I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 95 - A Taste Of Your Own Medicine (3)

Chapter 95 - A Taste Of Your Own Medicine (3)

"With all due respect, Ms Mera, this trial already has enough people-"

This time it was Amaira who thought she could get the Mistress out of the trial room, but just like the professors before her, her attempts were shot down immediately.

"If it is a problem of space or crowd, then I suggest you tell one of the Gruntas to leave the chamber. If their son must have a representative, then so should Ashton." The mistress replied with a forced smile, "As for you, should I call you ma'am? Or by the nickname, I gave to you back when we were attending the academy?"

Ashton did not know what the nickname was but it should have been something humiliating or embarrassing at least, judging by how the colour of Amaira's face got drained of any colour, the moment Mistress mentioned it.

'I knew it was going to be fun, but this is way better than anything I could have imagined.'

Ashton tried real hard not to laugh. He despised the mistress, but there was no denying that her comments were downright hilarious. As far as he was concerned, he only wanted the mistress to be there as he knew she was not going to let anyone play with what was 'hers'.

He had sensed it when he was unjustly punished the last time around. So he knew, with her by his side, these professors would not be able to frame him. At least not without any 'proof'. However, there was also another benefit of having her there.

She knew the academy rules and regulations way better than he did. After all, she was an alumnus of the academy. Thus, if the professors tried to corner him by stating some bogus rule or something, the mistress could have shooed them away like the foot-licking dogs they were.

"Ms Mera, I would like to remind you we are in the courtroom. You need to behave appropriately." The director let out a heavy sigh. She knew that the mistress was there, this matter was not going to die so easily.

"Appropriately?" Mistress scoffed, "Is anything about this trial appropriate? First, you unjustly punish my ward for defending himself against a senior student and the lunatic twins, and as if that wasn't enough, you are trying to do the same thing all over again?"

Ashton could tell she had touched a nerve with Amaira and Tanaka. After all, both of them were happy with the ruling the princess gave. But now, they were silent, not daring to speak up as the mistress and the director chatted back and forth.

"Unjust punishment? Are you calling her highness unjust? How dare you!?"

Nicole's father once again got up in rage. He was one of twelve lords having close ties with the royalty, so it was obvious he wasn't going to sit there idly and allow someone to disrespect the princess.

"No, I just want to know how high was your highness, when she gave such a bullshit ruling in favour of your children." The mistress shrugged her shoulders, "Also, shut up, before I tell someone to bring a leash and bound you along with your children there. You have a fetish for that, don't you?"

Suddenly, a burst of energy could be felt coming from the table the director was occupying. Well, the table was nowhere to be seen, but the director was still sitting there. And she did not look happy at all.

"How many times do I have to repeat... maintain the decorum of the courtroom!" She yelled at the top of her lungs before reverting back to her usual self, "Now, let's not indulge ourselves in childish behaviours and sort this mess out like adults."

Everyone was stunned into silence. Even the mistress appeared to be visibly shaken a bit. It was the first time anyone had seen the director lose her cool in public. So it was obvious they were a bit... weirded out.

As for Ashton, he had to touch his chest to see if his heart was still beating or not. Here he was thinking the mistress was strong, but the director's strength was on a whole other level. Also, both of them were fighting each other like tigresses, trying to establish dominance over one another.

"Apologies for causing a ruckus." It was the first time Ashton or anyone of the bodyguards had ever seen the mistress apologise to someone, "I admit, I got carried away a bit. But I hope you can understand, it's also your fault. Just a small bit, but it is."

'So that's what she was playing at. I should try to get her level of intelligence. It would make my life a bit easier!'

Apologise? The Mistress? Well, she was not going to do so unless she had an ulterior motive. And right now, her motive was to vice her claws around the director.

"How can it be the director's fault. You did not teach your ward proper manners and etiquette, that's why he was going rogue on campus. We just did what he had to, to limit the nuisance caused by him."

"You should know better than anyone how effective my teaching techniques are, Professor Amaira. After all, you were one of my first students!" The mistress replied with a smile, "However, let's go over our idle talks some other day. Right now we should focus on the idiotic and proofless case you have complied against Ashton."


Another hour later...

"So you're telling me you brought, Ashton here for questioning based on a student's hunch?" The mistress spoke in disbelief, "A hunch was enough for you to drag an S rank student to defend against some baseless accusations?"

Everyone remained silent. They were well aware of what they were planning to do and how ridiculous their arguments were.

"I thought the academy was an autonomous educational body where anyone could obtain knowledge regardless of their lineage. But it seems that ideology is long gone if all you need is a hunch to punish an innocent child."

She continued, "That too based on a hunch of someone who obviously has hard feelings against my ward. For all I care, the nobles could have planned it amongst themselves. All to get rid of a 'mutt' who was much better than their offsprings could ever wish to become."

The last part of her speech packed quite a punch as the faces of the Gruntas turned red. First, someone attacked their son, broke several of his bones and when they expected justice to be served, they were being humiliated!?

In their minds, the situation could not have gotten any worse. But boy it was about to happen as the mistress had had enough of their demon spawns making Ashton's life difficult. Seeing as none of the professors could answer any of her questions, she decided to take it a step further.

"According to what you professors said earlier, Nick or whatever his name was, was supposedly in a house arrest right?"

"That is correct." The director replied.

"Then all of this mess could have been easily solved by reviewing the footage from the room in which the incident took place." Mistress said in a matter-of-fact tone, "That is assuming that he was actually under house arrest all this time."

Before the director could respond to her, Tanaka jumped in with a 'piece of information'. Apparently, the assailant had destroyed the cameras prior to attacking Nick. Thus there was no evidence and hence they had to go with the 'hunch' Nicole had.

'So that's the way you have decided to cover up your mistake eh?' Ashton thought to himself.

Right before jumping out of the window, he had made sure that the cameras were untouched. Which meant, the professors were now on the defensive and trying to cover up their sorry assess, rather than blaming him.

"Now that's oddly convenient don't you think?" The mistress shook her head in disbelief, "Once we are done here, you should pack your things. Clearly, the academy is no longer a place of education anymore. But of plotting and scheming. I'll be teaching you-"

"That won't be necessary. Ms Mera."

The director immediately interrupted her. Why? Because Ashton was someone she could not have allowed to sever her relationship with. Also, if his real identity was leaked, some not so decent people would start hunting him. Especially if word about his talent got out. She had to keep Ashton under her supervision for his safety and her atonement.

"Well, judging by how things have been going around him recently, I think it is necessary, Madam director." The mistress put up an A grade acting performance, "I can't trust simple words anymore. I need some action to ensure the safety of my ward in your academy."

"What do you want?"

"Punishment to the Gruntas and anyone who had been colluding with them to falsely accuse Ashton of something he did not even do. That should be a good start."

"Fine. If that's required to restore your trust, then it shall be done." The director mumbled with a sense of finality in her tone, "There will be another trial against Nick and Nicole Gunta. There they will either have to prove they were innocent in all this mess, or they will be suspended for three months. The court is now adjourned."

As the sound of the gravel resounded throughout the room, Ashton shot a smile in Nicole's direction. Her hunch was correct, but since it was only a hunch, it could not prove his involvement. Ashton had been hoping for something like that to happen, and now that it had, the second phase of his revenge was complete.

'I hope you enjoyed a taste of your own medicine, noble assholes.'

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