I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 5 Chapter 4 Part 4

Vol 5 Chapter 4 Part 4

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Part 4

At the same time, in Lexia’s homeland, the Kingdom of Arcelia…

“Ugh, Lexia… I wonder where she is and what she’s doing right now…”

King Arnold lamented in front of the portrait he had hung in his room.

It had been a while since Lexia had run away from the castle, saying, “I’m going on a journey to save the world!”

He had not heard from her since, and Arnold, missing his beloved daughter too much, finally had a large portrait of Lexia painted, and he grieved in front of it in his room many times a day.

“If she could at least send me a letter, it would make me feel a little better… …But still, my daughter is just too adorable. Isn’t she the continent’s greatest treasure?”

Arnold looked at the portrait from every angle.

Such a precious moment is interrupted by the sound of a hasty knock.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty Arnold!”

Arnold hurriedly called back to Owen, Lexia’s bodyguard.

“What is it? I’m busy right now!”

“You’re just staring at Lexia-sama’s portrait! Please hurry, it’s an emergency! Oh, all right, I’ll open it!”

Owen came slamming the door, his face completely pale.

“W-what is it, Owen? Even between friends there are rules of etiquette!”

“This is no time to talk such nonsense! The castle is in a terrible state right now──please hurry to the conference room!”

“What’s all the fuss about…!”

Arnold was pushed and made his way to the meeting room.

When he saw the scene, he stood there with his eyes wide open.


The kings of the various countries had been summoned to the conference room of the Kingdom of Arcelia.

“W-what is this? What’s going on?!”

“This way, everyone.”

A beautiful voice came from the end of the corridor, and the first princess of the Kingdom of Regal, Laila, walked briskly toward them.

Following Laila’s lead, the rulers of the various countries who had arrived on the scene streamed into the conference room one by one.

Laila noticed Arnold and bowed politely.

“Arnold-sama, it’s been a long time. This is all very sudden…”

“Laila-dono, what on earth is going on…?”

Laila opened her eyes wide in genuine surprise.

“Eh? You haven’t heard from Lexia-sama?”

“From Lexia? What in the world…!”

“She said, ‘Because of the crisis in the world, you must hold a royal council in the Kingdom of Arcelia immediately…'”

“I’ve never heard of that!”

Beside Arnold, who was stunned, Owen pressed his forehead.

“Perhaps… she was so relieved by sending letters to the leaders of each country that she forgot to contact her own country, which is the most important…”

“Is that possible?”

Arnold exclaimed involuntarily but quickly turned to Laila.

“S-so what exactly is this crisis in the world…?”

“I will explain now. I will take the lead in the proceedings of the council, so please take your seat, Arnold-sama.”

“Um, yes, I suppose so… Judging by the expressions on the faces of the various kings, this seems to be an unavoidable situation.”

Arnold had lost his color, but he quickly regained his dignity and entered the meeting room.

Laila opened her mouth in front of the people gathered around the round table.

“Thank you for coming. Due to circumstances, I, Laila, the first princess of the Kingdom of Regal, will be the speaker for today’s royal council.”

The participants muttered to themselves.

“W-why is Princess Laila acting as the speaker…?”

“What is Arnold-sama doing…?”

Arnold cleared his throat.

“Now, everyone, please be quiet and listen to what Princess Laila has to say.”

“Could it be that he’s been completely forgotten by his beloved daughter…”

Owen, standing behind Arnold, whispered softly to Laila, and she continued.

“Everyone─well, except for a few people with unavoidable circumstances─as you already know, Lexia-sama has informed us that an ancient weapon has been revived in the Kingdom of Rastel.”

“An ancient weapon…”

The faces of Arnold and the other kings, who already knew the situation, became even more tense.

“Due to the coup by the younger brother Douglas, the King of Rastel, Farouk, has fallen into a critical condition, and the ancient weapon has fallen into Douglas’ hands. It is said that Douglas is trying to unleash a terrifying bombardment called the “Lightning Cannon” to rule the world with fear. …I believe you already know about the mysterious explosion that occurred in the sky above the Rastel Kingdom the other day.”

The Emperor of the Romel Empire, Schleiman, nodded gravely.

“Yes, even in my country, which is located at the northern tip of the continent, we observed the vibrations caused by the explosion. Are you saying that this was caused by this ancient weapon?”

