I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 3 Chapter 2 Part 2

Vol 3 Chapter 2 Part 2

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Part 2

They also tried other methods, such as meditation, mental unification, and magic training methods, but Xiaolin’s dragon power did not appear.

“It doesn’t work…”

“Maybe I haven’t inherited the dragon power after all…”

Xiaolin’s shoulders slumped.

But Lexia muttered with serious eyes.

“It’s too early to give up. Let’s change our perspective.”

“Change our perspective?”

“Do you have a plan?”

“Yes. To truly master a power, you must first know it.”

Lexia nodded her head and said firmly.

“So we will go to the city to find out the secret of the dragon’s power!”

“Into the city?”


Lexia wagged her finger knowingly at Tito and Xiaolin, who looked surprised.

“When things aren’t going well, you need a change of scenery. Maybe you’ll find a solution you didn’t expect when you get out.”

“You just want to go sightseeing, right?”

“Of course, I mean, that’s not it!”

“Don’t just change it like that.”

Luna pressed her forehead, and Lexia put her hands on her hips and arched her chest.

“Of course, that’s not all. You didn’t find any clues in the imperial archives, did you? If that’s the case, one possibility is to go to the capital and listen to what people in the city have to say. The truth may be hidden in random gossip or folklore.”

Lexia looked at Xiaolin and closed one eye.

“Besides, like magic, these things have a lot to do with the state of mind of the person using them. Especially as a tutor, I’m disqualified if I can’t cheer you up!”


“Well, you are right.”

“Cheerfulness is important!”

Luna agreed, and Tito nodded.

Indeed, Xiaolin had lost her confidence and was now looking backward despite her dream of becoming a great emperor.

Tito had once run amok because of a weak heart, and Lexia herself had once distanced herself from magic because of past events.

Having survived numerous deadly battles, the three of them knew firsthand how the mind affects power.

Lexia clapped her hands happily.

“Well, then it’s settled! Have you ever been in the city secretly, Xiaolin-sama?”

“N-no. I have only been to the city on official visits.”

“Well, is that so? A secret trip to the city is the custom of royalty!”

“Huh? I-I didn’t know that! I’m learning…!”

“Xiaolin, you don’t have to take that so seriously. Lexia is just a special case.”

Luna’s mutterings went unheard, and Lexia flipped up her court lady’s dress in high spirits.

“The most important thing when sneaking around is not to be recognized! First, we have to disguise ourselves!”


“So this is the traditional costume of the Lianxi Empire!”

Lexia cheered as she looked down at the glamorous clothes.

The four of them were wearing the traditional costume for Eastern women.

It was a form-fitting one-piece dress of a unique shape decorated with beautiful embroidery and a bold slit across the thighs.

“It was originally a dress for horse riders, but over time, it became the representative dress of the Lianxi Empire. It is very popular among tourists, but this is the first time I have worn it.”

“Hmm. It’s very functional and easy to move in, although I’m concerned about the lack of protection.”

“It’s kind of adult-like, and it makes me feel thrilled…!”

“Fufu, you all look so cute!”

Lexia, with her long blonde hair in a bun, turns around in a good mood.

“I think Xiaolin better cover your face, just in case.”

“Oh, I have a good one for that.”

Xiaolin brought an umbrella from the corner of the room.

“An umbrella! But is it different from the umbrellas we know?”

“Bamboo frame covered with paper? It’s light and practical.”

“And the colors are so pretty!”

Moreover, by hanging a decorative cloth from the umbrella, their faces would be hidden, making it perfect for sneaking around.

The four of them were now fully dressed as girls, enjoying the sights.

Lexia pointed enthusiastically in the direction of the imperial capital.

“Come on, let’s go to the capital!”


The four of them escaped from the palace and ran into the city.

Security had been tightened in anticipation of the trial ceremony, but with Tito’s ability to sense presence and Luna’s strings, it was easy for them to evade the soldiers.

Walking through the crowd, Xiaolin looked back at the Imperial Palace with trepidation.

“I-it’s amazing how easy it is to get out of the palace…!”

“Fufu, right? I’m really good at escaping the palace and playing around!”

“You shouldn’t be so proud.”

Lexia’s eyes light up as they reach the main street.

“Wow, it’s so prosperous!”

The central streets of the Imperial Capital were bustling with people.

Travelers and tourists came and went along the streets lined with various shops, and the voices of people calling out to each other were lively and mixed.

Orange lanterns and flags decorated here and there added to the festive atmosphere.

Lexia was excited as she peered into a shop selling tea utensils and amulets.

“Amazing, I’ve never seen anything like this before! When we came here, we were taken away as rebels, so I didn’t get a good look.”

“Rebels? What in the world is going on?”

