I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 3 Chapter 1 Part 3

Vol 3 Chapter 1 Part 3

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Part 3

And the next morning.

Lexia and the others were walking down the corridor, each carrying a Flower Weasel on their head or shoulders.

“We have to return them to Xiaolin-sama today.”

“We’ve been looking for Xiaolin-sama ever since, but we couldn’t find her, right?”

“But I didn’t expect her to be so fond of us.”


The four Flower Weasels had become so attached to the three of them that they spent the whole night together.

“Oh, look!”

Tito pointed to the garden.

It was a large garden with trees, a pond, a small bridge, stone chairs and tables, and a rock the size of an ogre.

Xiaolin stood in front of the huge rock.

As she had done when they first saw her, she took a deep breath and held out her hand toward the rock.


She looked sad for a moment when she saw that nothing happened, but she was undeterred and went back to the rock.

“Looks like she’s training for something, just like yesterday. That’s to be expected…”

“Oh, most likely training for dragon power. It’s very early in the morning.”

“She’s very diligent…”

The same action is repeated over and over again, but there is no change, and her shoulders drop dejectedly.

But she quickly slaps her cheeks and looks up, this time at the stone desk.

She is reading from a stack of books and writing in a notebook with a red cover.

“Today, she studies history.”

“There is also a book on court etiquette in the pile.”

“That notebook is very well used. She must be very fond of it.”

In the middle of all this, one of the Flower Weasels got off Lexia’s shoulder and rushed over to Xiaolin.


Xiaolin noticed the Flower Weasel and bent down with a big smile on her face.

“Welcome back. I was worried when you didn’t come back.”


Lexia went down to the garden to see Xiaolin interacting with the Flower Weasel.

“As I thought, they were the ones Xiaolin-sama was keeping! Let’s go!”

“Hey, wait, Lexia! Be more careful…!”

Before Luna had time to stop her, Lexia called Xiaolin.

“Good morning, Xiaolin-sama!”


Xiaolin looks up as if startled.

As she rushed to leave the place with her book in her arms, another Flower Weasel appeared, ruffling Lexia’s blonde hair.


“Oh, that child is…”

“They came to our room yesterday. It was nice to see them.”

Luna and Tito also came over and put the Flower Weasels on the desk.

Xiaolin was confused and took the Flower Weasel from Lexia.

“…U-um… Aren’t you angry with me…?”

“Ara, why? These children are a bit mischievous, but they’re so cute and soothing!”

“Oh. And so much mischief is like being snapped at by a kitten.”

“They were all so friendly, and it made me feel so warm and fuzzy to know that they were well taken care of!”


The Flower Weasels ran happily up to Xiaolin, who blinked at them in surprise.


Xiaolin was licked on the face and giggled ticklishly.

“Fufu. I’ll feed you later. Wait for me in your room.”


Lexia smiled at Xiaolin as she saw the fluffy tail running down the corridor.

“It’s so great of you to start studying in the morning! And besides, what are you always training so hard for?”

Xiaolin’s relaxed cheeks tightened.

She turned away from Lexia and let out a sharp voice.

“It has nothing to do with you. Are you going to stay here anyway? You’ve already found out. I won’t let you get involved with me. For your sake, you’d better get out of here.”

“Ara, I will decide for myself if there is no good in it or not. Besides, we want to get along with Xiaolin-sama!”

“Get along…?”

Xiaolin’s eyes widened.

“Why… none of my previous tutors ever said anything like that… and if I bothered them a little, they’d leave right away… They said there was no point in teaching a princess who had no chance of becoming an emperor… So why do you people…”

At that moment, a mocking voice came from the corridor.

“Oh, what is a failure doing here?”

Three people appeared.

Two men and a woman.

All of them were dressed in elegant clothes and had bright orange hair. Their sharp, pointed eyes held expressions of contempt and mockery.

“Brother, sister…!”

Lexia looked at Xiaolin with a nervous expression on her face and looked at Luna and Tito.

“It seems that Xiaolin’s brother──and the other heirs to the throne.”

“Yes. From the top, Prince Lu Wong, Princess Yue, and Prince Mao, right?”

