I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 682 Final Gift (3)

Chapter 682 Final Gift (3)

Ashton was on his knees. Every part of his body was aching in pain like never before. Despite his willpower and resolve, he made peace with the fact there was nothing more he could do against someone like Kro'Han.

He gave everything he could to the Precursor, but the latter had the solution for everything Ashton threw his way. It was a losing battle which had come to an end.

At that moment, all Ashton hoped was for his people to be safe and wished they would find a solution to deal with the Precursor because he failed.

With that, there wasn't much left for Ashton to do, and he closed his eyes, waiting for the final blow to end it for him. Unfortunately for him, even though he had given up, his body hadn't.

While Ashton waited for Kro'Han's attack, the Seraph's crystal embedded in his hand reacted on its own. At that moment, it felt like his entire body was on fire, which snapped him from his pathetic state.

"What is this sorcery?" Kro'Han mumbled as searing hellfire covered Ashton.

It was amusing to see that all-knowing Precursor being clueless for a moment, allowing Ashton to deal a severe blow to his uncle.


With an anguished roar, Ashton directed a torrent of blazing flames at Kro'Han's face. The Precursor howled in agony, staggering back as the inferno engulfed him. Flames danced and writhed around Kro'Han, blinding him and consuming his senses.

Now Ashton had two choices: he could either stay and press on his advantage or leave to fight another day. But the choice was as clear as day. He would have to fight and stop the Precursor while he had the advantage.

'It not as if he'd let me escape after all this shit. Besides, if I leave, everyone would be in danger, not just me.'

With his decision made, Ashton acted on it without any delay. He reached into his inventory and took out the Grim Reaper's Scythe. He knew the phasing ability wouldn't be of any use to him. That said, Ashton thought if anything could harm a Precursor, it had to be the power of death.

After all, the Scythe was a weapon his father used, and he must have used it against Kro'Han during their fight. Hence, it made the most sense that Ashton used the same weapon.

Ashton swung the weapon with every ounce of strength left within him, aiming for Kro'Han's head. He hoped for the best, which was to inflict any harm on Kro'Han.

Although he was blinded by the flames, Ko'Han responded with uncanny speed. He managed to evade the Scythe's lethal arc but not entirely unscathed.

The deadly tip of the weapon grazed his face, severing one of his eyes and marking the loss with a trail of blood that followed. Kro'Han roared in pain and fury, staggering backwards, clutching his wounded face and bellowing in agony and rage.

Having landed a critical blow, Ashton stepped back, a fleeting glimmer of hope surging within him. He had inflicted a grievous injury upon Kro'Han, one that might alter the course of their battle.

But Ashton was surprised more than anyone else! Ashe didn't expect the Scythe actually to work against Kro'Han.

However, the happiness was short-lived. Kro'Han, consumed by rage and vengeance, unleashed the full brunt of his aura on Ashton as he lunged at him.


His fingers clawed the air as he reached for Ashton's throat. Ashton swung the Scythe again, but Kro'han knocked the weapon out of his grasp using his aura.

At that moment, Ashton realised his hope was like a flickering flame before a fire died and that it was over for him.

Yet, just as Kro'Han's grasp was about to ensnare Ashton, a series of explosions erupted around them. The concussive blasts sent shockwaves through the air, obscuring vision with dense plumes of smoke while simultaneously impacting Kro'Han's hearing.

The blasts were no accident; they were a tactical manoeuvre orchestrated by none other than his masters.

In the midst of the confusion, Anna and the twins moved with lightning speed. Their instincts were kicked into high gear. They reached Ashton's side in the blinding smoke, finding him on the verge of passing out.

"What... are you... doing here..." Ashton weakly mumbled as soon as he saw them. "It's dangerous..."

"We know genius!" Anna yelled back. "That's why we're pulling you out!"

"Is his pull-out game that bad?" Irina couldn't control her habit of joking at the worst possible times.

"Not the time, Irina!" Verina reprimanded her sister as they dragged Ashton with all their strength. "This stupid armour! Why is it so heavy if it can't even protect you properly!"

"Stop... it-"

"Shut it!" Anna yelled once again, and it was then Ashton's vision cleared up, and he saw her tear-drenched face.

It wasn't surprising she was worried about him. After all, it had to be the worst beating Ashton had ever received. In fact, he was confident that if they hadn't intervened when they did, it would have been the end of him.

That said, even they were no match for Kro'Han, and the smoke wouldn't stop him for long. This meant the girls were in danger as his uncle would soon be upon them.

It was like Berina read Ashton's mind and told him not to worry about them as there were people who were willing to take the fall for his sake.

Ashton was confused for a moment. That was until he turned his attention in front of him. Through his limited vision, he could see the towering figures of his masters—Vulcan and Flintmace, standing resolutely before Kro'Han.

But they weren't alone as they were accompanied by an unexpected figure, the First Seatholder, who had chosen to stand with them. It was a formidable and experienced team... at least, that's what Ashton would have said in any other situation.

However, in front of Kro'Han, they were like ants. No matter how small a snake was, three ants would never be a match for the snake.

Desperation clawed at Ashton's heart as he realised the dire situation. He had witnessed firsthand the formidable power that Kro'Han possessed. His masters, as mighty as they were, might not stand a chance against this Precursor behemoth.

Watching their master die for their sake was something no disciple wished to see, and Ashton was no different. He knew he had to rejoin the fight before it was too late.

"Let me go!" he yelled, struggling to free himself from their grasp, but his body was too bruised and exhausted to free himself.

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. The girls knew what was at stake. Vulcan and Flintmace were willing to sacrifice their lives just so that Ashton could live to fight another day against the Precursor.

Vulcan, who had never asked anything from Anna, had made her promise to him that no matter what, she would bring Ashton to safety and leave. Flintmace even arranged for everything Ashton would need to recover in the Tower.

As for the First, while he had no personal connection to Ashton, he told the girls to ask Ashton to forgive him for his rudeness and gave him his blessings before they commenced the operation to save him.

Ashton's life was more precious to them than their own, and the girls were deadset on not letting Ashton topple his masters' final gift to him.

Having no other way, Ashton called upon the guardians. Hoping they would help him. But to his surprise, instead of aiding his escape, they assisted the girls in guiding him toward the waiting spaceship as quickly as possible.

"What are you doing!?" Ashton yelled at the constructs, to which the guardians replied in unison.

"Your survival is our only priority."

"For fucks sake! They'll die out there! I have to help help them!"

"Sorry... Ash... but I can't let that happen," Anna sniffled, but her face hardened afterwards. "It was their last wish, and I'm not going to deny them that."

Ashton's struggles stopped after hearing that. He watched in anguish as they reached the ship's entrance. His gaze locked onto Vulcan's for a final time, who winked at him with a knowing smile.

At that moment, Ashton was reminded of the oath his master had taken—a commitment to not raise his weapon against any species but the Xyrans. But for the sake of his disciple, Vulcan willingly broke that promise and decided to fight his self-proclaimed god.

That action alone told Ashton how special he was to his master. But what happened next wholly broke Ashton.

"Ashton, being your master has been an honour, but I'm afraid this is where our paths diverge," Vulcan spoke with a heavy heart and a rare smile. "Live, and live well, for your life is the final gift we, your masters, can offer you."

Flintmace smiled in agreement, "Take care of yourself, lad, and don't you dare join us in the afterlife without beating the shit out of this bastard. That's an order, the final one!"

Tears welled up in Ashton's eyes as the spaceship's doors closed, taking him away from the battlefield.

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