I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 4 Chapter 4 Part 1

Vol 4 Chapter 4 Part 1


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Chapter 4 – Final Battle

Part 1

“I am very proud of you for enduring such hard training. Now it’s time to put the finishing touches on your training.”

Four days after the battle with the familiars──the morning before the final battle with the main body of the alien beast.

Gloria’s eyes narrowed at Luna and Tito.

Their eyes were filled with a quiet fighting spirit, and their bodies seemed to be filled with more power than ever before.

Lexia and Giselle also looked at Gloria with serious faces.

“The decisive battle with the alien beast is tonight. We must attack the alien beast as soon as it appears and seal it before it breaks out. Giselle, you must preserve your spirit art as much as possible until the moment comes when you can seal it.”


Giselle nodded.

Gloria shifted her eyes to Luna and Tito.

“And Luna-kun and Tito. You two have until the end of the night to perfect your anti-alien beast skills.”

“Anti-alien beast skills, you say?”

“Yes. The alien beast wears lava armor. If you try to seal it as it is, it will be repelled. In order to seal it, the armor needs to be cut and weakened. But the enemy is this huge body, and a small attack will not work. And even if you make a half-hearted attack, as you have seen, it will revive immediately. That’s why we have to hit it with tremendous force at once and destroy its armor. Of course, I will join you, but… after all, the enemy is a beast from another planet, so you never know what will happen.”

Gloria herself cannot hide her nervousness at the might of the enemy she is about to face, and she tells them with a serious expression on her face.

“As the culmination of your training, you’ll need to acquire enough skills to blow away the armor of an alien beast. Don’t worry, you can do it now. I assure you.”

Luna and Tito looked at each other and nodded vigorously.


Then, the final training began.

Luna and Tito stood side by side on the beach.

“Close your eyes and feel each other’s presence. Breathe together and merge your minds into one… and knead your ki together.”


“I understand!”

Luna and Tito focused their attention as they were told.

They repeated deep breaths and listened carefully to each other’s presence.

Then, particles of white light began to rise from their bodies.

“From Luna-san and Tito-san, there was some kind of aura-like light…!”

“I’ve never seen anything like that before! Gloria-sama, what in the world was that…!”

“That’s her ki, isn’t it? Ki is a power that originally resides in all of us. When it was sharpened through training, it became so strong that it could be visualized.”

Gloria explained and looked at Luna and Tito in amazement.

“The best warriors rarely reach the point where their Ki is visible to the naked eye. It seems that Luna-kun and Tito have grown beyond my expectations.”

Luna and Tito’s ki became more and more radiant.

They were attracted to each other, coming together and twisting together.

“Luna and Tito’s ki are becoming one!”

“Their ki is in harmony with each other’s ki. Normally, it takes a long time of training to merge your ki with another person, but the two of them have been fighting various enemies together, which has made it easier for them to be in tune with each other. I have no doubt that by the end of the night, they will have perfected their anti-alien beast skills.”

“They’re both amazing…!”

Gloria exclaimed as she watched Luna and Tito’s powers swirl and merge.

“Good, now for the final touch. Keep it like this, and let Luna-kun’s strings wrap around your two powers.”


The white auras merged and emitted a dazzling radiance.

Soon, Luna-kun’s string floated gently.

The string glowed with a pure white radiant aura.

“The strings are…!”

“Try releasing the string into the sky. That will complete the skill.”

Luna and Tito exchanged glances and nodded to each other.

They kneaded each other’s ki.


The power they combined swelled, and white power swirled around the bundled strings.

An unseen pressure blew Lexia and Giselle, who were at a distance, as well.

“Even here, I can feel the tremendous power…!”

“If I could only perfect this skill, I wouldn’t even be afraid of the alien beast!”

And just as the pure white light was about to be unleashed as a single mass of vibrations,


The ground shook violently, and a deafening roar rang out.


“The earth is rumbling…?”

“That can’t be…!”

Looking up at Mount Aurea, black smoke rose from the crater.


“Smoke coming from Mount Aurea…!”


A sky-shattering roar echoed across the island.

And above Mount Aurea, even in the daytime, seven red evil stars were clearly shining.

“No way….The evil stars are…!”

“Don’t tell me it will wake up without waiting for the night…!”

