I Found A Planet

Chapter 348 - Reformation, Layout

Chapter 348: Reformation, Layout

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chen Jin turned off the projection screen in front of him.

“Have I gone a little too far?”

Chen Jin shook his head. Even he thought that this was somewhat absurd.

It seemed that the colossal M nation had fallen into his grasp.

In fact, this was never his original intention. Politics was completely different from business. He wasn’t familiar with political affairs and was unable to run an institution with a mass of several hundred million people.

But Lanfelord had indeed been assassinated. He had offended the benefits of too many. He had also, unfortunately, died in the Xing Hai Hospital. Xing Hai Technologies was often targeted by the M nation’s media and they might very well get into big trouble.

When Jefferou and the other members of the opposition mounted a comeback, the whole world would become their target, not to mention Xing Hai Technologies.

For the sake of Xing Hai Technologies, and for world peace, Chen Jin had to act.

“Well, I could only call this inevitable.” Chen Jin realized he would have to try to manage a large institution and improve his abilities in big-picture thinking.

Most certainly, artificial intelligence Alice would be his right arm, providing him with data and suggestions for the various decisions he would need to make. Alice might even be able to settle many of the trivial matters all by herself. After all, Alice was born of the town managing system.

Chen Jin asked a few questions that he had the most interest in.

“Alice, try analyzing this. What if we prohibit the usage of guns in the M nation? What would happen if we imposed a comprehensive ban on the private possession of firearms? ”

“Comprehensive ban on guns?” Alice processed the request for a few seconds and replied, “If we did so, Lanfelord would encounter great resistance. He would be subjected to more than 100 assassination attempts and lose the support of more than 500 million voters. But his support rate would still remain above 50%. More than half of the voters would still support him. If this implementation is successfully executed and the people got to enjoy the security of a gunless environment that is more thrilling than they themselves owning a gun, Lanfelord’s support rate would hike above 90%.”

Chen Jin’s eyes brimmed with excitement. “Do you mean that banning guns is actually feasible?”

“It is doable, but the risk involved is very high. It would cause election contributions to plummet. Immediate implementation is not recommended. I would advise you to do it after next year’s election.”

Chen Jin nodded. ” We could only drag it backward then.”

He asked a different question. “What about banning drugs? We could strike a serious blow on the usage and selling of drugs and strive to turn M into a drugless nation. There won’t be many objections to this operation. How would this affect the president’s level of support?”

“Negative, master. By inputting more funds and increasing the size of the police force, drug crime would swiftly shrivel up. But considering the M nation’s environment which is overflowing with firearms, this would be an immensely dangerous operation and would require the participation of brave and fearless police.”

“But in my database, I have the tech for police-use robots. If we produce these robots and let them assist the police, not only will that greatly reduce the risk factor, the strike will also become very effective. If we were to let only the police robots to carry out the enforcement, the influence of moles can be avoided. Once large amounts of those are put into use, drug crime will be reduced by 70% or more.”

“Lanfelord’s support rate will also increase to at least 80%. Drugs are classified as harmful substances in any country. The entire mainstream media will support their eradication.”

“Good!” Chen Jin nodded. “Then we shall produce a batch of police robots to tackle drug crime and increase Lanfelord’s support rate.”

Chen Jin then thought of something else, which was health care reform.

The nation’s medical institutions were entirely privatized. In other countries, one might encounter problems such as “can’t afford to support” and “can’t afford to die”, but in the M nation, one would bump into a problem called “can’t afford to get sick”.

The various medical fees were too hefty. If an ambulance was called the costs would be around 2000 to 4000 M-dollars. Spend a few days in a hospital, and costs would begin to rise from a 10000 M-dollars minimum. Having a few kids would require the family to have at least 10000 M-dollars.

If one were to contract a serious illness and they have not purchased any insurance, they could only go home to die or go seek medical attention in other countries. Otherwise, the medical fees would be completely unbearable.

Therefore, in the M nation, if a person from an average family was beaten and couldn’t stand, even if their consciousness was a little blurry, it was still imperative for them to tell the people near them to not call an ambulance.

However, Chen Jin mumbled, “Let Lanfelord solve the M’s ‘can’t afford to get sick’ problem.”

“Xing Hai Technologies will form the basic infrastructure and will build 100 Xing Hai Hospitals. They will be situated within the M nation’s boundaries which covers all cities with a population of 100 thousand and above. The number of sickbeds will be no lower than 100 thousand units.”

“We will then cooperate with Lanfelord and provide ordinary citizens with affordable health care. For ailments like flu, the robots will tend to them and give them prescriptions while striving for their complete recovery at a cost of fewer than 100 M-dollars. A single robot doctor can tend to thousands of patients every single day.”

“For moderate illnesses that require surgery, such as appendectomy and extracting gallstones, these shall similarly be conducted by robots. The comprehensive medical fee will not exceed 10 thousand M-dollars.”

“Lastly will be the severe illnesses like AIDS, cancer, leukemia, and others. Treatments will not be costly at Xing Hai Hospitals. Fees will commonly be at around 50 thousand to 300 thousand M-dollars. If one has purchased the Xing Hai medical insurance, at least 70% of the fees will be reimbursed. Even if the patients are from normal families, it will still be entirely possible for them to get their life back.”

“Besides, this will be Xing Hai Hospital’s promise: if the patient’s sickness cannot be treated, half of the medical fees will be returned. Xing Hai Hospital will not provide someone with treatments for illnesses that we are uncertain of.”

“These will be the standards at Xing Hai Hospitals. This is a gospel for the M’s and Lanfelord’s brilliant political legacy. If the ‘can’t afford to be sick’ problem is solved, there will be no problem at all for Lanfelord’s re-election!”

Certainly, the ones that would sustain the highest damage to their interests would undoubtedly be M nation’s existing medical groups. Their good days would never return. They would despise Xing Hai Hospitals to their bones and might even take intense measures to stop Xing Hai Technologies from snatching their cake. However, most of the M’s would have only positive feelings. They might even resent the massive medical groups that imposed hefty fees.

The M’s would definitely welcome Xing Hai Hospitals’ interference and their provision of extremely low-priced medical services. In fact, all of Xing Hai Technologies’s products were popular in the M market and had amassed countless buyers.

The media was slandering Xing Hai Technologies every day and the keyboard warriors were calling for everyone to boycott their products, but once Xing Hai Technologies’ products reached their hands, their faces would involuntarily be full of glee and their hearts would give thanks.

It would be extremely difficult for them to find a reason to boycott Xing Hai Hospitals that would provide them with low-priced medical services. Who doesn’t want to live a healthier and longer life?

Health care reforms, ban on drugs, ban on guns… What exactly was Chen Jin thinking?

In fact, Chen Jin was still planning things. His intention was to push Lanfelord’s public support rate above 90%, making him a god in the eyes of the M’s and their greatest president of all! Then he would use his highly exalted reputation to conduct a few affairs that would change the world, benefit the planet, and most of all, bring him massive benefits.

This was also the shocking plan that was brewing in Chen Jin’s mind.

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