“These are the three who will compete with Xiaolin-san for the throne in the trial ceremony…!”

Prince Lu Wong, the eldest brother, looked at Xiaolin’s hand.

“Hmm? What is that notebook?”

“Oh, this is…”

Xiaolin hastily tried to hide the notebook.

But Lu Wong was laughing, his mouth twisted into a smile.

“What is it? You, a loser, are hiding something from me? How impertinent!”

Lu Wong extended his hand to Xiaolin.

Then, an orange force emerged from his body.

The force turned into a giant arm and snatched Xiaolin’s notebook with blinding speed.


Lexia and the others gasped at the power they were seeing for the first time.

“What is that?”

“Can he embody his aura and manipulate it at will?”

“Could it be that this is the Dragon Power?”

Xiaolin raises her voice to retrieve the notebook that was taken from her.

“R-return it…!”

But Lu Wong opened the notebook and looked at it with one eye as if to mock it.

“‘An emperor should always listen to the voice of the people’…? Hahaha! I wonder why you’re studying so hard. Do you really think a failure like you can become an emperor?”

“Kuku, this failure is wasting her time again, isn’t she? Why don’t you train your dragon power for the trial ceremony?”

“Ara, you should not say such a thing to Xiaolin, Mao. Even if she wanted to train her dragon power, she doesn’t have it.”

The three of them laughed at Xiaolin.

But Xiaolin stared at them with strong eyes.

“I… I can’t use my dragon power now either, but I’m sure I’ll be able to use it by the time of the trial ceremony…! And I will become a great emperor like Fa Lan-sama…”

The faces of the three of them twisted in disgust.

“Ara, you’re just a half-breed; don’t you dare talk to me like that!”

“My goodness, you don’t seem to get it, do you? First of all, it’s outrageous for a half-breed like you to participate in the trial ceremony, you know?”

Xiaolin opened her mouth with a sad face, trembling.

“W-why are you so terrible… the current brother and sister are not fit to be emperors…!”

What did you say? Have some sense, you half-breed redhead!”

The enraged Lu Wong manipulates his orange aura and throws the notebook into the pond.


Xiaolin, pale, grabs it, and the notebook falls into the water──.


Lexia throws herself into the pond, chasing after the notebook.




Luna quickly releases her string to hold Lexia in the air.

“Thank goodness the notebook is safe!”

As Lexia holds the notebook high in the air above the pond, the princes and princess look at her with wide eyes.

“What? What the hell is that girl doing? She tried to jump into the pond to protect the notebook!”

“I mean, she’s floating in the air! What’s going on?”

Despite the astonished princes and princesses, Luna pulled Lexia back to the ground by manipulating the string.

“Phew, I’m glad Xiaolin-sama’s precious notebook didn’t get wet! Thank you, Luna!”

“I always tell you not to act without thinking!”

“Ara, well, Luna and Tito will help me, won’t they?”

“That’s not the point!”

“Awawa, you almost became fish food!”

“Hmm, I wonder if the fish eat people?”

“That’s not the point!”

“W-who the hell are you people…?”

Lexia held the notebook she had defended to her chest as she stared at the dismayed princes and princesses with strong eyes.

“We are Xiaolin-sama’s tutors! As long as we are with her, Xiaolin-sama will never be defeated!”

“W-what? You’re just a tutor, do you know what you’re doing…!”

Just as Lu Wong was about to raise his hand in anger at Lexia, Luna and Tito stepped forward.

“As much as you may be the heir to the throne, isn’t it forbidden to quarrel within the imperial palace?”

“Use your power properly…!”

The princes and the princess backed away, pressured by the extraordinary murderous intent of the two girls.

“W-what are these people…?”

“What is this murderous intent…? Are you really just a tutor…?”

But Lexia raised her voice to the frightened princes and princess.

“Xiaolin-sama will definitely win the trial ceremony and become a great emperor! You are nothing compared to her!”


Xiaolin’s eyes widened when she heard Lexia’s words.

Lu Wong clucked his tongue.

“Tsk… now’s the time to keep your big mouth shut. You’ll cry and regret that you sided with this failure! Let’s go, Yue, Mao!”

