Lord of the Magical Beasts

Chapter 566 - Abyssal Demon

Chapter 566: Abyssal Demon

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


The flock of beasts that rushed over like a tide gave rise to a storm of dust. There were innumerable Magical Beasts of different sizes, and even though they didn’t have too many Divine Magical Beasts, they were still too numerous, and none could obstruct their advance without being tramped brutally by them.

A storm of dust and stones arose in the way, and nothing could obstruct the beasts’ gallop.

“Hurry up! There is a cave there, hurry up and go inside.” At this critical juncture, the Sword God Gerald found a natural cave in the vicinity, and he shouted before he led the crowd toward it. The galloping Magical Beasts were too swift, and if they didn’t quickly find a place where they could hide, none among his clansmen that couldn’t fly would survive.

The three dwarves with power at the Domain-Level were instantly trampled to death, and the terror of this group of crazy Magical Beasts could be discerned from this. Even though the Sword God Gerald was a Mid-Level Deity, he still didn’t dare to go to obstruct the crazy Magical Beasts rashly.


The Magical Beasts roared as they sped up repeatedly and recklessly. They were trying to outdo each other, and when their path was obstructed by a python, a Stegosaurus with a length that reached several hundred meters flew into a rage and bit the python’s tail before it trampled it heavily. It trampled the head of the python that was thick as a water jar, and it turned it into mincemeat. The python was badly mangled and seemed like a rotten watermelon.

“Priestess, what is happening?” As Yang Ling looked at the raging Magical Beasts that closed on in them, he got quite confused.

At first, he still planned to rush out to tame the several-hundred-meter-long Stegosaurus, but when he saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ceratopsian and other beasts in the vicinity, he was forced to give up on this alluring idea. The Stegosaurus and the Ceratopsian near it had a large built, and their bodies contained intense Energy RIpples. They possessed at least a Low-Level Deity’s power. It wouldn’t be difficult to deal with one Divine Beast, but there were a group of Divine Beasts here, and they were still crazy Divine Beasts. It wasn’t easy to deal with them!

He had just arrived here, and he still didn’t familiarize himself with the Graveyard of Gods and Devils. This was why making an attack rashly would be a stupid decision.

“Yang Ling, you can call me Petty from now on.” The Chief Elven Priestess looked at the beasts that rushed toward them ferociously and chuckled bitterly. “I have come to the Graveyard of Gods and Devils many times, but I have just traveled in the outer periphery every time, and I have never seen so many beasts galloping together crazily.”

“The graveyard’s outer periphery?” Yang Ling looked in confusion at the Chief Elven Priestess that held a Magic Staff. “Didn’t Mr. Raymond say that we are in the graveyard’s outer periphery? Did we venture into the Graveyard of Gods and Devils’ depths by mistake?”

“The Graveyard of Gods and Devils is quite vast, and it’s bigger than our Tailun Continent by a hundredfold. Different regions at the Graveyard of Gods and Devils’ outer periphery would be in a different state,” The Sword God Gerald sighed and said, “A long time ago, we were teleported directly to the edge of the Graveyard of Gods and Devils’ inner periphery, and it was so frightening.”

“When we just walked out of the Teleportation Formation Spell, we were attacked by a group of demons, and just a dozen people or more survived from the few hundred people that accompanied us. We weren’t even able to retaliate, and if Mr. Raymond didn’t fight, none would have survived, and this would also be the case for me.”

As the Sword God Gerald recalled the Snow Goddess that died at that time, his expression turned gloomy, while the Chief Elves Priestess next to him that saw this realized that the Sword God Gerald recalled again the sad event that occurred innumerable years ago, and she also sighed due to this. At that time, many elders of the Elven God Palace died, and all of the Tailun Continent’s great factions sustained grave damage.

Even someone with a Mid-Level Deity’s power couldn’t withstand a single attack,

Yang Ling was astounded. He couldn’t even imagine how terrifying were the demons met by the Sword God and Chief Elven Priestess in the past. When he was about to inquire about this to understand this event further, a deafening roar transmitted from the distance and a great demon with a height of 100 meters appeared on the horizon.

The demon was holding a giant sickle and wore a heavy armor that was filled with symbols carved on it. The demon’s whole body emitted purple flames, and if he was observed from afar, he would seem like a throbbing flame. But, he still wasn’t like a Fire Element Giant, and with every step he took, he would cross more than 100 meters. He quickly overtook the beasts that run for their lives!

“Hahaha, you have disturbed our lord’s sleep, yet you still want to escape? Just dream on!” The demon laughed heartily and sped up. He overtook the several-hundred-meter-long Tyrannosaurus Rex and waved his sharp sickle at it. As a snapping sound echoed out, the Tyrannosaurus Rex that ran for its life with gnashed teeth was cut in half, and just after this, the demon thrust his right hand into the beast’s head and took out its Godhead before he opened his large amount and swallowed it down.


When the group of beasts noticed that the terrifying Abyssal Demon overtook them, they were startled, and they sped up again recklessly. They gnashed their teeth and used their whole power, but it was a pity that the demon was too swift, and several beasts at the rear were instantly killed by him. They weren’t even able to resist him and fight back!

The giant sickle was like the Death God’s summons, and it would kill its target with a single strike every time. Even the Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex that had a Low-Level Deity’s power couldn’t withstand its ferocious strike, let alone Level Surpassing Magical Beasts.

“Oh, my God! Why did we run into an Abyssal Demon?” When the Chief Elven Priestess saw the great demon that held a large sickle, she turned pale with fright. The Abyssal Demon was one of the most terrifying demons in the Graveyard of Gods and Devils, and he possessed at least a High-Level Deity’s power. He wasn’t just swift, but he was also endowed with tremendous brute power, as well as perfect fire magic. His power was very terrifying!

