Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith

Chapter 102

Chapter 102



Annel was a Prince, a revered person even in the most dominating Dynasty of the Eastern Continent, yet now he stood dressed as a normal commoner with makeup covering his facial features . Next to him stood his younger sister, Evelyn, who was doing her hardest yet again not to burst out laughing .

" . . . are you sure you want to do this?" she asked with an odd expression .

"I have to do this!" Annel exclaimed more so to convince himself than to reply to her question . "He's crossed the line!"

"He only made a few women cry . . . "

"Few?! He made every woman west of Flaggen Chapel cry! That's hundreds of people, Eve!"

" . . . khm, yeah, my bad . You should definitely dress up as a commoner and bait him . Wouldn't it be more appropriate if I went? He seems to go after women, after all . "

"I can't risk it," Annel said, shaking his head . "Who knows what he does to them? You're too precious to be a bait . "

"Ah . . . whatever . Have fun, I suppose . "

"Fun? I'm not doing this to have fun!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever . . . "

Evelyn turned around and left, leaving Annel standing alone just outside the royal compound's walls . He watched streams of people moving left and right, all of whom would kneel before him any time of the day if he dressed and looked as per usual . Yet, now, they all ignored him as though he was an ant . It was truly a new experience for him .

He moved toward the southern part of the city where residences of mostly middle-class people were built . There, a notorious web of alleyways was the flame of rumors as of recently, named 'Kingdom of King of Beggars' . Apparently, that's what beggar himself requested they call the place .

Though Annel found it amusing, he couldn't bring himself to smile; it was fine for now, but what if he moved further north and started harassing Ladies of Marquises and Dukes? Wouldn't that spiral the city into a civil war? It certainly would! Those vixens, after all, have such short fuse even Annel doesn't dare look at them wrongly .

It took him nearly an hour of walking to get to the fabled alleyways . They were quite ordinary, cutting in-between houses built out of limestone and courtyards filled with greenery and flowers of all colors . Occasionally he'd spot a stray animal or two, but, after walking around for nearly half an hour, he was yet to run into any beggar, let alone the beggar .

Feeling slightly annoyed and tired, he took a deep breath and sat down onto the street . Unlike his older brothers, Annel wasn't hellbent on always maintaining proper decorum; he sometimes ate with his hands, drank directly from the fountain, climbed the trees like a monkey and tended to do whatever tickled his fancy: such as dressing as a complete commoner to track down a beggar and his dog .

"Eh? What are you doing, sitting there? Are you contemplating life?" a voice jolted Annel from his thoughts, causing him to look up toward the alley's entrance . There, standing with his arms on his hips, was a man dressed in shabby clothes, with disheveled hair and beard covering his entire face save for the black eyes . And, right next to the man's leg, was a dog of silver fur and ocean-blue eyes . It's them! He immediately concluded, a strange shine glinting in his eyes . "Can I join you? I love contemplating life . "

"Hah! I finally caught you, you damned beggar!" Annel exclaimed, rising onto his feet and pointing his finger at the beggar .

"Eh? You were looking for me?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, I didn't know I'd already gotten so famous," the beggar chuckled, suddenly scratching his nose as though embarrassed . "I'm flattered, really, but I don't do autographs . "


"We can share a meal, if you want, or talk about life," the beggar continued . "That should be enough for you, right?"

"W-what are you talking about?! I'm not your fan!" Annel exclaimed, feeling his cheeks growing warmer .

"Ah? You're not?! Ah, my bad, my bad . Geez, this is embarrassing . I always just jump to conclusions . . . I'm sorry . . . "

"As-as long as you understand it! I'm actually the Third Prince of Divine Dynasty, Annel En'gar, and I'm here to arrest you!" suddenly, there was silence; when Annel looked at beggar's expression yet again, he saw an odd one . . . with eyes filled with a solitary feeling: pity . "W-what are you looking at me like that for?!"

"Aii . . . brother . . . dear . . . dear brother . Just how far down have you fallen to pretend to be a Prince?" the beggar said, shaking his head; as though to emphasize the true sadness of the situation, even the damned dog shook his head . "I mean, I thought I had it bad, but you, you brother . . . I'm sorry . I'm honestly broke myself; but, if I ever do come across some riches, I'll give them all to you . You obviously need them . "

"W-what . . . what . . . " Annel felt defeated . It was one thing for the beggar to think he was fan, but a completely another for him to make fun of Annel . W-wait, my face! Annel realize . It's makeup! A handkerchief suddenly appeared in Annel's hand, spurring a strange glint in beggar's eyes which Annel missed . He quickly reached for his face and wiped it clean, revealing his rather handsome appearance . "See? I'm really a Prince!"

