Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 308 - Boss Pei’s Internal Letter

Chapter 308 Boss Pei’s Internal Letter

Pei Qian opened TPDb and browsed through the comments on his various businesses.

Thanks to 1024 Digital Day, there were now many more comments on Fish-Catching Take-Out, ROF’s computer-installation business, and Upwind Logistics. At the moment, each of them had an overall rating of about 9.5 and had very few negative comments.

At the moment, a few of his businesses were generating profits. This included the successful games of Tengda Games and Shang Yang Games, Fish-Catching Internet Cafe, Ming Yun Private Kitchen, and the like. They had pretty good ratings as well.

This cycle’s situation looked quite serious. However, Pei Qian had a long time to think about his strategy.

He accessed TPDb’s intranet page and scanned through it. It was then that Pei Qian realized his employees had already published posts.

Many companies had their own internal forums where employees could communicate. Tengda was no exception. After handing TPDb over to Ma Yiqun, Pei Qian instructed him to create an internal forum while he was at it.

Pei Qian scrolled through the internal forum but did not find anything negative about Tengda. This disappointed him greatly. Tengda’s internal forum was quite different from most other companies’.

Most other companies’ internal forums contained a bunch of genuine requests and suggestions for improvement. However, these forums were also under heavy surveillance.

Be it internal chat software or forums-as long as the technical staff (or the higher management) wanted to, they could check on the members of the conversation and the contents of their posts.

Thus, even if those employees wanted to badmouth the company, they could not do so in the internal chat software. They could only do so on social media.

It was the same for internal forums as well. Employees could discuss ordinary hot topics, but if an employee was badmouthing the company or using ‘inappropriate language’, the entire post could be deleted. The higher management could even call the employee in for a conversation or ask them to leave.

This was normal practice. After all, all companies had a public relations department that was in charge of public sentiments.

Public relations departments could not control what outsiders said about the company, but they could control what their own employees said and deal with them however they wanted.

Yet, Tengda’s internal forum was completely different.

Pei Qian pined for negative comments to appear! He thought that his employees were relatively shy and thus did not dare to give him negative feedback about the company directly.

However, they should at least be daring enough to post them online, right?

Afraid that the employees would not dare to give him negative feedback, Pei Qian specifically requested for the forum to take on an anonymous model. Any employee could create a post anonymously, and nobody would be able to find out his identity.

Pei Qian also instructed the administrative department to leak this information to the employees and let them know that the anonymity on the internal forum was real. Nobody would be able to find out their identities so they could badmouth the company however they liked on the internal forum.

The internal forum was becoming more and more popular of late, and more employees were posting on it as well.

However, none of them were badmouthing the company. This disappointed Pei Qian.

Suddenly, Pei Qian felt that as the boss of the company, he needed to post something in the internal forum.

Many companies’ bosses loved to post messages in their internal forums in order to motivate or brainwash their employees. These were normally quite effective.

Thus, Pei Qian considered unifying the employees of Tengda. Otherwise, people might be obsessed with working hard and stabbing him in the back. He could not handle this!

Boss Pei had given orders again and again, asking everyone to work less and rest more. However, everyone ignored him completely.

It was too much! He would write an internal letter and sticky it in the internal forum. This way, his employees would see the internal letter every time they opened the internal forum. The internal letter would contain Boss Pei’s hopes and act as a warning and encouragement to his employees!

Pei Qian opened a new document and began writing

Half an hour later, he had written three lines.

“…this isn’t good. I have to look for a template.”

Pei Qian felt like his language skills were lacking. He had no choice but to search Qiandu for templates of big companies’ internal letters, so that he could use it as reference.

Soon, Pei Qian found several internal letters, filled with motivating and encouraging words.

He glanced at the date. It was October 31stjust as well.

A year ago today, Pei Qian had decided to rent an office, hire employees, expand the scale of his business, and incur more losses. One could say that it was the anniversary of Tengda stepping onto the right path and rapidly developing.

He could use this as an opening to his letter.

One of the motivating internal letters that Pei Qian had found was titled ‘You Have to Work Hard for a Better Life’.

The contents were simple. It kept emphasizing the need to work hard and earn money so that one could advance, improve their standard of living, realize the meaning of life, and live happily ever after.

It was a classic encouragement for a successful life-full of toxicity!

Pei Qian deliberated for a moment and then began to translate the letter phrase by phrase.

‘You Have to Live Hard to Work Better’.

