I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Vol 16 Chapter 3 Part 1

Vol 16 Chapter 3 Part 1

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ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 3 – Party

Part 1

I happened to pass by a movie set and got into trouble again.

After that, I used my Assimilation skill to hide from the onlookers chasing me and decided to stay at home quietly.

The original plan was for Saara-san to use my tendency to get involved in things to try to make contact with the gods, but… it seems that Saara-san also decided that the gods wouldn’t be coming today, and she agreed to go home.

But still… even though it had nothing to do with the gods, I ended up getting into trouble…

I wonder if I should finally go and get purified?

The last time I drew a fortune at Kagurazaka-san’s shrine, the result was also strange.

Next time, I’ll ask Kagurazaka-san to perform a purification ceremony for me.

While I was making up my mind, I was relaxing at home when, before I knew it, it was time to go to the welcome party.

Of course, I couldn’t take Saara-san with me, so I asked her to stay at home quietly.

Then, as I was getting ready to go to the party, I suddenly heard a knock at the door.

“Yuuya-san, are you ready?”

“Yes, I’m coming.”

It had been a while since I last put on a suit, but it still felt strange, maybe because I wasn’t used to wearing one.

When I finished getting ready and walked over to her…


There, standing in a pale blue dress, was Kaori.

She looked different and glamorous and even gave me the impression of being somewhat mysterious.

I couldn’t help but be captivated by her appearance, and Kaori noticed how I looked at her.

“Wow… Yuuya-san, you look so dignified…”

I came to my senses when I saw Kaori, who looked somewhat moved, saying that to me.

“N-no, Kaori, you’re… um, beautiful…”

I just said what I thought, but my face started to heat up.

Then Kaori’s face turned red when she heard what I had to say.

An indescribable atmosphere hung in the air, and then.

“You two──wow, amazing!”

Kasumi looked at us, and her eyes widened.

Then Kaya-san also came from behind Kasumi.

“Ara… you both look wonderful.”

“Yeah, yeah! Nee-chan looks beautiful and Yuuya-niichan is so cool too!”


It’s true that just wearing a suit can make you look sharp and professional.

“That’s right! Even Joshua-sama would be jealous!”


Why does Joshua-sama come up in this conversation?

When I first met him, I had the impression that Joshua-sama didn’t like me.

But after all, I’m just a commoner.

I can’t compare myself to Joshua-sama, who is a member of the royal family and the next king.

While I was thinking about this, I suddenly realized something.

“Speaking of which, are we going to the party location?”

“Well… that’s a little difficult for me too, since I’m dressed like this.”

“Oh, I see… but then how are we going to get there?”

I wonder if Kaya-san will take us there?

Just then, the sound of the intercom echoes through the apartment.

“Looks like they just arrived.”


To my surprise, Kaya-san continued to speak with a smile.

“The person who will take us to the party location.”

To my surprise, they had even arranged for a driver and a car to pick us up.

What’s more, it seems that Joshua-sama had arranged everything, and the car that had been prepared was a black car that looked luxurious from every angle.

…Yes, there’s no comparison for me.

The sheer extent of the treatment made me smile wryly.


We got into the car that Joshua-sama had prepared for us and arrived at the party site.

It was a white castle that looked like the royal palace of the kingdom of Alceria.

The garden was filled with fountains and various flowers in bloom, giving it an atmosphere like a ballroom in a fairy tale.

I can’t believe it, but… we’re not going to dance, are we?

We entered the venue, feeling nervous in the face of such an extravagant atmosphere, and found men and women in dresses and suits chatting elegantly.


The more I looked, the more out of place I felt.

What’s more, part of the ceiling of the place is made of glass, and moonlight shines in from the sky.

The other windows also look expensive. There are expensive-looking things everywhere you look, from the furniture to the sculptures.

While I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the place, Kaori laughed.

“Fufu… It really is amazing. I’ve been invited a few times myself, but I’m always overwhelmed.”

Kaori said this, but from my perspective, she seemed very confident.

The more I got to know this side of her, the more I felt that Kaori was a real lady.

Then Joshua-sama, the person who organized this party, arrived.

“Hey, Kaori! You came!”

“If Joshua-sama invited me, I can’t refuse.”

Although Kaori said this, it seemed to me that there was a hint of something unusual in her words, but was it just my imagination?

However, Joshua-sama seemed satisfied with Kaori’s answer and then turned his displeased gaze to me.

“So you came here without considering your social status?”

“I thought Yuuya-san was included in Joshua-sama’s invitation?”

Joshua-sama shrugged when Kaori said this with a slightly annoyed expression.

“Yes, but I thought it would be too much for a commoner. I was sure he would run away.”

W-what a terrible thing to say…

But it’s true that I felt self-conscious when I saw such a scene.

While I was thinking this, I noticed that the eyes of those around us were on us.

“Look, it’s Joshua-sama!”

“He’s so wonderful… Ara?”

“The person talking to Joshua-sama is a Japanese girl named Kaori-san, right?”

“That’s right, Joshua-sama said today was a welcome party for Kaori-san…”

“W-what about that gentleman over there…?”

“I think he’s Asian… W-what can I say? He’s a very attractive man…”

I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but since me and Kaori was the only Japanese people─or rather, Asian people─in the room, we stood out quite a bit.

Joshua-sama, noticing the stares of those nearby, clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“Tsk… not just Kaori, but other women too…!”


“Hmph. Your mask will be revealed soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy the party.”

With that, Joshua-sama left the room.

“W-what on earth was that all about…?”

“You don’t have to worry about anything, Yuuya-san.”

For some reason, Kaori said that to me with a friendly expression.

