Little Tyrant Doesn't Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 164: Don’t Speak, Kiss!

Chapter 164: Don’t Speak, Kiss!

Inside a shadowy mountain valley, Roel stared at the cluster of mountains in the distance in a daze. A golden-haired woman gradually manifested from the darkness, appearing atop the old throne before him. She had a shapely figure that could be vaguely discerned under her traditional long robe, and her hair was emanating golden light particles.

“We meet again. It looks like you have managed to overcome the crisis, though I have to admit that I was rather surprised to see that you didn’t use my blessing. Should I compliment you for that? Or was it an intentional act on your part?”

“Intentional? What do you mean by that?”

“Fear and dread, these are the emotions that humans naturally bear toward us. Powerful beings like us are bound to be feared. It’s the natural instinct of intelligent beings to dread manipulation.”


Roel looked into the glowing, assessing eyes of the golden-haired woman before him as he considered her statement carefully.

“I’m not guarding against you. Rather than to say that I’m unwilling to use your spell, it would be more accurate to say that I can’t bear to use it.”

“You can’t bear to use it?”

Under Peytra’s penetrating gaze, Roel lowered his head slightly in contemplation, attempting to make sense of his thoughts.

“I have a feeling that a greater danger is encroaching. It wasn’t worth bringing out my trump card for the scuffle earlier on. I want to reserve my greatest power for the most critical moment.”

“Oh? I didn’t think that you would have such a high opinion of my blessing. It pleases me to hear such words. Indeed, treasuring the blessing I bestowed upon you is a show of respect to me. It’s pleasing to see that you know of respect.”

Peytra’s mood seemed to have lifted as her lips curled up. However, there was still a small doubt she had left.

“I noticed that your own self is at odds with your age.”

“My own self?”

“Yes. It’s impossible to lie to me in my world. This is a place that strips off all disguises to reveal one’s truest self.”

“... Is that so? That would explain why I feel a little peculiar here.”

Roel nodded in realization as he finally knew what the unnatural feeling constantly nudging him was. The woman eyed Roel intently as the light in her slitted eyes intensified.

“In any case, you have fulfilled the first promise. I should probably bring out my sincerity too.”

Peytra’s golden eyes seemed to glow even brighter. Under her piercing gaze, Roel felt a slight burning sensation in his eyes, causing him to squint a little.

“What did you do?”

“It’s just a small gift. You’ll know it once you activate the spell,” remarked Peytra with a smile lingering on her lips.

Her eyes remained focused on Roel, but she seemed to be seeing something even further. There was a moment of silence before she pressed her lips together and questioned.

“I heard from that fellow that you have a question to ask?”

“That fellow?”

“I’m referring to that giant who keeps kicking up a fuss outside. What a troublesome one he is.”

“Hm? You’re referring to Grandar?”

Before Roel’s widened eyes, Peytra nodded in affirmation. She placed her hand on her cheek and looked at Roel with a trace of mirth in her eyes. It was a show of great interest.

“He’s throwing a tantrum because he can’t get in here. He’s even threatening me not to get any thoughts about you.”

“The two of you are able to communicate with one another?”

“Of course. You’re the medium linking the two of us together though. Nevertheless, I am still quite surprised. How did you manage to win an existence like him over to your side?”

Roel couldn’t help but chuckle a little imagining the sight of Grandar throwing a tantrum. After some consideration, Roel carefully tendered a reply.

“I guess it’s because we’re friends.”


Peytra widened her eyes in disbelief at his response. She blinked her eyes several times before bursting into laughter.

“You have become friends with that kind of fellow? Hahaha, young lad, you sure are an interesting one!”

She continued laughing for quite a while before finally recalling the main matter at hand. She gazed into the distant outside world as her eyes twinkled in curiosity.

“Show me the most beautiful thing about fate. That’s my request.”

“... You all sure like to pose troublesome questions. Though, fate? This term sure has become relatable to me in recent days.”

“Are you referring to the girl who worships the Goddess of Fate?”


Roel thought a little deeper into it, and he felt that it wasn’t just about Charlotte here. Everything seemed to be somehow tied to fate, including how the two of them came to meet one another, which brought about a crossroad in his life.

