Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 224 - Return

Chapter 224: Return

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Countless death knights rushed to the north from all surrounding directions. They were all heading straight for Primonius.

The recent fall of Blanc City had bought the orcs some time, allowing the remaining refugees to safely retreat. After all, if the orcs were to lose one more battle to the King of the Dead, they would be completely annihilated.


“The King of the Dead is coming!” Verthandi stood at the top of Primonius, looking up at the black dot in the sky.

Following the roar of the zombie dragon, the weather had completely changed. The sunny sky slowly became dark and heavy.

“They are waiting for nightfall, as decreased visibility is nothing for the ghosts. However, for us orcs and humans, it will be devastating!” Verthandi murmured, fear creeping into her heart.

As the ghost army got closer, everyone could see that it was really a group skeletons that was being led by countless death knights! There were also many higher tiered undead in the back of the formation, leading their own factions of the army.

There were even different types of soldiers, who had put on all of the armor and weapons that they had stolen from fallen cities. Their terrifying forms sent chills down everyone’s spines.

The orcs again looked down at the sea of countless skeletons, death knights, headless knights, and skeleton magi. Some of the soldiers were just seeing the ghost army for the first time, and the terrifying sight shocked them to their cores.

Then, from the black cloud above, snow began falling. The air became colder and colder. As chilling winds blew past the soldiers, their fingers became so numb, they could barely hold their swords properly.


The horns suddenly sounded, announcing that the ghosts were on the move. Verthandi, who had never left the wall, as she had been waiting for them to start their attack, then yelled, “It has finally begun!”

As she pulled out her long sword, countless orc knights and soldiers did the same. The lights on the walls of Primonius were reflected by the swords and shields of the army, as all bore their arms together in solidarity.

“Humility, justice, mercy, heroics, fairness, sacrifice, honor, spirit!” Following Verthandi, every soldier chanted the most famous chant in the Holy Seville Empire at the top of their lungs.

Verthandi pointed forward with her longsword, then said, “Today, all we need to do is defeat this ghost army. If we stay strong, we will be victorious!”

She then added, “I, King Will of the Holy Seville Empire, will not leave this city! Victory or death!”

Everyone on the wall, as if their hearts had just been lit on fire, then repeated her words, shouting at the top of their lungs, “Victory or death!”

While they were shouting, the ghost army started their attack. Countless ghosts carried siege weapons and shields to the walls. They then charged the walls with their siege tanks and arrow towers.

Primonius was not the only city under siege at this moment. In fact, all of the major war bases and their surrounding cities were also under attack!

However, the most important base was still Primonius. As such, the main forces of both the ghost army and the orcs were all gathered here.

This was because the entire Holy Seville Empire would be brought to its knees if only Primonius would fall. Hence, this was the most important battle of them all!

Many skeleton magi used fireballs to bombard the walls. The catapults were also launching flaming rocks into the city. The ensuing chaos was a blur of fire, screams, and surging special powers.

The witchcraft of the skeleton magi and the special powers of the king class ghouls collided against the sword flashes of the Holy Knights. Sometimes, a hole in the wall would appear, having been blasted through by some secret dark spell. But, it was always quickly blocked by the spike towers within the city.

Amid the thunderous attack, countless orc soldiers rushed out to tightly block the ghost army from entering the city…


After twenty three days of constant battle, many bodies and skeletons were scattered outside of the city walls. The bodies were stacked up in piles against the wall. Some places even had bodies stacked up to half the height of the walls!

As the weather was below freezing now, the corpses had been frozen, like cured meat. This caused them to smell absolutely disgusting!

Many holes in the walls could not be repaired fast enough, so the soldiers tore down many houses and churches in order to use their materials to block the holes. The bodies that were constantly being dragged down from the walls slowly kept stacking up. The smell of death seemed to be spreading across the entire city.

The cold weather had frozen all of Primonius, causing it to resemble an ice castle. There were wounded civilians and soldiers everywhere in the city, and many of them died from the harsh weather conditions.

Furthermore, there were constantly reports of fallen cities. At the moment, the only cities left standing were Primonius and a handful of surrounding cities.

As for the ghost army outside, they had grown in size, having regrouped yet again. Even though they had also been fighting for twenty three days, the terrible weather and the night battles seemed to have little effect on the ghost army.