To all employees of Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd:

409 days ago, Tengda was born. Today marks one year since Tengda moved into Shenhua View, hired its core employees, and stepped onto the right path!

In the past one year, Tengda has achieved insignificant success. This reveals a serious problem.

I want to tell all employees of Tengda something from the bottom of my heart: you have to live hard to work better! I know that many of you think Tengda is much more generous than many other companies.

However, you must never forget that many companies in this world are still much better than Tengda!

Do not be satisfied with the current work environment. All of you have the responsibility to request more of the company!

Times are changing, and the industry is developing

No matter how hard you work, you will never be able to keep up with the times. Thus, sacrificing your health for the sake of your job is meaningless!

Ever since I started Tengda, I’ve been spending extravagantly. I insisted on renting the best office and buying the best furniture. Whenever I felt tired, I took a nap. When it was time to knock off, I never stayed behind.

Whenever my alarm clock rang, I would continue sleeping. No matter how much work there was to do, I always made sure that I slept my fill first.

Yet, so what?

Tengda continued to produce game after game. My habits did not hinder the company’s progress. Instead, the company continued to expand until it reached its current stage. The facts have shown that there is a weak correlation between one’s hard work and the company’s development!

Tengda’s outstanding employees continue to emerge in large numbers as well. Over the past year alone, at least four or five employees have received the Dream Fund and gone out to start their own businesses!

The company is constantly hiring new employees, but more and more people are giving their lives to their jobs. Very few people know how to take a break. If this continues, people who blindly work hard will be the company’s downfall. We’ll go down a path of no return!

Employees who sacrifice their health and work overtime are not good employees!

So many people are in the company, and each man has his own responsibilities. Only by working together as a team can you do the job well. There’s no need for you to work overtime at all.

If you work overtime, you’re saying that you don’t trust your colleagues’ capabilities, and you don’t trust your leader’s allocation. You’re going against Tengda’s spirit!

Truly good employees must know how to strike a balance between work and their lives. You must learn to live hard before you can work better!

If you’re only concerned about working and neglecting your life, your family relations would suffer, you would have no time for rest, and you would have no time to learn, upgrade, and improve. Employees like that would be easily replaced by younger employees. These are not talents that Tengda is after!

Tengda is already very successful. Whether you work harder or not would not make much of a difference to the company.

Tengda will not prohibit its employees from working overtime. Of course, you are allowed to work overtime every now and then. However, every employee of Tengda must know how to strike a balance between work and rest. You must know how to enjoy life!

I wake up at 10 am every day and only work for three or four hours. Still, the company becomes more prosperous with each passing day. Thus, you don’t have to worry and torture yourselves. Everything is well with the company.

Lastly, I hope that my employees and brothers would understand the Tengda spirit through and through.

Working for eight hours a day is a privilege that countless generations before have fought hard to earn for our laborers today. 996 is not a form of paying back; working happily is!

Work is only one part of your life. Would working hard for an extra one or two hours a day guarantee rewards? Of course not!

Working overtime would damage your bodies. Although the company would give you overtime pay and work injury compensation, you’re still the one who suffers.

Since that’s the case, why not save yourself the time and spend it with your family or on developing your own interests?

Tengda encourages all its employees to grow in various areas. In fact, it is precisely because it has so many holistic employees that Tengda houses a galaxy of talent!

Working overtime is a distortion of humanity, the downfall of morality, the sorrow of society, and the deterioration of civilization!

I hope for all employees of Tengda to join me in working on ourselves first. From now on, reject working overtime and embrace a blissful life!It’s time to knock off. Please go home at once!

Once he finished writing the letter, Pei Qian read it once more from top to bottom. He was very satisfied.


He had completely translated the internal letter titled ‘You Have to Work Hard for a Better Life’. Now, the motivational letter had turned into a non-motivational letter. It brought across Pei Qian’s heartfelt message perfectly.

If his employees worked hard, they were not only hurting themselves but also hurting others!

If his employees slacked, it would be a win-win situation for all!

From this cycle, times would be tough. Losses would only be converted to personal wealth at a ratio of 10:1. Boss Pei had to make sure that all of his employees were on the same page, so that they could overcome obstacles together! For every day that his employees did not work overtime, Boss Pei would be more blissful!

After scanning the letter and confirming that there were no issues, Pei Qian posted his first open letter on the internal forum. Then, he stuck it decisively.

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