I Found A Planet

Chapter 360 - Ten Years

Chapter 360: Ten Years

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Planet Haierfa, Qiongya Island.

Wenjing Aerospace Launch Base.

After some minor renovations, the starship’s construction dock had been set up at this location to save time and energy.

The dock was a giant oval structure which had a maximum diameter of over 5000 meters. Excessive facilities had been completely cleaned up. A lone spaceship lay on the dock. It was coated in light gray with edges as sharp as wide blades and daggers.

Via the images captured by cameras at every corner of the dock, Alice introduced various parameters of the spacecraft.

“Master, the spacecraft has a length of 860 meters, an average ship width of 102 meters, a ship height of 55 meters, and an unloaded weight of 2.45 million tons.”

“It is powered by a third-generation nuclear fusion reactor with a maximum output of 1 million megawatts and a rated output of 250 thousand megawatts, which is a huge energy source enough for 200 million people.”

“The sturdy energy system is paired with the latest ion propulsion engines. Under extreme scenarios, it can generate up to 15 million tons of thrust, allowing the spacecraft to accelerate to speeds greater than that of 6G. The robust power system has granted the spacecraft exceptional maneuverability.”

“But most certainly, the highlight of this spaceship is still its colossal attack power. The vessel is equipped with a high-power laser cannon, electromagnetic cannon, large amounts of nuclear missiles and enormous nuclear torpedoes. Aside from that, there is also a particle-beam gun three meters in diameter installed at the middle portion of the ship’s bow.”

“The firepower of the particle-beam gun is simply astonishing. It can emit high-energy particle streams up to 20% the speed of light and disintegrate everything in its way.”

The downside was that its recharging time was rather long, thus it could only be fired once every five minutes.

In short, in terms of combat power, this spaceship was a force to be reckoned with.

However, the spaceship was awfully fragile in terms of defense. It had no energy shield nor force field alloy, only meager amounts of high-strength nano-alloy armor whose thickness did not really make the grade. If the spaceship were to be blasted by a massive nuclear bomb or suffer a direct hit from the enemy’s particle-beam gun, it was basically a goner.

According to Alice’s evaluation, due to the spacecraft’s excellent maneuverability and attack power, its comprehensive combat power was about 15, reaching the level of an E-class battleship.

“Just 15 combat power?” Chen Jin shook his head. If this seemingly ferocious object in the dock were to be brought to Earth, it would definitely be deemed as a totem which could wipe out everything in existence. But on a universal scale, with a combat power of merely 15, it would still fall under the “fodder” category, unable to secure even a spot in the elite class.

“Alice, you should correct your statement. We still do not possess formal military defense capabilities, only the ability to delay our enemy’s pace just barely and slightly setback our doom timer.”

“Master, what is your definition of a capable military defense?”

“A C-class battleship. Create a C-class battleship with a comprehensive combat power of above 1000, or even a more powerful B-class battleship. Only then will I consider us to have the capability of self-protection and formal military defense capabilities.”

“Oh…” Alice nodded.

Had the E-class battleship been created just to waste resources?

Of course not. Firstly, it could be used as a test battleship to analyze various systems and provide actual data. Secondly, for all the myriads of space junk floating around planet Haierfa, they now had a designated cleaning tool.

“All the space junk shall be handled by this spaceship. Perhaps it won’t take too long until we’ll get to see the clear and translucent starry sky on planet Haierfa.”

Chen Jin even gave this interstellar battleship a name. It was to be known as “The Cleaner”, a name of the utmost relevance.

Considering that E-class battleships only had regular combat power, there were only plans to build one unit of this class of battleships. In addition, Alice was required to develop a type of interstellar battleship with a comprehensive combat power of 50 or more within around 10 years. By that time, perhaps more battleships at least 10 units or above would be constructed,

After visiting the Starship Dock, Chen Jin linked up with artificial intelligence Nuwa to question her about some issues.

“Nuwa, how is Planet Haierfa’s environmental transformation going? When I looked at the planet two days ago, I realized that much of the land was already covered with lush greenery. The whole of Mi, Europa and Asia have almost all turned green.”

“The sea is filled with big fishes and shrimps, and their numbers are so immense that they simply can’t be counted. The sky in most regions is blue, as gorgeous as a precious gemstone. It even made me think that you are extremely efficient and you have accomplished the task I gave you very quickly.”

Nuwa, however, shook her head. “My task is not yet accomplished. It is only half complete.”

“I have named the grass you have seen the Everlasting Grass. It is characterized by its drought tolerance and resistance to both high and low temperatures. Its roots can spread 30 meters below the surface, and it can survive from low to high altitude. Once this species of grass has taken root, it will release a corrosive liquid from its roots that can turn even the most solid granite into soil.”

“The everlasting grass tends to grow as a single, large body. Through their connected root system, they can transport water and nutrients to each other even up to 100 kilometers away. No matter what the landscape, once it is planted with the everlasting grass, they will all be covered in it.”

“For a 45 million square kilometer continent, it will only take five years for it to be overgrown with everlasting grass.”

“By planting everlasting grass and further accumulating about five years of green manures, the everlasting grass can be removed to make space for other species.”

“The situation in the sea is similar. Lots of seaweed and herbivorous seedlings will be thrown into the sea in earlier phases and other fry will follow at later stages.”

“In short, it will take at least another decade or so for us to build a rich and diverse ecosystem and let the system run smoothly on its own without requiring external intervention. Only then can the transformation be considered complete,” Nuwa explained. The transformation of the ecological environment was a systematic project and was not as easy as imagined.

Okay then. It would be at least another decade before Chen Jin could have a truly habitable new planet with a spectacular environment. It was if a house was being renovated, and he had to wait patiently.

Of course, it wasn’t that he was very eager to visit. He just thought that this unit called time was much like a progress bar, sometimes you would want it fast, and sometimes you would want it slow. Sometimes it would cause you to panic, sometimes it would make you groggy.

Chen Jin felt that there was not much challenge back on earth. Everything was under his control and his goals and plans would unquestionably be realized. But he still could not take relax.

“10 years, exactly 10 years.”

“There are probably three major things left on earth that I’ll need to smash a record to achieve. I will level out the obstacles of the future, ensuring that Earth and Xing Hai Technologies are guided towards a bright roadway.”

“When I’ve successfully conducted all those big things, the focus of development can be shifted towards planet Haierfa, and in turn, Earth’s resources shall be used to serve planet Haierfa.”

The first big thing would have to begin with the ban on guns in the M nation. He would need Lanfelord to completely eradicate the special interest groups. However, as soon as this reform began, the opposition and madness of these special interest groups left every single soul in shock. Their reaction was also light years away from what Chen Jin expected.

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