Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3174 Existential Colonization! III

Chapter 3174  Existential Colonization! III

Crimson gold fur and a monkey-like disposition.

The figure almost reminded Noah of the Bard of Quintessence, but when he locked onto its eyes…any possible similarity faded away completely.

Within those eyes, he saw the brightness that hid great pride and self-worth, unlike anything he had seen before.

The beings that the Faesinged Queen was so fearful of.

The beings that were scorched out of their records as not much information was obtained about them even as Noah perused these records again and again.

"Hello, Natives of this Omniverse. I am Protector Antonio bringing you the weavings of glory of the Commonwealth. How may we call you?"


The words were said with a smile, but Noah could feel their rigidity as if they had been rehearsed and said too many times before!

The one introducing themselves as Protector Antonio was looking between Noah and Eckert as Noah took the lead to reply, with Eckert squinting his eyes and following right after.

"Emperor Osmont."

"The Great Usurper."

A beaming smile bloomed on Protector Antonio as he looked at the two of them, waving his hand up as a radiant blue scroll of light unfurled above him.

"Wow! Emperor Osmont and The Great Usurper. I bring you glorious tidings of the Commonwealth, where we commend you for your hard work in stopping the spread of the Infection of the Worms of Existence so far, and are here to let you know that you can rest easy. The Commonwealth will take care of things from here."


Noah blinked at this Entity before him as his first sentences after learning of their Distinctions… was akin to that of an adult listening to a child call themselves a name as they seemingly played along.

In his repeat of the words Emperor Osmont and The Great Usurper, no matter how beaming his smile was…they couldn't feel any ounce of respect or honor.

"Before I can continue any further, I will need Prospective Citizens Emperor Osmont and The Great Usurper to infuse a portion of your Existence in this area here. Protocol dictates for us to offer this rite of Citizenship to Autarchs, but I believe an exception can be made for The Great Usurper."


The eyes of the Protector Antonio gazed from Eckert's figure to those of the Paracosm and Teracosm Stage Entities behind them- as if he saw something others could not see and made a determination due to it!

Noah and Eckert stared at Protector Antonio silently as their wills observed the massive page that read [Contract of Existence], along with the many points of stipulations on it.

While reading it, Noah voiced out calmly.

"Why should we sign such a thing?"


Seemingly, a point of contention arose.

And the eyes of Protector Antonio twisted into a sharp smile!

Before the eyes of Protector Antonio.

The device that had returned to his neck flashed with a powerful blue light as it continued to give out readings.

|Confirmed the Physiology of Existence of both Emperor Osmont and The Great Usurper to be based on a singular System of Existence. Both match the criteria to be included as a Citizen of the Commonwealth. Additional information regarding Emperor Osmont has been discovered.|

Protector Antonio's eyes flashed sharply as he followed a blue hue that broke down the figures in front of him to great detail- this light coming to focus on a small circular ornament around Emperor Osmont's waist!

|A Unique Mobile Plane of Existence with slight similarities to those of Omniverse X-108 has been discovered on Emperor Osmont, with auras of more prospective citizens veiled inside.|


A tremendous finding.

The moment such a thing was ascertained, Protector Antonio smiled while turning into a thundering flash of lightning that disappeared instantly- its vector towards the simple looking round ornament on Emperor Osmont as Protector Antonio entered before anything could be done!

Under the means of the Commonwealth, nothing could be hidden.

Any secrets that the natives of an Omniverse believed were theirs to keep would be unveiled in a short period of time!

Protector Antonio spread out his Will the moment he entered the Unique Mobile Plane of Existence as his eyes lit up.

He saw clusters of Cosmos and Universes stretched throughout, and at the very center of it all, there was one particular cosmos that held powerful auras at the Autarch Equivalent Stage!

Protector Antonio flashed towards this Cosmos as he drilled into its depths and arrived at a domain where he saw the shocked eyes of Emperor Osmont gazing at him on a round table- a table which held other Autarchs who seemed to have been called here for a meeting!

"You asked why you should sign such a thing as this Contract of Existence."

Protector Antonio spoke with a smile as multiple blue scrolls of light unfurled, his eyes landing on Henry, Sona, the Sanctus Autarch, Kazuhiko, Erikson, Piety, and Lilith before they came back to lock onto the shocked visage of Emperor Osmont.

"You should sign because the Commonwealth is here to share its knowledge and resources, but only for its Citizens that it can protect. If you aren't Citizens or do not fall under the banner of one, it is hard to guarantee your protection."


A clearly veiled threat.

One that caused the billowing visage of Erikson to rise up, but Emperor Osmont placed his right hand on his shoulder while he sent a small portion of his existence under the line on the contract that had to be signed!

On it, the brand of Emperor Osmont appeared.

Protector Antonio only smiled deeper as similar Contracts of Existence came to float directly in front of the eyes of other Autarchs here, all of them looking towards Emperor Osmont initially before they signed with gritted teeth!

The moment it was done, these contracts collapsed into singularities of light as the voice of Protector Antonio echoed out grandly.

"Not to worry. The only things a Citizen of the Commonwealth is obligated to do is remain in their Natal Omniverse unless given strict permission otherwise, and to occasionally go where the Commonwealth directs you to. But this may never come to affect you. Let me be the first to welcome you as the Glorious Citizens of the Commonwealth!"


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