I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 4 Chapter 1 Part 3

Vol 4 Chapter 1 Part 3



Part 3

After a full day of shopping, Lexia and the others went straight to the beach and stood in front of the beautiful ocean.

“Come on, let’s go swimming!”

Lexia shouted excitedly, equipped with a swim ring and ready to go.

Her blonde hair bounced in the sunlight, her bare white feet splashed in the sand, and she ran lightly into the sea.

“Wow, the water is warm and so beautiful! You can even see the bottom! Come on everyone, hurry up!”

On the other hand, Tito stood at the edge of the waves.

“Fuooooo, the sand is crumbling under my feet! It’s not like a desert oasis at all, I feel like I’m being sucked in by the waves… Awawawawa~…!”

“It’s okay, Tito-san. Hold on to my hand.”

“Awawa, t-thank you very much…!”

“Tito, over here!”

Lexia, already chest-deep in the water, waved her hand to Tito, who anxiously entered the water while clinging to Giselle.

Then Luna swam in.

“Fuahh. It’s been a long time since I swam like this.”

“Luna, are you a good swimmer as well?”

“Well, I think so. You seem to be relying on the swim ring, can’t you swim? How about I teach you?”

“What? I can swim a little too!”

“Oh? Then let’s have a race. I think I’ll win.”

Luna crosses her arms as if proud of her victory, and Lexia puffs out her cheeks.

“Ngghhh〜〜! ──Ah, that’s right!”


Lexia put her hand on her chest and looked at Luna’s.

“I’ve grown a bit in this area compared to before we left on our journey, haven’t I? Not as much as Tito though. Luna doesn’t seem to have much water resistance, so I have no doubt that you are a fast swimmer!”


Luna’s temples twitch.

“So let me show you how to swim faster.”

Luna said and swam easily.

The splashing water hit Lexia.

“Upuhhh? Cough, cough! Luna, you did that on purpose!”

Luna shrugged calmly at Lexia, who was about to pounce on her.

“Hmm, what? I was just showing you how to swim.”

“Mumumu, if that’s what you want to do, then… Eii!”


Lexia splashed water on Luna’s face.

Watching Luna shake her head, she turned her chest happily.

“How about that? Now we’re even!”

“Fufu, you did it. Then──hahh!”



Lexia screams as she is hit by a huge splash.

“Luna, you went too far! And you used your string!”

“I used a little water to make it easier to hit. Don’t worry, I took care of it.”

“That’s the problem! I mean, why did you take your string to the sea?”

“I’m your escort, of course.”

“Why are you shooting it at the object of your protection?”

Giselle, who is teaching Tito how to flap her legs in the shallows, rolls her eyes as she watches the two of them argue vigorously.

“Didn’t Luna-san just make a huge splash…?”

“Haff, haff, puee.”

Giselle, who has no idea who Luna and the others are, is astonished, but Tito is too busy practicing her flapping feet.

But Lexia is not so keen.

“Mumumu~, in that case… Tito, let’s fight back!”

“Huh? Y-y-yes!? Eiii!”

Tito jumped up and splashed the water with both hands.




The water column was stronger than expected, and not only Luna but also Lexia was caught in it.

“Hawawawa, I’m sorry, I overdid it…!”

“Fufufu, you’re doing it, Tito.”

Luna brushed her wet hair out of her face and untied the string around her arm.

“My body was just getting used to the boat ride. I’m going to train my body a little.”

“Awawa, I made Luna-san take it seriously…! I-I understand! In that case, I’ll win it first! Whirlwind Claw!”

Tito swings her arm sharply, creating a localized tornado.


“Eeeehhhhhh? Why is there a tornado? What’s going on?”

The tornado sucked in seawater, turned into a giant water column, and approached Luna, leaving Giselle astonished.

“I-it’s bad! Luna-san, it’s dangerous! Run!”

“No, of course I’m not going to run against it!”

“Why? How?”

“Like this! Boisterous Dance! Avoidance!”