“Yes. Douglas’ goal is to take control of the world through fear… We don’t know when this terrible bombardment will be directed at the entire continent. This is a real crisis for the survival of the world.”

The participants muttered among themselves.

Arnold leaned forward involuntarily.

“S-so Lexia is in the Kingdom of Rastel now…!”

“Yes. It seems she is working with her friends Luna-sama, Tito-sama and Selene-sama to stop Douglas alone.”

“Ah, Lexia! What a disaster!”

“Your Majesty Arnold, please calm down.”

Owen pats Arnold’s back, who is overcome with grief.

But Arnold, with his formidable courage, pulled himself together.

He looked up with a grave expression and began to take charge of the situation as the host of the royal council.

“…Yes. I understand the situation. The situation is critical. In order to take countermeasures, we must first think of a way to grasp the current situation in the Kingdom of Rastel…”

Then, a clear voice rose among the participants.

“Leave that to us.”

The one who stood up was a girl with a beautiful face.

Her hair was like clear ice, and her skin was white as snow.

Behind her glasses, her ice-blue eyes shone with an intelligent light.

“You are…”

The girl bowed politely to the surprised Arnold.

“I am Noel, the head of the Romel Empire’s Court Magicians and the Magitechnology Development Institute.”

“Noel is the developer of the proud Magitechnology of the Romel Empire.”

Emperor Schleiman’s introduction caused a stir among the assembled leaders.

“Oh, she’s the one from the rumors…!”

“I heard the rumor that she defeated the fearsome ‘Ice Spirit of the Curse King’ together with some mysterious heroes!”

“And I’ve heard that the magic tools of the Romel Empire are all revolutionary things that have replaced magic… It’s hard to believe that such a pretty girl was the developer…!”

Next to Noel, who receives admiring glances, a girl who looks a lot like Noel also stands up.

“Everyone, it is a pleasure to meet you for the first time. I am Flora, Noel’s sister and also a court magician of the Romel Empire. I accompanied His Majesty Schleiman with Noel after hearing of the urgent situation.”

As she bowed, her hair, the same color as Noel’s, swayed gently.

Her demeanor was soft and graceful, giving the impression of a mature woman.

The participants were all captivated by her beauty, which was as clear as snow.

“Oh, she’s Flora-dono! I’ve heard so much about her!”

“She has a wonderful talent for magic, and she always thinks of the people and works hard for them… it’s wonderful!”

“But I never thought I’d see the day when I’d get to meet the genius sisters the Romel Empire is so proud of…”

Arnold asks the sisters.

“So, Noel-dono, Flora-dono. Is there a way to find out what’s going on in the Kingdom of Rastel?”

“Yes. ──Here’s the magic tool.”

Noel called to the door.

The door opened, and the soldiers of the Romel Empire carried the magic tool.

It was a metal box about the size of a man’s arm. On the top was a blue sphere, and on the side was what looked like a crystal lens.

“W-what is this…?”

“This is the latest magic tool my sister and I have invented──’Far-Seeing-kun No. 1.'”

“Far-Seeing-kun No.1…?”

Despite Noel’s confident declaration, the participants were taken aback.

Flora hastily added:

“I’m sorry, this is a ‘remote projector.'”

“Onee-san, I gave it a cute name…”

“That’s true, but let’s just call it a projector for now, okay?”

Arnold interrupted Flora, who was gently reassuring Noel.

“What, a remote projector?”

“Yes. It is possible to project events from a distance by magically synchronizing the crystal of the main body with a special crystal paired with it.”

“I-Is that possible…!”

“How wonderful…!”

The participants’ eyes widened.

However, Noel pushed up her glasses while furrowing her eyebrows.

“However, it is still under development, and there are some serious drawbacks… It requires a huge amount of magical power to activate. My sister is an extremely skilled magician, but even if my sister and I combine our magical power, there is a limit to how long we can use it continuously.”

“If we had two more people with excellent magical power, we could probably use it more stably…”

Flora also spoke hesitantly.

Then Laila stepped forward.

“If that’s the case, please leave it to me. I have some knowledge of magic.”


The kings around her looked at her.

“The Kingdom of Regal is the greatest magic power in the world. I have heard that the first princess, Laila, has the highest magic power of any royal family in history!”

“Not only is she talented in magic, but she’s also incredibly determined…!”

