I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 4 Chapter 2 Part 4

Vol 4 Chapter 2 Part 4


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Part 4

After that, the four of them went through numerous traps until they finally reached the deepest part.

“So this is the deepest part.”

Luna muttered in front of the double doors.

“Then let’s open them.”

After making sure that Giselle nodded, Lexia put her hand on the handle and slowly opened the door.


Tito exclaimed.

The four of them were greeted by a pile of golden, shimmering treasure.

Precious metals, coral, gems, silk, pearls, and other treasures were piled all over the room.

Giselle stood aghast.

“I-I really didn’t know that such treasures lay in the ruins of the jungle… I thought it was a fairy tale…”

“This is breathtaking. Even at a quick glance, there’s a lot of historical and cultural value here.”

“Awawawa, my eyes are blinking…!”

“This is amazing. I must tell the islanders about this! With so much treasure, we can defend ourselves against the insolent other countries that are after our island! We can do it!”

Luna opened her mouth in surprise at the sight that suddenly appeared.

“The question is, are there any clues about the eruption…?”

“Right! Let’s split up and look for it!”

They rummaged through the piles of treasure, looking for anything that looked like it.

“This pearl necklace is so magnificent! A pearl this big should be a national treasure.”

“Is this… an ancient map? If so, it’s quite valuable.”

“Awawawa, the goldsmith’s work is so delicate… I’m afraid I’ll accidentally scratch it!”

“It’s so amazing that it makes me dizzy… because I’ve never seen jewelry like this before!”

Everyone was distracted by the treasures, but they searched and about half an hour passed.

“Hmm, there aren’t any…”

Lexia pulled carelessly at the silk carpet, trying to turn it over…


Her hand slipped, and it toppled over in a heap.

The pile of coins behind her jangled! It collapsed with a loud clatter.

“It hurts…”

“My goodness, what are you doing?”

Luna ran over to her and held out her hand, trying to pull her out…

“Ara? What is it, this tablet?”

Lexia looked down at her hand.

An old stone tablet appeared from under the coin.

“It looks very old.”

“It looks like something is engraved on it…”

What appeared to be writing was engraved on the surface of the stone tablet.

However, it was too damaged to decipher.

“Giselle, Tito, come here!”


“Did you find something?”

“Yes, it’s this tablet…”

“It seems to have some writing on it, but it’s badly deteriorated.”

Giselle looked at the tablet and muttered softly.

“…This stone tablet…could be…”


As if guided by something, Giselle raised her hand and activated her spirit art.

Blue letters appeared vividly on the worn stone tablet.

“Ah, letters have appeared on the stone tablet!”

“It’s responding to Giselle’s spirit art!”

“That’s great, Giselle! But I’ve never seen these letters before. I wonder what they say…?”

Giselle muttered quietly next to Lexia, who frowned.

“…’Distant Ancient Times’…”

“Giselle-san, can you read it?”

“Y-yes. I’ve never seen these letters before, but somehow the meaning just flows into my head…”

“I see! I’m sure it was carved by Giselle’s ancestors, if spirit art was the key!”

“Can you read it?”


Giselle began to read the words on the tablet.

“‘In ancient times, a stone of calamity fell from the edge of the sky onto this land. The stone is a parasite of a beast called the Alien Beast, and it is buried deep in the depths of Mount Aurea…'”

“An alien beast…?”

“‘The Alien Beast sucks up the power of the planet, and when it accumulates enough power, it will rise from the depths of the ground. It will then cause a massive eruption, destroying all life on the planet and reigning as the new ruler.'”


“‘We will seal it with our spirit arts to protect this world from the alien beast.’…──”

Lexia and the others looked at each other.

“You mean the eruption of Mount Aurea was caused by that alien beast?”

“I see… the people of Halwa Island have long sealed the resurrection of the alien beast through spirit art.”

“But when pirates took over the ruins and monsters inhabited the jungle, the record of the alien beast was lost, and it only remained in the form of a ceremony to quell the eruption!”

