Imperial God Emperor

509 - Leg broken

Chapter 509, Leg broken

Under this sudden attack, amongst the crowd in front, there were only Lin Zheng, Qu Hanshan and some other high level Bitter Sea experts who reacted at the first moments, and were just barely able to withstand the terrifying black flowing dart attack with the treasure weapon in their hands...

Old Commander Li Guangbi, whose strength was relatively low in comparison, almost could not escape the misfortune. But under the protection of the bodyguards at the risk of their life, he luckily survived. However, the few loyal guards who used their body to block the flowing darts were instantly killed, before they had the chance to fight back.

Lin Yi who was shackled with chains was extremely sharp-witted.

Before the eruption of black flowing darts, he had already felt something was wrong, rolled across the ground like a dead dog and into a pit, thereby escaping the tragedy.

The two Imperial Guard experts at his side were shot like a hedgehog. Their breathing stopped right away...

At this very moment, the Imperial Guards of Snow Empire had suffered an extremely heavy loss.

Those that were standing in front were all senior military officers of the Imperial Guards, but in a split second 70% were dead. And only the lucky high-ranking Imperial officers that reacted extremely fast and desperately blocked the attack with a treasure weapon at the risk of their life managed to escape death, although the treasure weapons were shattered by the black flowing projectiles.

Some generals were not as lucky, although they were not shot dead on the spot, the black flowing darts had brushed past their flesh and the black demonic qi adhered to the flowing darts instantly invaded their bodies, which was much more deadly.

In the midst of tragic shrieks, their body, flesh, blood and bones were shriveling and corroding away at a speed visible to the naked eye. They were like a deflating balloon, drying up rapidly. Eventually, their flesh and blood drifted away into the air like ashes, and their bones collapsed like rotten wood.

Ye Qingyu was sent flying across the air. As he landed, he suddenly exerted force at his waist and managed to stand on the ground.

This scene happened so suddenly, it made Ye Qingyu unable to respond at all.

His eyes swept the tragic scene, reached to feel his back, which was filled with something. Ye Qingyu could even imagine that at this moment he was no different to a porcupine...

He casually pulled one out and examined it.

“This is... the furry barbs on the legs of that giant demon spider?” Looking at the thing that was almost one meter long that was like a sharp black arrow, Ye Qingyu finally determined what it was.

The black flowing darts that were flying across all directions were the furry hair from the leg of the giant spider.

At that instant, the demon spider released and fired all the furry barbs on its leg.

This was the source of this explosive catastrophe.

Ye Qingyu understood clearly. After his astonishment, he abruptly exerted force onto the back muscles, and in the midst of a series of rattling sounds, dislodged all the barbs that were on his back.

His current physical strength was unparalleled in both the ancient times and now. His flesh and blood was comparable to top treasure weapons, and with bare hands he could easily destroy low level Dao weapons as though breaking a jar. Even if the barbs were sharp and powerful and contained tremendous force, they could not penetrate through Ye Qingyu’s flesh...

It was only because of the speed of the tremendous force that these barbs were lodged on his back muscles, but had not pierced through.

The barbs fell, and Ye Qingyu’s white robe had become tattered once again. The wind blew and the threads of silk hanging on Ye Qingyu’s body revealed his jade-like clearly defined upper body. He suddenly became sharp and heroic looking.

“It would be good to have a defensive divine armour, can’t always bare arms when fighting... When fighting against other top level experts, clothes would be shattered within minutes.”

Such a thought surfaced in Ye Qingyu’s mind.

There was faint anguished wailing all around.

Some were yelling to retreat and issuing military orders to set up formations.

Lin Zheng and others finally calmed down, passing down military orders one after another, and the chaos was quickly reversed.

Those gathered here were after all the elite Imperial guards, every soldier’s nerves were as strong as iron, they had seen countless bloody scenes. After the initial panic, they very soon calmed down and arrayed in perfect order of battle formation.

This Li Yi who was lying in a pit like a dead dog for a long time unwilling to get up was also somewhat surprised and touched.

Forcefully dragged by two Imperial guard experts, he was pulled up and carried over to where Lin Zheng was standing.

“Have you already known that the Demon Spider Race has such a way of attacking?”

Lin Zheng narrowed his eye.

Lin Yi, from this skinny old man that he looked down on, felt a strong and cold aura that made his whole body palpitate with fear. In the past he had only felt this from the fearful Elders of discipline of the Greater One Sect.

“I didn’t think... experts of the Demon Spider Race, in the face of death and having sustained serious injuries, would launch this kind of attack. The black demonic barbs is the source of the power of this race, it is extremely terrifying…” Lin Yi dared not act arrogant at this time, hurriedly explained in panic. “But... but I never thought that the attack of Brother Ye could unexpectedly... could inflict severe damage to it.”

Lin Yi stared at Ye Qingyu in utter astonishment.

And in the depths of his eyes there was a frenzy that no one was aware of.

Ye Qingyu frowned and looked over in the direction of the Central Domain Gate.

As expected, there were none of the furry barbs on the leg of the giant black spider remaining. The originally eerie-looking giant leg, under the illumination of the sun, was radiating a black-iron-like luster. The previous brightly coloured and frightening pattern had gone dim and faded away...

