I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 3 Chapter 3 Part 1

Vol 3 Chapter 3 Part 1

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Chapter 3 – Private Tutor

Part 1

Starting the next day, the four of them tried various methods to awaken Xiaolin’s dragon power.

However, several days passed without Xiaolin’s dragon power ever manifesting.

“Hah, hah…”

Luna crossed her arms as Xiaolin rested from exhaustion.

“Only three more days until the trial ceremony.”

“Even though I’ve tried so many different methods, I can’t seem to manifest my dragon power… Could it be that I don’t have any dragon power to begin with?”

Lexia said cheerfully to the depressed Xiaolin.

“It’s okay; I believe Xiaolin-sama has tremendous power. My intuition always comes true. And if need be, we could just capture the princes and ask them for the secret of the dragon power!”

“You really will get caught for being disrespectful.”

“Lexia-san, you are too bold…!”

The air that had been darkened by Lexia’s words suddenly cleared, and Xiaolin smiled as well.

“As for dragon power, we will continue to try different methods… I heard that the trial ceremony is hard. Of course, there will be interference from other heirs. Although we will accompany you, it would be better for Xiaolin to learn some fighting techniques herself.”

“I agree. Even if you cannot use the dragon power yet, it is good to learn different powers!”

“Maybe you will be able to use your dragon power in the future!”

“F-fighting technique, is it…?”

To calm the confused Xiaolin, Lexia put her hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay. Luna and Tito are so incredibly strong! If you leave it up to them, you’ll be the strongest in the world in no time!”

“I-I don’t know if you can become the strongest in the world, but as Xiaolin-san’s tutor, I’ll do my best…!”

Tito clenched her fist, and Luna turned to Xiaolin.

“Isn’t Xiaolin admiring the first emperor, Fa Lan-sama? If so, the weapon that the performer who played the role of Fa Lan-sama in the acrobatic troupe used─the twin swords─might be a good choice.”

“The twin swords…!”

Xiaolin’s face lit up for a moment, but she quickly lowered her eyebrows in concern.

“B-but I’ve never held a sword before…”

Then Luna put on a cool smile.

“It’s okay. If you work with me and Tito, you will soon be as strong as the best.”

“Yes, leave it to us!”

“I’m looking forward to working with you…!”

So began Xiaolin’s training.


A sheer mountain rose behind the Imperial Palace, and the group moved out of the palace and into the mountain.

Lexia’s eyes lit up when she saw the twin swords in Xiaolin’s hands.

“Those swords are so cool!”

“I secretly took them out of the storehouse. The sword is for a performance, so I’m not sure if it will cut properly…”

The wide blade was curved, and the red hilt was decorated with beautiful ornaments. The pommel has a beautiful tassel and a small bell.

After inspecting the blade, Luna nodded.

“That’s enough. Let’s start with a little test. Try to cut this tree.”


Xiaolin stood in front of the young tree with a nervous expression on her face.

She swung the sword at the trunk, which was as thick as her wrist.


But the sword stopped as it dug into the trunk.

“Ugh, I don’t feel like I can cut at all…”

“Let me show you.”

Luna borrowed one of the twin swords and stood in front of the tree.

Quietly, she holds up the sword──.



With a sharp exclamation, the tree is sliced in two.

“A-amazing…! It was too fast for me to see…”

“It doesn’t matter if the weapon is good or bad. What matters is the sharpness of the weapon. And sharpness is speed. The moment you decide to cut, swing your arm quickly. Once you get the hang of it, you can cut anything. Try throwing that rock over there.”

“Huh? I-I understand.”

Xiaolin picked up a fist-sized stone at her feet and threw it at Luna with trepidation.

Luna let out a thin breath and quickly raised the sword──.


The sword flashed, and the stone, neatly split, fell to the ground.

“T-That’s amazing…!”

“Luna can not only handle strings but a sword as well, huh?”

“Well, my master taught me the dagger and the body art so I could survive in the underworld.”

Luna shrugged, but Xiaolin looked at her with sparkling respect.

“Luna-sensei, you’re so cool…! I want you to teach me more…!”


Luna blushed and cleared her throat, and Lexia poked her.

“Luna, are you embarrassed?”

“I’m not embarrassed… stop poking me.”

Luna taught Xiaolin the technique as she handed the sword back to her.

“Don’t swing the sword aimlessly; focus on the moment of the cut. Try it.”


Xiaolin swung the sword over and over as she followed Luna’s instructions.

