I Can Level Up By Staying Idle

Chapter 143 - Target Dormitory (2)

Chapter 143: Target Dormitory (2)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Mo rolled his eyes and said, “Get lost!”

Gao Haoran left happily!

Lin Mo looked at Gao Haoran’s back and couldn’t help but shake his head. “This is only the third day of the university…”

After coming to Jiangnan City for three days, Gao Haoran played for three days in a row!

In the next four years of university, Lin Mo was not sure what Gao Haoran could achieve on the path of martial arts. However, Lin Mo believed that Gao Haoran would probably exceed one goal, which was… the Thousand Person Slaughter!

“Lin Mo!” After sending Gao Haoran off, Yan Yimo walked over again. “You treated me to so many grilled fish in Haicheng City, but I haven’t treated you to a meal yet! Why don’t we eat together tonight?”

“Dinner together?” Lin Mo couldn’t help but look at Yan Yimo.

Previously, when he was at Haicheng Martial Arts High School, Lin Mo kept scraping around Yan Yimo, mainly to get more “Illusion Involution Index”. But now, in Jiangnan Martial Arts University, illusion Index was actually not that rare, so there was no need for Lin Mo to continue scraping against Yan Yimo.

Moreover, Yan Yimo was calling Lin Mo out for dinner now, so Lin Mo was even less interested! If you don’t work hard to cultivate, you won’t be able to provide any involution index! Who wants to play with you?

“Yes! I know a very good homely restaurant outside the school. We can go and try it together!” Yan Yimo continued to invite him.

‘Outside the school?’

“It’s fine!” Lin Mo rejected the invitation immediately.

If it was in school, Lin Mo might have considered it. After all, it wouldn’t affect his involution index much.

But wouldn’t it be a waste of time to go outside the school? As soon as he left the school, the involution index would plummet!

Was Yan Yimo treating him to a meal more important than the involution index? There was no need to consider how to choose between the two!

“I’ll just go to the cafeteria and eat something casual!” Lin Mo said and walked away.

“I…” Yan Yimo was dumbfounded.

She did not expect Lin Mo to reject her very obvious invitation without even thinking!

“But… Lin Mo is working way too hard now, right? He’s completely different from when I first met him!” Yan Yimo couldn’t help but think again.

In her opinion, the reason why Lin Mo rejected her invitation was definitely to cultivate hard and involute crazily!

“I have to work harder!” Thinking of this, Yan Yimo’s eyes became firm. “No matter what, I’m this year’s top scorer of the national martial arts college entrance examination! After I enter university, I can’t lose too much to Lin Mo and Ye Yi!”

… .

After eating dinner alone in the school canteen, Lin Mo strolled around the dormitory area alone.

After nightfall, the place with the highest involution index in Jiangnan Martial Arts University was undoubtedly the dormitory area.

At this moment, the involution index in the teaching area had almost fallen, and the involution index in the training area had also decreased a lot. Only the dormitory area… Because most of the students had returned to the dormitory, the involution index in the dormitory area had increased instead of decreasing!

“I have to lie in the teaching or training area during the day, but I definitely have to lie in the dormitory area at night!” This was something Lin Mo had discovered yesterday. “However… in the dormitory area, I have to study which location has the highest index today!”

How should I study this?

Of course it was measured with his feet!

Look where the involution index is highest.

“Involution index 1457!”

“Involution index 1533!”

“Involution index 1772!”

The dormitory area of Jiangnan Martial Arts University was very large. After all, there were tens of thousands of students living here, and every student had a small house of their own.

Every time Lin Mo walked, he could see the involution index jump.

As for Lin Mo, he naturally continued to advance and explore in the direction of the “involution index increase”.

The closer he got to the center of the dormitory area, the higher Lin Mo’s index became.

“1999! It’s still rising!” Lin Mo couldn’t help but sigh. It was a top martial arts school after all. Involution everywhere!

