I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 652 Answers (1)

Chapter 652 Answers (1)

The aftermath of the battle with the Conundrum left the forest shrouded in silence. None of them were injured; it was an overwhelming victory, and it was time to look for Rose.

But before that, Ashton decided it would be better to bind the Conundrum fuckers so that none of them could escape. As usual, he handed that task to Ricochet, who sighed but obeyed the command without complaints.

However, as Ricochet got to the job, he noticed something. A few members were missing, and he knew Ashton wouldn't be pleased after learning it, but Ricochet had no other choice.

Eventually, Ricochet broke the uneasy silence. "Ashton, there's something you should know."

Ashton, still processing the events of the battle, rolled his eyes. "What now?"

"Not all the Conundrum members were here," Ricochet hesitated for a moment before delivering the news. "Looks like some managed to escape during the chaos."

"You've got to be kidding me... These fucks, they never learn, do they?" Ashton's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "As for you, you had one job, Ricochet, and you screwed it up! Maybe your joints have rusted after staying on Earth for so long."

"Boss, chill!" Ricochet smiled nervously. "Besides, I'm fast, but I can't be everywhere at once. They slipped through the cracks. It was a genuine mistake."

"Fine, it's not like it is solely your fault," Ashton sighed, realising the gravity of the situation. "That said, we can't let them regroup and come after us. As fun as it would be to toy with them, I don't want to waste my time on them. It's time to call in reinforcements."

With a wave of his hand, Ashton summoned the rest of his undead army. Skeletons and zombies emerged from the shadows, their hollow eyes fixed on their master. They were an assorted crew of creatures from various backgrounds, bound to serve Ashton in death.

"Find the Conundrum members who escaped," Ashton commanded. "They have to be somewhere in the forest. Hunt them down and don't return until they're dealt with."

Surprisingly delighted at the prospect of a new hunt, the undead army began to disperse into the forest, disappearing into the darkness. Their eerie silence was replaced with the rustling of leaves and distant groans as they searched for their quarry.

Meanwhile, the group turned their attention to Rose's rescue. Ricochet had discovered a hidden chamber deep within the Conundrum's base, where Rose had been held captive. As they ventured into the depths of the base, they found Rose, weak and fragile, chained to the wall.

Her eyes widened in disbelief as Ashton stepped forward. His demeanour changed entirely after seeing her for so long.

"Rose, it's me!"

She mumbled his name, her voice barely audible. "Ashton..."

Ashton rushed to her side, his heart aching at the sight of her frail form. Signs of physical torture were spread all across her body, and by her injuries, it was a surprise she was still alive.

[Damn... She doesn't look good, like at all.]

'She isn't in danger, is she?'

[Nah, her vitals are fluctuating, but she's safe. Still get her prepped for a check-up, just in case.]

'Got it!'

Ashton gently cradled her in his arms without wasting any time as the chains that had bound her clattered to the floor.

"Rose, for fuck's sake, how long have you been here?" Ashton whispered, his voice filled with relief. "I wasn't planning to before, but now I'll kill that fucking brother of yours. That's for certain!"

Rose managed a weak smile, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I knew you'd come for me."

The group gathered around, offering their support as Ashton carefully carried Rose out of the chamber. Her strength had been drained during her captivity, and she clung to Ashton as if he were her lifeline.

Verina's concern was evident as she spoke softly, "We need to get her medical attention immediately."

"She's been through a lot," Irina nodded in agreement. "We can't waste any time."

"Let's get her back to safety," Ashton nodded, his focus solely on Rose. "My summons are enough to deal with the remnants themselves."

With Rose in his arms, Ashton led the way out of the base, their journey filled with relief and concern. They had achieved a significant victory by defeating Donovan and the Conundrum, but the price they had paid weighed heavily on their hearts.

The forest was alive with the sounds of nature as they emerged from the base, a stark contrast to the chaos and conflict that had unfolded within its depths.

Around them, the undead army continued searching for the escaped Conundrum members, their eerie presence a reminder of the battles looming on the horizon.

Rose saw them and wanted to say something, but Ashton stopped her. "We can talk later. For now, keep your eyes closed and rest."

Rose nodded and smiled again before placing her head against Ashton's chest. It didn't take her long before she was asleep. Probably because she knew she was safe there.

Meanwhile, Ashton's allies followed him. Soon enough, Mera joined them and rushed to check Rose's status. The pain of killing Donovan vanished from her face momentarily as Ashton carried Rose over to their ship.

Rose was weak so she couldn't talk much and it wasn't like Ashton would let her do it either. She smiled again and clung to Ashton, obeying his every word.

The journey back to their ship felt longer than before. Ashton's undead army worked tirelessly to track down the escaped Conundrum members, disappearing into the depths of the forest like shadowy spectres.

The twins, Irina and Verina, kept a watchful eye on Rose while Ashton and Ricochet went to check whether the area surrounding their ship was safe.

They returned after a while with the ship hovering over their head. Ashton jumped from the ship, once again carrying Rose, while Ricochet landed the spacecraft as close as possible for them.

"It's going to be okay, Rose," Ashton reassured her, his voice strangely gentle and soothing. "We've got you."

Once Rose had boarded the ship, Ashton decided to stay back and ensure the Conundrum bastards were dealt with. Besides, there was something else he wanted to take a look at.

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