“Th-There was a lot going on…”

“I doubt if any other royal was captured as a rebel in another country. If it had gone wrong, it could have become an international conflict.”

“The magnitude of the incident involving Lexia-san and the others is too different…!”

As they walked along, people on the street looked at the four of them in surprise.

“Wow, those girls are so cute… Eh, aren’t they too cute?”

“It looks like only that place is glowing…!”

“H-hey, we should go talk to them…!”

“Don’t do that; there’s no way you can match them!”

Lexia and the others walked down the street, oblivious to the murmurs around them.

Xiaolin rolled her eyes and looked around at the bustling city.

“It’s completely different from when I saw it on official business or inspection… It’s so busy, and everyone seems to be having a great time.”

“Is that so? This is the kind of scene you can only see because Xiaolin-san is here on a personal visit!”

“People in the city are very nervous when the royals come to visit.”

“It’s good to visit, but sometimes it’s important to hide your identity and see the country and its people as they really are!”

Just then, Tito sniffed.

“I smell something good. It’s coming from over there…”

“Look at that white, round food!”

Lexia pointed to a shop selling unfamiliar food.

“Wow, what is that? I’ve never seen it before…!”

“That’s Baozi. It is made by wrapping various ingredients in a skin and steaming them until they are soft and fluffy.”

“What is that? That’s absolutely mouthwatering! Let’s try it!”

“Royalty should not be so careless with their food!”

Not caring about Luna’s teasing, Lexia rushed to the shop.

The couple in the shop opened their eyes.

“Welco… Wow! You ladies look so pretty!”

“Are you here for sightseeing? Our Baozi are excellent; go ahead and try them!”

“Fufu, thank you! There are so many kinds. Please give me four recommendations!”

They each bought a different flavor and all chewed at the same time.

“Mmm! Delicious! So fluffy!”

“The seasoning of the ingredients is rich and goes well with the dough.”

“Hah, hah, hah, the filling here is sweet!”

“I-I always eat it at the Imperial Palace──I mean, at home, but it’s really delicious…!”

“Hahaha, if you’re so happy, it’s worth making. Here, I’ll give you another one as a bonus.”

“T-thank you…!”

Lexia’s eyes sparkle when she sees Luna’s hand.

“This one is delicious, but Luna’s also looks very tasty!”

“Hah, if you want to eat it, just say so. Here.”

“Ahhh, hmm! Mmm! It’s so juicy and filling!”

“If it’s so good, I want to try all kinds!”

“Yeah, there are more varieties than the baozi at home; it’s amazing!”

Luna stopped eating the dumplings when she saw how happy Xiaolin was.

“Xiaolin wants to try some too?”


Xiaolin nodded with a twinkle in her eye, but when she saw the Baozi offered to her, she suddenly turned red.

“Hah! T-that’s a… indirect kiss…!”

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

Luna tilted her head.

In Xiaolin’s eyes, bathed in the waves of excitement, Luna’s refined face was even more dazzling and sparkling.

“I-i-i-i-i-it’s nothing! I-i-i-i-i-ta-tadakimasu!”

Xiaolin took a bite of it with a bright red face.

“How is it?”

“! I-it’s delicious…! And… W-what should I do? I kissed Luna-san indirectly…~~!”

Tito gently wiped Xiaolin’s mouth as she whimpered, holding her heated cheeks.

“Xiaolin-san, your mouth is covered with it.”

“Fuwahh. Ah, thank you.”

“Fufu. Tito, you are like a big sister.”

“Hehehe. Maybe it’s because I used to live with kids smaller than me that I feel like Xiaolin-san is like a little sister to me.”

The sight of the pretty girls eating the delicious Baozi in front of the shop caught people’s attention.

“Wow, what those girls are eating looks so delicious!”

“They’re so cute; they’re eating it so enthusiastically; I bet it’s delicious!”

“Please give me the same thing they are eating!”

Many customers flocked to the shop, and the shop quickly became very prosperous.

When the customers had all calmed down, the couple laughed as they wiped the sweat from their faces.

“Thanks to you, girls, our business is thriving!”

“It was very delicious! The Lianxi Empire is a wonderful country with delicious food and such a prosperous imperial capital!”

“Oh, it has been prosperous for a thousand years. It’s all thanks to the blessing of the emperor’s dragon power!”

“As long as we have the emperor’s dragon power, this land will be safe and sound, no matter what kind of monsters attack us! There are many places to see, so please take your time and enjoy yourselves!”

The shopkeeper and his wife proudly held out their chests.

The four of them waved to the owner and his wife and continued their sightseeing tour.

“After all, the dragon power is a special power for the people of this country, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Mainly as a deterrent against monsters… it also seems to have a strong aspect as a power to eliminate foreign enemies.”