A girl shouted from the corner of the round table.

“U-um, I might be able to help too…!”

She still had a childlike face, but her features were as neat as a doll, and her hair was a bright crimson.

She was dressed in a beautiful Eastern-style dress, and she carried two swords at her waist.

The girl bowed her head with a nervous expression. The bells attached to her clothing jinged as she bowed.

“Everyone, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Xiaolin from the Lianxi Empire.”

The man sitting next to her, Emperor Liu Zhen, added.

“Xiaolin is the youngest daughter of our imperial family and the next emperor to succeed me. I thought it was too early for her to be listed in the royal council, but I asked her to accompany me on this mission because it is an emergency that concerns the survival of the world.”

“Oh, the princess of the Lianxi Empire…!”

“I heard that she defeated one of the seven deadly sins with a group of mysterious heroes!”

Xiaolin was nervous under everyone’s eyes, but she spoke up so as not to embarrass her tutors, Lexia, and the others.

“It’s not magic, but maybe I can help if I use dragon power.”

“Hmm, what is dragon power?”

Noel, her glasses shining, asked Emperor Liu Zhen.

“It is a special power that has been passed down through the imperial family of the Lianxi Empire. It’s similar to magic, but it can be controlled more finely. Xiaolin is a dragon power user who is exceptional in both quantity and quality.”

Noel leaned forward.

“I see, that’s interesting. From what I hear, it seems to be similar to magic. Let’s analyze it and make adjustments immediately.”

Noel and Flora immediately began adjusting the magical tool.

As she watched them work, Emperor Liu Zhen spoke up.

“But it’s strange to be able to project images from so far away. This crystal in particular seems to require a special material…”

“Yes. This crystal was provided by the Claw Saint Gloria-sama.”

“What? Does ‘Claw Saint’ mean a Holy One with the strongest claw technique?”

“Yes. Gloria-sama is an expert in minerals and special materials, and she helped us develop this magical tool.”

“My goodness!”

Another participant interjects from beside Liu Zhen, who is surprised.

“But to project images from a distance, you need a crystal to match the main device, right? If you want to transport the crystal to the Rastel Kingdom now, it will take a long time, won’t it?”

“In that regard, we have the cooperation of Giselle-sama here.”

Laila turned her eyes to a certain girl.

The girl──Giselle, who had a somewhat mysterious air about her, bowed her head in panic.

“I-it’s nice to meet you. My name is Giselle, and I’m from Halwa Island.”

She had tanned skin and long, shiny hair.

Her eyes were a sparkling emerald green, like the sea.

Laila introduced her on behalf of Giselle, who was a little nervous.

“I heard about her wonderful exploits in a letter from Lexia-sama, so I invited her from Halwa Island to ask for her help.”

“I have not heard a word about this! Lexia, I didn’t know she was on an expedition to a southern island…! Ugh, why didn’t she send me a letter…?”

Arnold was moved to tears for a moment but quickly regained his composure.

“Ahem. Well, then. So we’ll get help from Giselle-dono?”

“Yes. I’m having a bird-like monster carry the crystal. It should arrive in the Kingdom of Rastel soon.”

“W-what…! You’re using a monster…!”

“How wonderful… There are still powers in this world we don’t know about…!”

Giselle’s words were met with surprise from all around.

“It’s like a miracle that people with such extraordinary abilities have gathered like this…”

The rulers of each country looked in disbelief at the girls Lexia and the others had befriended.

The work continued in tension, and finally, Noel wiped the sweat from her brow and stood up.

“The alignment is complete. Please put your power into it.”


The four girls held their hands over the orb on the magical tool.

After adjusting their breathing, they poured their power into it.

The powerful magnetic field swirled around the girls, and the participants gasped.

“Oh, this is… what incredible power…!”

“A magician with this much power may appear once every few hundred years…!”

Soon, the magical tool began to vibrate, and the crystal lens began to glow faintly.

Flora’s voice rose with joy.

“It’s a success! Amazing, it works so stable…!”

Then, an image appeared in the air.

“Oh, an image!”

“I never thought it would be possible…!”

As the kings watched with bated breath, the blurry image gradually came into focus.

It was an image of the capital of the Kingdom of Rastel as seen from the sky.

The participants stared at the image in amazement──and Laila gasped.

“T-this is…!”

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