Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu

Volume 11 Chapter 3

Part 1

The next day──

Being guided by Feneri who had awakened from being se●ually excited……no, who had recovered from her cold, Diablo’s group left the Kobold’s forest.

The storm had passed, and it was completely sunny.

Even though it was a season where snow would cover the peaks of the northern mountains, due to the winds that warmed up in the southern seas, this whole area was warm in general.

Sending the Summoned Beast 《Turkey Shot》 flying to the sky, they confirmed the landmark mountain.

Shera pointed her finger.

「At the back of the twin mountains with white peaks, walk towards the midday sun──so, this should be the right way.」

「……It’s already one o’clock. It’s veering a bit to the west.」

「But we don’t have a clock?」

「……Even without a clock, I can tell the rough estimate of the time. It would be difficult to accurately tell what the minutes are though.」

「Waahー, amazing! Rem, your stomach clock is amazing.」

「……It isn’t my stomach clock.」

「So it’s fine if we just walk this way for half a day, right!? There are even some sign-looking things on the standing trees here and there.」

Shera smoothly advanced through the forest.

Being an Elf, although she didn’t look like it, walking through forests was her specialty.

Rem pouted looking dissatisfied.

「……It seems that we’ll come out to a highway where it won’t even take half a day if it were walked with the legs of one of the Beastman races though.」

「Do you think we’ll get there this afternoonー?」

「……It seems that they can run through the forest faster than a deer. Since that’s impossible for us……It would be best to be prepared to take a whole day to get there.」

「Auu~. I want to sleep in a bedー.」

*Gakuri* Shera dropped her shoulders.

She yearned to be an Adventurer, and she loved adventures, but it seemed that this journey was too long for her and she was tired of it.

Diablo changed topics.

There was something that was bothering him the whole time.

「What do you mean by the Beastman race?」

In the MMORPG Cross Reverie, there was the classification of being a part of the Races (Humans and Demi-Humans), Demonic (Demonic Beings and Demonic Beasts), and wild animals.

In the game, Kobolds were monsters that were classified as being wild animals.

Were animals divided into wild animals and the Beastman races?

Rem put a hand to her mouth.

「……Should we talk a bit……about the Beastman race?」


「……First, as you know, the Lifelia Kingdom is a Human nation. Demi-Humans also live there, but they are merely allowed to.」

Diablo recalled.

「With the King naturally being Human, the cabinet ministers and generals were also Humans, weren’t they.」

It was negligible, but he did also catch sight of Elves and Pantherians though.

「……The Lifelia Kingdom is the largest power in this continent. In other words, it could be said that Humans control this continent.」

「So it would seem.」

「……The Demi-Humans that they acknowledge as members of the Races are──the Elves, the Pantherians, the Dwarves, the Grasswalkers, and the Demons. Among these, the Elves are said to be the closest to the Divine Beings, so they’re a slightly special existence.」

「And it seems that Demons are special in the opposite meaning.」

「……Yes. Made out to have Demonic Being blood mixed into them, they are avoided. As for the rest──the Pantherians, the Dwarves, and the Grasswalkers……in the past, they were called the Beastman races.」


That was a story that wasn’t in the MMORPG Cross Reverie’s setting data.

「……This is an era long past, much further than the founding of the Lifelia Kingdom. Since those three races learn the Human language, they were recognized as Demi-Humans.」

「By the Humans huh.」

「……Yes, by the king of the ancient kingdom. Since the ancient king had written it into law, we have our present age. In contrast, the races that denied the common language ended up being treated as wild animals.」

In other words, it meant that it was arbitrarily decided that they weren’t people.

Since then, they were treated as monsters in the Lifelia Kingdom.

「That is quite the tyrannical story.」

「……Rulers are tyrannical beings. It’s not just the Kobolds, I believe that even Ogres, Dryads, and Lamia are widely known as Beastman races. There are also some including Giants, Trolls, and Orcs, but these are hard to define.」


By the current definition──The Races consists of races that can speak the Lifelia common language. Demonic Beings and Demonic Beasts were ones who vanished when they die. And wild animals are anything other than those two categories.

There was no method of differentiating between wild animals and the Beastman races.

「……Giants, Trolls, and Orcs, which were defined as Beastman races by researchers, attack the people of the Races on sight. Going by that ecology, I’m sure that coexistence isn’t possible.」


Giants preyed on the Races. Or rather, they were a species that considered anything that moved that was smaller than them to be food.

Trolls and Orcs had nothing but males, and would use the female members of the Races to reproduce──This information wasn’t in the game’s settings though.

It wasn’t out of ill will. They were those sorts of creatures. It looked difficult to have a peaceful coexistence with them.

Rem spoke.

「……That being said, even those that have forms far from the human form, such as birds, fish, and insects, also have life. They also have wills, they probably also have something similar to words, and they should also feel pain……I believe that treating all of these the same as other members of the Races would be impossible.」

「Going by that way of thinking, even plants have life……That being said, we can’t live on without eating anything. Eating the members of the Races is different from eating birds and fish.」

She nodded.

「That is why the ancient king decided “if one cannot understand human speech, they are animals”, and that probably can’t be called mere tyranny. There was simply a need decide on who was different.」


In this other world, there existed many species that were in the space between man and beast, more so than the original world that Diablo lived in.

There were many times where the moral values of his original world didn’t work.

Rem gazed at him with eyes that were filled with envy.

「……However, if everyone was able to converse with the Beastman races like you can, Diablo, I’m sure that a different demarcation would have been made.」

「Mu? That might be true.」

「……At the very least, I, no longer see the Kobolds as wild animals.」

「I agree.」

He had never tried it before, but by some chance, he might be able to converse even with Giants.

However, at that time──

Would he be told “I’ll bite your head off” or something?

Even if they were able to converse, it didn’t seem like they would be able to get along.

Part 2

The time they found the highway was when they had already given up and discussed about if they should just sleep outdoors. It had completely turned to night.

The next day, they walked since morning, and by the evening──

Diablo’s group finally arrived at the town of the Races.

The sky had already been dyed a madder red.

「Hoorayー, it’s the townー!!」

Diablo called out to Shera, who had started running towards it, with a 「Don’t fall down」.

Rem had a nervous look.


Having tall ramparts, the appearance of it was similar to Faltra City.

There were also watch towers that had pointed roofs.

「If I recall correctly, Caliture City should also have a demonic-warding barrier, right?」


This region shouldn’t have any Demonic Beings, but since it was the South’s greatest base, it was given complete preparations.

Unlike the Demonic Beings that possessed clear thoughts and acted accordingly, Demonic Beasts would appear regardless of the location and were akin to natural disasters. A barrier to defend against their aggression was necessary.

With it being the evening, the city gate was bustling with people like farmers who were returning from their farmwork and merchants and travelers who were rushing in.

Thanks to that, Diablo’s group was able to smoothly enter the gate without anyone questioning his horns.

A guard raised their voice.

「Anyone passing through should hurry upー!! The gate closes at the same time as the sunsetー!!」

It seems that that was how they operated.

「It’s much stricter than Faltra City, isn’t it?」

「……It shouldn’t have been like that in the past. Right now, I suppose it means they’re in the middle of war.」

「Ahh, I see.」

If Diablo had done nothing, this town would have been attacked by the Kobolds. It was probably only natural that they would be vigilant of night attacks and close the gates.

Shera sweetly laughed.

