Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari

Chapter 394-400

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 394: Hilda's Mishap 1

『It was born!!』

It became near the evening of the day, and the wife of the client gave birth to the baby.

It was a pretty dangerous situation, but thanks to the recovery magic and Hilda’s candy, everything went well.

『I don't know how to thank you....... If it had not been for you, the mother and child might have died』

『It was good to be of service to you』

Hilda would have been considerably tired by now.

『Speaking of which, I have to go to the adventurer's guild to report the fulfillment of the request. My wife and baby are all right now, and you have done your job』


Hilda and the client went to the guild to report.


『Certainly...... I received a report on the request's accomplishment. Hilda... you will be rewarded with 1000 gold and 100 guild points』

The report of the quest is completed safely.

But what is this receptionist's older brother...... he has a smile on his face. What's going on!

『Then, Hilda, thank you very much. I'm worried about my wife, so I'll excuse myself here』

The client has returned with tremendous momentum.

Well, it's understandable. And Hilda also tried to leave the guild.

『Hey, you. You still have a story to tell』

What? It was the receptionist older brother who was doing the procedure of the completion of the quest until a little while ago who said that when thinking.

Somehow, his tone suddenly changed as soon as the client left.

『It's like you cheated on the client, but it's not possible to escort him from the capital to here in one day! How did you do that?』

It looks like he is doubting Hilda.

But why is his attitude so bad.

『Eh? I'm not fooling you』

Hilda is also puzzled.

『And you, being a D rank adventurer at this age, it is impossible. I will not be fooled by the adventurer guild of the capital! This time...... well, I'll overlook it, but it doesn't seem to be so the next time. Good』

Hilda had a sad face as she left the guild. I’ll never forgive him! Can I sneak up in the middle of the night and assassinate that guy.


The next day, Hilda came to the adventurer guild. Apparently, she doesn't seem to care much about yesterday.

『You again』

When Hilda went to the reception, yesterday's bad guy was in charge.

I wished I had assassinated him yesterday.

Today, Hilda seems to do a quest for defeating orcs. However.......

『There's no way a person like you can subdue orcs! Dismissed, dismissed!』

『It's fine. I can do it』

Hilda opposes.

No wonder! Against orcs, Hilda would have an easy victory!

『If you say so. You need to pay 100 gold as a deposit. Then I'll allow this quest』

Ha? What is this guy saying?

『Un, Understood』

Hilda gave 100 gold coins to that man.

『All right, then, you can take the quest』

The man smiled with a grin as he received the money.

Hilda went to the quest energetically without seeming to concern much.


Hilda proceeds through the forest.

Looking for orcs, she went to the forest. Recently, she hasn't been an adventurer.

Tomorrow is Saturday, so I wonder if she will try to be an adventurer after a long time.

Hilda came to the depths of the forest, but she was not able to find an orc.

Hmm, since the time of the war with the Goblin King, the number of orcs was reduced drastically.


Hilda then killed three orcs she managed to find, and when she returned to the guild, it was already evening.

『I've beaten the orcs』

Hilda handed over orc fangs, as a testimony of killing them, to the receptionist elder brother.

『This is...... orc fangs....... Where have you stolen them from?』

『I haven't stolen them, I have killed them myself』

『Haa? A kid like you can't defeat orcs!』

This guy is not good. What was this adventurer guild thinking when it accepted such a guy as a worker?

I will finish my work soon. Then let's go to assassinate him immediately. Let's do so.

『It's enough. I'm going to another city adventurer guild, so please return the orcs fangs and 100 gold coins from this morning to me』

『I don't know~. I haven't received orc fangs or 100 gold from you~』


This is terrible. I'm going to kill this guy!

Hilda has left the adventurer guild with a crying face.

Absolutely killing him!


I finished my work quickly, talked to Elena and Aya and headed to that guy together.

There are a lot of adventurers, but for some reason, people are not in line at his window. Perhaps everyone already understands him and avoids it.

We went to his window with three people.

「What do you want?」

He probably judged us to be weak. Suddenly that guy had an arrogant attitude.

「Hey you, you have taken the orc fangs and 100 gold coins from our companion Hilda? Absolutely unforgivable!」

「Oh, I don't know what you mean. Is there any evidence?」

Do you even think you can run away?

「There is evidence」


I displayed the video of 【Tracking beacon】 in the sky.

