Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 229 - Hello, Everyone! I am Zha Zhuti.

Chapter 229 Hello, Everyone! I am Zha Zhuti.

The manager was just reaching out for his cell phone, but he quickly retracted his hand.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was great, and the dishes were so well-presented. Not being able to take photos and show off to his friends was torture! If he did not take a picture to keep records, how could he share his experience of eating such exquisite delicacies with others?

How painful.

However, what Boss Pei said seemed to make sense.

Good food like that should be tasted not just with one’s tongue but with one’s heart and soul.

If he ate the food while thinking solely about showing off to others, he would not be able to pay attention to the flavors. The food would taste much worse than it really was.

It was just like appreciating a fine piece of art. Some people would focus fully on the art piece. Only by doing so would they be able to appreciate its moving beauty.

However, others would whip out their cameras and take a crazy number of photos. All they could think about were lighting and composition. Naturally, they would neglect the feelings the art piece itself could invoke in them at that moment.

That was why he had to focus his attention on tasting these delicacies.

If he only thought about taking photos of them, he would become distracted. Then, he would not be able to taste the various flavors in the dishes.

Based on this consideration, Boss Pei was absolutely right!

The manager quietly kept his phone, dispelling all thoughts about taking photos.

The waiter beside him handled the huge King Crab in a very serious manner. With a pair of fine scissors, he split the crab’s legs and dug the flesh out from within. Then, he scooped out the golden roe from inside the crab’s shell, carefully placing it on top of the flesh. Finally, he distributed a portion to each person at the table and waited for them to taste it.

He had only distributed the best parts of the crab. After that, he would take the remaining parts—such as the huge pincers—back into the kitchen.

There, chefs would retrieve all the flesh out from various parts of the crab before serving the dish to the table once again.

Pei Qian raised his hand and said, “Mr. Zhang, please.”

Zhang Zuting and his manager looked at the fragrant and succulent flesh and roe in front of them. Immediately, they felt their appetites being whetted.

Zhang Zuting’s manager, especially, felt that he had hugely benefited from this trip to Jingzhou!

Zhang Zuting had indeed been paid two million yuan to be this game’s spokesperson, but his manager had not been offered a single cent.

This manager had thought that this trip to Jingzhou would be an ordinary one, part of his job scope. He did not have much expectation. He would never have thought that he would be able to taste such delicacies while on this trip!

Other things aside, taking an airplane to Jingzhou just to eat this rare King Crab was worth it!

As Zhang Zuting ate the crab, he could not help but feel moved. He felt highly regarded by Boss Pei!

Although he did not have to film much the next day, he told himself that he had to take it seriously. He had to put 120% of his acting skills into the job and make the advertisement perfect!

Noon the next day, in the film studio…

Zhang Zuting was all dressed. He looked very intimidating. He was dressed in silvery-red battle armor, which had a golden dragon head on each of the shoulders. They were very precisely carved in and looked full of character.


This costume had been custom-made for him and was modeled after the top-notch costumes in Bloody Battle Song: The Powerful Version.

Apart from this, he also had a golden sword, which measured almost as long as a human. It shone and glittered under the reflection of the light.

Of course, his battle armor and sword were not really made of gold; they were not that heavy. Even if Zhang Zuting were to dance around in them, he would not be exhausted.

However, looking at the way he was dressed, Zhang Zuting felt lifeless.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

After dinner the night before, Zhang Zuting decided to put 120% of his acting skills into filming, in order to repay Boss Pei for the King Crab that they ate. Yet, when he arrived at the film studio today, he discovered that everything was not as he expected.

What the hell is happening?

What is up with the exaggerated costume and props?

Zhang Zuting had filmed set in ancient times before, but he had never seen such exaggerated battle armor or weapons. Sword in hand, Zhang Zuting could almost feel the ‘-1’s floating above his head. It was almost as if his IQ was dropping before his very eyes.

He looked at Boss Pei, his eyes filled with confusion. However, all Boss Pei did was hold up his thumb. He looked extremely satisfied with the set-up.