「Ehehe! It’s all thanks to Diablo, isn’t it!」


「I mean, it was about to turn into war, right!?」

「Well……I suppose so.」

After being told that, he felt like he proved to be pretty useful.

However, it wasn’t done yet.

Diablo passed through the city gate, and surveyed the town.

「I need to keep my promise with them.」

He would need to get approval from Caliture’s Feudal Lord. Or, depending on the situation, from the Lifelia King──Approval to let the Kobolds live in this land.

Rem turned serious eyes towards him.

「……If it’s you, Diablo, I’m sure it’s possible.」

The pressure placed on him was incredible.

「N, now then, where is the Feudal Lord’s house? Do we just go down that main street?」

When it came to the towns of this other world, all of them had many more buildings compared to the MMORPG Cross Reverie, had streets that were complex, and he couldn’t read any of the notices, signboards, or letters.

In the game, there were only the buildings necessary to the Player, but that was only natural since the number of people walking down the road was overwhelmingly smaller though……

Rem shook her head sideways.

「……The main street that is close to the ramparts only continues to the warehouses of the wealthy merchants and is a deadend. Even with the central main street, there’s only the shopping district. Well, there are inns there as well though.」


「……We’re in Caliture City’s northern district, and the path going to the central district where the Feudal Lord’s house is, is that small path next to that large building over there.」

Shera smiled.

「That’s so weirdー」

「……However, when going through there, on top of having a lot of barkers, since it would be a detour that would have to go through the western district, the locals use the underground passage.」

「An underground passageー!?」

At the place Rem pointed to, there was something that looked like the entrance to a subway.

People who seemed to be locals that didn’t have much luggage with them were going in and out of it.

「……If you’re not used to it, it might be a bit hard to understand.」

「It isn’t just a bit! That’s a dungeon, you know!?」

This was something that he agreed with Shera on.

Rem shrugged her shoulders.

「It can’t be helped. Since Caliture City is a town on a land where three slopes meet together, it’s structured so that you would come out to the second level of the central district if you go down the subterranean tunnel.」

──What is up with that complexity. What, are we in front of Osaka station?

「Well, I will leave the guidance to you. Let us go to the Feudal Lord’s house before it gets dark……」

When they were about to head over, some young Pantherian men approached.

There were six of them.

The one at the lead with a mohican head talked to them.

「Yaa, Onii-chan. Could it be, are ya a slave trader?」

Their gazes were focused on Rem and Shera’s chokers.

──It’s been a while since I’ve met with troublesome guys like this.

Rem ignored them and turned away.

「……We don’t need to bother with them. Let’s go.」

「OI!! Hold it!」

The one that the mohican extended his hand to was surprisingly Shera. He grabbed her wrist roughly.



Instantly, Diablo extended his hand with the intent of pushing the guy away but……

*Dofuh!* It turned into the shape of him striking the heel of his palm into the Pantherian’s chest, and that had flashily blown the guy away.

──Oh craaap! I put too much power into it.

The mohican Pantherian rolled about ten meters through the plaza in front of the city gates.

The remaining five changed their expressions.

They revealed their anger.

「Bastard!」「You’ve done it now, haven’t ya!?」「We’ll murder you, got it!?」

Going “Haa~”, Rem breathed a deep sigh, and covered her eyes with one hand.

It had turned into something troublesome within five minutes of entering the town.

He supposed that he would have sighed too.

However, nothing can be done about what’s already happened──Diablo put Shera behind him and covered her.

「Ku ku ku……I am not some slave trader, I am a Demon King that has come from another world! Anyone who wishes to die, should come at me!」

It seemed that there was not much meaning in overawing those guys who had blood rushing to their heads.

Going “Oraah!”, the Pantherian men headed towards him.

Despite being thugs, their levels were surprisingly on the high side and all of them were about level 40. They weren’t weak, but not being weak was all they were.

The current Diablo was greater than level 100 even as a Warrior. He had surpassed the limits of the Races.

Even if a group of level 40s attacked him, they wouldn’t be a match for him.

With one hand, he caught and averted a punch that the second person threw at him, and just as that opponent had his balance broken, he threw his fist at his face.

He then threw the elbow of his drawn back arm into the third person’s chin, then struck a kick into the stomach of the fourth person who tried to go around behind him.

When compared to Master Swordsman Sasala and the Great Demon King Modinalaam, it was as if they were in slow motion.The real trouble for him was in holding back.

In about five seconds, there were five people collapsed on the ground.

The remaining one staggeringly backed away.

「S, so strong……!?」

「You all are just too weak. I shall leave you all with just your lives. It would be best if you all stopped your behavior of quarrelling with travellers on the street. Or could it be, would you like to see me get serious?」

「HIIiiii!? I’m sorry!」

While raising a scream, that guy left his companions and ran away.

What a cold thing to do.

Diablo shrugged his shoulders.

「Good grief……」

「Waーn, thank you! I was scared, Diabloー!!」

Once again, Shera was deeply emotional and jumped at him.

──I’m probably sure that you could have won against them alone, you know? You are a level 80 Archer after all. You’re also fortified with the equipment that Demon King Krebskrum had Enchanted after all.

*Gui!* His mantle was pulled by Rem.

「We’re running!」


Suddenly looking around──noticing the uproar, the gatekeepers were rushing over.

He didn’t think that he did anything wrong, but it seemed like their meeting with the Feudal Lord would be delayed if they were to receive an investigation.

Doing as Rem said, he decided to run away.

While carrying Shera in his arms, they entered the underground passage.

After descending the stairs, it suddenly branched into three directions.

「This way!」

「It seriously is a maze, isn’t it.」

As if trying to slip into the crowd of people, Diablo’s group ran deep into the passage.

Part 3

After coming out from the underground passage, they really came out to the second floor of building.

From the window, they could see the first floor’s main street.

「……That is, the Feudal Lord’s house.」

Rem pointed her finger.

Within the town that was lined with short buildings, there was a sole large estate that looked like a castle.

──Influential people sure do like tall buildings, don’t they.

There was even the shape of a tower that he recognized.

「There’s even a barrier towner?」

「……Faltra City kept them separate, but Caliture City’s Magician’s Guild is within the Feudal Lord’s house.」

So they had that close of a relationship.

After advancing through a corridor where small shops were lined up, then descending the stairs, they were finally in the central district.

However, it was really surrounded by guys who weren’t normal.

They were all Pantherians.

It could be understood at a glance that they had all trained plenty. Going by their standing posture, they looked strong.

There were more than twenty of them.

「Tsk……Are they companions of the guys from earlier?」

Diablo extended his hand to his pouch. He didn’t want to use his Magic Staff in the middle of town, but it would be dangerous to go against this many people while barehanded.

Rem made a reluctant-looking face.

「……You people are.」

The Pantherian man who stood at the lead, had a quite rare panther head.

Normal male Pantherians had mostly Human figures with panther ears and tails.

However, there would seldomly be those with heads that were that of a panther’s. Only their outward appearances were different, but the interior didn’t change──that is what was said.

That panther head Pantherian was a size bigger than those around him, and was clearly much more burly than Diablo.

Going by his tempered fists, he was most likely a Fistfighter. Moreover, he was of a considerably high level.

They should have already entered his range.

It was a distance where he could break their necks in an instant if they were to lose focus.

Diablo focused his sense on him.


*Niyari* The panther head man curved his mouth.

*Gabah!* He lowered his head.

