I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 640 Sparring With An Old Friend (2)

Chapter 640 Sparring With An Old Friend (2)

Soon enough, Virgil and Ashton stood facing each other in the centre of a Colosseum-like arena. The air hummed with excitement as the spectators eagerly waited for the friendly spar to begin.

After all, it wasn't every day that one witnessed the Arena-master fight it out with a living legend like Ashton.

Virgil gripped his hefty axe, his muscles tense and ready. On the other side, Ashton flexed his arms and shifted into a fighting stance, his aura ready to burst at any moment.

"Ready?" Ashton called out, a grin on his face.

Virgil nodded, his eyes locked on Ashton. "Let's do this."

As the signal sounded, Virgil charged forward; axe raised high. He swung it down with a determined grunt, aiming for Ashton's side. But Ashton moved like shapeless water, sidestepping the attack with ease.

Not only that, he retaliated with a swift kick aimed at Virgil's midsection. Virgil managed to block it with his axe, but the force still forced him to take several steps backwards.

But Ashton wasn't planning to go easy on Virgil. He lunged forward, his fists a blur as he aimed a series of quick jabs at him.

Virgil swung his axe in a wide arc, blocking the strikes with the flat side of the weapon. The impact reverberated through his arms, but he stood his ground.

The crowd cheered, and Virgil gritted his teeth. He swung his axe in a wide arc, aiming for Ashton's legs.

But Ashton leapt gracefully into the air, his body twisting as he avoided the swing. He landed lightly and delivered a series of rapid punches, striking Virgil's chest and forcing him to stumble further back.

To make the battle somewhat fair, Ashton was only using his undead genes, so technically, Virgil would have an advantage over him based on genetic hierarchy. On top of that, Ashton wasn't using his skills or abilities to give Virgil an actual fighting chance against him.

Virgil shook off the hits and lunged forward, his axe aimed at Ashton's head. Ashton ducked and rolled, coming up behind Virgil.

He delivered a swift chop to Virgil's back, making him wince. Virgil's swings were powerful, but Ashton's agility seemed to be one step ahead.

"Nice moves," Virgil panted, sweat dripping down his forehead.

Ashton chuckled. "You're no slouch with that axe either."

"Maybe one of these times, I'll land a hit and you... might lose a limb or two." Virgil laughed, clearly enjoying the spar with Ashton.

"As if. But sure, go ahead! Give it all you got!"

"You don't need to tell me that twice!"

Virgil spun around and swung his axe horizontally, hoping to catch Ashton off guard. But Ashton ducked under the swing and countered with a sweeping low kick, knocking Virgil's legs out from under him. Virgil crashed onto the ground, his axe skidding away.

"Nice try," Ashton smiled, offering Virgil a hand. But since the spar wasn't over yet, Virgil ignored Ashton's friendly gesture, though he did so with a smile.

Virgil rolled and got back on his feet, eyeing his axe a few feet away. Ashton didn't waste a moment, charging in with a barrage of punches and kicks.

If Virgil was serious about the spar, it would be dishonourable for Ashton to treat their little competition casually.

As the attacks rained on him, Virgil deflected some with his arms, but others landed, bruising his arms and torso.

Eventually, Virgil managed to grab his axe and swung it upward, catching Ashton off balance. Ashton stumbled back, giving Virgil a moment to catch his breath.

He could feel the sweat dripping down his forehead as he tried to steady his breathing. On the other hand, Ashton looked almost untouched, his expression calm and focused.

"Fucking tribrid," Virgil shook his head while smiling. "I know you're not even going all-out on me, and yet... never mind, the fight isn't over yet."

"Damn right, it isn't. Now get up. You won't get a break in an actual fight."

"Aye, aye, captain."

Virgil charged at Ashton again with renewed determination, swinging his axe in wide arcs. Ashton danced around the strikes, occasionally blocking or dodging. He darted in and out, landing precise blows that seemed to sap Virgil's strength with each hit.

Ashton then decided to practice with his kicks for a bit. As for Virgil, he sidestepped one kick and deflected another with the axe's shaft.

Ashton spun around; his leg extended in a spinning kick that caught Virgil off guard. The blow landed squarely on Virgil's side, knocking the wind out of him.

Gritting his teeth, Virgil stepped back and lifted his axe overhead. He brought it crashing down with all his might, aiming for Ashton's head. Ashton blocked the attack with his forearms, the impact sending a shockwave throughout the area.

The crowd was shocked as they had never seen someone stop Virgil's signature move with bare hands. Even Virgil was a bit taken aback by Ashton's irresponsible manoeuvre.

However, Virgil didn't have time to spare as Ashton launched his attacks almost immediately.

As the match wore on, Virgil's movements became sluggish. His muscles ached, and his breathing grew heavier. He swung his axe, but it was slow, predictable.

Ashton seized the opportunity, ducking under the swing and delivering a powerful uppercut. Virgil stumbled backwards, his grip on the axe faltering.

In stark contrast, Ashton's movements were fluid, effortless. He moved like a breeze, striking with precision. Virgil's swings grew feeble, his attacks missing their mark.

Ashton sidestepped another attack and delivered a roundhouse kick to Virgil's side. Virgil grunted, dropping to one knee.

The crowd's cheers grew louder, urging Virgil on, but his body was spent. He struggled to rise, his vision blurred. Ashton approached him, his expression serene. He extended a hand toward Virgil.

"Good fight, man," Ashton said with a smile.

Virgil looked up at Ashton, a mix of exhaustion and respect in his eyes. He reached out and clasped Ashton's hand, pulling himself to his feet.

"You're something else," Virgil admitted, a weary grin tugging at his lips. "Well, regardless, I kinda needed someone to kick my ass. At least it was you who did me the service."

"Not going to lie; I thought I'd have to transform for a moment. You have grown a lot stronger than I remember." Ashton chuckled, giving Virgil's shoulder a friendly pat. "You're pretty tough with that axe, Virgil. We should spar again sometime."

Virgil nodded, a newfound admiration for Ashton settling in. "Definitely. But next time, I'll be better prepared."

"You better be-" As he said, Ashton received a call from Ava informing him about completion of the twins' examination. "Oh, I have to leave. Either way, it was fun catching up with you! See you around!"

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