I Possessed a Demon Sovereign

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


Chen Luoyang looked at the face that emerged on the black sea. It was the face of a young man with extremely handsome features. He had robust contours that were distinct and filled with masculinity. It seemed like he was just around the age of twenty.

Xiao Yuntian and others said that this person wasn’t the Other Tribe’s Left Sage King Xiuzhe, but Chen Luoyang didn’t have any impression in his heart. After all, he had never seen how Xiuzhe actually looked like… Of course, he didn’t recognize the face that was floating on the black sea either.

Elder Mingjing then said with some uncertainty, “Is he the 9th ranker among the Ten Gallants, Helian Zhe?”

“It is him.” Xiao Yuntian nodded before explaining to others, “It is rather praiseworthy for Helian Zhe to reach the martial master stage at such a young age. However, among the Ten Gallants under Left Sage King Xiuzhe, apart from the martial kings who are famed for their martial strength, there aren’t many who reached the martial king level. Most of them are specialized in a certain aspect, like ‘Rat King’ Duobu Jie.”

Xiao Yuntian had been venturing the world in the dark as instructed by the Cult Master. He recruited men and developed an independent information network. Apart from the Central Province, his information network had also extended into the Northern Desert’s Other Tribe.

“The only exception is this 9th ranker, Helian Zhe. Apart from his martial dao, no one knows what his specialization is. There is no information circulated in the Other Tribe either.” Xiao Yuntian who was enveloped in the flowing wind sounded rather solemn.

The unknown was always something that made others uncomfortable.

“The Northern Desert’s Helian Zhe pays his respects to Demon Sovereign.” At this moment, that face on the surface of the sea had lips that opened up and spoke like a person.

A young man’s voice echoed from all around. It was as if the voice came from every corner of the Dead Sea Black Tide.

Chen Luoyang sat silently and motionlessly as he didn’t have any intention to bother about the opposition. His subordinates would naturally respond.

Zhang Tianheng asked loudly, “Where is the Left Sage King Xiuzhe?”

“There isn’t a need for my King to personally make a move. It is already enough for me to entertain everyone.” Helian Zhe’s voice was still echoing everywhere.

The Demon Cult members were all secretly frowning as it was hard to determine if the opposition’s words were true or false. Who knew if the Left Sage King Xiuzhe was here or not?

In the normal course of events, his opponent should be the Demon Cult Master, and after putting on such a massive army formation, how could the Other Tribe’s Left Sage King not appear? Perhaps, the Left Sage King was hiding in the dark and waiting for the Cult Master to neutralize the Dead Sea Black Tide. He would then use the opportunity to attack.

Zhang Tianheng sneered and said, “With just the likes of you? ‘Mind Ghost’ might be injured, but you still have the Ten Gallants’ leader, ‘Devil Wolf’ Ba Kun, around to take charge of the Dead Sea Black Tide. How can it be your turn?”

Shangguan Song listened quietly by the side. This young man who replaced him as Protector Zhurong seemed to be forthright and irascible, but his strength wasn’t simple. A casual statement sounded as though it was degrading and humiliating Helian Zhe, but he was subtly driving a wedge and sowing discord among the Ten Gallants.

“This Dead Sea Black Tide contained my King’s prowess, and it is already enough for a mediocre person like me to take your lives. Why is there a need for Boss Ba Kun to make a move?” Helian Zhe wasn’t affected by Zhang Tianheng’s words, and his voice contained a trace of laughter.

Vajra sneered and said, “Even if the Left Sage King is here, he will not be able to do anything, let alone you? You dare to disturb our great Cult Master. You are just seeking death!”

“If the Demon Sovereign was in good health, I naturally wouldn’t dare to take the risk,” Helian Zhe said calmly.

“There is a saying, ‘A skinny and dying camel is still bigger than a horse.’ Cult Master Chen’s foundation is firm, and even if you are injured, you aren’t afraid of an attack from a martial king. But when facing this Dead Sea Black Tide, I wonder if you can stay so indifferent? Even if this is the worst case where Cult Master Chen’s divine prowess is overwhelming and is at his prime, I will be considered as testing out Cult Master Chen’s limits for my King. If I die by the hands of Cult Master Chen, this trip will not be in vain as I will have obtained first-hand information for my King.”