「Ojou, welcome back!!」

It was a very deeply respectful bow towards Rem.

Even the other guys did the same, putting their hands behind them, bending at the waist until they were close to being at a right angle, and greeting her.

「Welcome back!」「Ojou!」「We have been waiting for you!」

The people walking on the road stared at the scene wondering what was going on.

A child that pointed at the scene was hurriedly carried away by their mother.

The thug-like men turned around and ran away.

Rem’s face turned red.

「……This is why……I didn’t……want to come back.」

Diablo unconsciously exchanged glances with Shera.


The panther head man formally talked to Diablo.

「Sir, are you Ojou’s companion?」

「I am not a stranger to her.」

「The assistant instructor says they would like to meet you. Could you obediently come with us?」

「So they are summoning me. Who are they?」

Rem opened her mouth with a reluctant impression in her voice.

「……These people are apprentices of the Gado clan. And then, the assistant instructor he mentioned is, my……aunt.」

「You had a blood relative!?」

She hung her head.

「……I had, already intended on casting away my home town though.」

The panther head shook his head left and right.

「That is unthinkable. The assistant instructor worries about you almost every day, Ojou.」

*Pon!* Shera hit her hands together.

「Come to think of it, what the Gado clan is──Rem, you promised that you would tell us, didn’t you!?」

Hearing that remark that didn’t quite read the atmosphere, the surroundings froze.

Even if they did have that kind of talk, would you really say that in front of the people themselves?

The panther head answered with a gentle sounding voice.

「Friend, the Gado clan is, about the people who are taught the Gado style of martial arts. The instructor is the parent, the apprentices are brothers, and that bond is stronger than even that of a real family.」


Shera nodded with a face that said that she didn’t really get it.

Rem made a declaration.

「They’re mere yakuza.」

Diablo went “Uwaah……” and drew away in his mind.

Part 4

The sun sank into the ridgeline of the mountains.

It was a section of the Central District.

Within the grounds that were surrounded by tall walls that seemed like they would be found at a prison, brazier fires were burning.

They passed through the gate that was surrounded by droves of men.

The disciples who were top half naked and practicing went “Ha!” as they noticed them and stood straight.

「Welcome back!」

So stuffy.

Compared to these guys, the Kobolds were much more refreshing.

Diablo was bad with sports-oriented enthusiasm.

Not to mention genuine yakuza.


He pretended to have a Demon King-like calm, but he was losing his nerves in his mind.


The one who raised a scream was Shera. It was surprising to the point that he jumped a bit.

When Diablo turned his gaze around wondering what was happening──

Finding it a bit hard to understand, there was a woman who was caressing Shera’s waist.

「Ara ara……You’ve got a nice bottom. You really don’t seem like an Elf.」

──When in the world did she approach her!?

All of the people around them should have been nothing but men. She had slipped through that enclosure in an instant, and moreover, touched Shera without letting anyone notice her.

Super speed!? Teleportation!? It ain’t anything as cheap as that!?

That woman had black hair, and black panther ears.

She was a Pantherian.

Normal Pantherians had orange colored hair, and possessed ears and tails that were yellow with leopard print black spots, but this woman was a rare black panther type Pantherian.

In other words, she was the same as Rem.

That Rem was openly scolding her.

「Let go of her, Oba-san (aunt)!」

Oba-san──The woman who was called that staggered. Even so, the right hand that was extended out to Shera’s butt didn’t let go though.

「N, no way……Rem-chan is being rebellious? Could it be, the Rem-chan that I believed in and sent off has, turned into a delinquent……!?」

「I haven’t. Please take your hands off of Shera. I will get mad, you know?」

「Please properly call me Sorami-nee-san.」

It was at this late point in time that Diablo regained his composure.

He was swallowed up by the vigor of the woman that had suddenly appeared, but he needed to protect the two!

「You had best separate from Shera!」

He extended his hand out to the one who called herself Sorami (who seemed to be Rem’s aunt).

That being said, he still wasn’t used to touching women.

Leaving it at just extending his hand, he didn’t touch her body.

Sorami chuckled.

「Ara ara……You’ve got some nice intuition, don’t you.」


*Pari pari* Purple lightning ran across her body, and then dispersed in midair.

──《Lightning Clothing》!?

Through SP, it would clad the body in lightning.

It was a Martial Art that would give damage the opponent that touched them.

However, it’s effective time was short.

It wasn’t strange for her to be using that Martial Art but……

Ever since Sorami had appeared, she had been touching Shera with her right hand the whole time. However, lightning damage didn’t happen to Shera.

In other words, she had the Martial Art 《Lightning Clothing》 on except for her right hand!? Is something like that possible!?

It would seem that there was no mistake that she was a person powerful enough that Diablo’s understanding couldn’t catch up.

Sorami stared at him with a gentle look.

「Ufufu……Don’t you need to save her, your friend?」

Shera twisted her body.


She was teary eyed.

It only looked like she was just having her waist rubbed, but there must have been some sort of reason why Shera didn’t escape by herself.

──Was there a Martial Art that could seal someone’s movements!?

Diablo hid his agitation.

「Hmph……You’ve taken some strange actions, haven’t you. So you’re Rem’s aunt, as well as the assistant instructor here.」

「Hey now. You can’t go calling a woman older than you “you (kisama)” or “aunt”, you know? Please call me Sorami-nee-san, okay?」

It was a gentle tone as if she were a gentle Onee-san.

No, that sort of older sister wasn’t here……it was just the image of one.

The tension was going amiss.

However, there was no mistake that she was a powerful person.

The guys surrounding Diablo’s group purposely took some distance. In other words, this wasn’t some accident, but something planned.

He couldn’t read their objective.


Suddenly, he thought of something.

──I, put a 《Slave Choker》 on the daughter of the yakuza, and marched into their headquarters, didn’t I!?

A cold sweat started gushing out.

It seemed that Rem wasn’t self-aware of it, but it has turned into an outrageous situation!


C, calm down!

It’s times like this that the Demon King role play should be used.

I (ore) am Demon King Diablo!

I (ware) am Demon King Diablo!

I (ware) am the Demon King Diablo!

「Ku……Ku ku ku……You have shown me quite the interesting technique, haven’t you, one called Sorami.」

*Kusuri* She smiled.

「Ara ara? That’s a slightly nice face you’re making there.」

「No matter who you are, or what kind of objective you have, she is my property! If you are going to lay a hand on her, believe that you no longer have your life!」

「Property? Ara, is that so.」

*Kunyari* Shera’s body bent into the shape of a “く”.

With teary eyes, she let out a thin voice.


「I will be taking you back right now, Shera! 《Lightning Bullet》!!」

「Chemical Elemental Magic!?」

As expected, maybe because there were few users of it in this other world, even Sorami opened her eyes wide in astonishment.

A magic formation spread out from his Magic Staff.

Bullets of light started flying at the same time.

《Lightning Bullet》 was quick to activate, and its power was high as well.

Sorami stuck out her left hand.


The bullets of light ended up averting at her fingertip.


Diablo reflexively raised his voice.

He was also a Warrior that was over level 100. He knew that it was a Martial Art that used SP.

──She focused her SP at her fingertip!?

Sorami shook her left hand.

「Fufufu……That tingled a bit.」

As they were confronting each other, Rem cut in from the side.

「Sorami-san, I will have you cut it out now!」


Rem fired a kick.

Against her who could ward off even his 《Lightning Bullet》, an attack done with living flesh shouldn’t work.