His daily involution index had already reached 2,000 points! Moreover, if not for the fact that the dormitory area was too big and the students were too scattered, Lin Mo’s involution index would definitely be higher. It might even reach 5,000 points or even more than 10,000 points!

“When I’m stronger, I can absorb a larger range of involution indexes… At that time, my daily involution index might really exceed 10,000!” Lin Mo looked forward to it.

It was terrifying to break through ten thousand daily!

How many tons of punching force would he get in a day!

“Involution index 2222!”

“Involution index 2421!”

Finally, when he arrived beside a small pond in the dormitory area, Lin Mo’s involution index reached its peak: 2,421 points!

“This dormitory is the place with the highest involution index in the entire dormitory area!” Lin Mo couldn’t help but look at the small villa by the pond.

The villa was not big and did not have a courtyard. It was far inferior to Lin Mo’s new home in Haicheng City.

However, Lin Mo’s eyes were red with envy. “What a good environment! A single-family villa with a small lake! Most importantly, the involution index here is more than a thousand points higher than my dormitory!”

If he could move here, Lin Mo’s leveling speed would soar.

Needless to say, this villa was definitely Lin Mo’s “target dormitory”!

“But… this area should be filled with dormitories for third and fourth-year students, right?” Lin Mo thought to himself. “I wonder if it’s third-year or fourth-year students living in this small villa?”

If he was a third-year student, Lin Mo might be able to challenge and take down this villa in a short period of time if he worked hard for a few days.

However, if it was a fourth-year student, it would be more difficult! The fourth-year students of Jiangnan Martial Arts University were basically at least seven-star and eight-star martial artists. Their punching force had reached 30,000 to 50,000 kilograms!

Lin Mo’s current punching force was barely more than 5,000 kilograms, an entire order of magnitude difference!

“If it were a fourth-year student living inside, I’m afraid it would be very difficult for me to obtain this villa in a short period of time!” Lin Mo thought to himself. “It will probably take me a month to take it down!”

A month was indeed not a short period of time for Lin Mo, but a considerable amount of time!

After all, just over 20 days ago, Lin Mo was still publicly recognized as trash!

“I don’t care who lives inside right now!” Lin Mo chuckled. “Although I can’t room inside for the time being, it won’t stop me from scraping against it!”

Lin Mo was a professional!

“There should be a lot of crayfish in this small pond, right?” Although the night was dark, Lin Mo had already discovered a few cute little arthropods by the pond. “Then I’ll catch some crayfish for supper later!”

The crayfish Lin Mo ate last night was really delicious!

But… of course the best crayfish are those you catch yourself!

Immediately, Lin Mo hurriedly ran to get some fresh pork. Then, he carried a small fishing rod and a large bucket and started working.

Fishing for crayfish was much easier than fishing fish!

Especially since the crayfish in this small pond had clearly never been fished before and lacked vigilance. Therefore, Lin Mo casually threw his rod and caught them one by one!

With Lin Mo’s combat technique and precise control of his strength… As long as the crayfish’s large pincers grabbed the pork on the hook, Lin Mo would gently wave his hand and the crayfish would enter the bucket.

And there were more and more crayfish in the bucket.

“Before midnight is the time when the involution index in the dormitory area is the highest! I’ll just freeload until around twelve!” Although Lin Mo was jealous of the involution index here, it was impossible for him to fish for crayfish all night for it. “I’ll fish until twelve, then go back and make thirteen spices!”

… .

Just as Lin Mo was focused on fishing for crayfish.

In the darkness, a figure arrived near this small pond—it was the second-year genius Lin Mo had seen yesterday, Qi Fengbo.

From the looks of it, Qi Fengbo was here to find the owner of the villa by the pond. However, before he could knock on the door, he saw Lin Mo by the pond.

Qi Fengbo couldn’t help but frown and think in confusion, “Huh? Why is Lin Mo here?”

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