Incurable Pain

IP Chapter 49.2

IP Chapter 49.2

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 49.2

Although Bai Xunyin didn’t know the significance of Ah Mo repeating her words in an excited manner, she still nodded with a stiff face.

“That’s right.”

“What? Then I really misunderstood him a bit. I originally thought this guy was quite… ” 

Ah Mo’s eyes glazed over as she wiped the cream off her face, murmuring, “I didn’t expect Yu Luoyin to be so devoted.”


Bai Xunyin furrowed her brows. She always felt that the word didn’t quite match Yu Luoyin.

“It’s been six years, and he still doesn’t have a girlfriend? As soon as you came back, he said he wanted to date you?” 

Ah Mo frowned, objectively analyzing, “Why does this feel so strange? Xinyin, could he possibly want to retaliate against you?”

Bai Xunyin was stunned, “Retaliate?”

“Yeah, after all, back then…” Ah Mo paused awkwardly for a moment. As someone who knew all the ‘inside information,’ she sighed as she looked at Bai Xunyin. 

“The scene when you two broke up was quite miserable. I heard from Lu Ye and the others that Yu Luoyin was quite depressed for a while.”

Six years ago, the last time Bai Xunyin saw Yu Luoyin was on the day when the admission notice was announced, on that rainy day when she proposed breaking up.

She would never forget the cold and dark eyes of the young man, as if she had sucked the light out of him and extinguished it.

Every time she thought of Yu Luoyin’s gaze, Bai Xunyin’s heart would feel stifled.

So she deliberately avoided any news about Yu Luoyin, feeling so cowardly that she even despised herself.

Now, hearing Ah Mo talk about everything that happened back then, it was as if a long-sealed book had been opened a little, old and dusty yet captivating.

Bai Xunyin looked up at her unconsciously, indicating for Ah Mo to continue.

“Uh, Xinyin, you know I didn’t study locally in college, and even if you did know, you wouldn’t know too much.” 

Ah Mo scratched her head. “But I got along well with Lu Ye, Li Yuan, and the others, and I heard about it from them later.”

“It seems like Yu Luoyin got into Lan University and was quite reckless. He alarmed his mother a few times—yes, speaking of this, I almost forgot to tell you, guess who Yu Luoyin’s mother is? Gu Yan! Gu Yan! The professor you particularly liked!”

Bai Xunyin’s gaze flickered slightly, and she lightly chuckled, pretending to be surprised.

Fortunately, Ah Mo didn’t dwell on ‘Gu Yan’ for too long. 

She continued to reminisce, “And then later, I don’t know what happened. Yu Luoyin refused to continue studying, even though it was only a little over a month into the semester. He insisted on dropping out and repeating his senior year in high school.”

The news of Yu Luoyin repeating a year made Bai Xunyin’s heart skip a beat, and she couldn’t help but look up at Ah Mo.

“Ah, you don’t know any of this, do you?” 

Ah Mo put her arm around Bai Xunyin’s shoulder, gently kneading it to comfort her—

“I only found out later myself. Lu Ye said Yu Luoyin’s family couldn’t stop him. This guy dropped out of a good university and went back to repeat his senior year at No. 3 High School, he’s really a lunatic.”

“And then the following year, the college entrance examination, he applied to a medical school, not Lan University.”

“We reckon it’s because he wanted to study medicine, but Lan University also has a medical department. Even if he switched departments, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. He insisted on applying to a specialized medical school, probably because of this repeat year.”

“Come to think of it, I kind of admire Yu Luoyin. He’s really ruthless in his actions and doesn’t give himself any way out.”

Bai Xunyin listened in a daze, only to realize that neither of them ended up going to Lan University as they had ‘agreed’ in the beginning.

It was absurd.

But Ah Mo didn’t understand Yu Luoyin. He was someone who pursued perfection.

