Incurable Pain

IP Chapter 99.2

IP Chapter 99.2

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 99.2

  1. Unexpected

Before leaving Xishuangbanna and returning to Linlan, the journey of the two encountered a small accident.

It happened at the Gasa International Airport on the morning they were leaving.

Yu Luoyin and Bai Xunyin had returned from a remote Hani village to the city the night before, deliberately resting early to catch the flight home the next morning. They arrived at the airport in the early morning mist.

At this early hour, there weren’t too many people at the airport, mostly travelers leaning together catching some sleep.

After passing security, the two found a place to sit down. Yu Luoyin said the airplane food was not good and wanted to buy something else to eat.

Although their luggage had already been checked in, Bai Xunyin didn’t feel like going with him and decided to wait.

She wasn’t tired last night and spent the time playing a game on her phone—Candy Man. 

She wasn’t much of a mobile gamer, only playing these somewhat ‘simple’ games.

However, these games also consumed a lot of time, and Bai Xunyin realized it had been almost twenty minutes when she put down her phone.

That wasn’t the point. 

The point was that Yu Luoyin, who went to buy food, hadn’t returned yet. 

Could he have gone to the restroom?

Bai Xunyin furrowed her brows and picked up her phone to call Yu Luoyin.

The phone rang ‘beep beep’ indicating it was calling, but no one answered.

Immediately feeling a sense of emptiness in her heart, Bai Xunyin thought for a moment and decided to stand up and find someone while carrying her bag.

Yu Luoyin wouldn’t ignore her calls without a reason, especially since being in a strange place was already a worrying situation in itself.

He must have encountered an emergency.

Bai Xunyin pursed her lips, looking for someone in the vast airport. Eventually, she started running instead of walking briskly.

She had a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, feeling the airport, with its air conditioning, was stuffy and hot.

The woman ran all the way to the airport restroom and saw a crowd gathered in an area where there should have been few people. She didn’t know why and hurried over, pushing through the crowd.

As a result, she saw Yu Luoyin kneeling on the ground, his brows furrowed tightly, his long and powerful hands pressing on the chest of a man who had fainted on the ground.

He was applying force, a typical emergency measure.

Bai Xunyin felt as if her heart had dropped heavily from being suspended in her chest. She breathed a sigh of relief, quickly approaching Yu Luoyin and asking softly, “What happened?”

But Yu Luoyin didn’t have time to look at her. 

He urgently said, “Call 120.”

“I’ve already called! Five minutes ago!” 

A helpful bystander said hurriedly, “Young man, I called five minutes ago, but the nearest hospital is far away.”

“Yes, someone has already gone to find the airport staff!”

Yu Luoyin’s clear brows were tightly furrowed, his lips pressed together without speaking.

Just from his expression, Bai Xunyin could tell that the patient’s condition was probably not good. The man lying on the ground seemed to be in his prime, not an elderly person who couldn’t get up after a fall, but his complexion was purplish-black, as if he couldn’t breathe.

Having never witnessed such a scene before, Bai Xunyin felt as if she were watching a vigorous life gradually disappearing before her eyes.

She unconsciously grabbed Yu Luoyin’s arm, then squeezed it tightly, as if comforting him.

At that moment, Bai Xunyin didn’t realize that Yu Luoyin had seen such situations far more times than her. 

She just subconsciously wanted to do so.

“I went to the supermarket next door to buy some things. When I came out, I saw him lying on the ground,” Yu Luoyin took a deep breath, “I just checked his eyes, heartbeat, took measures, couldn’t take images to confirm… but it’s possible he has an epidural hematoma. It’s dangerous if we don’t send him to the hospital in time.”

To put it bluntly, this man took a bad fall, and the bleeding in his brain had entered the cranial cavity.

Bai Xunyin didn’t understand these medical terms, but she understood that the symptoms sounded serious just by hearing them. Her face turned pale unconsciously, and her grip on his arm tightened even more.

“What… what should we do?” 

This man had no one accompanying him, and he clearly wasn’t a local at the airport. It would be tragic if he died in a strange land due to an accident.

With Bai Xunyin’s question, the surrounding onlookers couldn’t help but feel anxious—they instinctively looked at Yu Luoyin.

Of course, they didn’t know that Yu Luoyin was a doctor. They just saw his decisive actions in saving people, which didn’t seem like those of a young person who would stand by and watch, as some stories on the internet claimed. Moreover, he looked very professional, making people trust and rely on him unconsciously.

But this was the first time Yu Luoyin had faced such a sudden accident since he became a doctor.

He was away from home, at an airport far from the hospital, and didn’t even have a stethoscope with him… but that didn’t stop his determination to treat the patient and save lives.

In an instant, Yu Luoyin remembered the doctor Edward he had encountered on the plane before.

Even on a small, hopeless plane with no support, Dr. Edward could save lives. 

Why couldn’t he do the same?

A profound sense of responsibility overwhelmed him. 

Yu Luoyin took a deep breath, then turned to Bai Xunyin and quickly said, “It should be a preliminary epidural hematoma. I trust my judgment.”

“We need to do a CT scan, but it’s not in the acute phase, so we don’t need to perform immediate craniotomy.”

