I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 82 - What Is A Blessing? (2)

Chapter 82 - What Is A Blessing? (2)

Merlin was correct when he said the longer they'll listen to him, the more interesting his lessons would become. The two hours in his class were spent like two minutes. The class got over so quickly, it honestly left the students wanting for more even though Merlin did not do much and simply talked.

In the end, they learned a lot of things about Blessings and their growth. One of the most important things they learned about was the classes. Just like at level 10 when they received a skill to pick, upon hitting level 15, another such choice would be given to them.

Based on the skill they picked upon hitting level 10, they would be offered 3 or 4 choices to pick their class from. Once they had picked a class, they would receive some bonus stat points and some beginner skills related to the class. From then on, they would receive new skills every 10 levels they earned all of which would be associated with their classes.

This point got stuck with Ashton. Not having a class was hampering his growth already and he had to depend on buying skill cards or absorbing them from others using [Skill Absorption]. Both of which were not feasible for him as he could not blindly spend his money nor could he walk around as a vampire absorbing skills.

However, after unlocking a class, he would be able to earn skill cards by simply levelling up which was a piece of cake for him. Merlin also wanted to tell them more about how one could prepare for their 'evolutionary' stage which only one in a hundred thousand could achieve.

Ashton was once again interested in the topic as he was going to evolve sooner or later. Thus having information about it would have definitely helped him. However, the class got over so they had to leave the topic for the next week.

"Mr Bismark, a moment please." Merlin stopped Ashton as everyone headed towards their next class.

"Yes, professor?"

"You seem to be uncaring, but I couldn't help but notice the attitude of others whenever you spoke. Have you been causing trouble with your classmates?"

Although Merlin was simply asking him a question. Ashton couldn't help but think there was something more about it. As if Merlin already knew the answer to his question and was simply testing Ashton.

"Um... well, there is a thing. I used to be a human, so I'm not of some great werewolf lineage. That should be enough to piss these purebloods and on top of that I'm an S ranker so... you get the point." Ashton replied while scratching the back of his head.

"Haha... youngsters these days are hilarious. Purebloods? There is not a single werewolf who can claim to have pureblood. After all, all of us are mutated beings. In other words, we are all evolved from humans themselves."

"I can never understand what goes inside the head of these nobles," Merlin further remarked, "Either way, my boy, I can see a bright future ahead of you. Don't let others' foolery stray you from the path of excellence. Now off you go, you should not be late for your first class."

Ashton nodded cheerfully and left the room, 'Maybe theoretical lessons are not that boring.'

[You have learned something new. Knowledge had been boosted by 2 points.]

[Knowledge: 15 ---> 17]


'I take it back. Classes are super boring.'

Everyone said potion classes were super exciting and popular. However, even though Ashton was sitting in one such class, he couldn't help but feel as if he had been lied to. On the first day of the class, Professor Kakaroff assumed that they knew everything about the wolfsbane potion. Something that most of the werewolves had stopped using decades ago.

During the initial days of mutation when the virus had struck earth for the first time, the Wolfsbane potion was like an elixir that helped the werewolves tame their animalistic nature. Consuming the potion during transformation proved to be the only effective way for the werewolves to keep their instincts in check.

One could also say it was like morphine but only for the werewolves. Since it was made using highly poisonous ingredients if anyone else were to consume the potion they would die a horrific and painful death.

The same went for the werewolves as well. If the potion was not brewed correctly, consuming it could paralyze and in some cases even kill the consumer even if they were a werewolf.

The professor for potion studies, Kakaroff Ivanov, did not give a fuck about whether it was their first day or not

Judging by his physical appearance, he was more like a ruddy-skinned bald dwarf than a werewolf with being about 4 feet tall. His eyes were nearly visible through his bushy eyebrows and he appeared to be quite... weak. But that did not stop him from being an asshole to absolutely everyone.

Although he was a purist, it didn't seem like he hated Ashton anymore than he hated the rest of them. The way he acted was more as if they weren't students but intruders in his class and for the first time in his life, it appeared the nobles and Ashton had found a common ground to stand on... and hate Kakroff.

"Oi you S ranked mutt, tell me what this is?" Kakaroff threw a rock at Ashton which the latter effortlessly caught thanks to his agility.

However, even before Ashton could get a chance to say something, Kakaroff interrupted him.

"Of course, you can't tell that it is. What else could I expect from a mutt? Hand the thing over to the moron standing next to you. She won't be able to guess it either but gotta give them all a chance to waste my time."

'This little fcker...' Ashton had enough of Kakaroff's remarks and decided it was time to teach the professor a lesson for a change. Thankfully, he had the skills to do just that.


Item: Dried root of Wolfsbane plant

Type: Potion ingredient

> Extremely poisonous when consumed raw

> Can improve [Poison Resistance] is prepared and consumed in a specific way.

Rarity: Uncommon


A piece of dried root from the wolfsbane plant also known as Aconite. Can be used as an ingredient to make a number of potions most common of which are known as Wolfsbane potion and Poison resistance enhancer. Should be handled with caution.


"It's a piece of dried aconite root." Ashton confidently replied before throwing it back at Kakaroff who caught it as well, "Am I correct professor?"

The nobles couldn't help but giggle. They were sure he had gotten it wrong and would get punished. However, once they noticed the expression on Kakaroff's face, they stopped immediately.

It was like they had never seen anyone get angry before. Those who were standing in the front could have sworn smoke was coming out of his nostrils and ears. But it stopped in a blink of an eye and his expression turned back to normal.

"The brat is correct. It is the root of dried aconite. Well done, what's your name kid?"

"Ashton Fen- I mean, Ashton Bismark, sir."

"You seem to be an interesting fella. You can identify the ingredients, so let's see how well can you brew the potion." All of a sudden Kakaroff was being a bit nicer to him, but a moment later he was back into barking mode.

"The same goes for all of you. The one who will brew the best wolfsbane potion would get a reward from me.. The hell are you, idiots, waiting for? The recipe has already been fed into your watches. Follow it and start brewing the potion!"

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