The princes and the princess leave, cursing.

Lexia exhales as she wipes her forehead.

“Phew. We made it through somehow!”

“How many times have I told you not to be so reckless…? To challenge the heir to the throne in the imperial palace?”

“Because it is unforgivable for them to say whatever they want about Xiaolin-sama, who is working so hard!”

Lexia’s cheeks were puffed out, but she turned to Xiaolin and held out the notebook with a smile.

“Yes! Your notebook is safe, don’t worry!”

“U-um… thank you…”

Xiaolin hugged the notebook to her chest and thanked Lexia in a low voice.

Lexia smiled softly and nodded her head.

“I see you use that notebook with great care. What are you always studying?”

“Lately, I’ve been studying the history, technology, and politics of other countries… as well as the attitudes and etiquette important to a ruler…”

Then Lexia’s eyes lit up.

“That’s very important for someone who stands above others, isn’t it? That’s great!”

“It’s not something you can do at your age to consider other countries and so on.”

“More and more, I’m glad your precious notebook didn’t fall into the pond!”

“You’re not laughing at me…?”

Xiaolin asked shyly.

Then Lexia tilted her head.

“You want to be emperor, don’t you, Xiaolin-sama?”


“You were just training for your dragon power, weren’t you? We’ve been watching your efforts!”

“This notebook must be proof of your tireless efforts.”


Xiaolin hugged her notebook tightly. Her white cheeks were cherry red, and her eyes, sparkling like jewels, were slightly teary.

Then Lexia smiled at Xiaolin.

“If it’s alright with you, I’d like to help Xiaolin-sama become emperor. The reason we became tutors was because Schleimann-sama asked us to… But when I saw Xiaolin-sama working so hard on your own, I wanted to support you with all my heart. We believe Xiaolin-sama will be a great emperor!”

Xiaolin looked at Lexia and the others with a tearful face but abruptly bowed her head.

“I-I apologize for being so unreasonable to you…!”


“You are so different from everyone else. My mother and all of my former tutors didn’t believe me and said that I couldn’t become emperor because I couldn’t use the dragon power… They told me not to aspire to become emperor but just to protect myself and live peacefully.”

Xiaolin looks up from her dejected face.

“But I don’t want to live like that. I want to be a great emperor like Fa Lan-sama…!”

“Come to think of it, you said that earlier, but who is Fa Lan-sama?”

“She is the first emperor of the Lianxi Empire. She is a very kind and intelligent woman. It is said that a thousand years ago, she used her unparalleled dragon power to defeat a terrible beast that was rampaging through the land and founded the Lianxi Empire, bringing peace to the land. She is said to have established a good government, loved her people, enriched her country, and saved many people… I want to be an emperor like Fa Lan-sama, who can make many people happy. My brothers and sister laugh at me and say that I can’t even use my dragon power… but I still don’t want to give up! Please, I can’t use my dragon power yet, and I’m still inexperienced… but I need your help…!”

As if to catch Xiaolin’s desperate cries, Lexia put her hand on her chest and declared loudly.

“Leave it to us! We will definitely win the trial ceremony and make the other princes and princess look up to you! Don’t worry, we’re with you!”

Tito and Luna nodded, smiling.

“We will do our best to help Xiaolin-san fulfill her dreams!”

“After all, we are used to taking care of the tomboy princess.”

“Who are you talking about, Luna?”

Watching the lively exchange, Xiaolin cried tears of joy.

Lexia held Xiaolin’s hand.

“You won’t be alone anymore. Let’s work together!”

“Thank you…!”


After that, Lexia and the others went with Xiaolin to Yuri.

Yuri listened quietly to what Lexia and the others said, and when she finished listening, she gently took Xiaolin’s hand.

“I see… I’m sorry, Xiaolin. I was only thinking of protecting you because I care about you so much… but I was wrong. You are also a noble child of the emperor’s blood. And you shall do as you wish.”

“Mother… thank you.”

Yuri smiled at Xiaolin and bowed once again to Lexia and the others.

“Everyone, please take good care of Xiaolin.”

“Yes, you can count on us!”

Lexia and the others were now officially assigned to guide Xiaolin as her tutor.

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