I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 684 Noble Sacrifice (2)

Chapter 684 Noble Sacrifice (2)

With a burst of energy, the trio launched another assault. This time, they didn't hold back, and it was as if their attacks were a force of nature itself.

Despite that, Kro'Han evaded their strikes effortlessly, ducking under Flintmace's swings, sidestepping the First's lightning-fast jabs, and parrying Vulcan's desperate blows with ease.

"Annoying pests like you should stay down!" Kro'Han roared before grabbing the First.

Then, with a flicker of movement too fast for the eye to follow, Kro'Han's palm struck the First's chest, sending a shockwave through the Xyran's body.

The First was flung backwards, crashing into a rocky outcrop with bone-rattling force. His insides had turned upside down in a complete mess in just one attack.

Watching his former comrade disposed of in such a manner, Flintmace couldn't hold back. He roared in anger, charging at Kro'Han with all his might.

But Kro'Han, his patience wearing thin, decided to end the charade right then and there. He extended his hand, and an invisible force slammed into Flintmace, halting the Xyran in his tracks. Flintmace struggled against the unseen restraint, his face contorted with effort, but it was futile.

With a flick of his hand, Kro'Han sent Flintmace hurtling through the air, crashing into the ground with a deafening thud. The earth quaked beneath the impact, and dust and debris filled the air.

But it wasn't enough for Kro'Han as he unleashed a barrage of his aura-backed fists, pummeling Flintmace to an inch of his life. He would have ended him had it not been for Vulcan's interference.

Vulcan, the last one standing, couldn't let Kro'han kill his comrades so easily and tossed a potent healing potion towards the First before charging at Kro'Han and throwing him off Flintmace's face.

Kro'Han was stunned as no dwarf had ever been strong enough to physically hit him, let alone fling him away.

"Oi, Xyran, drink this and get up!" Vulcan smacked Flintmace to wake him up and poured the last bottle of healing potion into his mouth.

While the Xyran's healed, Vulcan was left with dread and helplessness. He had seen the overwhelming might of Kro'Han, and he knew there was no hope of victory. But he couldn't give up, not while his comrades lay wounded and defeated.

"It seems you have grown stronger with time, Dwarf." Kro'Han turned his gaze to Vulcan, his eyes devoid of mercy. "You were a servant of the Precursors. You know what we are capable of. Surrender now, and I might spare your life."

Vulcan's hand tightened around the hilt of his warhammer, his knuckles white as he made his decision.

"I'll never surrender to the likes of you."

With that, he charged at Kro'Han, his battle cry ringing through the air. But it was a futile gesture. Kro'Han merely raised a hand, and Vulcan froze in his tracks, suspended in mid-air as if held by invisible chains.

Kro'Han's laughter echoed through the battlefield. "Stubborn to the end, aren't you?"

With a flick of his wrist, Kro'Han sent Vulcan hurtling away, his form disappearing into the distance. The dwarf's indomitable spirit, however, remained unbroken as he got up, bruised but not defeated.

Kro'Han stood amidst the aftermath of the battle; his victory was assured, yet the fools kept attacking him. Even though their attempts were nothing more than a futile display of resistance.

The Precursor looked down at his fallen foes, his expression one of cold satisfaction and said, "Still not giving up, huh? My dearest nephew managed to find some decent friends after all."

Kro'Han towered over the First, Flintmace, and Vulcan, his malevolent eyes gleaming with superiority. He had already demonstrated his might by effortlessly swatting them aside like insignificant insects.

Bloodied and battered, the trio refused to yield to their powerful adversary. Their determination to protect Ashton was much more potent than their injuries.

As soon as the First's injuries healed up a bit, he launched himself at Kro'Han. With blazing speed, he aimed a ferocious punch at the Precursor's face.

But Kro'Han, his senses honed by centuries of experience, sidestepped effortlessly. He backhanded the First with a brutal force that sent him spiralling through the air, crashing into the rocky terrain with a sickening thud.

But not before the First stuck a grenade onto Kro'Han's back as a massive explosion bruised the Precursor's back, making him stagger. Flintmace didn't waste the opportunity and attacked next.

Flintmace picked up the First's axes and came charging at Kro'Han. He swung them in a dizzying whirlwind, aiming for Kro'Han's legs to bring the enemy down.