“This is the script. Take a look-it’s quite simple. It only contains a couple of sentences.” One of the staff around him handed the script over to him.

There was only one piece of paper. What’s more, the words were written in huge font as if they were afraid that Zhang Zuting would not be able to read it.

Zhang Zuting took it confidently.

Memorizing lines was a piece of cake.

He was not like the inexperienced people who dubbed over voices at a later stage and who only knew how to shout ‘1, 2, 3, 4’. He was confident that he would be able to memorize the script after reading it a couple of times.

Often, he needed people to dub over his voice because of his Hong Kong accent. However, at the very least, Zhang Zuting was able to match the mouth shape of the words.

He looked at the script.

“Hello, everyone! I am Zhang Zuting. I have acted in many shows, but in terms of games, I have only played Bloody Battle Song: The Powerful Version. It’s a fair game, which would allow everyone to feel like a baller. It will be to your advantage to play this game. I will be your brother on the battlefield tonight!

“Zhang Zuting is rooting for Bloody Battle Song: The Powerful Version! This game is very fun. If you miss it, you’ll have to wait another 120 years for something similar!

“This is the newest update that you have never played before. In just three minutes, you will love this game as much as I do!”

That was all to the script. There were less than ten sentences, and a single page was enough to accommodate all the lines.

Zhang Zuting looked confused.

Where’s the plot?

I am a movie king after all. I might be past my prime, but I have been training non-stop. My acting skills are becoming much better! I was already prepared to give an explosive acting performance this time, and yet… what is this?

What kind of script is this? It’s obviously an extremely roughly-done script for the advertisement! What kind of acting skills can I bring to the table?

I’m not even talking about whether these few lines were worth the two million yuan. It would be a waste even for the expensive and elaborate costume and props alone!

Zhang Zuting turned to look at Pei Qian once again, and yet he only saw Boss Pei’s encouraging and proud expression.

Zhang Zuting took in a deep breath and scanned the lines, memorizing it immediately.

Pei Qian was standing right next to the director. He said, “Don’t worry, just film Trust Mr. Zhang’s professionalism!”

Pei Qian did not care whether Zhang Zuting’s acting was good or not. In any case, he just needed the latter to say those lines to the camera.

The moment he heard the word ‘action’, Zhang Zuting entered the zone.

Pei Qian had to admit that Zhang Zuting was a veteran actor indeed. There was no way his professionalism could be compromised.

He immediately looked high on emotions. His expression showed his full commitment and high excitement as he said, “Hello, everyone! I am Zha Zhuti. I have acted in many shows…”

When Pei Qian heard Zhang Zuting’s accent, he nearly burst into laughter.

That was a bit of the right feeling!

However, the only thing that went off from the original script was the amount of emotion Zhang Zuting was putting into the advertisement. At once, he brilliantly displayed the acting skills of a movie king. Even with the strong Hong Kong accent, the advertisement did not sound lame enough.

At first, when Zhang Jiahui[1] was filming commercials, he felt tired and unfocused. That was how he became famous for the scene where he introduced himself with a heavy Hong Kong accent.

However, Zhang Zuting had eaten a King Crab the day before. He also had a good night’s rest. Now, he was full of energy. What’s more, he was grateful for the way Boss Pei had treated him. That was why he was performing so excitedly.

Now, everything was fine except for that small defect.

“Dis is the newest update dat you haf never played before. In just swee minutes, you will luf this gam as much as I do!”

He said his final line. After the director yelled ‘Cut!’, Zhang Zuting looked at Pei Qian once more.

Boss Pei raised up his big thumb, praising Zhang Zuting.

Zhang Zuting felt nervous. Was that alright?

He felt terribly awkward while saying his lines. If not for his many years of acting experience and his professionalism, he would not have been able to carry on.

Was Boss Pei really satisfied with that performance?

That can’t be! There must be room for improvement!

Indeed, the staff was not dismissed. Pei Qian walked to Zhang Zuting and gave a few pointers.

