Incurable Pain

IP Chapter 58

IP Chapter 58

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 58

Bai Xunyin found Yu Luoyin somewhat strange.

It seemed like he was even more intoxicated than when he was drunk that day.

He blocked her in the safe passage, surrounded by a warm scent of mint, and then leaned in to whisper some crazy things in her ear…

The intimate atmosphere made Bai Xunyin feel very uncomfortable, and she couldn’t bear it anymore, pushing him away.

“Are all you men so arrogant?” Bai Xunyin stared coldly at Yu Luoyin.

“What does it have to do with me if you want to pursue me?”

Actually, she did feel a little soft-hearted before, but today, seeing Mu Anping and thinking about the past, combined with Yu Luoyin’s sudden depravity…

Bai Xunyin’s loosened heart seemed to have grown a protective layer, becoming even more unyielding.

But Yu Luoyin keenly caught Bai Xunyin’s displeasure and the words “you men.”

It seemed like her childhood sweetheart had angered her?

The previously despondent mood suddenly revived, and a glint flashed in Yu Luoyin’s eyes as he lowered his head slightly to look at the woman’s clear eyes.

“Are you not satisfied with your blind date?”

Bai Xunyin frowned and glanced at him.

“It’s none of your business, Yu Luoyin. You’d better not pry into my affairs.”

Although she didn’t know how news of her blind date had reached Yu Luoyin’s ears…

But she knew that this troublemaker couldn’t shake off his habit of investigating others.

Thinking of this, Bai Xunyin couldn’t help but look at him sternly.

“Yu Luoyin, don’t investigate my affairs.”

She hated it when he did that.

Yu Luoyin didn’t explain that he hadn’t investigated at all; it was Gu Yan who inexplicably told him. He just pondered Bai Xunyin’s words and looked at the woman’s frosty face, unable to help but laugh.

He was really curious about what Mu Anping had said to make Bai Xunyin, who always pretended to be gentle, show her sharp edges.

So even though he noticed that every cell in Bai Xunyin’s body was screaming “unwilling,” clearly wanting to break free from his restraint and leave, Yu Luoyin still trapped her between his long arms against the wall.

“I’m very happy.”

The man couldn’t help but laugh, his black eyes “kindly” bending.

“If you’re not satisfied, then I’m satisfied.”

Bai Xunyin felt he was simply crazy.

“Spit it out,” Yu Luoyin’s clear voice gently asked, “What did you talk about with that man?”

Bai Xunyin earnestly asked him, “Are you sick?”

“I just want to know what he said to make you so angry.”

Yu Luoyin blinked innocently and aggrievedly, “Was he arrogant? Annoying? I just want to know, to avoid making you angry in the future.”

If there were awards for “flirting,” then Yu Luoyin was undoubtedly an Oscar-winning actor.

Anyway, when Bai Xunyin heard this sentence, her heart, which had just hardened, felt like it was being gently touched by an invisible feather.

“Arrogant, annoying.”

Bai Xunyin looked at him, muttering somewhat dazedly, “I can’t tell which one is more annoying compared to you.”

Clearly, it was a curse, but Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but laugh — he inexplicably sensed a hint of perfectly “indulgent” affection in that insult.

“Do you think this place looks like the safe passage in our old school?”

Bai Xunyin glanced around randomly, shaking her head.

“But I don’t think so.”

Apart from Yu Luoyin and the fact that it was a safe passage, nothing else resembled the “secret spot” in the old teaching building.

“Yu Luoyin.” Bai Xunyin looked up at him.

“Do you really like me?”

After asking this question, the cold stairwell fell silent for a while.

Yu Luoyin found it absurd; he hadn’t expected Bai Xunyin to ask him such a question to this day.

Was the girl really so naive, or was he too picky, not giving her enough sincerity and security?

What should he do so that Bai Xunyin could believe him? Believe that he genuinely liked her and wanted her.

Yu Luoyin was silent for a moment, staring into her hazel eyes, unflinching.

“Yes, I do.”

Bai Xunyin’s eyelashes trembled, then she asked, “Do you like me, or do you like the feeling of the past? Or perhaps… regret not having the feeling of having me?”

Yu Luoyin replied, “I like you as a person.”

But why didn’t she believe him?

Bai Xunyin closed her eyes in pain for a moment, then opened them, as if she had finally made a decision, took a step forward, and extended her slender, white arms to wrap around Yu Luoyin’s neck.

In the moment of his astonishment, she lightly tiptoed and pressed her fragrant lips against his—only to barely touch the corner of Yu Luoyin’s lips.

The man recoiled.

“Bai Xunyin, what do you mean?”

Yu Luoyin looked at the woman who had kissed him but remained expressionless. His jawline tightened, rare frustration flickering in his eyes, as if reaching a critical point—

“What are you trying to do?”

“Don’t you want me?”

Bai Xunyin smiled, her porcelain teeth lightly biting her rosy lips, dismissing him.

“Don’t you want this?”

“Do you think I want your body?”

Yu Luoyin felt his temples throbbing, as if his heart had been riddled with a machine gun, his internal organs scorched solid, almost smoking from anger.

He forcefully grasped the girl’s chin with his long fingers, his eyes murky and unfathomable. “Am I such a person in your eyes?””