Kro'Han, still dazed by the explosion, caught one of the blades mid-swing with his massive hand. But the other found its target, making the mighty fall to his knees.

But the sharp pain managed to pull Kro'Han back to his senses as he twisted the axe from Flintmace's grasp and stabbed Flintmace in the chest with it.

Flintmace stumbled back, blood pouring out of his chest. His eyes remained defiant, even if his body was broken.

"Flintmace! Damn it, you fool! I didn't use my potion on you for you to do something stupid like this!" Vulcan roared as he struck Kro'Han with all his might.

Flames and lightning erupted from his fingertips as he struck the Precursor. But Kro'Han had enough. How dare these mortal brats he helped create challenge his authority?

He raised an imperious hand and created a formidable energy shield that absorbed Vulcan's attacks effortlessly. The Precursor sneered, taunting Vulcan for his futile efforts.

But Vulcan, gritting his teeth, continued to pour all his energy into the attacks, determined to create an opening for his allies to gather themselves.

"An odd idea struck me just now," Kro'Han sneered. "I know my nephew will return to me, and when he does, I'll have a present ready for him. All your severed heads waiting to welcome him!"

"You sure talk a lot... for someone who can't even... kill us in one attack," Flintmace mumbled as the First dragged him to safety. "The Precursors, I remember, could destroy entire planets in a blink of an eye... but look at you... struggle against us... haha!"

"Kill you in one blow? Where's the fun in that?" Kro'Han retorted. "But don't worry, I will show you something you'll remember for the rest of your short lives."

Kro'Han decided to make an example of them to show the futility of their resistance. With terrifying swiftness, the shield around him exploded, pushing all of them backwards.

Next, he charged at them, incapacitating each of them systematically, delivering blows that left them gasping for breath and in agonising pain. Yet, it wasn't enough.

As Kro'Han prepared for the final blow, the trio looked at each other and nodded. They couldn't win this fight, but they could make sure Kro'Han wouldn't forget the day he crossed paths with them. With the last of their strength, they launched a coordinated attack on Kro'Han.

The First gathered and channelled his remaining energy into a blindingly fast strike. He managed to land a punch squarely on Kro'Han's chest, creating a shockwave that sent the Precursor stumbling backwards before grabbing onto him so that he couldn't escape their final attack.

Flintmace, despite his broken body, forced himself to stand and grabbed Kro'Han's leg, attempting to deny his escape. At the same time, Vulcan summoned the last reserves of his elemental power and engulfed Kro'Han and the Xyrans in a searing inferno.

"Do it now, Vulcan!" the First yelled as Kro'Han tried his best to get the leeches off him.

"Stars of the cosmos, unleash your blaze. In this final act, my life I raze," Vulcan chanted as the fire from his hands grew hotter and hotter, "A thousand suns, your heat so dire. Take my soul, become my pyre!"

But it wasn't any ordinary flame as Vulcan had ignited his life force to scorch him with the heat of a thousand suns. It was a secret move his father had taught him before he was forced to use it to help Vulcan escape the Precursor homeworld.

Kro'Han roared in agony as flames consumed him, his colossal frame writhing in pain. He had heard about the suicide attack of the Dwarves but had always believed it to be a hoax and nothing more.

But now that he had seen the attack, he knew he had to get away from there, no matter the cost.

"Damn you, insects!"

In desperation, Kro'Han severed his hand and a leg to escape Vulcan's relentless assault. Watching him run away from the flames, Flintamce scoffed as his body turned to ashes.

The First tried to grab Kro'Han again, but the latter held his head and crushed his skull, which burst open like a watermelon, killing him before the fire could consume him.

As the smoke and flames cleared, Kro'Han, his gaze burning with rage, stood over the fallen bodies of the First, Flintmace, and Vulcan. Flintmace and the First were dead, while Vulcan was on the brink of death.

But they had accomplished their goal. Their sacrifice had inflicted a grievous wound upon the mighty Kro'Han. They thought they'd be lucky to rid one of the Precursor's limbs. Instead, they got rid of two.

"I'll... call it a... victory, won't you, brat?" Vulcan mumbled with a smile as his vision faded. "We... did what we could... Ashton... the rest is on you..."

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