I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 4 Epilogue

Vol 4 Epilogue


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The day after the group defeated the alien beast and saved the world.

Lexia and the others had come to the beach to see Gloria off.

“Thank you, Gloria-sama.”

“It is I who should thank you. Thanks to you, we were able to stop the eruption of Mount Aurea. Thank you very much.”

Gloria looked at each of them with narrowed eyes.

“But the Breath of Light you have within you, Lexia-kun, is a very valuable power… as well as the courage and the brightness you have within you. I’d like to hear more about your journey next time.”

“Yes, I look forward to talking with you!”

“Luna-kun, you did a great job. Your strength is remarkable. I look forward to working with you as a good friend and partner to Tito.”

“Yes, I still have a lot to learn, but… you can count on me.”

“And you, Giselle-kun. You’ve done a great job. You loved nature with all your heart, and because of that, the spirits responded to you. I hope you never forget that.”

“Yes, thank you very much…!”

Gloria smiled and nodded, then turned her attention to Tito, whose eyes were moist.

“Well then, Tito. I hope you’ll come back as soon as your trip is over. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you, Tito.”


“Hah, what is that look on your face? You are my student, aren’t you? Come on, smile.

I believe you will be fine no matter what happens. So enjoy your trip around the world with Lexia-kun and the others.”

“Yes! Please take care…!”

Gloria patted Tito on the head and took off in the Vehicle Hawk.

After saying goodbye to Gloria, the group spent a pleasant evening talking all night at Giselle’s house.

Then, the next morning.

At the dock, the sound of gentle waves echoed in the air.

“Hey, are you sure you don’t want to come with us? There are so many sights I want to show Giselle.”

Gisele shook her head at Lexia, who looked disappointed.

“Thank you. But for now, I want to be with the people of the island, giving thanks and prayers to the nature and spirits that have helped me──and to Mt. Aurea. When that settles down, please take me with you.”

“I understand! Then, I will also take you to the Kingdom of Arcelia! I’ll show you how to have fun in the capital!”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to that!”

Lexia and the others hugged Giselle, and the islanders who had come to see them off thanked them in turn.

“Ladies, thank you for saving Giselle, this island, and the world!”

“Be careful out there.”

“Please take this fruit!”

“Thank you, this fruit is so delicious, I love it!”

Giselle, also in tears, took the hands of Lexia and the others.

“Thank you so much. Because of you, we were able to protect this island──and the world.”

“No, it’s because of Giselle’s hard work! Giselle was so cool back then!”

“Yes. And thanks to Giselle, we were able to enjoy Halwa Island to the fullest.”

“Yes! Halwa is a beautiful island, full of nature and very nice! It was great playing with Giselle-san!”

Giselle smiled like a blooming flower.

With their hands full of souvenirs given to them by the islanders, they boarded the ship that was waiting to pick them up.

The ship hoisted its sails and slowly left the dock.

“Thank you! Take care!”

Giselle waved her hand in a broad gesture.

Lexia and the others waved back.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Giselle! Until we meet again, take care!”

Sea dragons cried between the waves, and the ship sailed through the shining blue sea.

And so Lexia and the others left the southern island.


“Phew, we’re finally here!”

The ship arrived at a port city on the continent just as the sun was in the middle of the sky.

People were gathered in a corner of the harbor, making a lot of noise.

“Hey, you know what? I heard that the volcano on Halwa Island is about to erupt!”

“Yeah, I saw the black smoke rising too! If that volcano erupts, it will destroy the world, right? So I watched it, and before I knew it, the smoke had stopped…”

“Oh, um, I heard… that some traveling girls stopped it.”

“What? H-how is that possible? How?”

“And these girls were the most beautiful girls I have ever seen…”

“W-what do you mean? The girls saved the world by stopping the eruption…!”

Lexia, unaware that the people in the harbor were talking about her, got off the boat and stretched out.

“Hmm! That was so much fun! Halwa Island was great!”

“The sea and the sandy beaches were so beautiful; it was like a dream!”

“I could never have imagined such a view when I was living in the Underworld. I hope King Arnold and Owen can relax after a hard day’s work.”

Luna’s thoughts went out to Arnold and Owen, who were probably exhausted from heartache and stomach aches.

Tito laughed as she put her luggage back on her back.

“But then again, we really did save the world!”

