Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

I’ll Be Heading To Leiyin Temple Tomorrow Morning

When Xia Xiaosu opened the door, her older brother was still carving his prayer beads. He was focused on this carving and both his hands were impeccably steady. Even though the drifting snow had flaked his hair with white, her older brother was still very focused on carving the prayer beads. When each bead was done, he would pile them tidily into the long, wooden box laid next to his hand.

The Imperial Princess carefully closed the door as her long legs moved forward slowly, wary of disturbing her older brother. She tip-toed in her fuzzy deer-skin boots and grabbed the oiled-paper umbrella lying against the corner of the wall. She was not in a hurry to open it. She walked down the steps slowly and carefully, stepping into the thick snow. She walked toward the courtyard outside of the archive chamber and opened the umbrella in one swift movement after exiting the courtyard entrance.

White plums dotted the umbrella, which was adorned with branches drawn using ink paint.

As snow swirled about in the air, the white plums floated away into the distance.

They floated onto the earth which was filled with enemies in every direction.

The palace maids and eunuchs had prepared a dinner banquet quite early. With the absence of the Imperial Emperor, having hundreds of dishes was out of the question, but there were still dozens of dishes served.

Xia Xiaosu took a look at the numerous delicious meat dishes served and said softly, “Next time, just prepare two dishes and one soup. My brother and I won’t be able to finish this much food.”

With that, she selected three dishes and picked two bottles of fine wine, and said to the palace maid and eunuchs, “Share the remaining dishes among yourselves.”

The palace maids and eunuchs looked delighted. “Thank you, Imperial Princess.”

Xia Xiaosu returned to the archive chamber once more. Xia Ji had just sighed in relaxation when he raised his head to look at her.

“Time to eat, Big Brother.”

The Imperial Princess was holding a basketful of food as she entered the room.

Xia Ji gestured to the walkway below the roof. The walkway was a little more than one foot above the ground and was quite suitable to people-watch and admire the falling snow. “Let’s eat here.”

The Imperial Princess was taken aback. There were many rules when it came to having a meal with the Imperial family. Having a meal at the walkway was unheard of. Even the servants did not dare to do such a thing as it would be considered rude and a lack of etiquette. However, so what if it was considered without etiquette?

If it was not according to rules, then let it be.

She had only hesitated for a second before replying ‘okay’ obediently. With that, she placed the meal basket down onto the wooden walkway and took out a plate of Beef with Chestnut and Crispy Pepper, Eight Treasures Chicken Fillet, and Boneless Leg of Lamb in Secret Sauce. Next, she took out two bottles of fine wine without being sneaky about it.

They were no longer being monitored and there was no need to sneak around with it.

Xia Ji knew if his little sister wanted him to drink, she would bring only one bottle. If there were two bottles, it meant that she wanted to drink as well. Alas, Xia Xiaosu’s alcohol tolerance could only be described as ‘pathetic’. She was someone who did not drink at all. She was drinking because she had believed in certain rumors.

Xia Ji asked because of this, “Are you trying to drown in your sorrows?”

Xia Xiaosu replied, “I’m not exactly sure if it’s considered sorrow.”

“Are you feeling sympathetic to those innocent people in the Imperial Capital?”

“That’s right, I do feel sympathy for them, but… I’m just a useless Imperial Princess who has no power over her own fate. There’s nothing I can do. I’m nothing but a useless person.”

Xia Ji did not console her. All he did was say gently, “Then drink up.”

Xia Xiaosu did not say another word. She quickly poured herself some wine and gulped it down. She continued pouring wine for herself and downed cup after cup. The third time she poured herself wine, she gulped it down as usual, looking especially valiant when in fact, her cheeks were already red as flames. She was a complete mess as the snowflakes in front of her eyes turned into a blur.

Xia Ji could not help laughing. “What are you feeling sorrowful about?”

“I’m not feeling sorrowful!”

Xia Xiaosu had already downed her fifth cup and a mist was beginning to form in front of her eyes. The influence of alcohol had made her more talkative than usual. “I’ve already made my decision. No matter what you do, I will stand by your side. If you die, I’ll kill myself too.”

