretty bad.

'Why the heck is she even concerned about me?' Ashton thought.

He had been hoping his absence would not get noticed because of how her mood had been before. But it appeared that she had already gotten over whatever the problem she was facing back then. As a result, now her focus was entirely on him and his absence.

"I... went out for a walk."Ashton hastily replied with whatever came to his mind first.

"You went for a walk... through the window?" The mistress shook her head, "What kind of fool do you take me for? Did you forget, I know everything about you? It is unlike you to do something like 'going on a walk' out of the blue. That too, without asking for my permission or telling anyone else."

"It's something I've picked up recently."

"You're walking on thin ice now, Ashton. I'll suggest you stop lying and give me the truth. Where have you been to? And how long? Think and answer carefully."

The following moment she got up and threateningly took a step towards him. Her eyes looked as if she was trying to make a hole in his head. Ashton thought he had learned to control himself around her, but right now, just being around her was making him sweat.

It wasn't happening because he had gotten weak. But as the mistress was not holding back against him anymore. It was only when she revealed her hidden strength, did Ashton started to worry about himself.

He knew very well what she was trying to do... assert dominance. That was the mistress's way of making someone 'talk'. She didn't utter anything else, but Ashton knew... he had to come up with a believable lie. Even if it was absurd.

"I was out with a girl."

"You... were out with a girl?"

Out of all the things, Disha and the Mistress had thought Ashton would say, this was by far the most unexpected one. Ashton, out with a girl? Impossible. But considering the way he was acting, it did seem like that was the case.

After all, it would have been the boys first date. Maybe that was the reason he didn't want anyone to know where he had been, because, well, maybe he did not know how to tell them.

"Who is she?" The mistress asked him, judging by her muffled voice, it was clear that she was trying really hard to not let her emotions get the better part of her conscience.

She had been trying time after time to make the boy fall for her and this mystery girl, whoever she was, just met and she swept him off his feet? In her eyes, Ashton was her precious pawn and he only belonged to her and her alone. No one else, male or female could take him away... at least until her plan was completed.

On top of all that, Ashton getting a girl on the first day there was still not believable. Or more like, the mistress wasn't ready to believe it, even though she had no reason not to.

"She's someone I saved during the exam. She said she wanted to take me out as a way to thank me for doing so." Ashton was lying through the skin between his teeth now, "I wanted to tell the mistress about it and ask for permission."

He continued, "But when I saw how tense you were, I thought it would be better to leave without asking for permission as to not trouble you even more. I'd rather take the punishment than upset you in any way, mistress. I apologise for getting you all riled up."

Ashton could see his golden tongue was doing his job. The mistress's expression changed drastically and it appeared she had calmed down because she went back to sit on the bed. In the meantime, Ashton was still bowing before her.

"It's fine. You don't need to apologise. But make sure you don't leave without taking my permission." The mistress dismissively waved her hand, "Oh, and Disha informed me you were looking for some gears. So I have prepared something for you."

She threw the heavy-looking wooden box at him, "I hope you'll find it to your liking."

"Thank you."

Ashton had a surprised look on his face, but deep down, he was laughing like a maniac. Today was indeed his lucky day. How could it not be his lucky day when he got all these gears and money for... well, free?

"One more thing." The mistress interrupted him before he could open the package, "Don't go out tonight. It's not a safe night for werewolves."

"Full moon?"

"Much worse." Disha shook her head, "Tonight is the night of Blood moon. A rare occasion that happens once every six months. It empowers vampires but severely causes problems to our kind."

it was the first time Ashton had heard about this blood moon thingy. A night that empowers the vampires why weaken the werewolves? It was interesting and he wanted to know more... you know for research purposes.

"When werewolves come in contact with the red light of the moon on the night of blood moon," The mistress took over the explanation, "The werewolves lose their reasoning and rationality and give in to their primal bloodlust and let's be honest. There's only one way to subdue someone like that."

"Tiring them out," Ashton mumbled.

"Exactly. And how are we supposed to tire someone out without going outside and fighting them? The answer? We can't without risking the rest of the werewolves. So... close your windows and do not go outside in any case."

After saying so, the Mistress got up and left along with Disha. Only to return a moment later to give him another piece of advice.

"Also, about this girl of yours. I don't mind her dating you. You can do what you want, but if you ever stray away from the path I chose for you... she will have to go." The mistress threatened, "So, focus on your task, rather than on girls."

'Says the one who never gave up trying to seduce me.'

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