Incurable Pain

IP Chapter 52

IP Chapter 52

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 52

When they accidentally bumped into each other, both of them were momentarily stunned.

They stared at each other blankly for two seconds. It seemed like Yu Luoyin didn’t know how to remove his hand, while Bai Xunyin, looking into his eyes, momentarily forgot to look away.

“Sorry for being late!”

Fortunately, at that moment, Ah Mo arrived, his loud and carefree voice timely breaking the ‘stalemate’ between the two. The inexplicable ambiguous atmosphere vanished instantly. Bai Xunyin hurriedly turned her head away, stood up, and waved to Ah Mo, indicating she was here.

Ah Mo came with Sheng Wen, which explained why they arrived so late.

The appearance of the handsome man and the beautiful woman at the stairway seemed mismatched. Bai Xunyin noticed the warmth in Sheng Wen’s eyes, which used to be icy back in high school, as he looked at Ah Mo.

Ah Mo’s eyes lit up when he saw her, and he ran over with a smile.

“Yinyin, you really came. I…”

Her voice abruptly stopped when her gaze met Yu Luoyin’s beside her. She glanced awkwardly between Bai Xunyin and Yu Luoyin before managing a nod.

“Long time no see.”

“Hehe, long time no see,” Ah Mo responded casually, then quickly sat beside Bai Xunyin and pulled her a bit away, murmuring softly, “What’s going on? Is he bothering you again?”

“No,” Bai Xunyin shook her head, her cheeks still tinged with a blush from the earlier ‘accident’.

“That’s good, don’t let him get too close…”

The ‘whispered conversation’ between the two girls was actually clear to Yu Luoyin, but he didn’t mind. Instead, a faint smile played on his lips.

As he idly traced his fingers, still savoring the softness from earlier, Sheng Wen, sitting next to Ah Mo, noticed her ‘educating’ Bai Xunyin, which seemed to make her throat dry, so he silently handed her a glass of water.

Ah Mo glanced over and unceremoniously took the glass, drinking from it.

The intimacy between the two seemed natural, and Bai Xunyin couldn’t help but smile.

“Don’t laugh,” Ah Mo’s thick-skinned demeanor seemed somewhat embarrassed under Bai Xunyin’s gaze.

She muttered softly, “He’s just showing off intentionally. Normally, he has secretaries serving him at work.”

“So now Sheng Wen is here to ‘serve’ you,” Bai Xunyin teased, then chatted casually with Ah Mo amidst Sheng Wen’s shy girl act.

Sheng Wen now worked as a manager in an investment bank, specializing in the stock market. Many people gathered around when they heard about it.

After all, the stock market was a topic of interest to most people – easy to get into, difficult to master, yet many wanted to try and get rich from it.

Even Zhou Xinsui, who had always been aloof, was curious about the stock market. He asked Sheng Wen about a stock he recently invested in that had risen sharply, wondering if it might get stuck at a high point.

Sheng Wen was a serious person. At first, he casually mentioned the recent trend of the stock, but as he analyzed it, he couldn’t help but delve deeper into his professional instincts, even taking out pen and paper to sketch out a graph on the coffee table.

Ah Mo “…”

She thought Sheng Wen was going too far.

And this ‘eccentric’ behavior of discussing the stock market at the reunion naturally attracted a crowd of onlookers, especially the former influential figures from their school days, now successful people, gathered together discussing the market.

The noisy barbecue restaurant instantly turned into a ‘high-end’ office.

Bai Xunyin was relatively close, staring with great interest at the paper Sheng Wen was working on.

“What’s up?”

Yu Luoyin, who spent all day researching the cerebral cortex and had no knowledge of the stock market, couldn’t help but ask in a low voice when she saw Bai Xunyin’s engrossed expression, “Are you thinking of buying stocks?”

If so, he could ‘open a back door’ and have his dad, Yuyuan, recommend the best stock to Bai Xunyin. After all, even though he wasn’t in this line of business, his family was.

“No,” Bai Xunyin, once immersed in research, would naturally focus wholeheartedly and wouldn’t care who was around or feel awkward conversing with Yu Luoyin.

She replied earnestly, “I just feel that based on this data, using quantum physics to model the stock market would make trends much clearer.”

The people around her were all stunned by her words.

“Modeling the stock market with physics?”

Even Lu Ye, who was undoubtedly a poor student, found it incredulous, thinking it was absurd to associate such unrelated things.

He couldn’t help but laugh, “Is this for real?”

“It is,” Bai Xunyin replied, looking at the data of a stock written by Sheng Wen for the past week, her eyebrows furrowing as she analyzed it, “Physics is a principle, and quantum mechanics involves the concept of ‘motion equations’ within quantum states.”

“It’s a rule of correspondence between theoretical concepts and observable quantities.”

“Just like Sheng Wen just said, the stock market is the same. It has a set of motion equations. As long as you observe and model them over a period of time, future analysis will be much easier.”

Most people around found it incomprehensible.

Only a few could understand the concepts Bai Xunyin was talking about – almost everything in the world could be modeled using ‘formulas’ and ‘theories’, including the stock market.

