Lust Knight

Chapter 473: A Marriage Ends

Chapter 473: A Marriage Ends

"Mm~~!!" Daisy moans as she and Lucien continue to kiss passionately. She can feel the burning desire he has for her, and that is infinite times superior to what Heike could ever feel.

Since her previous life ended, she has sought a new beginning, a new place to call home, and someone to take care of her. She wanted that person to be Heike, but now she understands that only Lucien has what it takes to make her really happy as he does to Rose.

As their lips touch madly, their tongue creates a dance of their own. And Daisy can't keep her fangs back as her whole body begs for Lucien's blood, for the pact that can bind them forever, which she has no doubts she wants to do.

"I want it... ahhh... Lucien...give it to me, please..." She begs as her fingers start to enter his underwear.

Despite Daisy's actions, Lucien knows that what she wants more than his body is his blood. He feels her fangs scratching his lips.

"I want to give it to you... Daisy..." His words make Daisy instantly upset. She knows that Lucien is not the kind of person who talks about what he wants to do but rather does that.

Despite her body craving for Lucien's a lot, Daisy starts to slow down her lip movements and pulls back her hands. "But you won't give it to me, right?"

"Daisy... this is complicated." Lucien takes a step back, and lets go of her body.

She makes a confused expression. "I… I can't understand. I thought you wanted it too."

He hugs her again and looks into her eyes. "I've already made it clear that I want you."

She quickly starts kissing his face. "Then let's do it. I just need you to make the Blood Pact with me, and I'll be only yours forever. You know, I never insisted on doing it with Heike because I knew he wasn't the right man."

"I agree with you." He gently caresses her face. "I really want to make the Blood Pact with you. But we can't do it like that, hiding like criminals."

Daisy understands what Lucien means. She feels a little bad for wanting to act so selfishly, but she can't contain her feelings.

"So what? Heike does not love me because he can't accept me for who I am, but he won't give up on me easily because of his pride." She asks while pouting, making it hard for Lucien to resist kissing her again.

"Don't make that sad expression." He kisses her lips while caressing her waist. "I agree with you that Heike doesn't love you, not like me. But if you abandon him like that, he won't accept it, and that will only make Rose suffer. We have to..."

"Like you love me?" Daisy can't help but smile and interrupt Lucien.

He smiles and kisses her again. "Yes, I'm sure I love you since that healing session..."

She cannot contain her excitement and happiness. Her heart beats even faster as she feels relieved that she's not the only one having those feelings. "Okay, so what are we going to do?"

"We have to make it clear to Heike that you don't love each other." He explains. "You're already doing it, so I'm going to focus on showing him that you are too different to make it work."

"Can you really make him understand it?" She asks. "I mean, he's very stubborn."

"He's arrogant, but I don't think he's really dumb." Lucien comments. "And... we have to try at least to resolve it peacefully for..."

"For Rose." He and Daisy talk at the same time. Then they smile and kiss.

But then she makes a thoughtful expression. "What about the journey?"

He quickly responds. "Lust told me that Humans are the only other race besides the aquatic races in the Blue Star, so I think it's going to be a good opportunity for him to meet new people and places and thus understand that you and he don't really match."

"What if he doesn't want to come with us?" She asks.

"Then it's done." He explains. "I wouldn't want to do things like that, but he wouldn't be giving me a choice but taking you for me once we're away from here."

"I don't hate this option..." She naughtily smiles as she kisses his lips and strokes his chest.

Lucien sighs as he gets frustrated that he can't eat the naughty mature vampire right now. "Daisy..."

She smiles kindly. "I know, we have to do it the right way. I agree with you, but what if I can't contain my desires and needs before Heike accepts our marriage is gone?"

Lucien hugs Daisy and kisses her passionately while squeezing her ass with both his hands. "Then you can come to me, and I'll satisfy you."

He doesn't like having to do things that way, but he and Daisy understand that sometimes it's necessary to make sacrifices for their children. Lucien does not doubt that if he had to do something like this to keep his future children from suffering, he would.

And that doesn't mean he and Daisy won't be together soon, but that they just have to wait a while.

"Mmmm..." She moans more. "I won't be able to stop if you keep making me feel so good..."

He keeps kissing her and caressing her perfect body. "I don't want to stop making you feel good..."

Lucien has to use all his will to stop kissing Daisy and take a few steps back. Then he smiles at her. "The sooner we resolve it, the sooner we can be together again."

She bites her own lips as she looks at him with her red eyes sparkling with expectation. "Alright."