“Yes. The reason why the evil stars are awakening this time without waiting for the alignment of the seven stars may be due to the weakening of the sealing power.”

“I never thought that the eruption of Mount Aurea was caused by a beast from another planet…”

Giselle mumbles absently, the truth now revealed.

Lexia clapped her hands with a calm face.

“So if we just eliminate this alien beast, then everything will be solved!”

“But how can we do that? We don’t have any information about the alien beast.”

Luna nodded with a serious face at Giselle’s worried voice.

“The enemy is a creature that has been nesting in Mount Aurea since time immemorial… I wonder if we can really handle it…”

“L-let’s look for another tablet!”

“Right, maybe we can find some clues!”

Lexia and the others started looking for the tablet again.

“Good grief, those pirates should at least keep things in order! It’s such an important treasure!”

“No pirate would be that meticulous. But with all this treasure, I wonder how they got it here…”

As they turned the treasure over, they searched for the stone tablet.

Tito looked behind the huge treasure chest and shouted.

“Ah, there it is! But…”

Her cat’s ears drooped as she slumped her shoulders.

“It’s broken into pieces…”

The stone tablet, probably broken by the pirates, was shattered.

“I’ll see if I can read it.”

Giselle went to Tito, gathered all the pieces she could find, and invoked her spirit art.


“…Not good, I can’t decipher it.”

The pieces emitted a blue light, but it was impossible to decipher the text.

“There are other broken tablets. They were of no value to the pirates, they must have been treated roughly.”

Luna was right, there were many more broken and undecipherable tablets in the room.

In the middle of all this, Lexia exclaimed.

“Oh, I found it! This tablet is safe!”

They rushed to Lexia’s side.

“Giselle, how is it?”

“! It says that hundreds of years ago, a lava beast emerged from the crater of Mount Aurea…!”

“! It must be the alien beast!”

“Did it really appear hundreds of years ago?”

“This could be the key to defeating the beast!”


Giselle traced the letters with serious eyes.

“‘The beast is made of hard rock and takes the form of a lion. It has a mane of flame, sharp fangs and claws, and’… ──”

As she read on, her face clouded over.

“What is it, Giselle?”

“And… ‘Its strength rivals that of a monster called Kaiser Fang’…”

“Kaiser Fang?”

“Kaiser Fang is a fearsome monster, also known as the ‘King of the Jungle’ because of its ferocity and cruelty. It rules over the monsters of the jungle and is said to have once brought an island to the brink of destruction…”

Giselle nodded, and Luna murmured in a low voice.

“The alien beast that emerged from the crater was as powerful as that monster?”

“Yes… I heard that the people of that time were able to push the alien beast back into the crater with the help of spirit arts and great sacrifices… Hundreds of years later, the alien beast must have amassed even more power…”

Giselle bit her lip, pale with despair.

“An alien beast with the power to destroy the world itself… it’s a more formidable opponent than you can imagine. …After all, I can’t involve Lexia-san and the others in such a terrible battle…”

Giselle clenched her shaking hands.


A roar ripped through the ruins, as if the earth were cracking.


Just as the four of them braced themselves, a huge shadow descended from the ceiling.


It was a dog so big it reached the ceiling.

Giselle’s eyes widened in surprise.

“T-that monster is…!”

“It’s so big!”

“I didn’t feel it until just now!”

“It seems to have come from somewhere.”


The monster drooled and roared furiously.

It then kicked at the ground to get at Giselle, who was nearby.



At the same time as Giselle’s scream.


“Fierce Claws!”


A bundle of strings and vacuum waves instantly shot out, hitting the monster as it whirled around.


The violent attack cut the monster into pieces and smashed it against the wall.


“Gaah, aah…”

What was once a dog vanishes, leaving behind a black mist.

Luna exhales lightly as she retrieves her string.

“The dog was a toothless monster despite its size.”

“Oh, there is a hole in the ceiling. Did a monster that lived in the jungle come in through that hole?”

