I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 696 Soul Splitter (1)

Chapter 696 Soul Splitter (1)

Ashton stopped upon hearing Astaroth's voice, his fist hovering inches from Ibis's face. Meanwhile, Ibis, breathing heavily and weakened, locked eyes with Ashton.

Despite the pain and exhaustion, her gaze had a flicker of defiance. She knew she was at the mercy of her opponent, but she refused to yield. Unfortunately, she was way too weak to continue.

"Woah, a mute bastard spoke!" Ashton mocked Astaroth, who once again was silent.

[...I know you're pissed-]

"Pissed? PISSED?" Ashton cut him off. "Is that all you have to say for yourself? I nearly died, damn it!

Then Flintmace and Vulcan had to sacrifice themselves for my sake, and now you fucking ex destroyed half the city, and you think I'm pissed?"

[...I'm sorry. But please, don't take your anger out on her. She isn't-]

"Look here, you fucking simp! I don't care if she means something to you or not! Someone has to take the responsibility-"

[Then let me do it.]

Reluctantly, Ashton lowered his hand, allowing Ibis to slump to the floor. He stepped back, his fists unclenched, yet his anger remained unshaken.

"Stay here," Ashton sternly warned her, but something unexpected happened as soon as he turned her back towards her.

Two Xyrans, who couldn't watch their commander treated in the way she was, rushed to attack Ashton. Ashton took a deep breath, tired of their cowardly ways and was about to crush them using his aura.

But before he could do that, Anna came rushing towards them and, using Ashton's shoulder, jumped in the air before smashing the Xyrans' heads into the ground.

"No one will touch my man without my permission!" Anna yelled at the top of her voice while brandishing the Staff of Eden.

The Xyrans were well aware of the staff's renown, as the legends spoke of how even the mighty Precursors had cowered in fear and wisely kept their distance from it.

But seeing someone wielding the staff made the Xyrans wonder what they were doing attacking monsters like Ashton and Anna.

Ashton smiled and nodded, thanking Anna for help, but then continued walking towards the battlefield's edge to chat with Astaroth.

"Alright, speak now."

[Let me talk to her.]

"Why? You want to patch things up with her?" Ashton scoffed.

[I would love to, but no... It is related to defeating Kro'Han.]

"I'm listening..."

Astaroth paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

[The Xyrans possess a unique technology to separate their souls into two vessels. The council have used it to achieve virtual immortality. But there's a catch.

Since the rest of the council likely wouldn't help you, it only leaves us with Ibis, and she's not likely to reveal it to you willingly.]

Once he heard this, Ashton's gaze shifted to Ibis, who was still on the ground as he had left her. Could she be the answer they had been looking for till now?

"But why didn't you tell me about it before?"

[We are supposed to be enemies with the Xyrans; what difference would it have made even if I told you about it?]

"Fair," Ashton chuckled. "So, what do you suggest?"

Astaroth hesitated, knowing that his proposal would require Ashton's trust and sacrifice. Since they hadn't been on the best of terms, he wasn't sure if Ashton would even allow it.

[]I could temporarily assume control of your body, just long enough to speak to Ibis and convince her to help us-]

"You do remember that you killed her father, right?"

Astaroth got silent once again. It was true. He had killed Seraph, but because that's what Seraph had wanted and if Astaroth hadn't killed him, Seraph would have wiped out their entire race.

Of course, Ibis didn't know anything about it, which made matters worse. However, Astaroth had a plan that would give him what he wanted, but not how he would've liked.

[I'm hoping she remembers it well...]

Ashton contemplated the idea in silence for a moment. It was a significant decision, letting go of control over his body, even temporarily. But he had done it before, so he was sure he could take back control whenever he pleased.

"Alright, Astaroth. You can have control for five minutes," Ashton nodded. "But remember, the moment I sense something off, I'm taking the reigns back."

[Thank you, I'll owe you one.]


After a few minutes, Ashton returned to the site of the final fight. However, something was different. Everything seemed different, from how he walked to the aura around him. It was like someone else had taken over his body. Weirdly enough, that was precisely the case.

When Ibis saw Ashton again, she couldn't help but reminded of her first love and the person she wanted to kill the most but never could because he was already dead.

Yet Ashton suddenly reminded her of Astaroth, which made her feel conflicted. She had no idea how Ashton could mimic Astaroth so well.

"It's been a while, Luna."

Ibis's face turned white when she heard Astaroth's voice, so much so that she didn't notice that Astaroth had addressed her by her pet name that only Seraph and Astaroth used.

"Who are you...?" she asked, and Astaroth smiled.

"Who could it be but me?" he said, and Ibis immediately shot up, pressing her claws against his neck.

The Orions and mercenaries were about to react, but Astaroth raised his hand, telling them to stand down. At the same time, Ibis stared into Astaroth's eyes, refusing to believe the obvious truth.

"This should be enough to prove my identity," Astaroth continued and summoned Raphael.

A glance at the soul blade confirmed to Ibis that the man standing before her spoke the truth. The blade's identity was unmistakable, as a soul blade was an extension of its bearer's very essence.

When the bearer perished, the blade would crumble to dust. The blade's unbroken form served as irrefutable evidence that Astaroth was not only alive but present right in front of her.

Astaroth was expecting Ibis to turn hostile, but he was shocked when she melted in his embrace, crying her eyes out. Astaroth smiled wanly and hugged her like he had so many times before.

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