『If you say so. You need to pay 100 gold as a deposit. Then I'll allow this quest』

『This is...... orc fangs....... Where have you stolen them from?』

『I don't know~. I haven't received orc fangs or 100 gold from you~』

The evildoer of the whole adventurer guild.

「Are you going to cut this off?」

「Ah, I'm acquainted with the lord of this city! Don't think that this will be enough to ruin me」

Hee, get to know the lord of this town.

「Let's bring that lord」


We flew to Rondo with [Teleportation].

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 395: Hilda's Mishap 2

「Uwa, what is it!?」

「Sorry Rondo, urgent business」

「What, Seiji? And Elena and... Aya-san!」

「What? Everyone, Hilda isn't with you?」

Misha-san was also there.

「Well Hilda started to be an adventurer....... Her gold coins and items were stolen by a worker of the adventurer guild who said he was Rondo´s acquaintance」

「Hilda, is an adventurer?」

Is Misha surprised by that?

「That's what happened. But did you know any of the adventurers ' guild employees?」

「Well, Rondo, you come with me to the guild」

「Eh? But I'm the Lord of the city. It isn't so easy......」

「Wait! You're going to be quiet when Hilda-chan was givn an evil eye!」

Aya gets close to Rondo.

「Eh, Aya-san, are you angry?」

Rondo is afraid to be told off by Aya.

「Hilda, has defeated orcs for this city. And that......」

This time Elena is packed up.


To Elena, he is also weak. Bringing those two was a great idea.

Well, I'll push once more.

「It's said that the offender is your acquaintance. Is it OK to leave it as it is?」

「That's right. I have no choice but to go here!」

The lord was caught!

「I will go with you!」

At the same time, Misha was also fished!


With Rondo and Misha, we five returned to the adventurer guild.

「Hey, I brought him」

「Hmm? You came back again. I'm busy, go home soon」

What? I brought Rondo.

「Are you the guy who knows me? By the way, who are you?」

Apparently, Rondo doesn't seem to know this guy.

「Who are you? I said I´m busy」

I can't help, so I intervene.

「This is Rondo」

「Rondo? Who is that?」

「It seems that you know not only his face but also his name」

「It's ridiculous」


Rondo and I looked at each other and laughed. The women are also dumbfounded.

「What are you laughing!」

We are laughing at you.

「What's wrong?」

「Ah, guild master」

The guildmaster came after hearing the noise.

「Ah, isn't this Rondo-sama. What kind of purpose do you have?」

Truly a guild master. He knew about Rondo properly. Well, that's a matter of course.

「This is my acquaintance, so I came here to look at him for a moment」

「Ah, is it Gidoba-kun?」

「So he is called Gidoba?」

「Eh? Rondo-sama, you are not acquainted?」


「Eh? Eeeh!?」

Apparently, he told the guild that he was acquainted with Rondo. Even though he didn't know his name, he lied like that.

The guy called Gidoba was sweating and had a pale face.

「Emm, this is a mistake....... Goodbye!」

He ran away suddenly!

「I won't let you run away!」

Aya responded quickly and beat the fleeing man's head.


With a frog´s cry, he stopped moving. Isn't he dead?

「Th, This time, I am sorry for the inconvenience to Rondo-sama......」

The guildmaster apologizes to Rondo.

「The lord has defeated that bad guy!」

「Good job, lord!」

Voices have come to praise Rondo from the surrounding adventurers.

Rondo hated to come at first.

Well, if Hilda wasn't made crying, nothing would have happened!

「By the way, guildmaster. My acquaintance, Hilda, is an adventurer......」

「Yes, I understand. I will treat that person specially from now on」


It's not good!

「Wait Rondo!」

「Eh? Aya-san? Why are you angry?」

Aya is unusual and got in touch with Rondo.

「Hilda-chan is an adventurer to be admitted! If she is shown favoritism, everything will be ruined!」

「That's why, in this way......」

「I'm saying it's more than that!」

「I, I understand....... Guildmaster. The girl is an acquaintance of mine, but no special treatment」

「Ah, yes......」

The guildmaster was also puzzled.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Saturday the next day. When I look at Hilda early in the morning, she has already arrived at the adventurer guild....

『You´re Hilda-sama. I have been waiting for you』


The guildmaster was waiting. I hope he won't treat her specially!

Hilda was guided to the room of the guildmaster with no idea.

『Yesterday the person in charge of the reception was at fault, and I apologize for any inconvenience. Forgive me for everything』

『Eh? Ah, yes......』

Hilda was also puzzled.