“We haven’t even perfected the ability yet…!”

Gloria shouted excitedly, cutting through the confusion.

“Anyway, let’s hurry to the crater!”


The five of them headed for Mount Aurea.


As they rushed to the top of Mount Aurea, black smoke rising from the crater began to fill the sky.

“It looks like it could erupt at any moment…!”

“B-but, there is no sign of the alien beast…!”

Tito was right; there was no sign of the crucial alien beast on the summit.

“There is no way to seal it without the alien beast itself…!”

“Yes…! In the literature, it was written that the alien beast would appear with the seven red evil stars and cause the earth to erupt by using its own power on the earth…! The only chance we have to seal it is the moment it appears, so why isn’t it here…”


A roar came from the bottom of the hole.

With that, the air shook, and a powerful heat wave swept through the air.

The black smoke spewing from the crater became even more intense.

“Wow, such heat…!”

“I feel like my lungs are going to burn…!”

“I need to strengthen the wind membrane even more…!”

Giselle activated her spirit art and further strengthened everyone’s wind membrane.

Still, the tremendous heat was transmitted.


The roar echoed again from the depths of the crater.

As if in response, boiling lava poured out of the crater in a gushing torrent.

“No, it will erupt if we don’t do something…! Why doesn’t the alien beast come out?”

“I-I see, that’s what it is…!”


Gloria gritted her teeth as she stared at the crater that was about to erupt.

“That bastard is trying to cause an eruption while lurking in the crater…!”

“How is that possible?”

“That would be impossible. If it did, it would turn itself into ash. But now it has the same ability as a lava titan, a guardian of the stars… so it’s not impossible.”

“N-no way…!”

“It’s likely that it realized that there was a threat to it after its unscheduled engagement with you four days ago… but I didn’t realize that it also possessed such intelligence…!”

“Then the spirit art won’t reach it… and there’s nothing we can do…!”

“If it continues to erupt, the world will be destroyed…!”

Lexia shouted, choking on the erupting heat.

Gloria stared at the crater with sharp eyes but opened her mouth softly.

“I will draw out the alien beast.”


“Luna-kun and Tito will perfect your skills in the meantime. Giselle-kun, please be ready to use your spirit art at any time.”

“B-but even if it’s Master…!”

Tito clung to Gloria with a pale face.

Gloria giggled.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m a member of the Holy; I won’t die so easily.”

“…..! Yes…!”

“Good girl.”

Gloria nodded at Tito, who was in tears.

She looked over at Lexia and the others with a kind look.

“You girls will be able to contain the alien beast. I believe in you.”


Lexia and the others nodded, their lips parted.

Gloria laughed and walked toward the crater where black smoke was billowing.

A white aura covered her body.

Gloria then jumped into the crater without hesitation.


A moment later, white light poured out of the crater.



The earth shakes with the sound of a violent explosion, and a roar of agony rings out.

Soon, the black smoke that had been billowing from the crater subsided.

“The smoke has stopped!”

“The lava is receding too…!”

A fierce battle sound resounded from the crater as if huge boulders were colliding.

“I think Gloria-sama is fighting to drag the alien beast out of there…!”

“To take on that monster alone, that was expected from the Holy…!”

Lexia looks at Luna and Tito.

“Luna, Tito, you must perfect your skills while you still can!”

“Yes! Can you do it, Tito?”


Luna asked, and Tito nodded with strong eyes.

But then,


With a deafening roar, the rock lions leaped out of the crater.

“The lions are…!”

“I knew it wouldn’t be that easy…!”

“And they’re even bigger than before…!”

As Tito bristled, the lions were a size larger, and their clawed limbs were thicker and more powerful.

“Obviously, they have become more powerful to eliminate us…!”

The pack of lions sank low and exhaled smoke between their fangs.


“First, we’ll clear the way, and then we’ll take care of the other familiars! Be careful not to exhaust your powers too much!”

“Yes! Lexia and Giselle, please stay back!”


Lexia and Giselle retreat behind a rock.

As Luna and Tito confirmed this, they turned their sharp eyes to the dozens of huge lions.

“We have nothing to fear now! Let’s show them the fruits of our training!”

“Yes! Let’s get rid of them quickly!”


As the two braced themselves, a swarm of familiars attacked them at once.

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