“Good grief. I never thought we’d have to fight a beast from another planet. But I think we accomplished what we set out to do, don’t you?”

As Luna said, this journey began with Lexia’s words, “I’m going on a journey to save the world!”

The three of them went on to save three countries, and in the end, they really did save the world.

The mission of the journey was now accomplished.

“Now that we have had our fill of the southern islands, let us return to the Kingdom of Arcelia as promised. First, we’ll take the road to the west from here…”

Luna felt completely at ease and tried to confirm the route to the Kingdom of Arcelia.

But Lexia interrupted her.

“No, not yet. It’s not over yet.”


Luna and Tito shake their heads, but Lexia gives them a serious look.

“I realized something on this journey. In this world, there are many crises that could destroy the world that we are unaware of… and even now, there are many people who are suffering and tormenting without being able to tell anyone about it.”

“Y-you don’t mean…!”

“C-could that be…?”

While Luna and Tito struggled, Lexia looked up.

Her slender fingers pointed to the unknown sky!

“As long as there are people in need in this world, our journey will continue!”

“Wha-? That’s not what you said!”

“If we make him wait any longer, Lexia-san’s father will collapse from worry…?”

“Don’t worry, we’ve come this far. One more lap around the continent, and it’s still just a margin of error.”

“Isn’t that too much of a margin of error?”

“You’re a princess, remember? How can you be so selfish?”

Then Lexia’s white cheeks flushed, and she laughed mischievously.

“Yes, I am a princess! That is why I must see more and more places with my own eyes, walk on my own feet, and meet more and more people! To walk the path I have chosen proudly and with pride! And so──”

Without time to stop her, Lexia tugged at her skirts and began to run lightly.

“Come on, we’re going to a new country! Now, look for those in need!”

“Lexia, stop! We’re going back to the kingdom of Arcelia! Lexia!”

“Awawa, please wait for me!”

The peaceful port city is filled with the sound of voices.

In a world that has regained its peace, the three girls set out on the endless road.

Extra Edition: Portrait of the Beloved Daughter

The place has changed. It is the Royal Castle of the Kingdom of Arcelia.

“Your Majesty Arnold, excuse me. It is almost time for the audience…?”

When Owen entered King Arnold’s office, he stood there for a moment.

In the room where the king should be quietly going about his business, a huge canvas towered over him.

In front of it, the painter was frantically working with his brush while Arnold stared at it intently.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing?”

“Can’t you see I’m having Lexia’s portrait painted?”

Arnold said as if it were a matter of course, and then he let out a stern voice that hovered around the painter.

“H-hmm, not good at all! Lexia is much more attractive!”

“Your Majesty.”

“I would like to see her more glamorous… Can’t you make her look more sparkling?”

“Your Majesty.”

“Yes, it’s not sparkly enough! Make it sparkle more!”

“Your Majesty, any more, and the painter’s heart will break!”

Owen stopped Arnold, who was about to take out the brush himself.

The painter was already in tears.

“If I remember correctly, this painter is one of the best in the Kingdom of Arcelia… Come to think of it, Lexia-sama also had Yuuya-sama’s portrait redrawn many times…

I guess the two of you are similar…”

Under Owen’s astonished gaze, Arnold holds his head in frustration.

“Ugh, Lexia…! Why didn’t I force myself to bring you back then…!”

It seems that not being able to bring her back to the Lianxi Empire has taken its toll on you…”

Owen sighed.

A few weeks ago, the two of them visited the Lianxi Empire and unexpectedly met with Lexia.

However, they were unable to bring her back one step closer, and Lexia overrode their restraints and went back on her journey.

It seems that this incident rekindled Arnold’s parental love for Lexia.

He longed so much for his beloved daughter, who had not even sent him the letter she had promised under a distant sky, that he finally decided to have a huge portrait of her painting.

“But Lexia-sama seems to be in better health than I expected. And Luna seems to be in good health as well.”

“Umu… I was relieved about that. And I was surprised to find out that they had also gained a new friend, a disciple of the Claw Saint…”

“Yes. Not only that, as the tutor of the Imperial Princess of Lianxi, they are challenging the struggle for the succession to the throne, breaking through the severe ordeal, and even defeating the dreaded Seven Deadly Sins!”

“Not only that. I had heard that they rescued Princess Laila and saved the Kingdom of Sahar from the danger of national annihilation… but that they also cleared the cursed blizzard of the Romer Empire… I had never heard of that before.”