That is what Diablo thought.

However, Rem’s kick also shone due to SP.

It was the same as Sorami’s fingertip.

Her opponent caught her powerful kick with her left hand.

At that instant──

*Paan!* Sparks flew.

Finally, Sorami took some distance. She got away from them.

「Yup, you pass♥」

With a whole faced smile, she made a circle with both of her arms.

Going limp and looking as if she lost all of her strength in her limbs, Shera collapsed.

Diablo hurriedly caught her.

「Oi! Get ahold of yourself, Shera!」


「Are you alright!?」

「So, light.」

「What did you say?」

「My……body, feels really lightー.」

Going “what?”, it wasn’t just Diablo, even Rem tilted her head.

Shera’s eyes sparkled.

「This whole time, my body felt heavy like it was being pulled down by my boobs, but when I was touched by Sorami-san, it totally became lighterー!!」

Going “Ufufufu……”, Sorami laughed.

「Girls with heavy boobs hold their bodies up with their waist muscles, right? It becomes easier for them when they get massaged, you knowー?」

「Yup! It was amazing! It felt so good that I didn’t want to moveー.」

Shera made a wide grin.

──So you didn’t escape by yourself for that sort of reason!?

Rem spat her words out.

「……I wasted my time helping you.」

「Au. B, but, I was really happy, you know? To be helped by you, Rem.」

「It was a waste.」

「I’m saying thanksー」

Sorami looked like she was having fun watching the two quarrel.

「To think that Rem-chan would make a friend in the truest meaning, what a surprise.」

Rem made an objection.

「……Please don’t misunderstand. This Elf with useless flesh, isn’t a friend.」

「We’re companions after all!」

Rem started talking back once again at Shera’s words.

Sorami still had a gentle expression.

「It also looks like your technique hasn’t withered away.」

Rem warped her expression at those words.

「……No……I, no longer rely on the Gado style. It is too dangerous to get close to the enemy. I have now become a Summoner after all.」

「Rem-chan, that person, I believe he was thinking of having you be the successor, you know?」

「……No matter what Tou-sama’s intentions were……I won’t become a Fistfighter. I don’t have the talent for it after all.」

Rem walked towards the building as if trying to run away.

Part 5


As expected, it was no longer a time to be visiting the Feudal Lord.

The Gado Clan estate.

Rem said that they were yakuza, but he couldn’t find any Japanese style characteristics that would be associated with that word. The structure of the buildings were similar to the ones typically found in the Lifelia Kingdom.

A so-called Middle Age Europe style──

More specifically, it was close to the image of thirteenth century Germany and France.

Since he didn’t live during that time in Europe, he couldn’t declare that they were the same, though this was another world to begin with.

Even without having to compare it to the royal palace, the interior was plain. There were whitish yellow wall cloths, and curtains with simple designs.

In a wide room that felt like the walls were distant, there was a single black-lacquered rectangular table.

Diablo sat down in a wooden chair that was so heavy it seemed like it was made from iron.

Rem was to his right, and Shera was to his left.

And then, Sorami was sitting opposite of him.

「Doing this formally──I serve as the assistant instructor of the Gado style, I am called Sorami Galeu.」

「……And where is Oji-san (uncle)?」

「Ufufu……The instructor was called to a conflict to the east, and it’s already been about half a year since then.」

「……So it’s the same as usual.」

Rem breathed a sigh. Diablo asked a question.

「I am not familiar with the Gado Clan.」

At the very least, they didn’t appear in the MMORPG Cross Reverie.

「Long ago, someone called Fist Saint Gado imparted Martial Arts that he had invented.」

「Did you say Fist Saint?」

「Yes. We were around since before the Adventurer’s Guild was made in the Lifelia Kingdom, and we even accept requests from royalty and titled nobility.」

「Fumu……So in that case, you are business rivals to the Adventurers.」

「That’s true, I suppose that’s how it turned out, but we do get along with them. I am a tea-drinking buddy with the Caliture Adventurer Guildmaster.」

──To think there was a Fist Saint.

This was something that wasn’t implemented in the MMORPG Cross Reverie, but was this supposed to be a Fist Fighter version of the Master Swordsman? The demand for it came from a portion of Players.

Also, he didn’t know the reason why the Gado Clan didn’t appeared in the game.

Was it because there would be criticism from other Players if there was an organization that was directed only by Pantherian Fistfighters? He didn’t have any confidence in that answer.

Sorami leaked out a smile.

「And then, I am also Rem-chan’s Onee-san. It is a pleasure to meet you!」

As usual, she expressed a gentle smile. On the contrary, it was scary.

Rem shrugged her shoulders.

「……Who is an older sister. She is my father’s younger sister.」

That was unmistakably an aunt.

Sorami pouted her lips.

「At the very least, my feelings are that of an actual older sister. Rem-chan is my precious little sister, you know?」

Honestly, he still didn’t trust her.

Diablo hid his inner thoughts that were like a frightened kitten, and asked a question.

「What was the reason why you summoned Rem and tested our abilities? Since I am asking you, you may speak.」

「Ufufu……To call it testing your abilities. Even though it was a mere greeting.」

「Even after going as far as using Martial Arts?」

「No one got injured, right?」

Shera made a fist pump.

「Rather, I feel better than usual!」

Rem spoke with a cold voice.

「……Sorami-san is, this kind of person. She probably seriously intended for it be a greeting. Well, there is the possibility that it wouldn’t have ended with you being uninjured if you were lacking in ability though.」

Shera asked a question with a curious-looking face.

「Hey, Rem──Isn’t Sorami-san a nice person? Why did you cast away your hometown?」

Certainly, putting aside where her common sense was, she unmistakably cherished Rem.

This was surely a justified question.

Shera loved her hometown forest.

However, her older brother, Prince Kiira, was a repulsive fiend, and feeling the danger to herself, she had no choice but to run away from home.

Sorami leaned forward.

「That’s something I want to hear too. Even though I cherish you this much, you silently went and left.」

It seemed that Rem didn’t have a peaceful departure from her home either.

Rem cast her eyes down.

「……I had decided to aim for being a Summoner, and not a Fistfighter. That is, why.」

「But being a Fistfighter is great! Striking the enemy with your fist is, way more refreshing, you know!?」

Going “it isn’t that sort of problem”──Rem continued her words.

「……Both my mother and I, didn’t talk about this to you, Sorami-san, but we carried a certain serious secret. My leaving home isn’t unrelated to that.」

「A secret huh.」

Her secret──That was the fact that she had the Demon King Krebskrum sealed within herself.

When she had revealed that to Diablo for the first time, Rem had a lot of tears show up on her eyes though.

Now, she had a clear expression.

「……But, thanks to Diablo, the problem has been resolved. Completely, is what I would hesitate to say it is, but I no longer have the need to worry about it by myself. Even when I give birth to a child someday, I won’t give them any sad thoughts.」


Sorami opened her eyes wide.

She fixedly gazed at Diablo.

──This aunt, it seems that she had an inkling about the secret to a certain extent.

It does seem like they lived together for a long time, and it doesn’t look like they didn’t get along. He didn’t know how much she had grasped though.

Rem spoke.

「……Since it seems like it will turn into a slightly long story, I will tell it to you later, Sorami-san.」

「I get it. I’d listen even if it takes a thousand nights.」

「……It won’t be that long of a talk.」

Opening the door, a Pantherian man wearing a black apron came in. He seemed to be a waiter.