After that, Joshua-sama gave his speech, and the party started in earnest.

As I walked around with Kaori, the people who had been watching us from a distance gradually started talking to us.

What’s more, it was me who was being talked to…

“Um, excuse me!”

“Huh? Me?”

“Yes, that’s right!”

I was surprised because I had assumed that they would call Kaori, but the woman who called me continued to speak, looking a little excited.

“May I ask your name?”

“U-um, Ten──Ah, no, it’s Yuuya.”

As I was about to tell her my name, as usual, I remembered that I was abroad and hastily corrected myself.

However, the woman didn’t seem to mind, and for some reason, she started saying my name.

“Yuuya… You are Yuuya-sama, I remember! I am──”

“Ah, I won’t let you get in front of me!”

“Hey, get out of my way!”

“Yuuya-sama, your English is very good! Where did you learn it?!”


For some reason, a group of women were rushing towards me with great force.

W-what is it? What’s happening…?

While I was confused by the sudden rush of women, one of them suddenly looked at me and shouted.

“Ah! C-could it be that you, Yuuya-sama, were the one who helped Olivia at the filming location today?”


“It’s true! I can’t believe it was you, Yuuya-sama!”

Apparently, they had found out about what happened at the movie set earlier that day through social media or something, and it seemed that there were several people who knew that I had saved Olivia-san.

The women’s enthusiasm grew even more when they realized this.

Not knowing what to do, I just let the momentum carry me along when Kaori suddenly stepped between me and the women.

“Everyone, please calm down. If you all rush around at once, Yuuya-san won’t be able to answer you. Besides, we’re going to spend some time here, so let’s enjoy the party now!”

She said this while exuding a certain pressure that made it difficult to refuse.

When I was surprised by this mysterious pressure, the woman looked embarrassed and moved away.

Anyway, thanks to Kaori, I was set free.

“Thank you, Kaori.”

“No, I knew this would happen.”

“You knew?”

I-is it really that unusual to be Japanese?

Still, no one spoke to Kaori…

Does this mean that I don’t have the aura of the upper class?

In the other world, I was mistaken for a nobleman, but I guess I’m not the real thing after all.

Since I was strangely satisfied with that, Kaori continued.

“By the way, they said that Yuuya-san helped someone earlier, but what happened?”


I didn’t want to bother telling her, but now that I’ve come this far, I guess I have no choice but to tell her.

When I briefly told her what had happened earlier in the day, Kaori looked a little jealous.

“Another woman, huh…”


“It’s nothing. But the way you immediately helped her when you sensed danger is so like you, Yuuya-san.”

“Is that so? I think I’m just reckless…”

“That’s not true! I’m telling you this because I was the one who was saved.”

Kaori laughed as she said this.

As the party continued with such a little drama, Joshua-sama stood in front of everyone again.

“Well, I think we’ve all had enough talking for now, so let’s dance!”

As soon as Joshua-sama said this, many musicians with musical instruments appeared out of nowhere.

The musicians then prepared themselves and began to play a relaxed melody.

Then, to the accompaniment of the music, something like a ballroom dance began to take place around us.

Oh, there is really going to be dancing!

No, there’s no need for everyone here to dance; it’ll be fine…

I was surprised by the scene in front of me, but somehow, I managed to convince myself that it was okay… and then it happened.

“Oh? You’re not going to dance?”

Joshua-sama, who had just finished his speech on stage, came over to me.

He continued to talk to me as if making fun of me, as I was overwhelmed by the people dancing in front of me.

“If you can’t dance, there’s nothing you can do. Just watch from here.”

Then he just held out his hand to Kaori.

“Kaori? Let’s dance together.”

“…By all means.”

Kaori looked displeased for a moment but quickly hid her expression and took Joshua-sama’s hand.

When the crown prince himself asked her to dance, Kaori couldn’t refuse.

And so the dance between Joshua-sama and Kaori began.

As one would expect from the Crown Prince, he seemed to have studied this kind of dance well, and even I could see that.

Kaori also seemed to be used to this kind of situation and was able to react well to Joshua-sama’s dance.

People in the surrounding area watched the two of them with sparkling eyes.

“As expected from Joshua-sama…”

“That young lady, Kaori-san, is amazing as well.”

“I heard that Joshua-sama wanted to take her as his bride, didn’t he?”

“What? The other person is a foreigner, right?”

“But they look so perfect together, right?”

The two people who looked perfect together continued to dance and finished their dance at the end of the song.

At that moment, everyone applauded.

Joshua-sama came over to me while responding to the applause.

“How about that? That is the difference between the world you and I live in. If you understand that, you’ll behave yourself and──”


Then Kaori suddenly interrupted Joshua-sama’s words and ran over to me.


“Would you like to dance with me?”

She looked at me kindly and said those words.

But I’d never danced like that before.

That’s why Joshua-sama made fun of me…

Despite my inner thoughts, Kaori continued to speak.

“You’ll be fine, Yuuya-san! Besides, I’ll be there with you.”


Hearing those words, I felt my courage return.

That’s right. Kaori went out of her way to invite me.


“Yes, let’s dance.”

I took Kaori’s hand, and we started to dance together.

I had no experience in dancing.

But I’m going to enjoy this time to the fullest.


I heard Joshua-sama’s surprised voice behind me, but the moment I started dancing, I stopped noticing the sounds around me.

I danced with Kaori, copying her moves and letting the music take over.

“As expected from Yuuya-san! You’re doing great!”

“T-thank you…”

I couldn’t help but blush when Kaori praised me.

But still… Kaori wasn’t good at sports, but she’s okay at dancing.

After I got used to it a little bit, I started to feel more comfortable, and I found myself thinking about things like that.

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