Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari

Chapter 324

TL: Suidish

Everyone had returned home.

It was only us lot who remained.

「Nii-chan, we should also return」

「Oi, Aya, haven’t you forgotten something?」

「A-re? Was there anything?」

This fellow is useless, she’s completely forgotten.

「You came here to get something out of the altar of darkness, to remove the curse on Yuri!」(T/N: 「百合恵さんの黒い何かを外すために、こんなところまで来たんだろ!」)

「Ah, there was that. I forgot. Tehepero」

Maa, no wonder, there were a lot of things to do.

「Say, Oracle-chan,

What should I look for in the Devil-kin’s town?」

I asked Oracle-chan, who was playing with the other spirits.

「etto ne~

In the town of the Devil-kin, there should be an 【Altar of Darkeness】, so please look for it.」

「『Altar of Darkness』Right. Roger that」

Since it’s dangerous to enter the devil-kin town as it currently is, I decided to check the state of the town by looking at the projected video from the 【Tracking Beacon】, for the time being.

「There is nobody within the devil-kin’s town」

As Aya said, not a single one of the devil-kin remained. Perhaps, at the time the dragon appeared, they all fled from where they were.

「Aa, Seiji-sama, here!

There is footprints from the dragon!」

Elena found the footprints left by the dragon.

Seeing as the dragons footprints begin in the devil-kin town, it seems that the dragon appeared from inside the town after all.

I decided to follow the footprints from the dragon. (T/N: had a か(ka) in the raw, this usually indicates a question, but I couldn’t really word it as a question. Anybody who is more fluent, have a go at this, ちょっとドラゴンの足跡を辿ってみるか。)

When I began to follow a footprint from the dragon,

I arrived at an altar made of some sort of black stone.

「Aa, this is the 『Altar of Darkness』!」

Oracle-chan leans forward.

maji ka?!

I thought to follow the footprints and came across the 『Altar of Darkness』. (T/N: 足跡を追ってたとおもったら『闇の祭壇』を見つけてしまった。 )

However, it’s strange.

The footprints of the dragons seem to start from the altar.

I try to further confirm it.

I view the video from the 【Tracking Beacon】 which I left within the devil-kin town near the altar, I rewound it to around the time that the dragon appeared and confirmed its sudden appearance from the altar.

「Aa! it’s 『Val Neil』-san!」

Elena cried.

「『Val Neil』, who’s that?」

「Did you forget? It was the person who summoned Seiji-sama」

Aah, that fellow!

It is true that he is devil-kin, but his face is definitely that of that guy.

I see, you disguised yourself as a human using a 【Magic Stone of Humanization】, and used it to get into the kings inner circle.

(※「001. I Received Skills In Another World 」reference)

And now, Val Neil had summoned a dragon using summoning magic.

「Did he summon the dragon!

It was a pretty awful fellow」

「Seiji, it’s different」

Oracle-chan denies it.

「What is it?」

「This guy, he used the power of the 『Altar of Darkness』, to successfully cast large scale magic 」

「Magical Power of the Altar of Darkness?」


The devil-kin, using this altar,

Steal the magic power of the darkness spirit」(T/N: 闇の精霊の魔力を横取りしているんだ」)

「The Magical Power of the Darkness Spirit is 『Stolen』?」

Oh yeah, that explains why they were able to call the dragon.

「Is it okay to destroy the dark altar, to remove Yurie’s curse?」

「No, that’s no good」

「Then what should I do?」

「It is necessary to take Yurie Megumi to that altar」


Anyway there doesn’t seem to be any devil-kin, for now,

I had decided to enter the town with everyone.

「nii-chan, it is considerably devestated」

It seems to be in large part thanks to the dragon.

And, after all, there were no devil-kin.

「Is this the『Altar of Darkness』?…….

Well, there doesn’t seem to be an ominous aura coming from it」(T/N: Thoughts, I don’t think it sounds right)

We arrived at the altar of darkness.

「Come on Seiji, bring Yurie Megumi」

「o, oh.

Then Mai-san, please come」


I took along Mai and went to pick up Yurie.



「Yurie-kun, are you there?」


Yurie came out immediately.

「First a manager comes, and then Aya-san’s onii-san came as well.

Saa, please come up」

Her poisonous character is coming out completely, It has become a beautiful Yurie-san. (T/N: 完全に毒気が抜けて、綺麗な百合恵さんになってしまっている。Honestly, I’m not even sure)

「Yurie-kun, I did not come to play

I want you to come with me to a certain place」

「Ara? What is this place?

Where is it?」

「Eto, please explain onii-san」

Don’t look at me!

「Anyway, please take my hand」

「A, Yes」

Because it’s troublesome,

I just took the hand of Yurie-san and used 【Teleportation】.



A, Are? Wh, Where is this??」

Yurie-san is confused at suddenly being brought to the town of the devil-kin.

「Yoshi, you brought her along,

Well then, put that child on top of the altar」

「E!? Fairy-san??

I am dreaming, after all」

It seems that Yurie-san, who saw the appearance of Oracle-chan, thought that it was a dream.

I take Yurie-san to the top of the altar with Mai-san.

「Aa, this is the place I saw before in my dream!」

Does Yurie-san remember this place?

Were you by any chance brought here when you previously went missing?

「Well then, leave Yurie alone, everyone leave」

Following the instructions of Oracle, everyone got off the altar.

「What’s going to happen?」

Yurie-san, who is left by herself, is worried.


From the objects that were enshrined at all 4 corners of the altar, a black miasma gushed out, drifting towards Yurie-san.

「Wh, What’s this……」

Yurie-san is confused.

The black miasma creeps up Yurie-sans legs.

And, it steadily gained momentum, gathering at Yurie-san.

「N, No! Something has entered inside me」

It twists around her inner-thigh

She desperately endured it, but…….

「ny, nyoo!!」(T/N: Original was possibly a slurred ‘dame’. 「ら、らめー!!」)

she began kneeling and having convulsions.

Then through the gap of the skirt, a liquid flowed down towards the floor, *pechari* it fell down to the floor.

It gathers on the floor, gradually becoming a black mass.

What is that!?

It slowly take the shape of a person.

However, it resembles a person who has collapsed, Yurie-san also seems to have collapsed, as well.

「Are you okay?」

Anxiously, Oracle-chan goes towards the collapsed black figure of a person.

Perhaps, it is the『Darkness Spirit』.

「ma, magical power…… is not enough…」

I succeeded in saving the Darkness Spirit somehow, but it seems dizzy.

Everyone goes towards Yurie-san.

Elena is treating her using recovery magic.

The place seems to be alright.

「Oracle-chan, is that girl the Darkness Spirit?」

Maa, I don’t even know if it’s a girl, because it’s not fully visible.

「Yes, but it seems to be in a dangerous state due to lack of magical power」

「That person over there, has good magical powers……」

The Darkness Spirit approaches me.

「Eh? Me?」

Maa, I have lots of MP, it’ll be fine……

The Darkness Spirit started licking my fingers, and then put them in her mouth. *PeroPero*

It’s a strange sucking…….

「It’s a bit thin, but it feels good」

The Darkness Spirit, eagerly licks my fingers.

「More, I need it more dense!」

The Darkness Spirit begins to speak with a strange speech pattern.


(T/N: Sorry, I’m having a hard time with this line, I’ll update it when I figure it out)

「aa, a lot of dense things are coming out~」

Why did you say that in such a way…….

I am embarassed by the actions of the Darkness Spirit.

『【Darkness Magic】 Has reached Level 5』

Abrupt level up announcement!


Why did my 【Darkness Magic】level rise?

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