Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3571 What Could Have Been IV

Chapter 3571  What Could Have Been IV

As he did this.


The hum of a Satellite arriving could be heard as on the right, a bridge formed between the Satellite and Carrier before connecting- a glass enclosure forming around this bridge as soon after, the figure of Bob holding trays of food in his hands appeared while escorted by Androids, his eyes bright as they looked towards the silver white flame that was just being unearthed!

He entered the Carrier Noah and Barbatos were in, still devouring the food in his hands as he shook his head.

"You are quite possibly the best possible entanglement I could have come across- how the hell did you find something that others only considered a legend after just hearing about it? You're making the Elder Generation here feel a little useless…"

His face held a beaming smile as he looked towards the silver white flame that seemed to have its weavings just now unfolding, even greater concentrations of it lying down beneath!

Noah also let out a slight smile as he turned to welcome Bob, the visage of this unique existence falling in the eyes of his body in Hell Terra Firma as Noah blinked while squinting his eyes.

He saw something.

Bob came beside him calmly while looking out from the Carrier, feeling the heat of the flame ahead as he shook his head with complex weavings!

As if he found something he had been looking for and dreaming of for eons.

Near the throne where Noah used to be, Barbatos was also looking at the flame in the distance when she blinked in confusion as she suddenly felt the floor they were all on begin to sink down!

Up ahead, only Noah and Bob remained floating.

Noah kept his eyes on Bob as he spoke out calmly.

"It must have been hard to go through Hell Terra Firma without an ounce of authority."

He spoke casually.

And Bob, enchanted by the flame in the distance, nodded casually.

"Mmm. For some existences, Hell Terra Firma is even more cruel. Plants do not have a good time here, with their mortality rate being unfathomably high…"


Noah nodded at these words as he sighed right after, looking ahead towards the silver white flame as he spoke.

"Without authority, you should not be able to float right now beside me."


Bob's singularities blinked as he chewed on another apple while looking down, only now noticing the floor underneath them had been lowered far down- their two figures being the only ones floating in the air!

Barbatos looked above her at their figures in confusion and shock as right after, multiple metallic ceilings closed off above her as she could no longer see anything.

Right after, Androids appeared around her- three of them disassembling to form a pod that another placed her in while the voice of the Infiniverse Megalos rang out in her ears!

|We believe that there could be immense possible danger to your life here as we have to relocate.|


The moment such words were uttered, the floor below Barbatos once more opened as the pod she was in sank down right away, leaving the Aircraft Carrier as wings spread out from it while it shot out into the distance!

As far away from here as possible!

Back in the Aircraft Carrier, Noah was looking ahead as Bob chewed on more fruits while nodding in a reply.

"You are right, I should not be able to float without the usage of authority…this is an oversight on my part. Man."


The surroundings became heavy.

The air became thicker.

Complex weavings slowly settled in and clashed!

Noah remained looking ahead at the silver white flame while Bob continued to eat, also turning his head to the flame right after as Noah's voice rang out at this time.

"I have been studying the weavings of your path and source on that body of yours in the Dead Prime Frequency of Genesis, and I couldn't easily analyze and grasp the Khaos you told me about before. It told me your complexity must be really high. But then, I looked at your body here, within Hell Terra Firma. The void of authorities here…seems to have loosened up whatever veil was covering your weavings as my analysis became a little bit more clear."

"Yeah?" Bob blinked and nodded at his words as he continued to eat the fruits on the silver plate he held!

"Yeah. I received the same result I had seen once before not too long ago. When I was looking at…Faceless Lifeforms."


The air became turbid with power!

The metal of the Aircraft Carrier creaked and buzzed as it began to vibrate!

The moment Noah's eyes had landed on him, Severed Extractor was able to get a better idea as right away, the prompt of Incompatible Weavings of Existence flashed!

Silence reigned in the surroundings even as the atmosphere became scorching with turbidity.

Noah looked at the distant silver white flames that seemed to be roaring at this time, thinking about countless things before he asked lightly.

"The Dead Prime Frequency of Genesis. You mentioned that it was your biggest failure. How so?"

He seemed to be asking casually as if there were no issues whatsoever.

And Bob also replied casually as if they were simply having a normal conversation!

"That frequency…was the place I initially arrived in. The impact was heavy, and I could not control my complexity too well. It resulted in the instantaneous decimation of all the Megalos and the Expanse within it. It was my biggest failure to date, but I may have to change it now after you."


His singularities were bright.

His bald head shone with dazzling incandescence!

He continued eating more of the fruits remaining on the platter, his chewing sounds echoing out as he continued!

"The Weavings of the Wheel of Existence are too solid. Too pristine. Even if you mask your weavings, it is still impossible to evade everything. To go against the flow of the wheel…is almost an impossibility as you will find random coincidental things piling up until you are exposed. You will find forces rising up against you, nothing going your way, and everything that could go wrong, truly does go wrong. And how could it not when you are mixed within the Flow of the Wheel itself? So my solution…was to go along with the flow."


He spoke calmly.

He spoke succinctly!

And he continued.

"I had to block off all parts of myself and become someone else entirely. And see, here comes the most critical part of it all- it is not enough to just become someone else and play a part, you have to genuinely believe it. For the flow of the Wheel of Existence to consider you part of its weavings, you truly and undeniably have to believe it too. Otherwise, complexities would always be able to feel that something is off about your weavings. So I was Bob. I truly and completely am, Bob. I forgot everything else, but part of my weavings still steered me towards my purpose as I was able to step into the Wheelomachy. They also tried to go for the Singed, but somehow, evading the flow seems to be so supremely difficult that they sensed something they couldn't put their finger on, so they simply denied me."


His expression was placid.

All the fruits on the platter were done as thereafter, he began to eat the silver plate itself.

The crunching sound of metal rang out as Bob continued.

"It seems I was desperate as my weavings tried everything. They waded across frequencies and sought to be entangled with unique lifeforms surrounded by a heavy flow of the Wheel. A Gem Master that was somehow always suspicious. A Usurper that tries to devour my weavings. Saviors masked as Calamities. Anything…and then, I became entangled with you."




The Aircraft Carrier they were in had disintegrated.

All around, Armored Carriers and Satellites pointed their weapons in this direction.

Their air was filled with shocking turbidity as Bob finished eating a silver plate while looking at the distant silver white flame!

"You really got the ball rolling after all these years."


Excited for what is to come!

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