They had first run into a large group of fierce beasts, and soon after, they ran into an Abyssal Demon. It seemed like this time, teleportation destination was far from good, and even though they weren’t in the Graveyard of Gods and Devils’ inner periphery, they were still situated in a dangerous region within the outer periphery. The situation was quite bad!

“Is this the Abyssal Demon of the legends? Oh my God, what should we do?”

“That is right, what should we do?”

When the crowd saw the bloodthirsty Abyssal Demon that closed in on them, they turned pale with fright, and even the Giant Ape King that didn’t fear anything also turned pale and held his Obsidian Rod nervously. According to Tailun Continent’s legend, the Abyssal Demon that came from the Abyssal Plane was a byword for Death God, and none could contend against it.

“Please calm down and lay down.” The Sword God Gerald make a prompt decision and ordered the crowd to lay on the ground motionless. They should all stay quiet so that they wouldn’t attract the terrifying demon by mistake.

The Abyssal Demon that held a sickle was too terrifying and he possessed at least a High-Level Deity’s power. But, what was more terrifying was the Abyssal Demon Lord behind him. If they alerted by mistake the Abyssal Demon Lord, none here would manage to survive.

“Lord, what should we do?” When the beauty Sala discerned that the Abyssal Demon closed in on them, her face turned pale. There was a great disparity between both sides’ power, and even the Stegosaurus with a Low-Level Deity’s power couldn’t withstand even a single blow. Level Surpassing Magical Beasts like her and the others wouldn’t be even enough to fill the gap between the demon’s teeth.

“What are you afraid of? If the Abyssal Demon really discovered our trails, you just have to run quicker than those Sacred-Level Experts.” Yang Ling chuckled and comforted the crowd in a low voice. If the nervous Sacred-Level experts heard him, they would probably be so infuriated that they would vomit blood.

“Hehehe, that is right. Lord, well said! We just have to run quicker than Sala and we don’t have to be quicker than her by much. It’s enough to surpass her by a single step.” When the Corpse Wizard King noticed that the beauty Sala was so nervous that her face turned pale, he chuckled and kept on a calm front even though he was also quite nervous, and he held the black Death Horn tightly.

The Corpse Wizard King still didn’t make an advancement, but he managed to fathom some of the Death Horn’s mysteries, and he was able to fight even against a Low-Level Deity. After all, a Master Divine Weapon was the weapon of a Divine Lord and the Death Horn was quite extraordinary. As the Corpse Wizard King held the ice-cold Death Horn, he felt like his whole body became brimming with power.


A rhinoceros as big as a mountain that was intercepted by the Abyssal Demon summoned its courage, and with a swooshing sound, it lowered its head and charged onward. It tried to pierce the demon’s belly with its sharp horn. Its speed was quite high, and its body was like a mountain charging toward the Abyssal Demon.

“Hahaha, good. It’s good that you have come to me. Let’s see who possessed greater brute power.” When the Abyssal Demon discerned that the giant rhinoceros revealed its bestial nature, he wasn’t surprised. Instead, he was even delighted, and he put the giant sickle on his back. As a swooshing sound echoed out, he charged toward the beast.


Two creatures with a colossal body rammed against each other fiercely. The Abyssal Demon didn’t move by a single jot, while the mountain-like rhinoceros was sent flying far away due to the impact.

“Your brute power is too weak, and you don’t deserve to be an opponent of Abyssal Demons. Die!” The Abyssal Demon yelled and charged toward the giant rhinoceros before it stood up again. He held the beast rear legs with both hands and raised the mountain-like rhinoceros. Soon after, he let out a shout, pulled at the legs strongly and tore the rhinoceros in half. In an instant, blood rained upon the land, and within a radius of 100 feet was dyed red.

Usually, the mountain-like giant rhinoceros ran amok atop the grassland, but when it faced the Abyssal Demon, it collapsed at the first blow like a trifling ant.

When the crowd witnessed this terrifying sight, their scalps turned numb and they stayed motionless. They were afraid of attracting the attention of the demon. But, it was a pity that they couldn’t hide from the demon no matter how careful they were because his nose was keener than a hunting dog’s nose.

“Huh? Humans?”

After the Abyssal Demon licked the blood on his lips, he was about to chase the beasts that ran for their lives and killed all Level Surpassing Magical Beasts, as well as Divine Magical Beasts. However, as a gust of wind blew over, he smelled a faint odor of humans, and he quickly found the location where the crowd hid.

“Leave, leave quickly.” When the Sword God Gerald saw the Abyssal Demon rushing toward them, he understood that their trails were exposed, and he made a prompt decision. He ordered the crowd to retreat while he pulled out his sharp sword. He planned to bring up the rear by himself. The clansmen accompanying him were his clan’s future hope, and the Bellimore Clan would exist just in name if they were exterminated.

“Yang Ling, leave, leave quickly. We will leave our clansmen in your care.” The Chief Elves Priestess ordered her clansmen to retreat before she stood firmly next to the Sword God Gerald. She held the Magic Staff in her hand and started quickly mumbling without the least bit of hesitation.

“I have heard that an Abyssal Demon’s Godhead has a special taste, and I wonder whether it’s true.” Yang Ling had planned to retreat hurriedly, but when he discerned that the Sword God and the Chief Elven Priestess would stay here to bring up the rear for their clansmen, he was forced to stay with them. The Sword God and the Chief Elven Priestess had provided him great help, and at this moment, he surely couldn’t just withdraw and leave.

But, the most important reason was that even though the Abyssal Demon was quite strong, he still believed that they would be able to fight him as long as the three of them joined hands.

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