If his purpose was just to “sleep” with Bai Xunyin, then he could have done it a long time ago.

Six years ago, six years later, when did he ever covet the girl’s ‘body’?

Indeed, Bai Xunyin lived up to her name. With a simple sentence, a single action, she could completely unveil Yu Luoyin’s facade, almost provoking the ‘monster’ hidden beneath his skin to bare its fangs and claws, unable to resist showing its most vicious side.

He wanted to scare her, to tear her apart, to obliterate this heartless woman.

Yet Bai Xunyin, despite her lack of empathy, could still perceive the ‘sadness’ hidden beneath Yu Luoyin’s ferocious gaze.

She closed her eyes, deliberately trying to ignore this emotion, her usually cold voice slightly hoarse.

“But all I can offer you are these.”

Yu Luoyin didn’t know, she was also troubled.

It seemed like she suffered from some form of emotional deficiency disorder, always a beat slower in responding to joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness than others, and even the things she desired, Bai Xunyin herself didn’t know if she truly wanted them.

Someone like her, perhaps, was destined to grow old alone.

If he truly ended up with Bai Xunyin, he would regret it too.

Yu Luoyin didn’t know any of this.

He just listened to Bai Xunyin’s indifferent words, watching her eyes and long, thick eyelashes, a hint of profound frustration flashing in his eyes compared to hers. He even started to resent her a little.

“Why? Huh? Why?”

Yu Luoyin wouldn’t let her off. From adolescence to adulthood, he had always been assertive, relentlessly pressing on, persistently asking, “You’d rather sleep with me than love me? Why?”

Since high school, he had noticed that Bai Xunyin didn’t care much about things that others cherished, such as chastity, intimacy; she didn’t consider them very important, but she still kept herself well-protected…

Why would she say such things now?

Could it be that Bai Xunyin really thought he desired that, and then let him ‘reap what he sowed,’ sacrificing so much just to get rid of him?

But perhaps Bai Xunyin wouldn’t even see it as a ‘sacrifice’; this clear-thinking woman would only view it as a ‘choice.’

Listening to Yu Luoyin’s questioning, Bai Xunyin opened her eyes, her expression almost numb.

“Because emotional entanglements are more troublesome than physical ones.”

What a great ‘analysis.’

After Bai Xunyin finished speaking, she felt a little timid to meet Yu Luoyin’s eyes so close to her. She only felt her chin numb and sore from being pinched.

Then, the man’s cold lips covered her corner of the mouth.

“Here’s yours, returning the favor for your recent kiss.”

Yu Luoyin let go of her, his voice hoarse, with a bitter smile.

“Bai Xunyin, let’s part ways amicably.”

He desired Bai Xunyin, yearned for everything about her, her soul, her intimacy… of course, he wanted it all.

But Yu Luoyin wouldn’t be a hypocrite who pursued relentlessly.

If being around him made her so uncomfortable that she even resorted to saying these things today to get rid of him, then perhaps he should let go of Bai Xunyin.

Over the years, Yu Luoyin had also learned how to truly be good to someone.

He had chosen to study medicine initially because he wanted to find a sense of true liberation in the process of healing pain, both others’ and his own.

All the extremes, stubbornness, desires… eventually, he would find his ‘path to freedom.’

The stairwell fell into silence, no one spoke for a moment.

It was as if the story had reached its tipping point, the last second, yet no one dared to pull away.

Until a piercing ringtone shattered the deadlock, awakening them as if from a dream. Yu Luoyin withdrew his gaze from Bai Xunyin’s pale face, lowered his eyes, and answered the phone, “Hello…”

“Little Yu, come back quickly!”

The voice on the other end was urgent, belonging to a male friend, “Your patient in Room 317 just had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and was rushed into the operating room!”

Yu Luoyin’s mind buzzed, his slender fingers almost unable to hold the phone.

After a while, he calmed down, his eyes regaining their usual clarity and rationality after the previous turmoil.

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

Yu Luoyin hung up the phone and looked across at Bai Xunyin.

“Could you do me a favor and take me to the hospital?”

He handed the car keys to Bai Xunyin, with a faint bitter smile.

“As you saw, I… my hands are shaking a bit.”

Bai Xunyin lowered her eyes, took the keys from his palm, and her delicate fingertips brushed over his palm.

In the silent space, there were no secrets, and she had heard the content of the phone call just now.

Who was the patient in Room 317?

What could make Yu Luoyin so panicked, even shaking, unable to drive?

The two of them remained silent, quickly descending the stairs, leaving this narrow stairwell behind.

In fact, it wasn’t just Yu Luoyin whose emotions had collapsed.

At the moment when she heard him say ‘let’s part ways amicably,’ for some reason, Bai Xunyin didn’t feel the relief she had imagined. Instead, she felt an inexplicable emptiness.

It was like stepping halfway into an unseen abyss, feeling a profound emptiness.

Bai Xunyin felt like she might truly be sick.

If only Yu Luoyin could be like Mu Anping, it would be better. His every move simply made her feel annoyed, indifferent. Clearly, both had hurt her, clearly, both were disliked for being arrogant and frightening men…

But unfortunately, Bai Xunyin desired him.

Just like every person who jumps into suicide, even if prepared for drowning, in that moment of suffocation…

Still, they yearn for someone to pull them out.

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