『By Investigation, it turned out that he had repeatedly misused his authority and is currently under investigation by the soldiers』

Well, he was caught? Besides, because he made Hilda sad, he deserves to die.

『I was told that Hilda-san was one of his victims, so I will return everything properly in the name of the adventurer guild!』

The guildmaster sat down on the spot.


Hilda was quite surprised.

『So, the compensation was 100 gold coins and 3 orc fangs, right?』

『Yes, no doubt』

『I would like to pay about 10,000 gold coins as a nuisance fee, Ron...... no, it is a rule, and because it can't be done so, I hope you will forgive it, and won't be angry......』

『Ah, yes. If I can get it back, that's fine』

『Thank you very much!!』

The guildmaster bows down again. He has a hard job.

『Or do you want an alternative?』

Hmm? Is there anything?

『The request of Hilda-san´s nomination is included. Do you accept it?』


What! No, Nomination!?

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 396: Hilda-sama

『The request of Hilda-sama´s nomination is included. Do you accept it?』


『Yes, Ron...... no, it's a request from a noble person』

I see, Ron...... something made the request.......

Didn't he say he doesn't like to treat her specially!

Well, is it another request? That wouldn't be a strange request.

『Does Hilda-sama know the pioneer village in the west?』


It is the village where Rachel-san is the village mayor.

『A new adventurer guild has been created in that village, but the adventurers are having trouble. Therefore, this is a request where I want you to complete the requests that have accumulated there』

I wondered if there really is an adventurer guild over there, but the village seems to have developed well.

『Are you asking me to handle the request?』

『Yes. Because the reward comes out double, it is advantageous. Specifically, the request for 1500 gold will be fulfilled, and you will receive 500 gold coins in additional rewards. You can get 200 guild points in total, which is a great deal!』

Certainly, Hilda's guild point should now be around 100. She can get to C rank by combining the amount she gets from this request.

Hilda received the request and a letter of introduction and headed for the Pioneer Village.

Well, Hilda also has [Teleportation magic stone] to Pioneer Village, so everything is alright.


Hilda who came to the pioneer village by teleportation asked a villager for directions and went to the newly established adventurer guild.

Well, rather than a guild...... this is a bar.


『Oya, I haven't seen you before, right? How can I help you?』

The master of the bar who seems weak was preparing the store alone.

『Emm, here is the adventurer guild, right?』

『Ah, the truth is that this is a bar, but it also serves as the reception for the adventurer guild』

Well, the guild is a part-time job, as it is a village that has just been built.

『I got a letter of introduction from the town of Nippon』

『Hmm? Letter of introduction?』

The master of the bar finished reading the letter of introduction....... He got a slightly disappointed expression.

『I see, you are an adventurer. Well, there aren't many people who can come to this village like you, so I have to be thankful』

Did he think that he could devote an unusable adventurer?

『First of all, let's go greet to the village chief』


Hilda responded cheerfully with a smiley face.


The village head Rachel's house was as simple as ever.

『Mayor, an adventurer who was asked to come from Nippon town has arrived』

『Oh, has that person come already? Fast』

『Rachel-san, hello』

『Eeh!? Hilda!!』

『Eh? Were you acquainted with the mayor?』

The master of the bar was quite surprised.

『This girl was part of my former magician squadron. Also at the time of the battle with the devil race last time, it was a big success thanks to her help』

『Dohya! Were you so great? Earlier I said something rude』

Apparently, the misunderstanding seems to be solved.

『By the way, did Hilda become an adventurer?』


『What happened to Seiji? Did he abandon you?』

What are you saying Rachel-san! It's outrageous to throw Hilda away!

『The king told me that I would be the official sister of Elena-oneechan if I were an S rank adventurer, so I decided to try my best』

『Eh, S-rank!? It's a great story. Are you serious?』

『If I can be promoted to C rank, Seiji-oniichan will help me, so I'm sure it's okay』

『Indeed, that's a good thing』

Rachel, do you trust me so much?

However, the master of the bar who was listening to the story...... opened his mouth and was freaking out.

『Hilda. It's been a long time since you came to this village, so did you see that it has changed?』


『Is that so? Then Dyer. Give Hilda a tour』

『Ye, Yes!』

The master of the bar is called Dyer.

『Now, I will guide you』

This person suddenly lowered his hips.

Hilda was guided by Dyer-san around the village.