The giant spider leg that was frantically trampling on everything was so quiet and still now.

On it, where the Cloud Piercing Arrow had struck, appeared a fist-sized window. The outer shell of the spider leg that seemed as though constructed from black iron was shattered, revealing the white flesh inside, sparkling and translucent and looked incomparably delicious.

“You mean to say that it has suffered a heavy blow and might have died?” Ye Qingyu looked to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi trembled, stuttering, “This... From the habits and properties of the Demon Spider Race, it seems so. In Clear River Domain, when the experts of the Demon Spider Race had sustained heavy injuries or in the face of death they would shoot out black demon barbs, but it’s impossible for you to inflict severe wounds to it.”

Looking at the Central Domain Gate, the look of fear once again emerged on Lin Yi’s face.

“According to its aura and appearance, it is at least the top existence of the law enforcement team of the Demon Spider Race. Even existences at the peak of the Heaven Ascension boundary cannot kill it. Your domain is too young to withstand the power of Heaven Ascension. Even gifted people who go against Heaven’s will to cultivate to the Heaven Ascension boundary also cannot really exert the true power of Heaven Ascension, as for you...”

As he spoke to here, Lin Yi’s complexion calmed a little, but looking at Ye Qingyu’s body and his jade-like immortal muscles, his body was again palpitating with fear.

What extent has he cultivated his physical body to that he could withstand the direct attack of black demonic barbs of an Immortal rank demon spider, and not even his skin was punctured through.

Once he calmed his mind, Lin Yi continued, “To cultivate to this level can be called unparalleled in both ancient times and now, but to kill a top Demon Spider with one arrow is still very unlikely... So I didn’t think... that would happened. If I had known in advance, I would certainly warn you. After all, I also have the danger of being shot to death.”

Upon listening, the light in Lin Zheng’s eyes dimmed a bit.

Ye Qingyu firmly stared at him and asked again, “Are you sure it has been severely wounded?”

Lin Yi hurriedly nodded. “Of course, my life is in your hands, how would I dare to deceive you... Hey? On your arm... that...”

This Greater One Sect disciple’s eyes suddenly flashed, falling on Ye Qingyu’s right arm, his pupils constricting.

Ye Qingyu looked down and was also shocked.

Not sure when, but on his right arm, a blood-red eight-clawed demonic spider pattern had unexpectedly formed. It was the size of a child’s palm, like the grinning face of a demon. Red as blood, as if it was flowing, and looked extremely strange.

The Demon Spider curse?

Was this the curse of the Demon Spider that had previously appeared on Lin Yi and the other Greater One Sect disciples?


But it was not exactly like it.

The curse mark on Lin Yi and the other people was dull and shallow, not so vivid and sinister. This blood red spider mark on Ye Qingyu’s arm was as if it was alive, and seemed like it would jump out at any time to choose people to suck blood from.

How could that be?

When did the curse appear?

That he didn’t even notice?

Ye Qingyu was shocked, but not afraid or frightened.

He concentrated, mobilizing the power of [Supreme Ice Flame] to dispel the blood-coloured curse, but as the ice flame force approached, there was a strong resistance. An extremely evil force was surging on the blood-coloured mark, and although the ice flame could wear down this evil force little by little, the process was so slow that it was almost negligible.

“At this rate, most likely that it would be two or three years from now before I can completely eliminate this blood-coloured curse...” After a try Ye Qingyu stopped and gave up.

Most of his mind was sealed in the [Cloud Top Cauldron]. He could not activate his yuan qi and could only mobilize a small part of [Supreme Ice Flame]. If this was before, it would not have required so much effort.

Lin Yi seemed to noticed Ye Qingyu’s frustration, and said hesitatingly, “No use, it must be a curse that the top demon spider had put on you. You cannot touch it, and will be hunted by the Demon Spider Race your entire life. This race is crazy, they will do whatever it takes. Very soon they will come to your domain!”

Ye Qingyu did not speak.

He turned and walked towards the Central Domain Gate.

Very soon he came to the motionless giant spider’s leg, and compared to before, the demonic power of the giant leg seemed to be declining. Its yuan qi was evidently fading, but Ye Qingyu was still cautious. He reached out his hand to pull out the Cloud Piercing Arrow that shot the giant leg. And the [Supreme Ice Flame] that was surrounding the arrow was also retrieved!

The giant leg remained motionless.

Ye Qingyu, after a brief pause, suddenly swung his leg up.


In the midst of shaking, the giant leg was kicked and rumbled down, heavily smashing into the ground and stirring up a sky of smoke and dust. The ground was quaking violently as though a mountain had collapsed.

Ye Qingyu carefully looked, only to find that the giant spider leg was unexpectedly snapped off, like it had been severed off by some sort of force. The thing remaining was only a part of the space rippling light mirror of the Central Domain Gate.

Leg broken?

As the giant spider leg dropped, the huge Central Domain Gate was restored to stillness. The space rippling light mirror vanished, and the space passage that connected to an unknown space was also gone.

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