I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 643 A Strange Request (3)

Chapter 643 A Strange Request (3)

The transformation was remarkable, to say the least. Irina's long, pristine white hair grew darker, almost black as night, while Verina's locks took on a deep, blood-red shade, making it easier to differentiate the twins.

The hair wasn't the only thing that changed. Their bodies grew more muscular and powerful, the strength of a werewolf coursing through their veins. Their senses heightened, allowing them to hear even the faintest heartbeat and smell the faintest hint of blood from miles away.

Verina gasped as she felt her body shifting once more. Fur sprouted along her arms, spreading down her back and legs.

She couldn't help but be amazed by the softness and warmth of her new coat, a blend of reds and browns resembling the colours of autumn leaves. Irina's transformation was similar, her fur a sleek, glossy black with a faint silver sheen.

It was then a different set of genes triggered within them. A pair of little horns sprouted from their temples, giving them a cute look. Ashton had no doubt that those genes stemmed from some demonic lineage.

It didn't take any time for the twins to control their new genes, unlike Anna. They immediately turned off their werewolf genes, which... turned out to be a mistake as their clothes had been torn to shreds during their transformation.

Ashton immediately turned his back towards them, not wanting to have any indecent thoughts. Well, it wasn't like he couldn't control himself, but he didn't subject himself to... questionable images being imprinted in his mind.

[Another rare race... how do you keep resurrecting these long-forgotten races over and over?]

'Rare race? They look like normal demons to me?'

[Those are no regular demons, for fucks sake. Those are Yamauba. You can think of them as the Progenitor race to what you call Oni.]

'The hell?'

[That's exactly my reaction. Not only that, you've turned them into tribrids. Yamauba-Vampire-Werewolf tribrids, to be precise.]

'...I just wanted to turn them into regular tribrids.'

[...well, what's done is done. Let's hope there's no cult looking to revive a particular Oni race.]

'Yeah, dealing with one cult is difficult as it is.'

Just then, Ashton's communicator buzzed loudly, startling him. He fumbled to reject the call, but the AI in his phone had a mind of its own and accepted the call anyway.

The holographic screen flickered to life, and there, floating in the air before him was Anna.

"Hey, Ash, I called to tell you that I'm on my way-" Anna spoke before her eyes widened in surprise. "What the hell is going on there!?"

Her expression was a mix of surprise and confusion as she took in the scene before her. Anna had expected Ashton to be alone at this hour, but what she found was far from him being alone.

Irina and Verina were standing right beside him. The only problem was the twins were completely naked.

Ashton's eyes widened in panic, and he quickly tried to shield the twins from view with his body, but it was too late. Anna's eyes grew wider than saucers, and she gasped in shock.

"Oh my gosh, Ashton! What the hell is happening over there? Why are Irina and Verina... uh, well, you know, naked?" Anna stammered, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson.

For a succubus, Anna always got flustered at the slightest hit of unexpected nudity.

Ashton's face turned a matching shade of red as he tried to find the right words to explain the awkward situation.

"Anna, it's not what it looks like. You see, we were... um, in the middle of something important when you called." he tried explaining but was cut off by the twins.

Irina and Verina, unfazed by their lack of attire, waved cheerfully at the holographic screen. "Hi, Anna! Long time no see!"

"Hi, girls. Um, are you both okay?" Anna blinked, still trying to process the surreal sight before her. "This horndog didn't do anything to you... did he?"

"Oh, don't worry about us. We're perfectly fine. Just a little wardrobe malfunction, you know." Verina mumbled, flaunting her new muscles.

"Yeah, we're good," Irina chimed in, "However, it's all Ashton's fault. He didn't warn us that our clothes might not survive the transformation."

"I see... but would you two mind covering yourselves..." Anna shook her head before turning her gaze back to Ashton. "Alright, mister, you've got some explaining to do."

Ashton reached over to his inventory and pulled out a couple of oversized t-shirts and sweatpants. He tossed them to the twins, who gratefully put them on, sighing with relief at being covered again. Anna watched the whole scene, a mixture of surprise and concern on her face.

"Okay, now, seriously, what's going on here?" she demanded.

Ashton gestured for the twins to sit down, and they all gathered on the couch. Irina and Verina looked at each other, then at Anna, who was waiting for an explanation.

Ashton cleared his throat and began, "Anna, you know how I turned you into a succubus to enhance your abilities, right?"

"Of course I do. You did what you had to to save me from the mist." Anna nodded, her curiosity growing.

"Well, I did the same with them," Ashton continued. "Only this time because they asked me to, and I thought it was a good decision to make them stronger..."

"Exactly! Ashton's been a huge help." Irina nodded enthusiastically.

Verina chimed in, "Yeah, we're super grateful for his assistance, even if it did result in a little wardrobe malfunction."

Anna couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, that makes sense, but you should have warned them about the clothes issue, Ashton."

"Yeah, my bad. I didn't think of that," Ashton scratched his head sheepishly.

[Didn't think or you wanted a little show for yourself? *wink wink, nod nod*]

'I swear I'll kill you one of these days.'

Once everything had been cleared, Ashton turned to Anna for the reason she called him.

"Right, I wanted to tell you I'm on my way to Earth along with the rest of the crew," Anna replied. "Laihud, Vimur and Leon will stay behind and take care of the administrative things in our absence."

"That's great!" Ashton replied enthusiastically. "I can't wait to show you around the new city!"

"I can't wait either," Anna replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "try not to have any other malfunctions while I get there."

"O-Of course not!" Ashton nervously scratched his cheek. "Well, I'll see you here. Bye, love you!"

"Love you too," Anna chuckled before disconnecting the call.

[I can't believe you managed to walk out of it alive.]

'Don't even start...'

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