Tea was prepared.

It was a variety different from what he drank in Faltra City and in the royal capital. Was it mint tea?

The aroma that had a refreshing feel seemed to match the hot region.

Part 6

Sorami placed her chin on a bridge made with both of her hands.

Her atmosphere changed a bit.

「Well then, this time, please answer my question, okay? Those chokers that are fitted on Rem-chan and Shera-chan──Just what are they?」

Depending on the answer, it seemed like his life would be in danger. Men of another room might come rushing in.

Diablo made a dry gulp.

「Hmph……Th, the thing about that is……」

Wondering how he should talk about it, he desperately suppressed how his voice felt like it was going to start shaking.

Rem then smoothly explained it.

「……I made a mistake in the Summoned Beast Magic, and the 《Slavery Choker》 meant for Summoned Beast use was fitted on to me. Since it would take a great deal of time to undo it, we have postponed it for now.」

It was concise.

She might have thought about how to explain it beforehand.

Sorami frowned.

「As I thought, magic really is no good. Muscles won’t betray you, you know?」

「……The problem wasn’t in the summoning technique. I was just inexperienced.」

「If you had stayed here and continued your training, I believe you would have become stronger than me by about this time.」

Shera reacted to those words.

「Is Rem strong!?」

「She was really amazing, you know? As a Fistfighter, she was higher than level 40 even as a child. Her talent was higher than us siblings, and she was praised as being the second coming of the Fist Saint Gado.」

As if boasting about her prided little sister, she spoke sounding delighted.

Rem shook her head sideways.

「……The Fistfighter is a Class that exposes their own body to danger. If a Summoned Beast is used, although I won’t say that was absolutely safe, at that time, I had a reason why I couldn’t die. That is why I chose to be a Summoner. I don’t regret it.」

She made that declaration clearly.

Going “Fuu~”, Sorami breathed a sigh.

「Is that so. Well then, I only have one more question──That ring on your ring finger, what is up with that?」

Rem’s face went slightly red. She sent her gaze to Diablo.

Shera also made a similar face, and held out her left hand.


「……We’re, married.」

With Rem staring at him while saying that, Diablo felt like his face was going to turn red. No, it might actually be red already. His face was hot.

Sorami’s eyes went round.

「Arara, are those 《Marriage Rings》!? Rem-chan, you got married to another race!?」


Rem nodded, and Shera caressed her ring.

「That’s right.」

Sorami alternately gazed at the two’s rings.

「Between two women!」

Silence swept the room.

It seemed that Shera was unable to understand the meaning of that, as her eyes blinked several times.

Rem was like a rusted machine, and moving her head with a *gigigi*, she looked at Diablo.

「……What does she mean by that?」

He was exposed!! Could he push through with his Demon King role play?

No, that would be way too insincere.

However, wouldn’t deceiving her here be one of those “gentle lies”? An excuse?

So being honest was best……

As a result of fighting it out with himself, a vague response leaked out.

「Ah, no, the thing about that is……」

「……It’s true, isn’t it?」

He felt like a bright red aura was being emitted from Rem who had guessed everything.

Sorami leaned forward.

「Ara ara! You’ve trained your Gaikikou (Outer Radiance Achievement)[1] quite a lot too, haven’t you.」


He was interested in that, but this wasn’t the time to ask about it.

Rem stood up from her chair.

She silently tried to leave the room.

Diablo also half rose to his feet.

「Y, you must wait, Rem!」

「……I am going to cool my head, for a bit. We can talk, later.」

Rem with her back still turned towards him, was scarier than when he confronted the Great Demon King Modinalaam.

*Batan!* The door to the room was closed.

Shera’s ear twitched.

「It seemed like, Rem, was angry.」

「What a helpless fellow.」

He breathed a sigh, but he was well aware that the helpless fellow was himself.

His plan of switching out the Marriage Rings before they figured it out was a complete failure.

To begin with, it was impossible for him to switch out those rings that they never took off even when they were bathing or sleeping.

Sorami made a face that looked like she was troubled, and put a hand to her cheek.

「Ara ara……Could it be that, the one that Rem-chan and Shera-chan are married to is, you──Diablo-kun?」

──She didn’t expose that fact knowing that? Rather, Diablo-kun?

She was a woman that destroyed his Demon King majesty as if knocking down a tower of blocks.

Going “Hmph!” and folding his arms, he leaned his body on the back of his chair.

「That is how it is.」

It was only now that Shera seemed to finally realize what it all meant.

「Hah! Does that mean that this 《Marriage Ring》 is the pair to the one that Rem has!?」

Diablo averted his gaze.

「W, well, seeing as how I am the Demon King of another world, it might feel like I am a bit estranged from the customs of this world.」

It was a lame excuse.

Shera lightly laughed.

「Ahaha……So that’s how it wasー. Well then, Diablo’s ring will be needed tooー.」

──I was forgiven!?

Diablo unblinkingly stared at Shera on reflex.

This girl, could it be that she’s actually an amazing girl?

Sorami narrowed her eyes.

「Yup, yup, a very good child indeed.」

He felt like he was saved a bit.

The door to the room opened, and the food came.

Meat, meat, and meat……

Ham, sausage, and grilled meat, and even raw meat.

Sorami gave the order to 「bring some to Rem-chan as well」. A waiter Pantherian separated some of the food and carried it out.

Shera’s eyes sparkled.

「Waaaai! It’s food of the Racesー, it’s been so long!」

Diablo felt like he was going to choke over that.

Currently, this town was in the middle of war with the Kobolds. The fact that they were at that Beastman race’s settlement until just the other day was an absolute secret.

Clearing his throat so as to gloss over that, Diablo grabbed some meat.

What was unusual was the raw meat that wasn’t cooled down.

It wasn’t jerky that was typically circulated, but soft and bright red raw meat. It was slightly warm.

Since this other world didn’t have refrigerators, it was only natural that foodstuffs couldn’t be chilled, but raw meat would rot in a short time if left at room temperature.

In other words, it went from being a living creature up until just now, to being cut up and immediately served.

In the original world that Diablo was in, distribution had developed thanks to refrigerators, but that is also why he never had a chance to eat raw meat that wasn’t cold.

After trying out putting it in his mouth, it had a dense smell of blood.

It also had a beastly smell.

And then, a taste that was the condensation of the idea “it is truly meat” started melting on top of his tongue.

It wasn’t about it tasting good or bad──There was a unique exaltation of being able to clearly have the actual feeling of “eating a life”.

He felt as if his vitality was welling up with just one bite.

Sorami also had a mouthful of raw meat, and smiled looking satisfied.

「This is the liver of a 《Woods Bear》.」

「Hou……This is my first time eating this.」

He had defeated them several times in the game though.

「It gets you energized, right?」

「It certainly does have that feeling.」

「That energy continues on even throughout the night♥」

*Boffa!* He spit out a bit.

「S, so it was that kind of energized!?」

Diablo unconsciously made a retort.

Shera tilted her head.


It seems that she didn’t understand the meaning of that. She was chewing on and holding a herb filled sausage in her mouth.

How fearsome. In front of Sorami, it was difficult for him to maintain his Demon King act.

Translator’s Notes:

[1] I’m not sure how to put this. Original: 外輝功, Read as: がいきこう

Part 7

After the meal──

Sorami left the room saying that she had duties as the assistant instructor.

Shera went to search for Rem.

