I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 690 Two Is Better Than One (6)

Chapter 690 Two Is Better Than One (6)

The sky above New Lycania was ablaze with chaos. Ships from beyond Earth's atmosphere descended in a relentless swarm, covering the night sky, their laser attacks and missiles streaking through the heavens.

Earth's orbital guns, stationed across New Lycania, fired back valiantly, their bright blasts flashing against the darkness of space. Tarik spared no expense in defending the city he had grown to love.

But the invaders were relentless, their advanced technology proving a formidable challenge for Earth's defenders. The orbital guns, powerful as they were, struggled to keep up with the sheer number and speed of the Xyran ships.

That's when the Giholo and other species stationed in the city took matters into their own hands. They boarded their ships and the vessels created by Tarik and rushed to protect the city.

Innumerable portals across New Lycania were lit up. Mera, Nora and Ricochet worked tirelessly to get everyone to safety. At the same time, armies from Nirvana and various vampire kingdoms rushed out of the portals.

Ashton's eyes widened as he took in the dire situation. The fate of Earth hung in the balance, and they were under siege from an overwhelming force, and no amount of ground force would be helpful against the Xyran onslaught.

He knew that the orbital guns and the brave Giholo soldiers aboard their assault ships and aircraft were doing their best, but the Xyrans were formidable adversaries.

To make matters worse, drop pods rained from the sky, deploying Xyran soldiers onto Earth's surface. The battle was no longer confined to the skies; it had come to Earth's doorstep.

Ashton knew that he needed to act swiftly. He released a command to all his summons and the undead army, a collective force at his disposal that numbered in the thousands, including the skeletons doing his bidding.

"Destroy the Xyrans. Protect Earth at all costs."

With his commands echoing in their ears, the summoned creatures and undead legions sprung into action, charging towards the Xyran soldiers with an otherworldly intensity.

Once done, he did something he hadn't done before. He also summoned Beelzebub, or Guilt, as Ashton had renamed him, along with the former King Bismarck, now a lich. Even Aegis joined the fight and turned into a drakonian.

Summoning Beelzebub served little purpose in actual combat. However, Ashton intended to wage a psychological war on them instead. Seeing their mighty general become nothing more than a puppet would mess with their morale.

While Bismarck would serve as a factory of endless undead soldiers. As long as he was on the battlefield, Ashton wouldn't need to worry about raising more undead to protect the city, and he could focus on the ships stationed above.

"Guilt, take Ember and go chat with your friends," Ashton said without emotion. "I'm sure you have missed your people. Oh, and try to kill as many of them as possible, got it?"

Guilt grunted loudly, clearly enraged by Ashton's order, which he was bound to follow. He rushed towards the Shadow Drakonian, mounted on its back and flew into the dark sky.

Ashton's gaze then shifted towards Aegis, waiting for him. With a determined leap, he mounted the Aegis' back, his grip firm on the scales.

Ever since Vulcan died, Aegis had gotten quieter but was fired up for the fight and wasted no time expressing how he felt about the Xyrans. With a powerful beat of his wings, they soared into the fray.

The enemy ships, caught in a relentless crossfire, attempted evasive manoeuvres as they came under attack from Earth's defences and Ashton's summoned horde. Fireballs and energy bolts erupted in a chaotic display of warfare everywhere.

"They planned it all since the beginning," Ashton mumbled as the guardians rushed towards the Earth along with the rest of the Tower to aid in the fight.

"They knew about my Precursor abilities, and having fought the Precursors before, those bastards sent empty ships first, knowing I would exhaust myself after using Precursor's aura repeatedly."

He had overused the Precursor's aura before, and using it further might have dire consequences on his body. That's when they showed up from the other side and attacked Earth.

However, they forgot about one thing. Ashton had something equally strong as his aura... Seraph's crystal. It was supposed to be a Precursor artefact; however, it belonged to a Xyran, and now it would lead to their annihilation.

The crystal hummed to life in his palm with a surge of energy. Flames of brilliant blue and white ignited from the artefact, growing in intensity.

Ashton unleashed the torrent of fire with a sweep of his hand, the flames cascading outwards in a roaring maelstrom. The fire grew stronger as they covered more distance.

The storm seared through the Xyran ships and soldiers with unyielding ferocity. Hell, Ashton even melted some of the drop pods before they were launched.

In the wake of his fiery onslaught, Xyran ships erupted into blazing infernos, their sleek exteriors melting away under the intense heat. The Xyran soldiers who dared to approach were consumed by the relentless firestorm.

Ashton's power raged like wildfire, a blazing force of nature that fought back against the Xyran incursion. The flames were like the sun, turning the night sky into day.

The Xyrans, once poised to conquer Earth, now found themselves caught in a relentless storm of fire and fury. They struggled to regroup, and Ashton's overwhelming power diminished their numerical advantage.

But as everything seemed under control, Ashton was hit by a devastating force. While he managed to spurt his wings and balance himself, Aegis wasn't that lucky and got knocked down, which enraged Ashton even more.

He rushed towards the mothership, threatening to feed it to the fire in his fists. But then he was hit with another similar attack. It felt like he was fighting against gravity.

Ashton was even more surprised to see how well their attacks worked against him when a feminine voice came from the ship.

"You are not the first Precursor we have fought," she said. "But let me assure you, none of the ones we fought met a peaceful end. So... stand down while you can."

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