Luna cut a rock that was sticking out of the water, pulled it in with her string, and threw it into the tornado.


The giant rock and the tornado collided, shattering and canceling each other out.

“Eeehhhhh? What is this? What in the world is going on here? Who on earth are you people?”

“Fufu, as expected from Tito, you are good!”

“You’re getting stronger, Luna-san!”

“But still not strong enough! Streamline!”

“I can’t lose either! Heavenly Thrust Claw!”

The techniques collided, spraying water.




A huge column of water rises from the fierce exchange, and the fish are launched into the sky.

Lexia watched and shrugged.

“It’s started again. My goodness, it’s their bad habit.”

“I-I think it was Lexia-san who started it… but don’t you have to stop them?”

“Don’t worry, it happens all the time! Let’s leave them alone and play with the ball we just bought!”

Lexia happily takes out the ball.

But then Lexia was hit by a tremendous amount of water pressure!


“Le-Lexia-saaaannn! Are you okay?”

“Uh-oh, cough, cough… Geez, what are you doing, Luna?”

“That was supposed to be my line, why are you acting like you’re not doing anything? This is the fight you started.”

“Ugh, you did it!”

Lexia waves her hands in the air and splashes the water!

“Hmph, this is how it should be! Boisterous Dance!”

“As a disciple of the Claw Saint, I’ll give it my all, even when I’m playing! Claw Concert!”

“It’s not fair to use your technique! In that case… Giselle, let’s fight back!”

“Huh? A-alright! Uh, let’s see… O wave, surge!”

Giselle launched her spirit art towards the surface of the sea.

Blue waves spread out around Giselle.

And then, as the surface of the sea seemed to rise, it turned into a huge wave, covering Lexia and the others.

Gogogo… Splashhhhhhh!




The group screamed as they were helplessly swallowed up by the wave that stood in their way like a wall.

“Ah! I overdid it!”

Giselle hastily calmed the wave and scooped up Lexia and the others, turning the seawater into a giant hand.


“Awawawa, my eyes are rolling~…”

“S-s-s-s-sorry! I made a mistake in adding and subtracting the amount… Are you okay?”

Giselle panicked, but Lexia smiled like a flower.

“Fufu, fufufufu… That was very interesting! I’ve never been tossed around by a wave before!”

“Yes, it’s a valuable experience.”

“Yes, I’ve never seen a wave this big before! Giselle-san, as I thought, you’re amaz…”

Tito was about to say something when she suddenly realized something.

She turned bright red and pressed her chest.

“Hawawa!? My swimsuit is washed away!”

“Eeehh? W-w-we have to find it!”

“Goodness, it’s because Tito’s breasts are too big.”

“This is no time to talk like that, let’s find it!”

Everyone rushed out to search the area.

Then, a high-pitched squeal was heard nearby.


“Ah, it’s the sea dragon!”

The sea dragon gently swam over and offered Tito the swimsuit it was holding in its mouth.


“Wow, thank you!”

“You found the swimsuit! Good girl, good girl.”


The sea dragon was petted by Lexia and squealed happily.

The swimsuit ruckus was over, and Giselle bowed her head again.

“I’m really sorry, it was just a reflex, such a big wave…”

“Hehehe, it’s okay! It was very interesting!”

“Yes. Playing in the water is deep too, it’s been a while since I’ve been this excited.”

“That was a lot of fun!”

“I’m glad to hear that. But it seemed like a lot of impossible things happened…”

Giselle tilted her head to think about what she had just seen.

At that moment, Tito’s cat ears twitched.

“Huh? Isn’t the beach kind of noisy?”


Following Tito’s gaze, they looked back at the beach.

Many islanders had gathered there.

“Why are there so many people?”

“They’re making some kind of noise.”

“Ah! We were playing in the water earlier, and there are fish washing up on the beach!”

To Giselle’s surprise, Lexia and the others’ unusual play in the water had brought a large number of fish to the beach.

The happy voices of the islanders reached them through the wind.

“Oh, these fish are a fantastic delicacy! Why are there so many washed up on the beach?”

