I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 64 - Attack in the Night

Chapter 64 Attack in the Night

It was evening.

A military camp was stationed hundreds of kilometers west of East Lake City.

A tall wall of about a kilometer wide formed the shape of a square. There were watchtowers facing each of the four directions, and every building had a red flag which was flapping in the wind.

A transport convoy full of supplies was parked at the entrance of the camp. The trucks entered the camp one at a time to unload their supplies.

Wang Jianyan and an officer from the logistics department checked the amount of supplies before leading the convoy to a stop at the foot of a mountain on the west side of the camp. The transport team planned to spend the night near the camp and return to East Lake City the next morning. The reason they had chosen to station their vehicles on the west side was that the lake was on the east side of the camp. If creatures from the otherworld ran out of the lake at night, the troops would be the first line of defense.

Soon, night fell.

Near the place where the vehicles were parked, Chen Yiming and a few of his colleagues were sitting around a fire and chatting.

“Brother Yiming, how do you feel? Isn’t it a little scary?” Wei Chaoyuan smiled as he added some wood to the fire.

Chen Yiming looked into the distance.

The light from the fire illuminated an area of less than a hundred meters around it. In the distance, everything was dark, and only the scattered lights of the military camp and the watchtower could be seen.

“It’s indeed a little terrifying,” Chen Yiming replied honestly.

This was his first time staying in the wilderness hundreds of kilometers away from the city. His muscles tensed up automatically, and he was preparing to deal with any sneak attacks from the darkness.

If not for the fact that there was a military camp nearby and that he had a team of colleagues with him, he would not have felt safe even if he was at the level of the sixth transformation and had the Heart Sword as his trump card.

“Guess what Guo Hao looked like when he left the city for the first time.” Wei Chaoyuan continued as he reminisced about the past.

“Brother Wei, how can you compare the two situations? Back then, the convoy was stationed in the middle of the road, with no military camp nearby,” Guo Hao’s face tightened in anger.

Guo Hao had just joined the Anteng Transportation Company for more than half a year. His level of three transformations had placed him at the bottom of all the team members, and he often had to bear the brunt of their jokes.

Chen Yiming’s interest was piqued. By listening to what they had gone through, he could learn from their experiences.

“Haha, Guo Hao, you were actually so frightened that you peed your pants when someone imitated the roar of a mutant beast. I can’t forget that scene,” Wei Chaoyuan said.

The others were already expecting this and immediately laughed out loud.

Guo Hao’s face turned red. It was hard to tell whether he was embarrassed or if it was due to the light from the fire.

Following Wei Chaoyuan’s lead, everyone started to talk about the things that had happened in the past, and focused on sharing the disgraceful moments of other people.

Chen Yiming listened quietly and learned about the dangers that they had encountered in the past.

For example, Xiong Kai had been attacked by a mutant beast when he left the city for the first time. During the fight, he had accidentally gotten separated from the team and was nearly killed by a pack of mutant beasts.

Time passed as they chatted, and soon, it was close to midnight.

From 12 am to 6 am, there were a total of six hours. The team was split into three groups, each taking turns to stand guard for two hours.

Chen Yiming was assigned to the last group and quickly went to sleep in the back seat of an off-road vehicle.

At 2:30 am, Chen Yiming was lying in the back seat with his eyes closed. This was his first time spending a night in the wilderness. He was very alert and did not feel sleepy at all.

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded from the direction of the camp.

Immediately after, the people in charge of keeping watch quickly urged those who were still asleep to get up. “Get up quickly!”

“Get up quickly!”

“There’s an emergency!”

“What happened?” Chen Yiming asked as he got out of the car and walked over to the crowd.

Wang Jianyan stood at the head of the group, with the team members lined up behind him, blocking the path to the trucks behind them.

“I’m not sure yet,” Wei Chaoyuan replied. “But from the movements of the camp, there’s a 90% chance that a creature from the otherworld appeared in the lake.”

Chen Yiming looked in the direction of the military camp.

At this moment, the entire camp was continuously sounding the alarm. Troops of soldiers quickly rushed out and stationed themselves at the east side of the camp.

On the watchtower in the distance, the searchlights were switched on to maximum power, shining in the direction of the lake. On the surface of the lake, one could vaguely make out the splashing of water.

“Everyone, check if you have your weapons on you. Prepare for battle at any time,” Wang Jianyan ordered.

He then found Chen Yiming among the crowd and asked him to follow him.

All the people in the convoy followed the orders and checked themselves to ensure that they did not carelessly leave their weapons behind in the vehicles.

Such situations often occurred, especially when there were emergencies.

“How strong are the creatures from the otherworld that appeared in the lake? Can our team deal with them?” Chen Yiming couldn’t help but ask Wang Jianyan.

“Don’t worry too much. It’s probably just a routine occurrence. It’s not likely to be anything too powerful,” Wang Jianyan said with a serious expression. “It’s probably because the vehicles transporting supplies during the day were too eye-catching, and we were seen unloading the vehicles.”

As the team waited nervously, sparks rose into the sky from the east side of the camp where the lake was.

First came the rumbling of cannon fire, then the rounds of gunshots.

Soon after, the screams of soldiers rang out continuously. It was clear that the alien creatures had reached the shore and started a physical fight with the soldiers stationed there.

The team watched from afar and all of them started to get nervous. They tightened their grip on their weapons.

It was impossible for the army to stop all the creatures from the otherworld. Some who escaped would definitely launch a surprise attack on the convoy.

A few minutes later, one of the team members roared and raised the hammer in his hands to face the creature that had charged out of the darkness.

“Don’t even think about it!”


The hammer collided head-on with a black shadow. The black shadow was forced back a few steps, but the person from the convoy was sent flying back several meters and fell to the ground.

Wang Jianyan was the first to react. He shouted, “It’s a creature from the lake. Everyone, move quickly. Cooperate with the people around you to form a defense.”

This was not the first time that the team members had encountered such a situation. Each of them instantly found two or three people near them and leaned back against each other to defend against the alien creatures lurking in the darkness.

At this moment, Chen Yiming got a good look at the alien creature that had launched the sneak attack.

The alien creature’s eyes were bulging out, and it had sharp, serrated teeth. Its skin was a sky blue color, and it moved on all four limbs. One of its front limbs was holding a weapon that looked like a steel fork.

Its overall appearance was somewhat similar to his impression of both mermen and lizards.

At this moment, the team member who had been fighting the alien creature head-on quickly got up and charged at it.

Although he looked a little disheveled, he did not appear to be injured. He was not a match for the alien creature earlier because he had not fully prepared himself.

The strength of the alien creature was not too different from that of the team members.

From the darkness, after the first alien creature appeared, another 20 to 30 creatures charged out.

Soon, the alien creatures were embroiled in a fierce battle with the team members.

With their teamwork, three or four people from the team would be able to hold their own against five or six alien creatures.

Chen Yiming and Wang Jianyan were standing together. The few alien creatures that had launched a sneak attack in their direction were instantly killed by Wang Jianyan’s punches.

However, Wang Jianyan still did not let his guard down. He stood quietly in his spot, as if waiting for something to happen.

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