However, while the ghost group was regrouping, their attacks had become less frequent, almost nonexistent for a time. But, they attacked only enough to remind everyone of their presence, and to let everyone in the city know that the King of the Dead would be back for all-out attack soon!

The horns were again sounded by the ghosts, and the soldiers stood up immediately, fear creeping into their hearts. They were surprised, however, as this time, they were attacking in the morning!

“Is this the final battle? Is the da*n King of the Dead finally going to show himself?” one of the soldiers asked.

Just as he finished speaking, the ghosts suddenly rushed in like a riptide. However, this time, there was a giant black dragon behind them! The black zombie dragon instantly appeared, spreading its wings and covering the whole sky.

Verthandi stood on the wall. Her armor was damaged and covered in blood.


“It is a real Titan Dragon!”

“That is not a dragon! It is a zombie dragon! It’s an evil dragon, crawling out from hell! That is a being even more evil than an evil dragon!”

Everyone looked at the sky and shouted in awe. The snow was gray, not white, and the black clouds were still covering the sky. Even though the sun was up, the whole world was still gloomy and dark.

As the zombie dragon appeared, many wizards from Colossus College, as well as the Holy Knights charged into the sky. Verthandi followed closely behind them, holding her holy longsword, which was pointed right at the King of the Dead!

The King of the Dead pulled on the reins, bringing the zombie dragon to a dead halt right above Primonius. As its giant mouth opened, the black clouds started spinning!

A giant flame appeared in its mouth. Since the zombie dragon had become one with the King of the Dead, its dragon breath was now imbued with a special power!

The flame shot out from its mouth like a pillar of light, spanning across the sky and striking the ground. As it landed, the flame spread out and destroyed large areas of the city, lighting the entire city on fire!

Almost everyone that charged towards the King of the Dead had been ignited by the flame and was burned to nothing in an instant! The soldiers didn’t even get to scream before they were turned into ashes!

At this moment, all of Primonius fell deathly silent, and the soldiers that were holding longswords and shields were all shocked. Many of the stared in wide-eyed wonder and asked man questions…

“What is that?”

“Is that the King of the Dead?”

“Oh God, how could you let such evil exist in this world?”

As they stared in amazement, the zombie dragon kept moving its wings, causing the black clouds to spin even more intensely. Countless strangely shaped ice formations then fell to the ground, covering the whole world with ice.

Suddenly sensing something, the King of the Dead turned around to see a knight flying in the sky! He had surprisingly dodged all of the ice, as well as the flames of the zombie dragon! It was Verthandi!

The King of the Dead reached towards her with a giant claw that was surrounded by black fog. However, she dodged it swiftly, then wheeled around to strike at the King of the Dead with her shiny longsword.

At this moment, a swift tail strike of the zombie dragon spun verthandi off into the sky. Then, with its hand gesture, the dragon shot many ice poles towards Verthandi, which covered the ground where she had fallen.

As Verthandi’s armor was pierced by the ice poles, she was now covered in blood and unable to get up. Meanwhile, countless ghosts had rushed into the city. Alas, Primonius had fallen!

Seeing this, Verthandi’s face turned pale. She drug herself to the city wall and looked at the countless ghosts that were rushing towards her. She then cried, “Ah! Is this my fate? I don’t accept this fate!”

Countless death knights rushed towards the wall, all swinging their knives. As the orcs had been defeated, this was a new era, the era of the ghosts! They would take over the northern Alen Continent, turning this place into the Kingdom of the Dead!

The King of the Dead also cried out from the sky, “Death is the end of everything. The end of the world starts now!”

Every soldier stood up and looked outside the city walls, where the ghosts were rushing towards them like a riptide. As they held their swords tightly, they could only feel despair.

As the horns blared in the background, many death knights and headless knights screamed like monsters as they rushed into the city. Meanwhile, along the walls, a giant shield suddenly appeared, protecting all of Primonius by blocking the attacks of the ghosts!

Countless ghosts ran into the shield and were immediately turned into dust. A large amount of ghosts also disappeared in the same manner. All of the ghosts were now clueless and confused, as was the King of the Dead!

“What is happening? What is this?” a ghost wondered aloud.

At this moment, the black clouds in the sky were suddenly pierced by a large ray of light, which drove out the black cloud that was being controlled by the black dragon. The sun shone once again on top of Primonius, its warmth causing everyone to feel like they were in heaven.

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