On the surface of the dark sea, the giant face of the young man revealed a smile. “I am only afraid that Cult Master Chen has a willing spirit but weak flesh. Then it shall be convenient for me to help my King eliminate a great foe and claim this credit.”

While speaking, the deathly still but extremely horrific Dead Sea Black Tide surged in from all sides towards the Six Dragons Sovereign Carriage.

The Demon Cult members inside the palace could already smell the blood stench from the Dead Sea Black Tide, and it was truly nauseating. The surface of the black sea had countless giant rats that were letting out sharp screeches, and they were already as big as a small elephant. As soon as they got closer, they would leap and pounce into the Six Dragons Sovereign Carriage.

Inside the palace, Chen Luoyang sat motionlessly. He didn’t even look at Helian Zhe’s face that was in the black sea.

“I shall leave it to all you,” Chen Luoyang said indifferently to his subordinates.

Vajra had a bitter expression; Elder Mingjing didn’t have any expression, while Shangguan Song’s face changed slightly.

He was not taking joy in Chen Luoyang’s misfortune at all, nor did he have the mentality to mock Chen Luoyang.

By leaving this matter to them, it meant that they were supposed to charge into danger and risk their lives to blast a path out of the Dead Sea Black Tide? There wasn’t a need to think who would be the first to be sacrificed; it would definitely be him, the Demon Cult’s Seventh Elder.

Shangguan Song’s eyes were switching between anger and fear. Death was waiting on both sides…

Xiao Yuntian said in a rather calm tone, “Left Sage King Xiuzhe has yet to appear, and the Cult Master has to be on guard against him. Breaking through the Dead Sea Black Tide is naturally a job for us. Cult Master will act as a deterrence for us.”

Zhang Tianheng spat and revealed a ferocious expression. “What is so great about this Dead Sea Black Tide? It can’t even kill me. I will slice off that gigolo’s testicles and crush it like a puff!”

Chen Luoyang sat on the throne and interrupted Zhang Tianheng. “This mere pond can also be called a sea? All of you are talking as though you are going to die just because of a certain object. You people are really competent.”

Zhang Tianheng and others were utterly astonished…

There was a white light flickering in the depths of the Dead Sea Black Tide. The white light was actually enveloping Helian Zhe who was guarding a black pearl.

Through the use of his Black Death Divine Pearl, he was controlling the deadly tidal waves to engulf the Six Dragons Sovereign Carriage. At this moment, a few figures suddenly flew out of the Six Dragons Sovereign Carriage.

Zhang Tianheng, Shangguan Song, and Vajra were each grabbing two living spirit birds. These spirit birds didn’t get stained by the black seawater, but they were corrupted by the Black Death Evil Force and were already at their dying breath.

The three experts of the Demon Cult killed the spirit birds in their hands before using their force to push. Six dead spirit birds flew and left behind a trail of blood.

The six trails of blood that were made with essence blood plunged into the black sea in different directions.

Helian Zhe was shocked.

These six small trails of blood were unassuming as compared to the black sea, but they went deep into six different locations and stirred the dead sea. On the surface of the black sea, six giant whirlpools appeared.

When the six whirlpools turned, it formed a massive suction force. The forces weren’t external, but internal! The whirlpools in six different locations produced a suction force that combined at the internal part of the Dead Sea Black Tide.

Helian Zhe was flabbergasted but powerless to stop it. He could only watch as the Black Death Divine Pearl uncontrollably flew off. Helian Zhe was trembling in the cold as he disregarded everything and hugged the Black Death Divine Pearl.

As a result, he was sent flying out of the Dead Sea Black Tide along with the pearl. Once they came out of the black sea, the Black Death Divine Pearl’s radiance immediately dimmed. It then shattered and turned into dust.

At this moment, a tornado blew across, and Helian Zhe’s entire body was spinning as he fell into the hands of Xiao Yuntian. He was then captured alive and brought onto the Six Dragons Sovereign Carriage.

Subsequently, he was thrown in front of Chen Luoyang. Chen Luoyang looked down on Helian Zhe and said, “Child, don’t steal something from your parents and bring it out to play.”

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