Then she walks up to him and kisses his lips again before going to look for Heike. Daisy feels not only so good and happy but also more strong than ever. That powerful energy of Lucien she felt inside her Blood Nascent now runs throughout her whole body.

As he watches Daisy's back, Lucien feels he has done the right thing. He made his feelings clear, but he also chose to do things in a way that Rose doesn't suffer. Now he just needs to convince Heike to separate from Daisy.

So he goes back to the dining room and finishes dinner with his girls. They waste no time before heading back to the purple world for a long 'training' session.

Donna doesn't go with them to the purple world. She knows what Lucien and his girls are going to do, which makes her very embarrassed. So she stays with Helena and Genevieve in excellent bedrooms that Rose has prepared for them in Daisy's castle.


On one of the castle's balconies, Heike looks out over the city with a thoughtful expression. [DAMN!! I really screwed up!]

Then he hears footsteps behind him and turns around. He sees Daisy looking at him with a sorry expression, which makes him feel even worse. "Daisy..."

"We have to talk." She speaks in a neutral tone.

Heike is sure Daisy wants to part with him. Despite wanting to deny that, part of him knew she was never entirely happy with him.

He thought that she would never find someone in Argerim who would fully accept her and also that Rose would keep them together. But now he's not sure of that anymore, which is scary.

"Please, Daisy, forgive me!" The thought of losing his wife makes Heike beg.

Daisy would like to feel sorry for Heike, but she doesn't feel anything about him anymore. All she wants now is to do that in a way that doesn't hurt Rose so much.

"Rose and I are going to another world with Lucien and our new family." She gets right to the point.

"Then that's it??" Heike approaches Daisy and takes her by the shoulders. "Are you really going to abandon your husband??!?"

She can't help but compare his touch to Lucien's, and although it's weird, she feels Heike's touch has become unfamiliar and even disgusting.

She pushes him back. "That has nothing to do with us. Lucien and his sisters are in trouble, and they need my help."

Heike would like to believe Daisy's words, but he can see in her eyes that she doesn't want to be with him anymore. That hurt both his heart and his ego.

In desperation, he thinks about begging more or even using Rose to stop his marriage from ending. But his pride doesn't allow that, just as it doesn't allow him to give up Daisy.

"I'll go with you!" He speaks in a determined tone. Even if things don't look good for him, he won't lose her without fighting.

Daisy sighs as she gets frustrated. She hoped Heike wouldn't want to go with them, accepting that their marriage was really over. But she's already decided to stay with Lucien, so nothing will ruin her plans.

"Maybe we won't be able to go back for several years... There will also be many dangers there, and I won't be able to protect you all the time." She speaks honestly. "You're likely to die if you actually come with us."

"It would be good for you, right?!" He asks in an angry tone. "So you and Rose could have a perfect life with that stupid boy!!"

Daisy clenches her hands into fists as she shows Heike her fangs. She really wants to kill him with her own hands even though they've been married for so many years. That is the result of so long-suffering with frustrations and his distorted way of loving.

However, she thinks about how she can be happy with Lucien soon; making such a mistake now would only ruin their plans. So she turns and walks away from Heike.

But he runs and gets in front of her. "Daisy!! Shit, forgive me!! I didn't mean to say that... you don't understand how hard it is to see the woman I love wanting to get away from me."

"That's your fault!" Daisy speaks in an angry tone. "You have been pushing me away for a long time... or do you think I don't know how you disapprove of everything I do? Damn! You even feel disgusted by me for what I am!!"

Heike would like to deny Daisy's words, but he can't. [Why can't you be a normal woman?!?!]

He is confused because he thinks he loves her but cannot accept their differences. Yet, he doesn't want to give up on her. Even though she is a vampire, she is the most beautiful and powerful woman he could ever have as his wife. Also, she can protect his people against dangers they can't even imagine.

"I will not give up on you!" He speaks as he tries to hold her arm.

But Daisy easily avoids him while floating backward. "That's not going to change anything... I'm sorry things ended up like that, but that was your fault for not trying as hard as I did all those years."

"I won't lose you!!!" He yells.

She shakes her head. "That journey will be your end, and I don't really feel sorry for you but for Rose, who won't have a father anymore. However, I will always take good care of her... with Lucien's help."


Heike punches the balcony parapet as he grows angrier than ever. However, he is also very motivated to prove to Daisy that he can be a good husband to her and a good father to Rose.

Fear is a potent factor that can make people change, but could it be enough to save his marriage?

While Heike spends the entire night thinking about ways to get Daisy's affections again, and she doesn't sleep either, imagining everything she wants to do with Lucien.

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