She patted her chest as she said this, and a shocking sound of metal could be heard.

She dug about her front and took out a white shark-skin dagger and slammed it between them.

“I won’t die. If one day you hear a rumor of me being dead, don’t ever believe it. You must make sure to see my body with your own eyes before killing yourself.”


Xia Ji ate the food and drank the wine as he watched the snowstorm unfold. The night was long, but not immensely so. Xia Xiaosu continued drinking rapidly.

A silence fell between them that stretched on as the two sat listening to the snowstorm. Some wailing could be heard from afar, coming through the snowstorm from the Imperial Capital.

Xia Ji suddenly asked, “Have you met those foxes again after returning the Maitreya Sutra?”

“I did.”

Xia Xiaosu tried to recall the memory before continuing, “The day after the Imperial family left the city, I actually bumped into them again. I returned the book to Hu Ling and she once again asked me to teach her some words. After I was done teaching, I did what you said and asked her ‘Miss Hu, what exactly do you want?’.”

“What did she say?”

“Hu Ling said that she wanted a Shang Dynasty Imperial family who was able to accept demons.”

Xia Ji said, “How did you reply to her then?”

Xia Xiaosu answered, “I said, as long as demons don’t eat people or harm them, there is no reason not to accept them. After that, Miss Hu Ling urged me not to forget what I said…”

Xia Ji gave this some thought and tousled her long hair. “In that case, you can no longer stay a little girl.”

Xia Xiaosu pouted, “I’ve never been a little girl.”

She picked up her bottle of wine after saying this and gulped down the rest of it. She placed the bottle to her lips without an ounce of a princess-like demeanor and gurgled the remaining wine with relish. After she was done drinking, her body flopped to the side onto the wooden floor of the walkway, passing out in a hopelessly drunk state.

She was a princess, yet she was not considered outstandingly elegant. She was not such a beauty that she was able to cause the downfall of cities, nor was she especially intelligent nor seductive. She was completely different from the Second Imperial Princess, Fourth Imperial Princess, and Eighth Imperial Princess…

If one were to say that she had grace, then it would be a grace mixed with a shred of misery that was not at all compatible with the Imperial family.

She did not have a big face and her skin was pale-white. Her hair was very fine and slightly yellowish. She was not tall and was only about one and a half meters. All her boots were custom made with internal elevation so as not to diminish the dignity of the Imperial family. Fortunately for her, she had a well-proportioned body. She had fairly long legs and looked like a beauty who had been shrunk one size smaller.

Her hair easily fell to her waist and when the palace maids and eunuchs talked to her, they would do so while half-kneeling to the ground or crouched down. Otherwise, they would be charged with the crime of ‘looking down on the princess’.

Xia Ji looked at her little legs dangling in the air while her small face was flushed. Her eyes were red as well. He bent over to pick her up in his arms and the Imperial Princess nuzzled in his arms. The world was much too cold and there was nowhere warm she could go to.

Xia Ji carried her and walked step-by-step toward her bed-chamber. The snowstorm may be heavy but he was practicing his Zen-ness fully at this point. The falling snow did not fall onto him, nor would it fall onto the Imperial Princess.

He placed her onto the bed and took off her boots for her. He helped her out of her coat and gently covered her with a blanket. He left one candle lit for her as she would be scared if she woke up in the dark. He also prepared a cup of honey for her in case she woke up with a headache from the hangover and could not find water to consume. Xia Ji finally turned to leave after finishing that. Before he reached the door, a quiet sobbing came from the bed.

He paused in his steps but did not turn back. All he did was close the doors quietly.

He walked into the icy weather and onto the snowy ground as he returned to the archive chamber. He called for Eunuch Mei. “Have you found the mastermind behind those mobsters?”

“I have been incompetent. They are hidden too deeply and would rather commit suicide rather than reveal anything.”

Xia Ji nodded and did not pursue this topic. Instead, he said, “I’ll be going to Leiyin Temple at Mount Meru tomorrow morning to read books. I will require three days. You should continue with your investigation.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Eunuch Mei replied in a manner much like before, where he was respectfully in awe and sincere.

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