I Hijacked The Timeline

Chapter 596: Night Walker, Hunting Time (1)

Chapter 596: Night Walker, Hunting Time (1)

3:30 a.m.

The entire city was still in a deep sleep. Only the cleaning robots that were operating non-stop were still shuttling around the city.

In the southern district of Star City.

A 25-year-old man wearing glasses was still awake. He was lying in front of the desk and writing in his notebook under the light.

From time to time, he would look up at the screen and type on the keyboard to search for relevant information in the field of spells.

His name was Hu Boyuan, and he wasn’t a spells major.

It was purely an accident that he entered the research department of spells.

About four years ago, after graduating from an ordinary middle school, he was slightly lacking in marks. It was a pity that he did not enter the ideal Milky Way


There were only two choices before him.

If he entered an ordinary university to further his studies, he would not be able to obtain a large amount of resources like the students of a famous university. There were many ideas that he had to spend money to expand his research. The probability of entering a famous research institute after graduation was extremely low, unless he had outstanding achievements during his studies.

The other option was to step into society and become a screw of human civilization.

Neither choice was what he wanted.

Considering that his parents were old, choosing to continue studying would undoubtedly increase their burden. Therefore, Hu Boyuan gritted his teeth and chose to give up on his studies. After being recommended by a middle school teacher, he joined a resource transportation company as a resource auditor.

Day after day of boredom had long made him forget his former ideals. Occasionally, he would dream of the declaration he had made when he was a student to study for the rise of humanity. Although he was passionate about it, he still had to face reality when he woke up.

Reality was not a novel. He accepted the fact that he was just an ordinary person. He was not the protagonist either. He no longer wanted to change the world. He just wanted to do what was right in front of him.

He even thought that if he had a child in the future, he would nurture them well and let them carry on his dream.

After he gave up and became mediocre, he realized that the restlessness in his heart had dissipated.

However, he had a heartfelt love for spells. It was just that this love was no longer radical.

Every year, he would watch the concept competitions held by the various research institutes or the live stream of discussions in the field of spells.

Each year, he would observe the concept competitions organized by various research institutes or participate in live-streamed discussions in the field of spells.

It was akin to tuning in to a live stream of a sports competition. Watching nightly live streams in the field of spells had become part of his routine.

Such ordinary days continued for a long time.

However, a seminar in the field of spells four years ago suddenly enlightened him.

Surprisingly, the theme was not related to spells. The title was “From Nothing to Something.”

At that conference, many well-known scholars in the field of cultivation talked about the early development of the field of spells. They talked about the process of opening a path for human spells.

That seminar made Hu Boyuan suddenly realize something. Spellcraft was not as far-sighted as he thought. Miracles could also be born from ordinary things.

Since the development of spells, many concepts were not created by famous scholars. They were created by many ordinary scholars and even passionate people.

After watching that episode, a bold idea appeared in Hu Boyuan’s mind.

Why didn’t he give it a try?

When the seeds of ideas were planted in his heart, they began to grow uncontrollably.

Finally, Hu Boyuan took this step. Every day after returning from work, he would dedicate his time to studying, aiming to reignite the extinguished passion in his heart.

Love was always the most effective teacher.

During his self-study, he found a group of like-minded friends online and established a self-study group on spells.

The friends were the same as him. They loved spells but were not professionals.

Every time a new concept appeared in the field of spells, it would become a hot topic in the group.

The learning atmosphere in the group was very strong. Whenever other members encountered problems that they did not understand, they would brainstorm to help solve them.

The most triumphant moment within the group occurred when the brainstormed concept was adopted by the spell department of the Milky Way Academy, integrating into the development of a new spell concept.

This part of the content might be an insignificant sentence in the system concept, but it still made the group cheer for a few days.

There were a few in-person gatherings within the group that filled them with immense pride whenever this topic was brought up.

Such a life made Hu Boyuan feel very blissful.

Having a circle of like-minded friends and a fulfilling life, everything seemed complete except for love.

Over the past four years, Hu Boyuan had risen to become the foremost individual in the group.

His growth was quick.

From being an ordinary person at the beginning to often helping newbies answer questions, he became the most outstanding “veteran” in the group, using only two years.

Under the encouragement of the group members, Hu Boyuan finally took a step forward into the professional field.

In the past two years, Hu Boyuan often participated in the concept competition held online. He had come up with many outstanding suggestions and ideas, leaving a deep impression on many people.

Many people even speculated that he might be a major player in the spellcasting field, posing as an anonymous participant online.

Recently, Hu Boyuan’s reputation soared.

This was related to the popular concept of “Spiritual Qi Transformation” in the field of spells recently.

The person who proposed the concept was a well-known scholar in the field of spells in the Milky Way Academy..

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