I Found A Planet

Chapter 316 - High Energy 1

Chapter 316: High Energy 1

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Squeezing toothpaste. Digital product lovers despised these two words, including Chen Jin. He too regarded such behavior with abhorrence because it would mean that someone was sitting on their laurels, slothful and shiftless in their work, lacking sincerity, and never exhausted the greatest of their abilities.

This kind of behavior that disappointed consumers and was hardly acceptable. Chen Jin likewise could not accept this so-called “toothpaste-squeezing.”

But unfortunately, Chen Jin realized that he might be turning into the kind of person that he himself detested the most. That’s right! Chen Jin still decided to squeeze the toothpaste. He would not market the graphene CPU on a large scale right away and would delay it for at least one to two years to take some time for transitioning to buffer. It was tough to forgo wealth. Thinking about the tens of billions of dollars he invested, thinking about Zhong Xin International’s apparent market value of over 600 billion dollars, thinking about the trillion-dollar annual market of traditional silicon chips… Could he really bear to smash so many pots and pans all at once?

Indubitably, after graphene CPUs were promoted extensively, the money Xing Hai Technologies would earn was bound to increase, and also their brand-new pots and pans… in short, Xing Hai Technologies’ benefits would not sustain much damage. The whole world might even become theirs. New things wouldn’t come until the old ones are gone. If he were to erupt the entire toothpaste straightaway, the things he would gain and the scenery he would see might be completely different. In a word: awesomeness.

The problem was that Chen Jin would feel awesome, but what about Zhong Xin Internationals? What would become of all 20 thousand employees of that company? The stock value held by many of Zhong Xin International’s employees already inflated from a house to five. If graphene chips were to be announced just like that, five houses would shrink back to one, or even half, as if plummeting from heaven straight to hell. Some people might even want to murder Chen Jin. After all, Zhong Xin International was only just now going uphill. In a blink of an eye, rolling down into the abyss without even reaching the peak, who would be able to accept this?

Chen Jin could not bring himself to pour a bucket of cold water on their flaming youth. However, the traditional silicon chip was approaching the end of its path. Zhong Xin International also recognized this very fact. Therefore, at the same time they were expanding their own business, they were also seeking a changeover, grouping on the process technology of graphene chips. Chen Jin’s Xing Hai Technologies could also license the process technology of the 45-nanometer graphene chip to Zhong Xin Internationals, aiding them in completing their transitioning. In that way, after Xing Hai Technologies launched the graphene CPU, not only would it not cause too great of an impact towards Zhong Xin Internationals, but their stock price would also surge notably… this would be the best solution.

In spite of that, establishing a mass production line for graphene CPUs and tackling its process technology would at least require a year and above. Hence, the large-scale commercialization of the graphene CPU could not be done in a single move. It required a period of time in between.

“To avoid massive turmoil in the stock market, it is better that we keep this a secret for at least another year. After graphene CPUs attain commercial mass production, prioritize their usage on supercomputers that house large servers. It will help save a ton on electric bills. And use it in making higher performance, a hundred million billion supercomputers… our services should first be targeted towards large corporations before proceeding to normal civilians. This should buy us half a years’ time. When it cannot be concealed any further and the netizens were already outraged, it will almost be time for the civilian version ‘graphene CPU’ to be released. With all these, we could suspend it for about two years. People can’t call this ‘squeezing toothpaste’, after all, the performance of 5-nanometer silicon chips can’t be squeezed any further. Squeezing it any further will lead to graphene chips!”

This, of course, couldn’t be called a ‘fab fest’, but an immensely disappointing strip show. The consumers would all have their pants down but could only watch with their eyes drenched in jealousy. This could be considered as “being edgy.” How very unfulfilling. No matter what, civilian graphene CPU used on personal devices would only be launched after one to two years. Zhong Xin International was thus provided with a rather lengthy transitioning period.

After making those decisions, Chen Jin gave Zhang Wei Jin a call and told him about Xing Hai Technologies achieving major breakthroughs in graphene chips, including having made graphene CPUs with the 45-nanometer process technology with performances compared to traditional silicon CPUs made using the 5-nanometer process technology.

“What?” Zhang Wei Jin was taken aback at once. “You have broken through what that is meant to come 10 years later?” He lost his calm immediately. “How could you be so quick? Can you not be that fast? It’s only a year, no, it is still less than a year since we conquered 5-nm. Is our tech already going to drop behind? Is Zhong Xin International going to get eliminated?” Zhang Wei Jin wanted to cry but shed no tears. “Mr. Chen, we are close partners in our businesses, why are you suddenly carrying out a dimensionality reduction on us? This tech of yours really came at the wrong time.” He was not against the new technology; it was just that it came too quickly. It made it so that his high spirits remained in him for no longer than a year, and he would immediately be thrown into immense panic and depression.

“Relax Mr. Zhang, relax. Xing Hai Technologies can license the graphene chip process technology to Zhong Xin International. I hope that you would strive to take down this technology which represents the future within a year or so. If Zhong Xin International realized mass production for the 45-nanometer graphene CPU within a year, in the future, most of our graphene chip orders will still belong to Zhong Xin as you have successfully completed your transition and entered a new age. If one year is not enough for you to actualize mass production, I could only give you a portion of our orders and Xing Hai Technologies will complete the rest.”

Chip foundry was classified as a high-profit industry. If Zhong Xin International could not keep up, Xing Hai Technologies would not be lingering around for too long waiting for them, and would take matters into their own hands, establishing their own large-scale chip factory. They would produce graphene chips in batches, no longer small amounts in a lab environment.

“This is a challenge to prove Zhong Xin’s capabilities! If Zhong Xin has this ability, Zhong Xin will be the world’s biggest chip foundry group in the future, monopolizing the whole industry… it all comes down to whether Zhong Xin could accomplish this challenge.” Chen Jin gave Zhang Wei Jin a hard question.

“Okay!” Zhang Wei Jin nodded and replied with a strong and steady voice, “Zhong Xin accepts this challenge and we will definitely accomplish it!” He was full of confidence towards his own company. And so, the issues on graphene chip was principally solved.

Apart from that, Xing Hai Technologies had another breakthrough, which had significance on par with the graphene chip. Its area of usage might even be wider, and its value, even bigger. It could possibly reshape the whole automobile, aerospace, construction machinery, and the global energy industry.

Batteries. Batteries named by Xing Hai Technologies’ New Energy Research Center as “High Energy 1.” The energy density of this battery reached a whopping 1500Wh/kg. Compared to the state-of-the-art ternary material batteries with energy densities of 550Wh/g, it improved nearly threefold. It was equivalent to about one eighth the energy density of gasoline! This could be described as an astonishing advancement!

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