While eating and looking at other things that caught their attention, they strolled through the large streets and narrow alleys. Although it was crowded everywhere, people who noticed the aura of Lexia and the others stopped to admire them and naturally gave way to them, so the four of them were able to enjoy the sights without even knowing it.

“Ara? Those tea leaves look a bit different from black tea. And there are so many different kinds! Should I buy some as a souvenir for Yuuya-sama?”

“I would recommend that tea. It is popular with customers from other countries because of its good flavor and health benefits. There are also teas that are good for stomach aches and pains.”

“I have an acquaintance who would be happy to recommend it to you. …Hmm? This fan has dragon embroidery on it. It’s beautiful.”

“It’s so beautiful! It could be a good souvenir for my father!”

“Wow, those jars lined up over there are alcohol, aren’t they? It smells kind of unique…!”

The group was enjoying sightseeing when they came to a very lively corner of the city.

The area was decorated with beautiful flags, and people were looking up to the sky.

Following their gaze to the sky, they saw a girl walking on a rope stretched across the roof.

“There’s a girl up there!”

“Wow, it’s a street performance!”

A girl was standing on a rope, spinning a plate.

“Amazing, she’s so skilled!”

“She has a great sense of balance.”

At that moment, a strong wind blew, and the decorated flag flew into the air.

The flags were flying, and the girl’s view was obstructed.


“Th-That is dangerous!”


Luna moved as the crowd screamed.


She shot a string into the sky and jumped.

She caught the falling girl with one arm and landed on the roof.

Then she retrieved the plate spinning tool with the string and handed it to the girl, smiling.

“Are you hurt?”

“T-thank you very much…!”

“Luna-san, you are so cool…!”

“As expected from my Luna!”

The people around Luna, who landed softly on the ground, looked at her with admiration.

“Hey, that girl flew… didn’t she?

“Who in the world is that girl, with the way she moves…?”

“She looks like a prince! She’s so cool!”

“Ara, you’re attracting attention. Come on, let’s go!”

Walking quickly through the bustling crowd, Lexia looked up at the orange lanterns and flags decorating the streets above her.

“The Imperial Capital is full of orange decorations, by the way!”

“They are so beautiful and magnificent!”

“They are called ‘orange blossoms,’ the symbol of the Imperial Family and considered a sacred color.”

“Orange blossoms? Come to think of it, all the other princes and the princess have the same hair color.”

“Yes, that’s right. The emperor’s family has had bright orange hair for generations, both in terms of dragon power and hair color. But I have red hair because of my northern blood…”

Tito remembers seeing Xiaolin pinch a lock of her red mixed hair.

“Come to think of it, Schleimann-sama and Yuri-sama also had red hair, didn’t they?”

Lexia nodded.

“I once heard that the imperial family of the Lianxi Empire rarely has blood from other lands. It must be very unusual for Yuri-sama to marry into the Lianxi Empire from the Romel Empire.”

“Yes, that’s right. It is customary for the Emperor of the Lianxi Empire to marry a local noble to keep the blood of the Emperor’s family──the Dragon Power──from being diluted. But when my father was invited to the founding ceremony of the Romel Empire a long time ago, he found my mother attractive and asked her to marry him, overcoming the opposition of the people around him.”

“What is that, love at first sight? That’s wonderful! Xiaolin’s father did it!”

Lexia’s eyes suddenly lit up.

But Xiaolin looked down.

“But maybe my father doesn’t like me. She treats my brother and sister normally, but when she meets me, she frowns and looks away… And I can’t use the dragon power because, as my brother and sister say, I’m a half-breed──a mixture with foreign blood, so maybe that’s why I can’t manifest the dragon power…”

Lexia looked at Xiaolin, who lowered her eyes sadly and then opened her mouth.

“You know, my mother was a high elf, and she was a slave.”


She laughed quietly at Xiaolin’s surprise.

“When I was little, I was bullied by people who said I had dirty blood in me. But now, with the support of many people and friends I love, I am happy and healthy!”

“As her bodyguard, I wish she would be a little more ladylike.”

Luna smiles softly as she says this.

Lexia also showed her white teeth.

“I’m sure everyone is just not aware of Xiaolin-sama’s charms yet. There are frustrating times, but if you keep your heart open and live a positive life, one day, they will recognize you. No, we will make them recognize you! We have to show the whole country that Xiaolin-sama is a hardworking and amazing girl!”


“And Xiaolin-sama’s hair is so beautiful, I love it!”

“Yes. I think it’s more special than the orange one.”

“Yes! And you will definitely be able to use your dragon power, don’t worry!”

The warm words made Xiaolin smile like a blooming flower.

“Thank you.”

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