And then…


The trunk of a young tree was cut off beautifully.

“I-I did it…!”

“Yes, you have a good arm. Next time, use not only your arms but also your footsteps to accelerate the sword. Then you will be able to cut most things without using much physical strength.”


As the training is repeated, the target is gradually enlarged.

The bell on the hilt of the sword rang with each strike, and Xiaolin’s sword became sharper and sharper until she could easily cut through a tree trunk as thick as her upper body.

Lexia and Tito watched in awe as Xiaolin continued to wield the sword.

“Xiaolin is very serious and persistent, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is getting better and better!”

Luna nodded in satisfaction.

“You have good muscles. When you face a big enemy, it is even better to be aware of the direction of your body. Like this…”

Luna put her hand on Xiaolin’s hand and her other hand on Xiaolin’s shoulder.


“Grip the hilt tightly and look straight at the target.”

But Xiaolin’s heart was racing, and her face was bright red.

“W-w-w-why, Luna-san, so close…! My hand, my hand is…〜〜〜〜!”

“…Hmm? What’s wrong? Your breathing has suddenly become irregular. Calm your mind and stay calm.”

Luna wondered and looked at Xiaolin at close range.

Then Xiaolin turned even redder.

“Kyaaa〜〜〜〜〜? Luna-san’s face is so close to mine! How can I? She’s so beautiful, so cute, so cool, and she smells so good!”

“I-it’s bad; she’s losing her composure!”

“Luna, you have the opposite effect!”


Finally, Xiaolin regains her composure, and the training moves to the next stage.

“All right. Next, we will practice maximizing power in any situation── Spider!”

She stretches a string through the forest and holds a wooden target in her hand.

“You must try to bypass this string and hit the target I’m holding. You may use any method you wish.”

As soon as she said that, she moved through the forest at a speed that was invisible to the eye.

“Th-that’s impossible!”

Xiaolin exclaimed, and Luna stopped in her tracks, curious.

“Hmm? This should be easy for Xiaolin right now.”

“Ugh, I-I have no choice but to do it…!”

Xiaolin desperately ran after Luna, managing to avoid the strings that were set up all over the forest.

“Hah, hah…!”

“Yes, the battlefield is very complicated. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times and move efficiently.”

“I-I understand…!”

The speed gradually increased as she chased after the target, occasionally getting caught in the strings.

“Luna-san, you are fast…! But I’m getting better at knowing where the string is… And now──Eii!”

She swung her sword at Luna as she approached, but Luna easily dodged it.

“That’s good; you can use more and more moves and keep going.”


An extreme chase ensued in the forest.

As the sun shone in the sky, Xiaolin stopped.

“Hah, hah, hah…!”

“What’s wrong? Do you want to take a break?”

Luna looked down at Xiaolin from the top of a branch.


The sword was in her right hand, and she threw it at Luna.

Luna easily dodged the sharply spinning sword as it approached her.



She also easily dodged the second sword that was thrown at her.

“Fufu, throwing the sword was quite a daring maneuver. But how are you going to fight now that you’ve lost your──”

Just as Luna was about to say that, a red berry hit her in the shoulder.


When Luna looked up, the berries fell like rain, along with the branches cut off by the first sword.



Luna quickly lifted the target and blocked the falling branches and berries.

A few ripe berries bounced off the target and stuck to it.

“! I see; you were pretending to attack me and aiming at the branches…”

“Hah, hah… Uh… was that a foul…?”

Xiaolin asked worriedly, still in her sword-throwing position.

And Luna giggled.

“…You pass.”


“Actually, I did not say ‘hit with your sword,’ but ‘hit with your attack.’ Use what you have; that’s the secret of fighting. You did well.”

“Phew… I did it…”

Perhaps at the limit of her physical strength, Xiaolin collapsed, gasping for breath.

Luna patted her head as she landed gently.

“Honestly, I didn’t think you’d make it this far. Good job.”


Xiaolin’s voice was hoarse, and even her neck was red.

Lexia rushed in and held up a large package.

“Xiaolin-sama, thank you for all your hard work! It’s amazing that you passed the task Luna gave you! Now, let’s have the lunch we’ve been waiting for! Yuri-sama has prepared lunch for us. We must rest when we rest and eat when we eat!”

“But you’re the one who’s been waiting for it, aren’t you?”

“There’s plenty of tea! It’s important to stay hydrated!”

“Fuwah, I’m so hungry and thirsty…”

The four of them moved to another place to eat lunch.

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