「Leave this to me.」

Since he was told that, with his usual Demon King-like haughty attitude──and kowtowing to her on this inside, he left it to her.

Having a conversation with an angry woman, that would surely be a missing with an extra-high degree of difficulty even for a normal man.

For Diablo whose communication skills were hopeless, that would be like challenging the Dragon King with a cypress stick.

He had the new 《Marriage Rings》 that he had made in Faltra City in his pouch but……

Would a chance to hand them over really ever come?

He wandered about the estate alone

He came out to the courtyard.

It was the place where he first had the battle (greeting?) with Sorami.

Rather than being an estate’s courtyard, it was more like a training ground.

There were thick logs standing up and wrapped in straw rope. They were probably like sandbags to practice strikes on.

There was also an oblong sand pit that was about 30 steps long. It looked like this would train one’s legs and loins if they were to run around this place.

He didn’t know what its use was, but there was also a device where rope was put up horizontally at chest height and had a weight attached on a pulley.

──This place is like a sports gym.

Right now, there was no one around, and the braziers were even put out.

It was dark since there was only moonlight.

He suddenly remembered.

「……She repelled the 《Lightning Bullet》 barehanded, didn’t she?」

Up until now, there were enemies that would evade at high speed. Just like the patriarch of the Kobolds, Borbos, had done.

There were also enemies that sturdily endured it.

However, this was the first time one received the magic and brushed it away.

That sort of technique didn’t exist in the game.

「There’s no mistake that she used SP……That, was most likely a Martial Art.」

Diablo picked up a pebbled, and tossed it overhead.

He concentrated on his fingertip.

He flicked the falling stone.

It broke into pieces.

──That’s wrong. Like this, it’s just a normal Martial Art. It’s similar to something like 《Finger Blade》, and does nothing more than strengthen barehanded attacks.

No matter how much one leveled it up, they shouldn’t be able to offset magic with it.

「……Is it connected to that Gaikikou thing?」

Seeing the angry Rem, Sorami said “You’ve trained your Gaikikou (Outer Radiance Achievement) quite a lot too, haven’t you”.

Since she had fired a kick before that, it meant that wasn’t using Gaikikou.

Recalling the Sorami from that time, she concentrated SP into her fingertip.

If it were a normal Martial Art, it would cover a sword or fist and strengthen it. To use that with just her fingertip, a considerable amount of delicacy was necessary.

If he were to compare it to something──holding a baseball with your hand was easy, but balancing it on the fingertip was difficult.


He gathered SP on his fingertip.

It dispersed.

It gathered.

It dispersed.

It gathered.

It dispersed.

After attempting it for awhile, he grew used to focusing SP only on his fingers.

Doing it once more, he tried throwing a pebble.

With his fingertip──

When he touched it, the pebble was brushed away for only an instant.

However, it broke to pieces again.

Diablo faced down and muttered to himself.

「Uーn……Rather than the focusing of SP, isn’t the problem about how I’m touching it? Doing it gently like I’m catching an egg……Ahh, is that why it’s with the fingertip?」

When gently touching things, rather than suddenly touching with the palm, fingers were able to make detailed movements. Fists would be even more impossible.

Thinking about it like that, a chill went down his spine.

「……In that case, that woman……The moment I fired the 《Lightning Bullet》, she focused SP onto her fingertip, and with a delicacy as if she were touching eggs, she caught the magic bullets of light and averted them? Is something like that really possible!?」

As he submerged himself in his speculations alone, a voice was suddenly raised from a place hidden from view.

「You’re half right, you know?」

He was surprised to the point of jumping a little.

The one who came out from the shadow of the building was Sorami.

Was she watching him the whole time?

However, a Demon King that didn’t notice someone that was in hiding was really uncool.

Diablo expressed a composed smile.

「Hmph……So, you finally came out. I thought that you would only watch until the end.」

「Ara ara, did you notice me?」

「Naturally. I am a Demon King after all.」

「Looks like my Hiding still has a long way to go.」

──I thought that Sorami was a Fistfighter, but is she also a Seeker?

Her black tail was swaying left and right looking like she was in a good mood.

「To immediately try out a new technique immediately after seeing it, that is a wonderful desire to improve yourself. Moreover, to attempt it alone without asking me. You have some really good promise.」

「Hmph……I do not believe in relying on others in order to gain strength.」

Diablo was unsociable to the point that he couldn’t even make questions on walkthrough site bulletin board. Directly asking something of someone who he had just met was impossible for him.

His feelings would be hurt if he were refused.

If he had to risk that sort of danger, trying it out and taking more time than usual on his own was better.

Slowly, Sorami approached him.

When he thought that she would stand right in front of him……

She came even closer.

Let alone being within arm’s reach, she was at a distance where it seem like the tip of her chest would touch Diablo.

Her body style was good, she was tall, and she was mature.

However, when compared to Diablo, she was on head shorter. Excluding her triangular ears that is.

「Could it be, that you’re nervous?」

「Mu? What foolishness are you speaking. I would not be nervous no matter who I am in front of.」

After looking at her up close, her chest……was big.

With them sticking out like that, he could sense their mass.

Her light pink lips opened.

「Are you……interested?」

「Ah, no……」

「It’s fine, you don’t need to hide it. I’ll teach it to you gently♥」

Sorami extended her hand, and took Diablo’s right hand.

Pulling it, she pressed it against her left breast.

──So soft!

His right hand sunk into her large bulge.

Is this alright, to be doing something like this, to Rem’s relative? No, it isn’t!

He understood that, but Diablo’s right hand already had a will of its own and wouldn’t withdraw.

*Kaa!* His palm became hot.


Her cheeks flushed.

「Fufu……How is it, Diablo-kun?」

──It has an amazing feel to it!

There was no way he could say his honest impressions of it. It was too embarrassing.


Maintaining his Demon King role play was already difficult.

However, if he were to talk with this original self, he would become unable to say anything but 「Ahー, uhー」. He had lost vocabulary to the point that his mask was coming off.

Sorami spoke while pressing Diablo’s hand into her own left breast.

「This is, the Naikikou (Inner Radiance Achievement)[1]. Do you understand?」


「It seems that Adventurers call it willpower (SP). In the Gado Style, it’s called Kikou (Radiance Light)[2], and enhancing that within the body is called Naikikou. It’s going around within the body, right?」

「Ah, erm……」

Since he wasn’t thinking about that sort of thing at all, what his attention was turned to was only the sensation of her left breast.

「When the Naikikou is trained, physical abilities that surpass the limits can be displayed, the degree of injuries can become lighter, and Bad Statuses can be prevented. Many of the Martial Arts that Warrior type Adventurers learn use Naikikou.」

「U, umu.」

「Even erasing one’s presence, and sharpening one’s senses use Naikikou.」


Even that sort of stuff……!? It seems like it would be able to things similar to Enchantment.

However, for the current Diablo, something like the Naikikou that she was using──this wasn’t the time for that. He was having difficulty with her boob.

Sorami tilted her head.

「Was it difficult to take it in all of a sudden?」

「Th, that……isn’t it. Umu, I understand. Of course I do.」

Diablo was flustered, and tried to feel what was inside of Sorami with his right hand.

What he felt, was only the softness of her boob.

──What in the world! What have I done! To think that my consciousness would be stolen by boobs, rather than my desire to improve!

Sorami grabbed Diablo’s left hand as well.

She pulled it over. This time, his left hand was pressed up to her right breast.