He didn’t think highly of the medical department at Lan University, so even if he repeated a year, he still wanted to choose the best. He could go to any lengths for the ‘best’ things, regardless of anything else…

But was she the best?

Why, after six years, would Yu Luoyin say such things to her?

From Ah Mo’s description, Bai Xunyin vaguely outlined a youth who, after being ‘abandoned’ by her, still acted recklessly and arrogantly pursued his dreams.

She was somewhat grateful for Yu Luoyin’s character, which couldn’t be beaten down by anything. It would make him polished into gold, shining brightly.

“Xinyin, I’m a little worried. Yu Luoyin is too deep in his thoughts.” 

After telling her everything she knew, Ah Mo looked at her somewhat anxiously. 

“Do you still like him? Do you want to be with him?”

Bai Xunyin remained silent for a moment, only answering the latter question, “No, I don’t want to.”

She understood what kind of person she was—a lack of empathy by nature, becoming increasingly indifferent over the years. Even the gentleness and compliance from high school were gone, replaced by extreme insecurity.

Bai Xunyin couldn’t imagine being with Yu Luoyin again and maintaining a ‘safe and stable’ relationship. 

She was afraid.

Because she had rejected Yu Luoyin in the first place, Bai Xunyin was afraid that her current hypersensitive and prickly self might accidentally hurt him again.

She didn’t want to hurt him anymore.

Fortunately, after Bai Xunyin made up her mind, she wasn’t bothered by Yu Luoyin anymore.

The dinner that day, the proposal, it all seemed like a dream, and he disappeared from her life again.

In the meantime, it was only Yu Shitian who occasionally called to ask how she was getting along with Yu Luoyin. 

At first, Bai Xunyin evaded the question, but later she remained silent and said, “Not suitable.”

She had grown accustomed to being alone.

Fortunately, Yu Shitian wasn’t an insensitive girl either, and after sighing a few times, she stopped asking.

Bai Xunyin continued to study calmly, preparing for exams, until April arrived, when cherry blossoms scattered everywhere in Linlan. She completed the formal examination and officially entered Lan University as a ‘mature student.’

Although she was a student, Li Chengfeng valued her greatly and appreciated her previous research papers and project achievements.

So when Bai Xunyin applied to go to graduate school, he approved it almost without hesitation.

Doctoral students entering graduate school are considered national scientific researchers and are given welfare benefits through work agreements.

Linlan was a developing city in the new first-tier cities, and it attached great importance to the introduction of talents. After signing the contract, Bai Xunyin was assigned a welfare apartment.

The price and location were the best. Even after using her housing provident fund, she hardly had to pay much for the monthly mortgage.

At such a young age, she became a member of the ‘homeowner’ group. When she received the keys, Bai Xunyin was unusually dazed.

“Wow, this house is really nice!”

When Ah Mo came to help her move, she couldn’t help but marvel as she looked around, “No wonder people say education changes destiny, babe, I envy you so much.”

They called it moving, but there wasn’t much to move. Bai Xunyin had been living a nomadic life for so many years, and she only had two suitcases.

The new house was only renovated, with no furniture at all, so they had to buy everything themselves.

Fortunately, she didn’t start work at the research institute until next week, so she had time to go furniture shopping.

“Xinyin, look at our class’s WeChat group from back then.” 

While they were shopping at the furniture store, Ah Mo looked at her phone and chuckled when she saw the chat in the high school class group, knowing Bai Xunyin had left the group back then. So she decided to share some gossip with her. 

“Look, they’re organizing a class reunion, wondering where they got the leisure.”

High school life was indeed a memorable time, but in their class, they were just a group of top students who hadn’t even spent a year together. There was nothing worth gathering for, not even a brief romance. 

What’s the point?

Perhaps class reunions were just a formality.

Bai Xunyin glanced casually and then withdrew her gaze.

Ah Mo casually asked, “They’re planning to have dinner at Yu Lou Chun… Are you going?”

Without hesitation, Bai Xunyin said, “No.”

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