『Hilda-sama is a great person』

『Sama?? I am an adventurer, so you don't need to call me that』

『No No, I can't do it to someone who might be an S rank』

Being guided through the village while talking like that.......

『It's serious!』

One male villager ran for a long time.

『What happened that you need to hurry so much!?』

『Orcs appeared on the outskirt of the village』


『I have to go and call Rachel in a hurry』

Apparently, Rachel, while being the village head, she also seems to do the extermination of the monsters that appeared in the village.

『Ah, I will get rid of them. Please show me around』

Hilda said so and volunteered to eliminate the orcs.

『Eh? Dyer-san, who is this child?』

『This person is Hilda-san, an adventurer who might be an S rank in the future, who contributed a lot in defeating the devils with Rachel-sama!』

『Eh, S-rank!?』

『Master. Please treat me well in the future』

『Ah, yes......』

Hilda was guided by the villagers and headed to defeat the orcs.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 397: Dismantling show

『Master. Please treat me well in the future』

『Ah, yes......』

Hilda was guided by the villagers and headed to defeat the orcs.

When arriving outside the village, an orc was chasing a woman.

『Help me! I will be raped!!』

Hilda came across a scene where a woman was likely being outrageous. The men around her just stand there without doing anything.

Hilda rushed out to help the woman without hesitation.

『It's serious! A girl has headed towards the orc!』

『Stop! Don't get any closer!』

Not hearing the villagers warnings to stop, Hilda moved between the woman who is chased and the orc.

Suddenly, surprised by Hilda´s appearance, the orc was stunned for a moment and stopped moving.

However, it immediately judged that it was a new victim.


The orc shook its right hand to catch the delicious new victim.


A desperate scream comes from the woman who was attacked just before.


The orc's right arm that shook down was quickly dismantled by Hilda.

The orc doesn't even understand what happened to its body.

Shun. Shun.

Next is the left arm. Next is the right foot.

The orc loses balance and falls to the side. But it hasn't yet understood the situation.

Shun. The left foot was dismantled, and the orc was only left with its torso and head.


The orc finally felt pain and shouted, but its voice was interrupted halfway....... Next to the dismantled orc, its head, with its face distorted for pain, popped up.


Hilda continues dismantling silently.

The villagers and the attacked woman were just looking at Hilda with their mouths open.

『I'm sorry, Dyer-san. To where should I bring the dismantled orc meat?』


However, Dyer-san, who was spoken to, kept his mouth open like everyone else.

『Emm~, Dyer-san?』

『Eh? Ah, yes!?』

『So, where should I bring the orc meat?』

『Eh, ah, that....... There is food storage in my bar, so let's go there......』


Hilda takes the dismantled orc meat into her storage bracelet.

『Ma, Magic tool!?』

The quiet entourage began to wander around.

『Finished. Let's go back to the bar at once』

When Hilda finished her dismantling work and tries to leave.

『Wa, wait. Thank you for your help』

The attacked woman kneels in front of Hilda.

Seeing that, the villagers who were messing around also came to Hilda´s side.

『Dyer, that girl...... who is she?』

『Yes, it is better to introduce her to everyone』

Dyer-san coughed and started addressing the villagers who came.

『This is Hilda-sama, an adventurer who came from Nippon town. What a surprise! Rachel-sama said that she was a part of her former magician squadron and made a big contribution in the battle against the devils. Also, she is a future...... S rank adventurer!』


『The magician squadron!?』

『Eh, S rank!!?』

What are you doing in leaking personal information! It would be a big problem if this were Japan.

『Wait, Dyer-san. You can't say that』

『Eh? Was it not good? Everyone, you hear me! Now, what I said just now is a secret! Don't tell anyone!』

『Se, Secret!?』

『It's a secret!』

『Secret...... I heard a big deal!』

It is said that it is a secret and the villagers have made even more of a fuss.

This is definitely the opposite effect, isn't it?


Hilda headed to the bar with Dyer-san.

Behind them, the villagers have followed.

『Even if Hilda-sama is amazing! The knife she was using was a knife I had never seen before, and she could defeat such a big orc easily. And the way how she cleaned up the meat of the orc with a magic tool is also great』

『Ah, yes』

Dyer-san is very talkative.

By the time they arrived at the bar, it was like a daimyo procession.