Actually, Bai Xunyin was not a talkative person. She only couldn’t help but speak up when it came to things she was interested in or related to her ‘professional abilities’.

When discussing academics, she shone brightly.

This was just a small episode, but Yu Luoyin understood clearly how much Bai Xunyin loved academia and her current job.

Of course, he knew she worked at a research institute.

“Wow, Yinyin, you’re amazing!”

Ah Mo, after listening to her ‘theory’, which he didn’t quite understand, cheered first, “This modeling thing sounds so cool!”

“It really is,” Sheng Wen admired Bai Xunyin and unexpectedly extended an invitation, “The modeling theory is actually used by many companies. It’s just hard to find high-end research talent. If you’re interested in the stock market, you can consider joining our company…”

He even tried to hand her his business card.

Seeing this, the surrounding people couldn’t help but join Ah Mo in cheering and praising Bai Xunyin’s ‘theory’, which they didn’t quite understand.

It was as if by praising along with Sheng Wen, they all understood it.

Sheng Churan, who stood outside the central circle, watched the scene where Bai Xunyin ‘stole the limelight’, gripping her wine glass tightly, her knuckles and face paling.

What made her feel even colder in her heart was Yu Luoyin, who was sitting behind Bai Xunyin. He relied on Bai Xunyin’s lack of turning around, his usually cold eyes now full of unabashed tenderness.

What ability did Bai Xunyin have to make Yu Luoyin, who had been infatuated with her for years, so devoted?

Just based on her ‘nonsensical’ physics theory from earlier?

Huh, it’s all empty talk.

Sheng Churan couldn’t swallow this indignation. She pursed her lips and, ignoring the friends beside her trying to pull her, pushed through the crowd and walked over.

“Bai Xunyin, it’s been so many years,” Sheng Churan forced a smile as she walked up to Bai Xunyin, looking down at her sitting on the sofa, writing something on paper, “I made a lot of mistakes back then, thinking about it now, it was really silly of me. I came here specifically to apologize to you. You wouldn’t mind, would you?”

She deliberately said this when there were the most people around, aiming to ‘force’ Bai Xunyin to forgive her. After all, everyone had a herd mentality and didn’t want to lose face in a crowded place.

Bai Xunyin raised her eyes and saw a hint of mockery in Sheng Churan’s eyes, knowing what she was thinking. She couldn’t help but quirk her lips playfully.

The people around immediately became gossip-hungry – after all, Sheng Churan was quite famous for not liking Bai Xunyin back in the days of fighting for the campus belle!

Now, after many years, were the two of them going to ‘reconcile’?

Many classmates watched this scene with a mix of emotions, finding it quite a sight. However, compared to Sheng Churan’s exquisite appearance from head to toe, Bai Xunyin seemed a bit too ‘plain’ – a simple sweater, boyfriend-style washed-out jeans, long hair casually flowing… but still more pure and attractive.

However, seeing Sheng Churan’s ‘pitiful’ and the first-apology appearance, the onlookers couldn’t help but be slightly biased.

People were willing to be generous on behalf of others, thinking that so many years ago, those ‘ignorant kids’ could certainly be forgiven now.

However, after looking at Sheng Churan for two seconds, Bai Xunyin felt those memories from high school resurfacing in her mind – the times when no one spoke to her, the obscure hours she spent locked in the classroom…

Things she had forgotten were now brought back with the appearance of certain people.

Bai Xunyin blinked and crisply said, “Yes, I do mind.”

Sheng Churan was stunned, as were the others around them.

“I, I was wrong before…” Sheng Churan didn’t expect Bai Xunyin to not give her face in front of so many people, and she suddenly felt flustered.

She bit her teeth nervously, “I came here deliberately to apologize to you.”

Bai Xunyin smiled, “Just because you ‘deliberately’ apologize, should I forgive you?”

Her ‘unfeeling’ demeanor immediately sparked whispers around, and many peacemakers chimed in –

“Bai Xunyin, just forgive her.”

“Yeah, Sheng Churan was just ignorant back then.”

“It’s been so many years, everything should be in the past.”

“There are so many people here, just give her face.”

And Sheng Churan timely shed some ‘tears’.

Bai Xunyin sighed silently, feeling once again that she shouldn’t have come today – if she had known she would encounter Sheng Churan and be disgusted by her words like this.


A cold voice broke the silence, like an invisible needle poking into everyone’s brains, making them awkwardly shut their mouths.

Yu Luoyin lightly placed the glass he was holding on the glass coffee table with a crisp sound.

The sound made Sheng Churan shiver, and she unconsciously bit her lip.

“Does it matter to anyone whether she forgives or not?”

Yu Luoyin chuckled lightly, sitting up straight on the sofa, his indifferent black eyes casually sweeping over the ‘old classmates’ who were cheering.

His voice was leisurely, but his words were quite impolite, “As a doctor, let me advise you – Little Ming’s grandfather lived to be eighty because he minded his own business. Now, go eat.”

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