“We’ve been having trouble catching fish lately, but this should keep us fed for a while!”

“Ara? Where in the world did that rock go?”

“That rock used to be dangerous because boats used to collide with it! Now it’s easier to fish, thank God!”

Hearing the cheers of the islanders, Lexia proudly crossed her arms.

“Fufufu. Looks like everything went according to my plan!”

“I-is that so? That’s great, Lexia-san…!”

“No, you were just playing around.”

“Well, when it comes to people like me, everything I do, even if I’m just playing around, is for everyone’s benefit!”

Lexia said with satisfaction and pointed offshore.

“Hey, let’s go further offshore this time!”

“I agree!”

“Kyuuii, kyuii!”

The next thing they knew, several sea dragons surrounded them.

It seemed like they had come to check out the situation.


“They’re offering to take us offshore.”

“Eh, is that okay? Sounds like a lot of fun, we’d love to do that!”

The four of them climbed onto the backs of the sea dragons.

“It’s a strange ride, isn’t it?”

“A sea dragon’s skin is so smooth and soft! It feels so nice and cold!”


The sea dragon let out a single cry and swam out to sea.

With Lexia and the others on board, the sea dragons waded through the waves and moved quickly.

“Wow, that’s fast!”

“It feels like I’m gliding over the waves! The wind feels so nice!”

Wet hair danced in the sea breeze, and white bare feet dashed through the water.

When they were far from land, a howling sound echoed from the ocean floor.


“That sound…?”

Without even having time to explore its true nature, a huge shadow floated on the surface of the water, appearing on the surface of the sea as if a mountain was rising.


“W-what in the world is that monster…?”

“It’s Aurora Tail!”

Giselle shouts happily.

The giant monster that suddenly appeared was an aurora-colored whale.


“I-it’s so big…!”

“There are such huge monsters in the sea… it’s breathtaking!”

“It’s looking at us with kind eyes! Could it be that this one is also Giselle’s friend?”

“Yes. Aurora Tail is a delicate monster, and it is very rare for it to appear in front of humans like this. It seems to be greeting Lexia-san and the others.”


As if to confirm Giselle’s explanation, Aurora Tail sprays seawater like a fountain.

The fine water droplets, illuminated by the sunlight, formed a seven-colored arc in the sky.

“It’s a rainbow!”

“Wow, it’s beautiful!”

“I can’t believe you can be friends with such a big monster! That’s amazing, Giselle!”

Various other creatures ran alongside, sometimes jumping to the surface of the sea.

Once out to sea, Giselle took out the plank that had been tied to the sea dragon.

“Giselle, what is this board?”

“It’s called a surfboard. It is a popular pastime among the children of the island.”

“Oh, that sounds fun.”

“I want to try it!”

“But it’s very difficult, so you can start by lying down on the board, but don’t push yourself too hard.

As the three of them get on the board, Giselle gives a little wave.

“Then let’s go. O sea, make a little wave!”


The wave shook Lexia, and she was instantly knocked over.

“Puhaahh? What is this, it’s so hard!”

“Lexia-san, are you okay?”

Giselle maneuvered the waves to rescue Lexia, who was clinging to the board.

On the other side, Luna rode the waves with a calm face and a brilliant appearance.

“Hmm. I see, this is how you keep your balance.”

“I-it’s amazing, Luna-san, that you got the hang of it so quickly! It’s hard even for islanders to ride the waves that well, but…!”


Tito, on the other hand, is wobbly but somehow manages to ride the waves while balancing on her tail.

“Ugh, it’s so hard… but I’m getting used to it!”

“That’s great, Tito!”

“Ehehehe, I’m not as good as Luna-san, but──Wawawa, puhahh! Hawawa…!”

Tito lost her footing and fell into the sea, and Giselle gently brought her back to the sea dragon, using the waves to wrap around her body.

“Hah, hah… Fuwahh, this is hard… but so much fun!”

“Mmmm, I’ll try it again! Giselle, please!”