“So they saved three countries, didn’t they?”


“…Wouldn’t it be better for the world and our country if we officially recognized Lexia-sama’s journey already?”

“That won’t do! N-no, I am proud of Lexia and the others for their many accomplishments… even though she is my daughter! I worry about Lexia; I worry about her.

If at all possible, I want her to stay in the castle, or at least in the kingdom of Arcelia, where I can keep an eye on her.

Arnold’s shoulders slumped. He had been so generous with his love for Lexia.

Owen exhaled easily.

“I understand how you feel. There is no other princess who is so cheerful, so kind to everyone, and so beloved by her people.”

Lexia’s cheerful personality and beautiful appearance have made her admired even in cities and towns far away from the royal capital, and she is like the sun for the Kingdom of Arcelia.

“Umu. Yet she also possesses the nobility of royalty, courage, and energy. She has diplomatic skills to rival even the kings of other countries.”

Lexia had once spoken up in the King’s Council, where the monarchs of various lands gathered, undaunted by the kings who had fought a hundred battles, and brought an impromptu situation to a head.

“She has flexibility, tact, and a strong heart, and I am very proud of her.”

Arnold’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Owen looked at him as well.

“…I also want Lexia-sama to return to the Kingdom of Arcelia as soon as possible, and I don’t doubt that Your Majesty would want to keep her in a box for safekeeping… But looking at her now, I don’t think she’s the kind of person who would be satisfied with being kept in a box.”


“There’s also Luna and the Claw Saint’s disciple. Isn’t it time to let the child go?”

“Mmm, mmmm… no, but… mmm…”

Arnold furrowed his brow as the painter timidly called them over.

“Hmm. You finished the painting?”

“Oh, this is…”

Arnold looked up at the finished painting and exclaimed in admiration.

Apparently, the conversation between Arnold and Owen had an effect on the artist’s brush. Painted in bright colors, Lexia looked, unusually for a portrait, like she was about to run away in a skirt.

Her golden hair is flowing, her white cheeks are covered with bright vermilion, and she smiles like a big flower.

She is bright, beautiful and fearless. Owen’s eyes widened at the sight of this vibrant figure that seemed to jump out of a painting.

“Compared to portraits of princesses from other countries, I think it’s a little too dynamic, but… I see; it’s a very Lexian portrait.”

“Wow, it’s a wonderful portrait! This is my daughter.”

Arnold traced Lexia’s smiling face in the picture with a wistful and proud look.

“You have done me a great favor, and I will see that you are well compensated! Get some rest.”

The painter bowed his head and left the room, looking deeply relieved to see Arnold.

After seeing him off, Arnold declared.

“All right, Owen. I’m going to hang this in the throne room!”

“Wait a minute!”

Owen couldn’t help but retort.

“I thought it was going to be displayed in your study!”

“Well, that’s what I thought at first. But I thought it would be a shame if guests from other countries could not appreciate such a wonderful piece of art.”

“I understand your feelings, but it would be a violation of your dignity as king! You would look like a fool!”

“But look at this brilliance! It will surely become the greatest treasure of the Kingdom of Arcelia! It would be a loss to the kingdom if I kept such fine art to myself!”

“But that doesn’t mean you should put it in the throne room… Oh, sheesh, what a hassle…!”

“Did you say hassle?”


Owen blurted out, looking back up at the painting in front of him.

“…Or rather, how are you going to transport a painting of this size?”


When the painting was started, the painting materials had been brought in and then assembled, but now that the painting was complete, it was too huge to transport.

“W-what have I done…!”

“Hah. Give it up and hang it up here quietly.”

Arnold trembled as he looked up at the painting, but then he spoke with firmness in his eyes.

“All right. Let’s tear down the wall.”


“This wonderful portrait must be placed on the throne at all costs! Get it ready at once!”

“Wait, Your Majesty, wait, think again, stop, you fool!”

Owen shouted as he held down Arnold, who was trying to get the soldiers to bring in the battering ram.

“Lexia-sama, come back quickly──!”

“──I’m going on a journey to save the world!” Lexia had escaped from the castle and finally saved the world on a distant southern island, and the two men’s voices echoed softly, unaware that Lexia and the others had indeed saved the world.

Today, too, the kingdom of Arcelia was at peace.

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