「It might be easier to understand with both hand, right?」


This has turned into something outrageous!

His worldly desires doubled!

「Now then, please try sensing my Naikikou.」

Diablo moved both of his hands.

All that happened was that the soft sensation doubled.

All he understood, was that the touch of both of her breasts was wonderful!

──I might not have talent for being a Fistfighter.

「Y, you say that so simply but……」

「Arara……If you’re not used to it, could it be hard to find with just this level? Well then, let’s try doing it a bit stronger.」

Going “Fuuuu……”, Sorami exhaled air.



A tingling feeling was transmitted to both of his hands.

The pink haze that was cast on his brain was scattered away. At that instant, the whirling power that was within her was before his eyes.

「……It’s a swirl.」

Hearing Diablo’s mutter, Sorami narrowed her eyes looking delighted.

「That’s right! Well then, this is──」

This time, she went and touched Diablo’s chest.

That fingertip became hot.


It was similar to when she repelled the 《Lightning Bullet》. SP was being focused on her fingertip.

「Do you understand? This is Gaikikou, you know? You were able to do something close to it.」

「So being close makes it different.」

「There are different kinds of Gaikikou too. What Adventurers typically use is 《Hardening》.」

The sensation of her fingertip that was pressing into him changed.

*Gorih* It felt as if it turned into an iron pole. It felt as if his skin would be torn up by her long, sharp nails.

It hurt a bit.

「《Hardening》 is easy to use in offense and defense, but when the opponent uses a weapon carrying magical power, it’s difficult to overcome them. That’s why, you make it 《Pliable》 like this.」

Suddenly, Sorami’s fingertip felt softer. Rather that being a person’s finger, it had an elasticity like rubber.

Going “Hah”, Diablo realized.

「I see! So you caught the bullet of light with the willpower (SP) that had its nature changed!」

「Ufufu……That’s mostly correct.」

Transmitting the impact to all directions like waves, and with a faint profundity, it had the property of absorbing strong impacts.

Although he was able to understand──to manipulate SP with that much accuracy and handle it all in that instant, that was truly a superhuman feat.

She pouted her lips.

「It’s mostly correct but……I told you, didn’t I? In the Gado style, it’s called Kikou (Radiance Light), you know?」

The sensation of her fingertip changed even more.

This time, vibrations were transmitted to him.

Feeling the unique stimulus that was ticklish yet numbing, he ended up groaning.


「Nnー. Is this amount of strength good?」


The stimulus he was hit with ran through his spine.

──After deciding on how to handle the SP, it’s able to do even something like this with just a touch!?

Sorami spoke with a look in her eyes that seemed to be peering into him.

「Rem-chan and Shera-chan……They still haven’t experienced a man yet, have they?」

That was abrupt.

Diablo became bewildered. What did that have anything to do with Kikou (Radiance Light)?

「Wha!? No……」

「Even though you’ve gone as far as marriage, to think you haven’t done it yet.」

「Th, the thing about that is……」

It was because Diablo had been running from place to place since their bridal night.

「You, don’t have any experience, do you.」

「I-I-I-I have no idea, what chou’re saying! I am a Demon King that has come from another world, chu know!?」

He flubbed a bit.

The look in Sorami’s eyes were scary.

「Very well. I’ll teach you♥」

──The Gado Style, right!? Things like Naikikou and Gaikikou, that sort of stuff, right!?

He had no intention of becoming a Fistfighter, but he was greatly interested in the method of manipulating Kikou (Radiance Light).

Since Diablo had the 《Demon King’s Ring》 equipped, all magic would automatically be reflected. He was unable to strengthen his physical abilities through Enchantments.

If he compensated for that with Martial Arts……

──I can become even stronger!

For the sake of that, he needed to get over this pinch……

Sorami’s fingertip went from his chest down to his lower abdomen.

This time, it was softer than rubber, and had a sensation that seemed like it was moist and wet.

It was as if he was being licked with a tongue.


「Ara ara, do you like the stimulus that’s about this soft?」

「W, wrong……」

「You sure are innocent, aren’t you. It’s fine, please leave everything to me. Diablo-kun, I thought that you weren’t my type since you made such a confident face, but since you’re making an awfully cute expression, it makes me go kyun kyun and throb……Ara, but doing this with my niece’s husband is something I shouldn’t do, now should I♥」

Shouldn’t do, now should I──Although she said that, her hand didn’t stop at all.

It would be fine if he ran away but……

Indeed, he could understand the reason why Shera didn’t move away before.

The stimulus that seemed to reverberate to the core of his body constantly continued. One might become like this if they were to receive a top quality massage. Bound by the chains of pleasure, his freedom was thoroughly stolen away.


「You really do make good expressions, don’t you.」

*Perori* Sorami licked her own lips with the tip of her tongue.

Her panther ears lied flat, and her tail stood up with a *pin*.

Finally, her fingertip arrived at Diablo’s lower abdomen.


「Ara? Ara ara araa~, it’s amazing, you know? Could it be, have I kept you waiting this whole time?」

Actually, ever since she touched his chest, his war preparations had been maintained the whole time.

And then, usually, even if he were to make preparation for battle, it would end without the war happening……but it seemed that today was different.

It was dragged outside by Sorami.


「My, my! How, amazing……」

Furthermore, he had her fingers twine around, and he received an intense preemptive strike.


Even his voice couldn’t come out.

Diablo lost strength in his knees, and he felt like he would collapse.

Even how his back bumped into the log meant for strike practice use was something that he only noticed later.

After Sorami’s eyes sparkled and she squatted down, she grabbed it with both hands.

He felt like a turtle that was being preyed upon by a carnivore.

In order to escape from the all too strong stimulus, Diablo unconsciously defended his weak spot with SP.

「I, I am……a Demon King……that came from another world!」

「That’s right, that’s right, its size feels like a Demon King. But, with this level of Gaikikou, it won’t defend against my attack.」

He was on guard over the movements of her fingers, but the assistant instructor of the Gado Style exceeded his expectations. She was a master in this kind of brawl as well.

Amazingly, she suddenly held it in her mouth.


──Gaikikou, with her tongue!?

The defense that Diablo had unconsciously put up, it was just like paper that was put in front of a bullet.

His spine bent backwards from the intense stimulus, and he nearly lost consciousness.

Going “Nfuー”, Sorami let out a pained sounding breath.

『It feels like my jaw is gonna get dislocated. It truly is Demon King-class, isn’t it.』

Surprisingly, despite her holding it in her mouth, her words were transmitted to him. Did this mean that compared to transforming her SP to iron or rubber, changing it into sound was simple?

「A, amazing……」

『It’s fine, you know. If you’re not used to it, you can’t hold it in, can you. Rather, since it’d make me happy, do it whenever you like.』

「Could it be……even in your mouth……」

『Ufufufu……Kikou can be transmitted even to the arms that you hold in your hands, right? Naturally you can do it inside your mouth. Erm, this is something that we can’t teach unless they’re an apprentice but……it should be fine, right? You’re Rem-chan’s husband, so you’re already a relative.』

If she knows his position like that, he thought that she should separate her mouth away from him though.

At the same time as an intense stimulation, words that were as astonishing as the stimulus to his lower abdomen were transmitted to him.

『This is a secret technique but──if you chose to, it’s possible to manipulate the Naikikou of an opponent you’re sticking firmly to like this, through your own Gaikikou. See?』


Having his nerves tightly gripped, it was a sensation as if they were being dragged around.