“Yes, let’s go!”

Undeterred, Lexia practiced again and again and was able to ride the board while lying on her stomach.

“I did it! I’m riding the wave! I’m riding it great!”

“You’re doing great, Lexia-san!”

“Kyui, kyuiii!”

Giselle made the waves, and the sea dragons swam alongside Lexia and the others.

“Hmm, it feels so good! It’s so much fun!”

“The water is so clear, it’s so refreshing.”

“There was a school of fish just now! It was so colorful and beautiful!”

The southern sea was filled with bright laughter.

“Well, that was a good workout.”

“Shall we take a break?”


The clear blue ocean, floating on the back of a sea dragon.

“Hah, it’s happiness… It makes our hectic daily life seem like a lie.”

“There are such beautiful sights in the world… I couldn’t see them if I stayed in the underworld.”

“I wish I could do this all the time…”

With the pleasant sound of splashing waves, a rich and peaceful time passes by.

It was a rewarding experience for the three who had been saving the country from crisis since the beginning of their journey.

“I always wanted to go to the southern islands, but I didn’t know they were so beautiful! It’s all thanks to Giselle, thank you!”

“Fufufu. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourselves.”

Giselle smiles softly at the three as they relax.

In no time, small bird-like monsters gathered around Giselle.

“Pii, piii.”

“Hmm… wait for me.”

As Giselle took out the berries, the little birds climbed onto Giselle’s shoulders and began pecking at the berries.

“Giselle, you’re so popular with the little ones!”

“Huh? I think those birds were very cautious monsters…?”

“Yes. At first they were wary of me, but I talked to them every day and we became friends.”

“Even the most wary of monsters open their hearts… With Giselle around, there will be less unnecessary fighting.”

“It’s a special power that others don’t have!”

The little birds, having finished eating the berries, swirled and circled happily in the sky above.

Tito followed them happily with her gaze and suddenly shifted her attention to the island.

“Halwa Island is really rich in nature!”

From the shore, she had a clear view of the island in its entirety.

Floating in the blue sea, the island is covered with several thick, almost untouched forests that have retained their ancient natural beauty.

Lexia pointed to a mountain rising in the center of the island.

“That mountain is also very mysterious!”

“…That’s Mount Aurea. It is a mysterious mountain that is feared and respected by the islanders.”

The mountain’s bare rock surface glowed with a majestic orange glow and sat firmly in the center of the island.

“It is a red, mysterious mountain. Only that mountain has no vegetation at all.”

“Yes. No matter how many seeds are planted, for some reason, no plants or trees take root. That is why it is also called the Mountain of Death.”

Luna tilted her head.

“Hmm? That dense forest on the west side of Mount Aurea is…? There is something strange about it…”

As Luna said, there was a black forest at the foot of Mount Aurea.

Unlike other forests, it had a heavy, dark atmosphere that could be seen from afar.

“It is a dangerous area where ferocious monsters roam. When they see humans, they attack without mercy. I’ve heard that there are ancient ruins there, but it’s too dangerous for anyone to go there now… and it’s best to stay away.”

“Ancient ruins? That sounds very exciting!”

“You heard her, Lexia. It’s dangerous, don’t go near them.”

“I know, but aren’t ruins in the jungle kind of exciting?”

Giselle laughed at the lively exchange and turned her attention to the island.

“The people of this island are not very wealthy, but they have always respected nature and helped each other. There are rumors these days that some imperialist countries have set their sights on the island. There is a lot of talk behind the scenes about developing the island for tourism and making it a resort for royalty and nobility. We’ve managed to fend them off for now, but the island doesn’t have the financial or military strength to fight them, so it may only be a matter of time…”

“That kind of thing… If another country gets their hands on it, I’m sure it will lose its beauty.”

“It’s selfish.”

“For the sake of the islanders, I hope Halwa Island will remain as it is…”

Giselle smiled as if to lighten the gloomy air.

“Sorry, it’s just a rumor. Now it’s time to return to land.”

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