I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 649 As Easy As It Gets (2)

Chapter 649 As Easy As It Gets (2)

649 As Easy As It Gets (2)

While Ricochet fought against three conundrum members, the twins were busy with their own fight.

Irina and Verina stood against the Conundrum members wearing the Rabbit and Monkey masks, both female adversaries. The place echoed with the anticipation of a fierce showdown.

"Let's see what you fools can do." The Rabbit-mask mumbled.

The Rabbit-masked Conundrum member, quick and agile, darted forward with a barrage of punches aimed at Irina. Irina's werewolf instincts and reflexes in play gracefully sidestepped the strikes, her movements almost akin to dancing.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Irina taunted, her voice dripping with confidence.

The Rabbit-mask took Irina's taunting as a challenge and eventually landed a kick to her in the stomach.

"Do better? Child, I was just playing with you." the Rabbit-mask scoffed.

However, a moment later she realised she hadn't kicked Irina, because the princess had caught her.

"Yes... do better!"

With a fierce growl, Irina countered with a powerful swipe of her claws, leaving a series of shallow cuts on the rabbit-masked member's arm.

Meanwhile, Verina faced the Monkey-masked Conundrum member, who displayed a mischievous grin beneath her mask.

She leapt into the air, attempting a flying kick, but Verina, channelling her newly acquired Yamauba genes, extended her claws with lightning speed, intercepting the attack with a swift block.

"Nice try," Verina remarked, her tone steady.

"You..." Monkey-mask's eyes flared up as she unleashed a barrage of attacks on Verina.

She swung her fists wildly, trying to catch Verina off guard. But Verina's Yamauba heritage granted her a supernatural sense of rhythm and timing. She effortlessly flowed around the monkey-masked member's strikes. But just dodging the strike wasn't any fun.

So Verina decided to embrace offence and immobilised the monkey-masked member's arm, rendering her momentarily defenceless. Verina took advantage of the situation and delivered a powerful kick that sent the monkey-masked member sprawling.

"Tsk... why do you people lose your cool so easily?" Verina shook her head and began toying with her masked foe.

Meanwhile, undeterred by her initial failure, the Rabbit-masked member pressed on against Irina. She lunged again, this time with blinding speed, her punches a blur.

Irina's werewolf senses heightened, parrying the strikes precisely, her Yamauba genes granting her the strength to hold the masked witch back. However, Rabbit-mask eventually landed a strike on Irina, pushing her backwards.

"Impressive," Irina said with a smirk, "but it's not enough."

With a quick twist of her body, Irina delivered a powerful roundhouse kick, catching the Rabbit-masked member off guard. The impact sent her tumbling backwards, landing in a heap on the floor.

Simultaneously, Verina and the Monkey-masked member engaged in a complex dance of strikes and counters. The Monkey-masked member now moved with awkward but effective manoeuvres.

It almost felt like Verina was fighting with a monkey as her agility matched Verina's supernatural speed. It was a battle of wits and reflexes, a testament to their respective abilities.

Verina, determined to gain the upper hand, utilised her Yamauba genes to enhance her speed further. She darted forward with rapid punches, forcing the Monkey-masked member on the defensive. The room echoed with the sound of their clash.

"You're quick," Verina commented, "but I can be faster."

With a sudden burst of speed, Verina delivered a decisive blow, her fist connecting with the Monkey-masked member's midsection. The impact sent her opponent crashing into a nearby pillar, her mask slipping away.

Irina and Verina regrouped, their eyes locked onto the fallen Conundrum members. The Rabbit-masked member struggled to regain her composure while the Monkey-masked member clutched her side in pain.

Amid the clash of fists and claws, the Conundrum members struggled to keep up with the twins' combined prowess.

The rabbit-masked member's breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to match Irina's relentless assault. Blood oozed from the wounds inflicted by Irina's claws as if there was no way to stop the blood.

"Looks like we make a pretty good team," Verina remarked to her sister. "Even after all that genetic mutation."

"Of course we do," Irina nodded, a grin spreading across her face. "Let's finish this."

With renewed determination, Irina unleashed a flurry of strikes that left the rabbit-masked member with no room to counter. She seized an opening and delivered a powerful kick to the midsection that sent the rabbit-masked member crashing to the ground.

Much like Irina, Verina's strikes were calculated and precise. She landed blow after blow, her movements fluid yet deadly. The monkey-masked member's attempts to retaliate were feeble, her strength no match for Verina's unleashed power.

The twins worked together seamlessly, their complementary abilities forming a devastating combination. Irina's werewolf strength and agility, combined with Verina's finesse, overwhelmed and defeated the Conundrum members.

With one final coordinated attack, Irina and Verina struck simultaneously. Irina's claws met the rabbit-masked member's arms with a bone-crunching force.

While Verina's precise strike landed squarely on the monkey-masked member's throat. Both Conundrum members crumpled to the ground, defeated and incapable of continuing the fight.

However, winning the fight wasn't the twins' goal. They were there for Rose and expected the masked foes to have some information on her whereabouts.

As the Rabbit-mask recovered a bit, the twins descended upon her. She immediately raised her hands to cover her face, but when she didn't feel anything, Rabbit-mask slowly opened her eyes.

"Look, as much as fun it is to kick your asses, we're here on some urgent matter," Verina said.

"Yeah," Irina joined in. "Just tell us where Rose is, and we'll leave you in peace."

"She's... in the underground chamber, deep within the base. But you won't get to her so easily," Rabbit replied as her mask fell off her face. "You'll need three keys to unlock her cell, and only the leader knows where the keys are-"

"I see. Thanks for the information." Verina smiled before kicking her on the head.

As they turned to leave, a rustling in the bushes caught their attention. From the shadows emerged Ricochet, his cybernetic eye scanning the area as he assessed the situation.

"Everything under control here?" he asked.

"Yeah, we managed to take care of these two and found Rose's whereabouts," Verina nodded, a hint of a smile on her lips. "Let's wait for the others to clean up before heading down."

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