I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 687 Two Is Better Than One (2)

Chapter 687 Two Is Better Than One (2)

Ashton's consciousness emerged from the depths of a turbulent dream, but he was still in a daze, like a ship navigating through a foggy sea.

As he opened his eyes, he noticed the darkness around him and was lost for a moment, not knowing where he was. He tried to move, but his body felt heavy and unresponsive.

Since he couldn't move his body, it seemed his eyes were the only part of his body under his control. But even then, the world was a blur, colours and shapes swirling messily.

'Fuck... I can't remember the last time my body felt like this,' Ashton thought to himself and tried communicating with Astaroth. 'Oi! Just heal me already, you lazy fuck!'

Having said his piece, he waited for a response, but none came. It annoyed him, but what else could he have done?

His senses gradually sharpened, and he became aware of the soft hum of medical equipment surrounding him. With great effort, he turned his head slightly, his vision clearing just enough to discern the room's contours.

It was then his gaze settled on a chair beside his bed, and there, bathed in the gentle glow of dimmed lights, sat Anna.

She was asleep, her chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern. Her hand was clasped around his, their fingers entwined. Ashton's heart ached when he saw her tear-stained face.

'This girl... she must have been by my side throughout the day... wait a minute, how long have I been out for? Meh, I can think about all that later. But first...'

He tried to call out to her, to let her know he was awake, but his parched throat refused to cooperate. All that escaped his lips was a faint, raspy whisper.

But the gesture was enough to reach Anna as she stirred awake. It was as if an unspoken connection had informed her about Ashton's condition.

Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes brimming with tears that glistened like dewdrops in the soft light.

"Ashton," she breathed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Tears, once again, streamed down her face, tracing the contours of her cheeks as she leaned closer, her eyes locked onto his.

"You're awake. Thank the stars, you're awake."

Ashton's heart swelled with warmth and relief as he gave her a smile. Anna's presence was like a balm to his weary soul. He tried to speak, to convey his gratitude, but his voice remained stubbornly silent.

"It's alright," Anna whispered, her fingers brushing against his cheek. "Don't strain yourself. You're still recovering."

As she spoke, she reached for a glass of water on the nearby table and held it to his lips, allowing him to take small sips. The cool liquid soothed his parched throat, providing a measure of relief.

Ashton's gaze lingered on Anna's face, the concern etched in her features. He couldn't help but wonder how she had known he was awake. It was almost as if she had sensed his return to consciousness.

"I thought I lost you," Anna confessed once Ashton was properly awake, her voice barely more than a whisper. "When we dragged you out of Euphoria, you were... you were so close to... I couldn't bear it."

Upon hearing her words, the pieces of his memory began to fall into place, like fragments of a shattered mirror slowly reassembling.

Ashton remembered the fierce battle against Kro'Han, his uncle who had brought him to the brink of death. The searing pain of his attacks and the overwhelming power all flooded back into his consciousness.


As he tried to remember more about the fight, a sharp, throbbing ache in the back of his head prompted him to reach up and touch the source of the discomfort.

His fingers brushed against a bandage, and he winced at the tender sensation. Then, he recalled the moment when he almost gave up on living and couldn't believe he actually did that.

A profound sense of loss washed over him as he realised the consequences of that fateful battle. But then he remembered about his masters jumping in the fray to save him.

He turned his gaze back to Anna, his voice hoarse and broken as he forced out a question that had been gnawing at his soul.

"Vulcan... Flintmace... Are they... are they safe?"

Anna's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, and she hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Doctor! Right, I have to call her for help-"

Anna was trying to dodge the question, and Ashton knew it and grabbed her hand before she could leave. It was something he needed to know more than anything else.

"Anna... what happened to them..." Ashton mustered the strength to ask her, even though, in the back of his mind, he already knew the answer.

Anna took a deep breath before replying.

"The sensors we installed in their bodies... they aren't responding anymore, and we lost contact with them after... as we left Euphoria. They are gone..."

She struggled to maintain her composure as she spoke the words that weighed heavily on her heart. "Ashton, I'm so sorry."

Ashton's world crumbled around him. The news struck him like a physical blow, a pain that pierced deep into his chest. Vulcan and Flintmace, his mentors... were gone.

The thought of their fate, the possibility that they had sacrificed their lives for his sake, was a burden he couldn't bear.

"No," he whispered, his voice filled with anguish. "No, it's my fault. If I hadn't-"

Anna's arms enveloped him in a tight, comforting embrace, cutting off his self-blame.

"Don't," she urged, her voice gentle but firm. "It wasn't your fault. You did everything you could to protect us, to protect everyone. And like you, Vulcan and Flintmace... they made their own choice to protect you... their disciple."

Ashton clung to her, seeking solace in her presence. The tears he had held back began to flow freely, mingling with Anna's as they shared their grief. In that moment, they found strength in each other, a connection that transcended words.

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