" . . . wow, you even wear makeup," the beggar suddenly took a step back as though terrified . "Uh, it's, uh, it's your choice, so do whatever you want with your life . All the power to you, brother--uh, sister? Whatever, I'm fucking out . "

"No, wait, please! Just wait a second!! I'm really here to arrest you!!"

" . . . why would you arrest me?"

"What do you mean why?!"

"I'm completely innocent of any crime whatsoever . " the beggar said with a straightforward expression .

"There are literally hundreds of reports against you!!" Annel was staring to slowly lose it .

"What do you mean? That's heresy!! False accusations!! I damn them all to hell! How dare they tarnish my great name?! Humph, lowly bastards! Here I am, feeding stray dogs and offering strangers wisdom of life whenever I can, and they accuse me of crimes! Who?! Tell me their names!"

" . . . "

" . . . "

" . . . woof?"

"Sigh . . . " Annel sighed weakly, realizing the stories he'd heard weren't exaggerated at all . The beggar truly was . . . shameless . Shameless beyond reason . "Can . . . can we just stop this?"

"Ah, alright, fine . I'm running low on food anyway," the beggar said, scratching his head . "So, what's prison like? Do you guys have food? Can I contemplate life with other prisoners?"

"What's with you and contemplating life?!!"

"Whoa, where's this anger coming from? Calm down, brother . "

"It's coming from you! And I'm not your damned brother!"

"Alright, alright, settle down," the beggar said . "Tell me . What's bugging you? Is life as a fake Prince truly too hard? If you want, I can kneel down and call you 'Your Highness' . "

"That's what you're supposed to do!!" Annel exclaimed, feeling his eyes growing warmer as though he was on the verge of tears .

" . . . dude, are you really about to cry?"

"No, no I'm not! Shut up!"

" . . . "

"Woof . . . "

" . . . I . . . I don't have to take you to prison," Annel said . "If you could do me a solid . "

"Wow, are you really thinking of patricide?"

"What?! Are you insane?!! Why would I want to kill my Royal Father?!!"

"Well, let's see," the beggar said, stroking his beard . "You say you're a Third Prince of this huge, massive Empire, right?"

"Yeah . "

"And that you have power to arrest people?"

"Yeah . "

"And most-likely have all sorts of resources at your disposal?"

"Yeah . Where are you going with this?"

" . . . then why the fuck are you scouring the city for a random beggar to ask him for a favor?!"

" . . . "

" . . . "


"I . . . it's a delicate situation," Annel said, sighing yet again . "Do you think I'd pardon all your filthy crimes if it wasn't?"

"By delicate you mean politically charged?"

"Yeah . Do you care?"

"Not really," the beggar shook his head . "Anyway, I don't need any pardoning . I want riches, women and glory!"

"I'll pay you a hundred gold . "

"Deal! Who am I killing?"

"K-killing?! Why would you be killing anyone?"

"Eh? Then why are you hiring me?"

" . . . khm, it's, uh, it's about my Younger Sister--"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in dating spoiled brats . " the beggar interrupted .

" . . . you know what dude? Fuck you . Fuck you to ten thousand hells! You goddamned, filthy, loud-mouthed piece of shit! Burn in hell you fucking cocksucker!"

" . . . wow . I suddenly have a shred of respect for you . "

" . . . I . . . ah, whatever . " Annel realized his outburst, but decided to just let it go . He'll pretend as though none of this ever, ever happened, anyway . "I'm not asking you to date my sister . As though I'd ever let that happen, you moron . There's a guy who's been pestering her recently . As he's Duke's son, there's little I can do without causing conflict, and Royal Father's remained mum on the issue . I don't want you to kill him, just . . . make him leave my sister alone . I don't care how you do it so long as you don't mention my hiring you . "

" . . . what's the guy's name?" the beggar asked, suddenly turning serious for some reason .

"Felix . Felix Dongrauth . He's the son of Duke Dongrauth of Northern Frontier . "

"Alright," the beggar nodded . "I'll make it happen . Good luck, Prince Annel . " the beggar suddenly turned and left .

"Eh? What about your paym---wait, you bastard, you always knew I was the Prince, didn't you?! And you still disrespected me like that?!! Come back, you bastard!!" however, the beggar was long gone, leaving Annel fuming all on his own . Hah, hah, whatever . Let him be . Hopefully, he makes something happen . If not . . . I'll really have to escalate the conflict . Even if his father is defending the Northern Frontier, it doesn't give him freedom to do whatever he wants in my Empire . . .

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