『Hilda-sama. Are you ready to sell the orc meat you mentioned earlier? There are no guild points, but it will be 2000 gold for one monster』

『Yes, please buy it』

『Thank you. Having said that...... but I can't prepare the gold coins right now, so is it okay to wait for a while?』

Even though it is an adventurer guild, you can't even get 2000 gold coins. Well, it can't be helped since it is a small village.

A villager who looked into the situation called out.

『Dyer. How much did the meat from the previous orc cost?』

Do they eat the monsters that attacked a while ago?

『Orc steak is 20 gold coins per plate』

『20 gold coins? I would like to eat in return for damage but......』

Well, is it a vengeful feeling?

『Emmm....... Well then, with the money that you buy the meat of the orc...... please give a treat to the villagers』

Hilda! What a cool line! I also want to say such words!

『Eh!? 2000 gold coins, to everyone!?』


『Have you heard it? It seems to be Hilda-sama´s treat today! Call everyone!!!』


『Amazing!! Thanks for the treat!!!』

『If you don't do it fast. It will disappear!!』

On that day, all the villagers in the village gathered at the bar, and a big banquet was held all day.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 398: To have grown tense

The weekend ended just by watching over Hilda again.

Several days have already passed since she came to the pioneer village and Hilda has been completely regarded as a hero by the villagers.

As I am being taken over by Hilda as the protagonist, I was watching for Hilda's peep...... today.

However, at present, the tracking beacon doesn't show the image of Hilda.

Why?...... Hilda and Rachel are naked alone in a room.

『Feeling good~. Hilda, thank you』

『It is good that you´re happy』

Apparently, Rachel is getting Hilda to do something nice. I´m jealous!

Well, Hilda just wipes Rachel´s body with a towel...... I feel like I'm listening to a nasty sound.

『In the past, I used to wipe my body on the riverbank...... but at that time it was cold. How about that! The room is warm, and the water was boiled with magic! Hilda really has gotten able to do anything~』

『I can't do everything』

Have I ever been asked to do this?

『And this cloth. It's so soft...... what is this!』

『It's a towel I got from Seiji-niichan』

『Seiji has many strange things. It feels really good, and I feel like a princess』

Well, Elena, a real princess is also using one.

『Thank you, Hilda. Next time, I will wipe your body』


What! Here, instead....... ...... No, its nothing.

『Ah, you're not a slave anymore, you don't need to hold back』



I hear the noise of a body wiped with a towel.

『Your skin is glossy』

『Is that so?』

The skin. It sounds good.

『Are you a bit fat?』

『Eh? Is, Is that so?』

Hey Rachel, aren't you saying something rude?

『When you were a slave, you were more skinny. Now, you get a little stomach because of Seiji......』

It's a story that Hilda became healthy.

『At that time, I thought it would be normal to treat slaves that way. But looking at Seiji's attitude towards you, my treatment of you suddenly seemed embarrassing. Seiji is a strange guy』

『Yes, he is a very reliable brother』

『Really....... But you are a very reliable adventurer, right?』

『I, I?』

Well, Hilda is a hard worker.

『In fact, because of the frequent attacks by monsters and the chronic shortage of supplies, the frustrations of the villagers blew up, and it was just before the explosion. But then Hilda came. If a monster comes out, it will be defeated immediately. You also transport supplies from Nippon. Everybody's smile began to be seen at once. I am really grateful to you』


It was quite difficult.

『So why don't you live in this village for a long time?』

Hey, don't scout without asking me!

『No, Not good. I´m Seiji-niichan´s younger sister』

『Is that so....... I thought you would say that. Adventurers will also gradually increase, and the manpower will increase too. Hilda, do your best where it is needed. ......But, please come to see me once in a while』


Although it became a serious story on the way, after that, the conversation with a sense of fun continued between these two.



『Rachel-sama, it's serious!』

A villager knocked on Rachel-sama's house door in haste.

『What is with this noise』

Rachel came out while wiping her hair with a towel.

『Because of a strong wind a house in the village collapsed, and there are injured people now』


The trouble continues, and the mayor is also shocked.

However, it is a very fragile house to collapse with just the wind.

『Hilda, come with me』


The two rushed through the night as the sun went down.

Well, this will be solved soon.



Well, I also received some vibration.......

Oh, is it a vibration of the [Twin Magic Stone] that Laila has? Is there something else to do?

I took a break from watching Hilda's activity, and I immediately headed to Laila's place with [Teleportation].