“Mr. Zhang, you performed very well! However… there is still a tiny bit of room for improvement. You should know that we’re not filming a serious movie – we’re just filming an advertisement.

“In this advertisement, you’re acting as an avid gamer. It’ll be great if you could act more languid and casual. This would make you appear warmer to your viewers.

“Be more casual; don’t stand so upright. Clear your mind and say your lines as casually as you can.”

When Zhang Zuting saw Pei Qian walking over, he had thought that the latter would give him pointers on his acting skills or change the harsher lines to something else.

Instead, Boss Pei asked him to tone down his acting?

He was to act more languid and casual?

Zhang Zuting looked confused, but since Boss Pei had already made his requests, he could only try his best.

Once again, they were rolling.

“Hello, everyone! I am Zha Zhuti. I have acted in many shows…”

This time, Zhang Zuting was acting in a much more ‘accurate’ manner. Of course, he toned down his acting skills without any question. He also looked more awkward.

Pei Qian nodded, satisfied.

Alright, there’s the right feeling now!

Although they had not done everything perfectly and Zhang Zuting’s good acting skills dragged the plan down, the fact that he could produce an advertisement like that really satisfied Pei Qian.

He finished reading all the lines, and the director finally yelled, “Cut!”

Zhang Zuting looked uncomfortable. He felt like he looked more awkward this time than the last. In fact, his awkwardness was through the roof! As a movie king, Zhang Zuting had not felt the helplessness of not being able to take charge of his own acting in a long time.

At that very moment, he felt like a calefare who knew next to nothing about acting-he was confused and helpless.

“Boss Pei, I’m sorry, I wasn’t in my best form. Wait for me to find myself again, and then we can film it once more.”

Zhang Zuting planned to relax for a while, so that he could repeat the lines over and over again until he knew best how to say them.

However, Pei Qian shook his head profusely. “There’s no need! You’re already done. It was perfect! We don’t have to film again! Filming is complete. You can go back to your hotel to rest. I’ll arrange for someone to send you to the airport in the afternoon.

“It has been a pleasure working with you!”

Zhang Zuting was stunned.

They were done filming?

He looked at his watch. He rushed here at 9 AM and spent half an hour doing make-up. Then, he spent another ten minutes putting the costume and props on. Finally, he spent ten minutes memorizing his script before they filmed twice.

Now, it was not even 10 AM, and yet they were done?

Zhang Zuting’s expression was twisted. “Wait, Boss Pei! I did not do very well earlier on. It might negatively affect the advertisement. We should not stop until it’s perfect…

“What’s more, I did not speak Mandarin accurately. You must remember to dub my voice…”

Pei Qian smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll act according to your wishes and consider cutting out some footage or looking for a professional to dub over your voice.”

The hidden meaning in these words was: If there is no need, we will not cut footage or dub over your voice.

Zhang Zuting did not catch this underlying meaning. After hearing that Boss Pei would ‘hire someone to dub over his voice’, he felt relieved.

He was still conflicted about his own performance.

However, since Boss Pei—the payer-was already satisfied and the staff was already preparing to leave, it did not seem to make sense for Zhang Zuting to insist on re-filming the advertisement.

What’s more, even if they filmed again, Zhang Zuting was not confident in reading the few lines well…

Thus, Zhang Zuting left worriedly.He was not sad that he had not performed well. Instead, he felt sorry that he could not repay Boss Pei fully for the huge crab that he had been treated to the night before.

“Thanks for working hard today. Go back to your hotel and have a good rest. You’re welcome to visit Jingzhou any time!”

Pei Qian walked Zhang Zuting out happily. He was in a great mood.

The advertisement was complete. This meant that Bloody Battle Song: The Powerful Version was well on its way to incurring losses!

The advertisement would turn players who were naturally averse to traditional web-based games away.

The lack of purchase options in the game would turn ballers who loved traditional web-based games away.

It was a two-prong approach, and it would surely prove to be effective!

[1] This is a famous Hong Kong movie actor.

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