Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 3060 Shui Yixian lost her memory

Chapter 3060  Shui Yixian lost her memory

Ye Chen parted ways with Shen Niang, he went straight to Shui Yixian's place.

As Shen Niang had said, Shui Yixian was placed in a place that could move around.

"It must be a little difficult if I can't sense the whereabouts of Yixian" Ye Chen could easily find Shui Yixian's whereabouts.

So Ye Chen followed where Shui Yixian was.

Although it moved frequently, with Ye Chen's teleportation ability, he could catch up.

After chasing for a few minutes, Ye Chen was finally able to enter the palace.

"What a troublesome place" to be honest, this was a troublesome place.

It was like a ship with complicated mechanisms. Ordinary people would have a hard time.

It wasn't strange that Shen Niang said he was struggling, but Ye Chen understood the difficulty Shen Niang was having.

Ye Chen used his abilities and discovered if people were around this place.

After Ye Chen used his strength, he finally found the guards around, and they were already preparing to launch an attack on him.

"They are waiting for me and want to surprise me, then let's reverse the situation" Ye Chen wanted to reverse the current situation.

If they wanted to surprise Ye Chen, Ye Chen would surprise them back.

Ye Chen used his ability to enter secretly.

After Ye Chen entered, he walked to the back of the guards.

None of the guards knew of Ye Chen's existence, it was because Ye Chen hid himself so well and no one would be aware of Ye Chen's existence.

"okay, explosion time." Ye Chen used a ball of fire and ice, he combined the two balls and made a thing that was powerful enough to destroy those here.

"Boom. . ." a huge explosion occurred, all of them were not ready for the huge explosion that came from behind.

The huge explosion naturally injured all the guards, they had no chance to defend as they were focused on the front.

Ye Chen had seized the opportunity so well, it was such a good opportunity to kill all the enemies.

"Okay, now everything is done" after Ye Chen finished all the guards, he went straight to the place of Shui Yixian.

When Ye Chen went to Shui Yixian's place, he saw Shui Yixian sitting and looking outside.

Shui Yixian could see out, but she couldn't get out because an invisible wall was blocking her way.

Shui Yixian thought that she would be happy if she could go outside to see the outside world.

Ye Chen looked towards Shui Yixian, but it had been long since he had seen her.

He missed Shui Yixian so much Ye Chen wanted to go towards Shui Yixian and hug her immediately.

"Yixian" Ye Chen called out to Shui Yixian.

Shui Yixian looked at Ye Chen, her reaction seemed ordinary, and there was no trace of pleasure when she saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt that something was wrong, if this were normal, then Shui Yixian would be surprised when she saw Ye Chen coming.

And now what Ye Chen saw was strange, it was because Shui Yixian was silent.

"What happened?" Ye Chen wanted to know what happened to Shui Yixian.

"Who are you?" Shui Yixian asked Ye Chen.

"Eh? ? ? ?" Ye Chen was speechless as he listened to Shui Yixian ask.

As Ye Chen had expected, Shui Yixian didn't know who Ye Chen was.

"Why did this happen, what's wrong with her?" Ye Chen felt very unhappy about what happened.

He was so upset when he knew Shui Yixian forgot about him.

"No, how could she forget about me, they must have done something" Ye Chen was sure that they had done something to Shui Yixian.

Most likely, Shui Yixian had been brainwashed, with their strength, they must have done it.

"Situ Wazi" Ye Chen was so angry with Situ Wazi, he had made Shui Yixian to be like now.

Ye Chen obviously would not accept this, he would not forgive what Situ Wazi did to Shui Yixian.

"don't you remember me?" Ye Chen asked Shui Yixian.

"I don't remember who you are," Shui Yixian told Ye Chen.

There was no memory of Ye Chen inside her mind.

"This is really bad, what am I going to do now?" Ye Chen saw the situation becoming complicated, this had something to do with Shui Yixian's mind.

If Ye Chen had done all kinds of things, it would have made Shui Yixian regress.

Ye Chen didn't want that to happen, he wouldn't let that happen to Shui Yixian.

"I'll take her away first" Ye Chen thought of taking Shui Yixian away first.

After that Ye Chen would have a way to recover the mind of Shui Yixian.

"I am Ye Chen, I have come to take you out of this place, will you go together with me" Ye Chen asked Shui Yixian.

"Can you take me away from this place?" Shui Yixian asked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded to Shui Yixian.

Ye Chen had indeed come to take Shui Yixian away.

It's just that the situation now is different from the beginning, Shui Yixian has lost Ye Chen's memory, so Ye Chen has to persuade Shui Yixian.

"are you serious or just want to lie to me" Shui Yixian asked Ye Chen.

Shui Yixian didn't immediately believe what Ye Chen said.

Shui Yixian now regarded Ye Chen as an outsider, so it was not strange that she was wary of Ye Chen.

"Of course I'm serious, I want to take you out, don't you want to see the outside world, the outside world is so vast" Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen continued to use sweet words to Shui Yixian.

Shui Yixian started to get interested in Ye Chen's words, she wanted to get out of this place.

Shui Yixian thought for a while, she didn't immediately agree with Ye Chen.

"Think carefully, do you want to stay in this cage forever?" Ye Chen said to Shui Yixian.

"No. ." Shui Yixian didn't want to stay in this place forever, she wanted to see the wide world.

"Then what are you thinking and afraid of?" Ye Chen said to Shui Yixian.

"Alright, I'm willing" Shui Yixian finally agreed to go with Ye Chen.

"That's great," Ye Chen said to Shui Yixian.

Ye Chen was happy because Shui Yixian was willing to come along the problem had been solved.

Ye Chen hugged Shui Yixian.

"Ehh? ? ?" Shui Yixian was surprised by what Ye Chen did.

Ye Chen hugged Shui Yixian's slender waist.

Normally Shui Yixian would probably kick Ye Chen out, but she didn't do it for some reason.

Shui Yixian felt that she couldn't do that, there was a strange feeling when she was with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took Shui Yixian away, and after Ye Chen took Shui Yixian away, Ye Chen went straight to Shen Niang's place.

"You managed to find her" Shen Niang said to Ye Chen.

"I did it, let's retreat first," Ye Chen would explain to Shen Niang and the others.

First of all, they had to retreat first.

"Everyone let's leave this place" Shen Niang told everyone to leave this place.

After getting the notice from Shen Niang, everyone approached Ye Chen.

Ye Chen teleported them all with his ability.

Chu Yuechan's group had also been notified so that they would retreat for a while.

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