The two of them talk without a care in the world, and Giselle’s eyes are black and white.

“That…! That’s the Kaiser Fang…?”

“Eh, really?”

“If that’s the case, then the alien beast that claims to be comparable to the Kaiser Fang is nothing to be afraid of… but is a beast from another planet really of that caliber?”

“That’s what it says on the tablet, no doubt! If it was so easy to defeat the Kaiser Fang, then it should be a piece of cake to defeat the alien beast!”

“I-I never thought there would be someone who could defeat Kaiser Fang…”

Lexia’s chest heaved as Giselle left her mind.

“Hey, I told you, right? Leave it to my Luna and Tito, there’s nothing to be afraid of! Even if it’s an alien beast, it’s like twisting a baby’s hand! So don’t worry, we’ll have a decisive battle!”

“…..! Yes…!”

Giselle nodded with tears of relief.

Lexia smiled, showing her white teeth, and brushed away her dazzling blonde hair.

“Okay, now that we know who the enemy is, there’s nothing to be afraid of! The final battle is tonight! The alien beast has stored a lot of power, so we need to replenish our energy so that we don’t lose! So…”

Lexia declared triumphantly.

“Let’s have some fun in preparation for tonight’s battle!”

“W-what the heck does that mean?”

“What kind of logic is that?”

“Morale is important, right?”

“We played so much yesterday…?”

“Ara, that’s not enough fun.”

Lexia said nonchalantly, closing one eye on Giselle.

“And Giselle, you were also busy with the sacrifice yesterday, weren’t you? The secret to being full of energy is to have fun without worrying! I want to have a lot of fun with Giselle!”

“! Lexia-san… yes!”

Giselle looked a little dazed and smiled happily.

Luna crossed her arms with a troubled look on her face.

“But now we have to go back through the ruins and the jungle. The monsters may not be a threat, but they’re still a pain in the ass.”

“Besides, it’s hard for the islanders to bring the treasure so far…”

“Well, I wish there was a way out of this…”

“Anyway, let’s take as much back to the islanders as we can carry! I think the pearl necklace we found earlier would be a good idea, I’m sure it’s around here… Kyaaa!?”

Lexia stumbled and put her hand on the wall.

At that moment,

Rattle, rattle, rattle!

The wall collapsed, and the sea breeze rushed in.

“T-the wall collapsed──?”

“Lexia, what did you do?”

“I just put my hand on the wall! It must have been fragile from the impact of the Kaiser Fang hitting it earlier! Otherwise, it wouldn’t have broken so easily!

Giselle looks over the wall, and her eyes widen.

“Ara? This is… the cave on the western shore of the island…”

The group emerges from a huge cave.

The floor has been cut away to form a bay that leads to the ocean.

“We sometimes come to this cave to gather shellfish, but… I never thought that the ruins would lead to such a place.”

Luna opened her mouth suddenly when she saw that the crumbling walls looked as if they had been pieced together.

“…Maybe this is where the pirates went in and out of the ruins?”


“This must be it! They used to carry the treasure they got on their boats and hide it here! And finally they sealed it with a wall so that no one would find it!”

“I was wondering how they got in and out of the ruins, but now the mystery is solved…!”

Lexia jumped up and down.

“We did it! Now the islanders can come in by boat from the sea!”

“Yes! Oh, and let’s close the hole in the ceiling where the Kaiser Fang came down!”

“I’ll set anti-monster traps in this room as well, just in case. Now the islanders can come and get the treasure without worrying.”

“Thank you, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled…”

Giselle is excited, and Lexia is proud.

“Fufu, just as I intended. As expected of me!”

“You just tripped.”

Luna looks back into the room with a grin on her face.

“But what interests me are the broken stone tablets we couldn’t decipher…”

“Yes, there were several of them…”

“What in the world could they have written on them?”

“Don’t worry, we’ve gathered all the information we need! We just need to defeat the alien beast and everything will be fine!”

Thus, the four of them left the ruins.

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