「Laila, what's the matter?」

「Ah, Seiji! It's serious, the crisis in the kingdom of Dreados is imminent!」


There will be no more war, so what is the crisis in the country?

「From the fortune telling of Exeter-dono, it came out that a crisis was approaching the country」

Exeter? It is the lord of Toki town, and it is a person who can do [Divination] of [Space-time magic]. I totally forgot that there was such a person.

「What kind of crisis is it?」

「I don't know」


「It's just that in the last couple of days, the crisis seems to be coming」

Hmmm, I don't know why. What will happen? Are meteorites falling down from the sky?

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 399: Yellow area

「It's just that in the last couple of days, the crisis seems to be coming」

Hmmm, I don't know why. What will happen? Are meteorites falling down from the sky?

「Thereupon...... what about me?」

「Eh? Seiji will do something about this crisis, right?」

「No, I can't do it with only this information? And why am I always helping you? It's about your own country? Do you not think about it yourself?」

「Th, That....... Does it mean that you want a reward?」

「I'm not saying that」

I'm not happy to get the money from Laila!? Maybe something other than money?

「Okay, for now, let's try thinking alone」

「This is it?」

「If you don't know what the truth of the crisis is. There's no way to beat it, right?」

「Ah, yes」

Is it really okay.......

「First of all, the possibility of something attacking」

「Well, will you come up with me!? No, it's not an orc or something else, is it?」

「If it is a monster. There should be a sign that it will suddenly decrease or increase. Did you hear such a story?」

「No, there is no such story」

「What about devils? Lately, was there any sighting of the devil race?」

「I do not hear that」

Hmmm, I have no idea.

「First of all, did you look at the state of the city?」

「Is it late at night?」

「I have another job during daytime, so it's about night」

「Is that so....... Night day...... looking around, it's good once in a while」

That's why I and Laila decided to look around the city at night.

......I have a strange feeling in my chest. Such an atmosphere is floating in the city, like a foreboding of something happening.

「Seiji, I think it's windy. Can I hold onto you?」

Laila holds onto me for some reason. It is because she is wearing a dress even though we are patrolling. She should have worn the usual silver armor.

I walked a little and found something strange. However, I didn't find it with the naked eye.

There is a mark on the map that indicates 『Caution』.

「What this?」

「What's wrong?」

Strange! Is the map of [Information magic] buggy?

A mark indicating 『Caution』 is displayed not in a point but in a plain. Moreover, the color is quite thin. I have never seen such a display.

「Let's go a little further」

「I, I understand」

I went to that place, but there is nothing.

「Seiji....... What are you going to do to bring me to such a deserted place?」

「I'm sorry, but let's return to the mansion immediately」

「Eh? Are we leaving?」


We are back at Laila´s mansion.

「Seiji, what happened? Suddenly coming back」

「Wait a minute, I will prepare it right away」


I took out the 『Printer』 from the inventory. Taking out [Magic stone outlet] and connect the outlet to the printer.

「This is?」

「Well, look」

Converting the map information of Shinju town to pdf format with 【Electrical Information Magic】 and save it on my smartphone and print with that data.

Gasha Gasha.

The printer connected with the smartphone and wifi radio wave has started to move.

「It, It's moving.... Is it a magic tool?」

After a while, the printing was finished.

「Laila, look at this, what do you think of this?」

「What is this?」

「Hm? You don't know? This is a map of Shinju town」

「Eh? I see....... This town was like this......」

Hey, you´re the lord of Shinju town!

「Seiji, what is this yellow part?」

「I think it's probably the place where something happens in the current crisis of the country」


But this yellow part....... It looks as if a huge something went by. ......That's right.

「Haa, it was good」

Laila finds something on the map and pats her chest. What did she find?

「My house is off the yellow part」

Hey! You were looking for your house!

「For now, please survey this yellow part」

「What about Seiji?」

「I´m going to see the other towns」


It seems that the information in the yellow part can't be updated unless I go to the town and it has become midnight at the end of visiting all towns.

2 o'clock in the middle of the night. I went back to my home and laid out the printed maps of each town on the floor and thought.

What kind of situation is this?

Shinju town was like a trace of something huge. The royal capital also has a similar band of yellow areas.

I thought that something huge would cross from Shinju to the capital city.

There are also yellow areas in other towns.

Ebisu town, where the healing magicians live, is an elevated area, Shinaga town, the area around the mine, Toki town, the coastline area facing the sea, Ikebu town, the tower of sunrise each is yellow.