The part of him that was conscious and enduring was easily released, and he was falling headlong into unknown territory.

It was as if his body was taken over.

There was a lot of the dammed up stuff, and the force of the muddy stream that gushed out was strong.

Sorami’s body jumped and trembled.


So it had exceeded even her expectations. Her smile that maintained composure the whole time, was taken over by surprise only at this time.

*Biku biku biku* Sorami’s tail trembled.

Having endless waves pouring into his brain, Diablo repeatedly made convulsions that were unrelated to his own will.

After a while, Sorami had even stopped breathing, but separating from the foreign substance that entered her mouth as if she had just remembered, she made a deep breath.



「Ufufufufu……That was amazing. You can have self-confidence, this is undoubtedly a Demon King. Having none that can rival it. You’re an overwhelmingly strong person♥」

──Just now, it felt like I had been taught a defeat though.

Somehow, he regained his breath.

「Haa……haa……To think, that it was possible to freely use that Gaikikou, even on your opponent’s body.」

「Were you able understand, how to do it?」


「Ara ara, looks like you still need some practice.」

*Guh* Sorami brought her lips close.

In a panic, Diablo shook his head sideways.

「Enough! It’s enough!」

──If she does any more than this, I really will die!

The theory was simple. Grasping the Kikou of the hand, you simply raise their Naikikou by force.

However, in practice, there’s no mistaking that it was several times harder than using the Naikikou in one’s own body.

Sorami wiped her mouth.

「Nfuu……Your ●●●● was too big, so my jaw is tired. This was my first time with such a great ●●●●●, you know.」

「This was training on how to manipulate Kikou, right!? Right!?」

She went and threw out words that just messed everything up right at the end.

*Piku* Sorami’s panther ears moved.

She made a face that said “oh crap”.

「Well then! I have work as an assistant instructor left to do so.」

After fixing her clothes in an instant, she returned to the estate as if she were running away.

──What’s up with her?

Not giving him the time to be dumbfounded, the figure of a different person appeared from the shadow of the building.

It was Rem.

Translator’s Notes:

[1] Original: 内輝功, Read as: ないきこう

[2] Original: 輝光, Read as: きこう

Part 8


「O, ooou.」

Even though he was doing his Demon King roleplay, this was the first time his words weren’t coming out like this.

With the cold sweat that was going along his spine, he felt as if a puddle would be created at his feet.

Even though he had decided that he would “no longer go along with the flow” from the matter with Raflesia! Again, he was made to go along with the flow from boobs!

Going *sun sun……*, Rem moved her nose.

「……What is this smell?」


「……No, it just bothered me a bit. Pantherians are sensitive to smell.」

「Is, is that so! I have absolutely know idea what it is either! Is it not because we are outside of the estate!?」

Hearing Diablo’s words, she replied with “that might be it”──and closed the topic.

For a while, the two of them gazed at the starry sky.

Rem had completely calmed down. It seemed that Shera did well. He secretly thanked her.

She slightly lowered her head.

「……Earlier, I made speech and conduct that wasn’t rational, and I am sorry for that.」

「Eh? Ah, no……」

He was one in the wrong.

「……Thinking about it, when you gave me the ring, it was a time of extreme emergency. I had caused you troubled, and on top of that, I was in a position where I had both my life and my heart saved. And yet.」

「Tis fine.」

He wanted to say lines that were more sensible, but what should a Demon King say at a time like this?

The Demon Kings that Diablo knew of were beings that would accept the Hero’s challenge, and throw people into fear.

It was exposed that he had given her the wrong Marriage Ring……However, she demonstrated understanding.

In front of this sort of young girl, what were the words that a Demon King should say?

Even though he should be the one to apologize, when push comes to shove, his voice didn’t come out.

Rem took the Marriage Ring off of her own left hand ring finger.

「……This, is something that you should be carrying, Diablo. It’s because it’s proof of the bond between you and Shera.」


He was vexed.

Diablo accepted the ring that was held out from Rem.

Her fingertips were shaking.

Although she was behaving stout-heartedly, a storm was surely blowing violently in her mind.

Usually, he would make her sad, or make her angry.

However, this time was different.

──It’s because I had new marriage rings made in Faltra City!

Diablo extended a hand to his pouch.

Rem wiped her eyes.

「……Thinking about it, Diablo, you didn’t have a reason to get married to me, did you.」


Rem showed him the gauntlets that she usually had on.

「……These, are a memento. Tou-sama was the previous instructor of the Gado Clan. And then, he fell in love with Kaa-sama who was wandering about as if running away due to the Demon King’s soul……and I was born.」

So that predecessor died, and the younger brother was the current instructor. And his little sister Sorami was the assistant instructor.

「He was surely strong.」

「Yes, very……However, Tou-sama, protected me, and fell to a Mazoku using a sword of flame and ice……If the Demon King’s soul wasn’t sealed in this body, that sort of thing wouldn’t have……ッ」

「Is that so.」

「……I lived thinking only about destroying the Demon King’s soul. The form had changed, but the one who granted that was you, Diablo.」


「It was a dearest wish that was passed down from generation to generation. What could I desire any more than this?」

「That is……」

「……Besides, even without the ring, we are companions. Isn’t that right?」

「Ah, naturally.」

He couldn’t do anything but nod.

Even when face-to-face and having goodwill turned towards him, Diablo honestly couldn’t be pleased.

In the time with Shera, it was a situation where she would have gotten married to another Elf if he set her free. Moreover, he also knew that she didn’t desire the man who was to be her partner.

That is why Diablo was able to take action. He also thought that sweeping away the bride at the wedding ceremony was Demon King-like.

Of course, he wasn’t against being tied together with Shera.

He thought that it was a blessing.

However, at the same time──To get married to a pillbug like me! He also thought that he wasn’t appropriate for Shera.

Maybe due to that, Diablo was unable to talk to her with his original self even now.

It was the same in the time with Rem.

Having her body dominated by the Great Demon King Modinalaam, she attacked her important person, and fought against Diablo.

She fell into despair.

For Rem who thought ”someone like me who does nothing but cause trouble should just disappear”, the 《Marriage Ring》 was something meant to demonstrate that that wasn’t the case.

She expressed an awkward smile.

「……Diablo, since you’re kind, for my sake, you forced yourself to do it, didn’t you. It’s because the me at the time, had lost composure.」

「N, no……」

That was only one of the reasons though.

「……It’s fine. To begin with, feelings of love between different races, normally wouldn’t happen.」

「Is that true!?」

Was it because he had come from another world? Diablo was a Demon, but for the Pantherian Rem, the Elven Shera, and even the other women, he was extremely attracted to them.

He felt they were attractive.

Even the deed he had done with Sorami earlier──No no, that was guidance on Gaikikou though!

What he had felt, wasn’t feelings of love, right?

After having it said like that, it might have been mere lust.

What were feelings of love!?

The thing called “love”……What kind of emotion was that?

「I don’t know.」

「……Is something wrong, Diablo?」

「Enough about me. You! In other words, um……Are you not thinking into it too much?」

「……I have finally calmed down, that is all. It feels as though I was watching a slightly long dream. I have caused you various troubles but, could you forgive me?」

「That’s……of course I can.」

「……Thank goodness.」

Rem expressed a smile that looked like she was relieved.

To hand over the 《Marriage Ring》 even though he was disavowed, that was impossible for Diablo to do.

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