“But we need to get him to the hospital quickly…”

“Yinyin, we can’t wait for airport staff. We need to take him there immediately!”

Even though Yu Luoyin wanted to act without hesitation, he still had to consider the feelings of the woman beside him and ask for her opinion.

Because he was definitely going to miss this return flight, he just didn’t know if Bai Xunyin would be willing to go with him.


Bai Xunyin nodded in response to his words.

She quickly regained her composure and looked around at the crowd. 

Her voice was clear as she said, “Can anyone help me lift this man who fainted onto my husband’s back?”

Whatever Yu Luoyin needed to do, she would follow him without hesitation.

What was a flight compared to this? 

There would be another one.

In fact, there are still more kind-hearted people in the world. As soon as Bai Xunyin spoke, several hands reached out to help lift the man who had fainted onto Yu Luoyin’s back. Voices chimed in:

“This is too far from the airport. I have a car. I’ll drive these two young people there!”

“These days, there aren’t many people who actively help others like this. You young couple are truly kind-hearted…”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

Bai Xunyin felt a mix of urgency and amusement. In fact, they were just considered kind-hearted. The people present, who lent a helping hand in times of trouble, were the real kind-hearted ones.

So the woman turned around, smiled at the onlookers, and said softly, “You all are.”


The nearest hospital to the airport was still several kilometers away. The driver who offered his car drove fast, even running two red lights on the way in the early morning.

He couldn’t help but ask nervously, “Young man, can this man be saved?”

Yu Luoyin had been supporting the man’s head, trying to keep him sitting upright to stabilize him and prevent excessive blood flow due to the bumpiness after a potential epidural hematoma. He pursed his lips at the question.

It was a while before he replied, “Yes.”

As long as they were fast enough and the measures were in place, this life could be saved!

Yu Luoyin firmly believed in this, and he didn’t want the hopes of the helpful people who extended their hands to be dashed. He confidently told the driver, who was blindly optimistic.

Fortunately, there were few people at the hospital early in the morning, so there was no need to wait in line or anything.

At the critical point of life-threatening danger, every minute and second counted.

The patient was put on a stretcher and taken directly to the emergency room.

After seeing the man being taken in, Yu Luoyin finally relaxed, his tense heartstrings loosening. He let out a heavy breath and sat down on the public bench behind him, feeling as if all his strength had been drained.

Unnoticeably, the slender fingertips of the man trembled slightly, whether from nervousness or exhaustion after carrying the weight of the man to the hospital.

Bai Xunyin also breathed a sigh of relief. She walked over and gently held Yu Luoyin’s hand, which was quickly grasped in return, and her delicate figure was pulled into his embrace.

“He should be able to make it. It’s not the acute phase, and he’s in the best time for surgery…” 

Yu Luoyin murmured to himself in her ear, then asked, doubting himself this time, “Do you think so?”


Bai Xunyin patted his back soothingly. 

“Your judgment won’t be wrong, Yu Luoyin. Do you remember what you once told me?”

Yu Luoyin was taken aback. 


“You said you were the best doctor, capable of soothing all pains.” 

Bai Xunyin smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. 

“Today, I finally realized that you were telling the truth.”

Her young man, seemingly bold and unrestrained…

But he didn’t speak empty words.


In the end, the man was saved.

It was an epidural hematoma, and indeed, the first aid measures were in place, and the timing of his arrival was perfect for treatment.

The surgeon who performed the operation heard about the airport incident and specifically wanted to meet Yu Luoyin. Fortunately, they both wanted to wait for a good outcome and hadn’t left yet.

The old doctor, with white hair, widened his eyes when he saw Yu Luoyin and couldn’t help but exclaim, “So young… truly awe-inspiring, truly awe-inspiring.”

The young man’s actions at the airport in the early morning had already become the talk of the town—even making it to the local news.

But upon meeting the ‘young man’ in person, the old doctor realized that it wasn’t just hearsay or exaggeration. 

This kid was really young.

And when the old doctor was young, he couldn’t be as decisive as Yu Luoyin.

Facing Yu Luoyin’s modesty, he shook his head. 

“You are a doctor with great potential, but this experience is truly valuable. Your first aid measures were all in place, including the timing of arrival—without you, that gentleman wouldn’t have survived.”

But for a doctor, treating and saving lives was a duty and an obligation. 

How could he bear such praise?

Yu Luoyin just smiled and didn’t say anything.

The old doctor asked again, “I estimate the patient will want to see you after he wakes up.”


Yu Luoyin glanced at his watch. 

“Senior, we need to catch our flight.”

It had already been delayed for quite some time, and if they continued to linger, they would miss the late-night flight.

The old doctor felt somewhat regretful. 

“Do you really have to leave so soon?”


Yu Luoyin didn’t care whether others appreciated his reputation. He did things based on his conscience, just to fulfill his professional duties. So he wasn’t attached to the gratitude of patients either.

So when Yu Luoyin took Bai Xunyin’s hand and turned to leave, his explanation to the old doctor was simple.

“Goodbye, senior. We have to hurry home. I have to go to work tomorrow.”

No matter how bright the spotlight was, he still had to live a miserable life as a wage slave.

But as long as he could do something every day that he was proud of, that was enough.

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