Suga town and the town of demons don't have much yellow area.

And, Nippon and Pioneer village....... Almost the whole area has become a yellow area.

If something happens in this yellow area...... this may be a pretty bad thing.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 400: Pad aloof

I let Aya and Elena know about the crisis of Dreados kingdom, and I went to work.

Are you going to the company despite the crisis in the country? Naturally, they get angry.

Those two, like Hilda, have [Outlet Magic stone] and [Everywhere communication magic stone]. They can now talk and exchange messages.

Elena went to the capital city, and Aya went to Nippon town.

The royal capital is the center of Dreados kingdom, there is also the king, and it is better to have someone there, so Elena went there.

When Elena came back, she was a little angry because the king was delighted. What happened to the kingdom crisis?

Aya was asked to go to Nippon town because the damage was the biggest. She is still in summer vacation. When Aya came, Rondo was delighted. He hasn't even noticed! If your city doesn't get rid of it, will it be destroyed?

Of course, I also explained to Hilda the situation and asked her to stay in the pioneer village.

Those three and I keep in touch on the smartphone and share information.

It seems that there is a problem because it is difficult to get in touch with Laila.

As I had no choice, I went to an electronic retailer during lunch break and bought a tablet. It's a so-called wifi model.

Thanks to [Everywhere communication magic stone], wifi can be connected everywhere and maintenance costs can be saved like a smartphone. I can't make calls with it, but it's fine as long as I have a free call app.


That's why the closing time has come. Without working overtime, I immediately headed to Laila´s place.

「Hey, Laila. How is it?」

「Seiji! Alright, nothing has happened yet」

「Today I have brought something good for you」

「Seiji to me!? A pr, present!!?」

She looks very happy. Has she never received a present from a friend? Laila seems to have few friends and can't help it. Well, I also...... but it is so!


「Th, Th, Th......」

Is it a chicken?

「Thi, this is it! Seiji occasionally uses......, magic tool!!!」

Somehow, it seems like a great bite.

「It's not exactly the same thing, but it's something which can do similar things」

「Why did you gift this to me? By any chance...... apple?」

「Ah, the first letter of the product is I-pad」

Besides, Laila put the pad... in a certain place, and the place is quite mini, and it is just right.

But why did Laila know the name of the product? Well, that doesn't matter.

「How should I use this?」

Laila seems to be excited by blushing her face. Was she so happy?

I look at the screen with Laila with our shoulders close to each other, and I teach her how to use it.

「Here, Seiji look!」

Laila is very excited.

The icon of my face is prepared in advance, and she automatically starts calling me.

「Ah, if you tap that place, you can call me」

「Tap? Call?」

「Tap is to hit the place with one finger lightly. Well, it is faster to try it」

「I hit on Seiji´s face!?」

「That's right」

Laila was in a bad mood....... My face.

「Why aren't you tapping on my face!」

「Because it's Seiji!」

「My face is only being displayed on this magic tool!」

「Is, Is that so......」

Ah, I'm tired. It's really hard to teach people who are not good with technology.

This time, Laila properly tapped on my face icon.

After a while, the incoming music began to sound from my smartphone.


「Ah, my magic tool lets me know that Laila is contacting me」

「Ahhm, Ahhmacing......」

Ignoring Laila whose intelligence began to decline, I pressed the call button on my smartphone.

「Hello, can you hear me?」

「Ah, Seiji´s voice!」

「Now you can talk with me like the twin magic stone」

「Th, This, anytime...... Seiji...... conversation......」

Laila is glad to shed tears. Excuse me.

Well, I was also happy when I first bought a smartphone, so I know how she feels.

After that, I taught her how to turn the power on and off and how to charge it.

But that's it for quite some time.

「Seiji, I got such a good thing, how should I thank you......」

「Well, it was expensive, but it's also a problem that you can't get in touch in an emergency, so it doesn't matter」

「No, it won't go. It is mine...... from...... from......」

Is it a ground-type monster?


A few minutes later, from a certain place in the house of Laila, I could hear the sound like a squeaky bed.

「Se, Seiji......」


「Seiji. What is this sound」

「Well, I feel like I can hear you from the first floor」

Huh? Laila and I in bed? There is no such thing!

When we go to confirm the true nature of the sound with together......,

The metal fittings on the back door of the mansion used by the workers were coming off, and it was only making noise with a wind.

Eh? What? There is no such thing!

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