No, to be more exact, they were each other’s crossroads. Their meeting had definitely created huge ripples for the future.

Far too many shocking events happened recently. Some mysteries he had been dwelling upon had been unraveled, but he still felt himself to be no more than a young pupil just starting to learn about the world. The partial knowledge he had only left him even more confused, leaving him with many speculations about his lineage.

“That girl possesses a rare ancestral bloodline blessed by the Goddess of Fate. I do agree that she would make a good mating partner for you.”

“Indeed... Huh?”

Roel instinctively nodded in agreement to the serious words spoken from the throne, only for his pupils to dilate in shock a moment later when his distracted mind finally realized what he had just agreed with.

“Wait a moment, what are you talking about?”

“Hm? I’m simply saying that both of your bloodlines are compatible with one another. Offspring coming from the two of you will have a high chance of being bloodline possessors too.”

“No, I mean, why are you suddenly talking about mating? What does this have to do with anything?”

“I was of the impression that the two of you are a couple. Am I mistaken?”

Peytra blinked her eyes in confusion, uncomprehending of what Roel was driving at. On the other hand, Roel was so speechless at those words that he didn’t even know where he should start explaining things from.

“We’re an unmarried couple, unmarried! There’s no mating going on here!”

Roel emphasized with a furiously blushing face.

There was an uncanny feeling of déjà vu as he couldn’t help recalling the similar conversation he had with Grandar back then too. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was Grandar who had led Peytra astray here.

Still, to talk about mating so directly... Are those from the ancient era so forthright? We really should practice some subtlety when it comes to such things!

Roel was so agitated that the unnatural feeling he felt from being in this world lightened considerably. Peytra was a little intrigued by this occurrence, but she decided not to pay it too much heed. She raised her eyes to gaze at the mountain range beyond them before remarking wryly.

“Is that so? But... it looks like you are the only one who feels that way?”


“You should leave now.”

Peytra shot a penetrating look at Roel and reminded him.

“Don’t forget my question. May we meet again, Roel Ascart.”

The gentle voice echoed in his ears before a devastating storm swept through the area, tearing apart the surroundings. Roel’s consciousness gradually faded until everything turned black


“W-what should we do? His temperature is still plummeting!”

“The egg isn’t reacting anymore. It seems to be the effect of Roel’s absorption spell.”

In an exquisitely designed ship cabin, Isabella was looking at the boy lying on the bed, emanating ripples of cold mist, with tight furrows on her brow.

Back then, as soon as Roel passed out after absorbing the frozen mana, Isabella immediately carried Roel into this cabin and had a doctor check on his condition. Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him.

It was just regretful that Roel had been in an unconscious state all this while. He couldn’t even attend the short party thrown by all the crew to celebrate surviving the crisis.

Roel’s sacrifice hadn’t been in vain though. His act of absorbing the frozen mana reduced the burden on the Golden Soul, which allowed SS Saint Mary to regain most of its usual functions. Its speed increased significantly, and its defensive measures were restored too.

However, just a minute ago, Roel’s condition suddenly took a turn for the worse.

“This is the frost aura from the egg. We should be able to suppress it with the Golden Soul, similar to what we did with the egg.”

“You’re right.”

Charlotte nodded her head in agreement with Isabella’s opinion. However, she soon noticed a problem.

Under the suppression of the Golden Soul, the temperature within the room did rise, but the frost aura only receded back into Roel, putting him in a worse state than before.

“This won’t do. He’s like a sponge at the moment, and the frost aura is like water to him. Trying to suppress the frost aura externally won’t work; it’ll only worsen his condition. What we need to do is to squeeze the frost aura out of him instead.”

“B-but what can we do?”

Flustered, Charlotte quickly halted her actions with the Golden Soul upon hearing Isabella’s conjecture. Isabella turned toward Charlotte, who looked as if she would burst into tears at any moment, and an idea suddenly popped into her head.

“Charlotte, it looks like we can only entrust this matter to you, his fiancée.”

Watching the flustered girl before her solemnly, Isabella raised her hand grandly to point toward the boy lying on the bed and instructed.

“Go, kiss him!”

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