Lust Knight

Chapter 477: The Sea Devil

Chapter 477: The Sea Devil

As Lucien analyzes the Sea Devil with 'greedy eyes,' Carmelo and his group are confused. "Why do I get the feeling he wants to steal our ship?"

"Alone?" His main servant asks. "So he must be the worst kind of pirate ever."

The Scout quickly flies to Carmel's side to report. "Now I'm sure he's in the Earth Realm early stages. Also, I don't feel that energy in him anymore; maybe that was a treasure or something."

"Hmm..." Now seeing Lucien up close, Carmelo's instincts tell them something is wrong, but he has a powerful crew, and if he fears an Erath Realm strange guy alone, he will become the joke of all South seas.

Then he looks at Lucien with an inquisitive expression. "Who the hell are you?!!"

In the sky, Lucien smiles as he realizes he understands what Carmelo is saying. Then Lust comments. 'The languages of the Seven Stars are not much different from those of Argerim and your homeworld, except for some ancient languages like those of aquatic tribes.'

'I see...' He comments while looking at Carmelo and his crew. For some reason, he can recognize a strange glow in their eyes, as if they'd found an incredible treasure or something.

Before Carmelo speaks again, Lucien starts flying towards the ship. "My name is Lucien; can we talk?"

"Talk? Hahaha..." A big fat guy starts to laugh ominously, while everyone else laughs too.

Carmelo shakes her head, not understanding why Lucien looks so naive. "Sure, we can talk..."

Those five hundred men see a lamb entering the wolves' den, but the truth is they are rabbits inviting the lion to lunch.

"Put down the barrier," Carmelo speaks to his group, allowing Lucien to land on the deck in front of him. To prevent him from escaping, they quickly activate the powerful barrier again.

Lucien ignores Carmelo and his crew as he analyzes the ship. "You have a wonderful ship... I'm just envious."

Again, the Sea Devil crew starts laughing at Lucien's naivete while Carmelo smiles at him. "You're not from the South Sea, right? I think any human would recognize the Sea Devil from afar and wouldn't approach us even if the world was falling apart."

"Why?" Lucien smiles back at him, demonstrating that his charm can captivate even people like them. "Are you by any chance bad guys?"

"Hahahaha!!" Carmelo can't contain his laugh. "I am Carmelo, captain of the Sea Devil. My group is called Black Sea Raiders, and yes, we are the bad guys."

"Oh no!" Lucien makes a fake concerned expression. "So I ran towards the bad guys??"

"..." That reaction doesn't seem funny anymore to the Black Sea Riders. They should be angry at Lucien for acting arrogantly, but they can only get confused as that situation seems too bizarre.

[What would make a guy like him, alone in the middle of the ocean, act like that to five hundred scary pirates?] They wonder.

"His head is too fucked up; there's no other explanation." Carmelo's main servant comments and the other guys agree.

Carmelo keeps looking at Lucien's face with a strange expression. "You see, I'm in the middle of an important mission, and I can't waste any time. But since you came to us willingly, I'll take you to my Boss as a gift."

"Boss loves breaking cute guys like you, hehehe..." A bearded man comments while laughing, showing his yellow teeth.

Everyone starts laughing again, except for the Scout, who still thinks Lucien is dangerous. So he can't resist asking. "What were you thinking to come to us?"

"Well, I just arrived in this world, so I need a guide," Lucien answers honestly and then looks around. "Also, I want this ship. It looks really nice and will allow me and my girls to sail faster and comfortably."

"He's really crazy!" Everyone agrees.

But then Carmelo's expression gets even more bizarrely happy. "Which girls are you talking about?"

Lucien slowly points to the sky behind him, and at that exact moment, Eve appears. No one noticed her approaching as they were focused on Lucien.

[So beautiful!!] All Sea Devil crew think at the same time. Just as Lucien is the most handsome guy they've ever seen, Eve is the most beautiful woman.

The Scout quickly analyzes Eve's power and reports back to Carmelo. "Sky Realm second layer... but just like this guy, she seems to be stronger than that."

Carmelo doesn't even notice how worried the Scout sounds. No lascivious man like him could be calm after see a beautiful woman like Eve. He can only think of her naked in his bed right now.

Then he smiles at Lucien. "You will get the gift to my Boss, but your girl is mine!"

A purple and gold glow runs through Lucien's eyes as he thinks of a creative and painful way to kill Carmelo, but just then, the other girls arrive at Eve's side in the sky.

"Lucien!!" Daisy exclaims in a concerned tone. Despite being confident in his strength, she feels many powerful auras among the Black Sea Riders.

He looks at the girls and smiles. "Don't break this barrier, please. I don't want to damage our new ship."

[What the H?!?!] Lucien's words shock the Black Sea Riders again.

But Carmelo is more interested in those beautiful women. "Your wives? Damn!! Their beauty is really out of this world."

The bearded man again chuckles, showing his teeth as he approaches Lucien to tap his shoulder. "Boy, you really want to give this old man a reason to be happy! These girls are fucking lovely and---"


The man can't finish talking or touch Lucien's shoulder as he quickly moves behind him like a purple shadow, grabs the back of his neck, and makes him kneel by forcing his shoulders down.

"AAAAAHHHH!!" The man screams in pain as Lucien's grab begins to break his bones. He's in the eighth layer of the Earth Realm, but he doesn't look any stronger than someone from the Zero Realm under Lucien's strength.

Carmelo and the other Black Sea Riders quickly prepare their weapons, but they still don't see Lucien as a threat for catching that poor drunk man off guard.

Lucien starts to smiles grimly as he talks to the bearded man. "Did you like what you saw? I hope so because they're the last thing you'll see..."


Before any of the Black Sea Riders make any move to save the bearded man, Lucien pulls his head up by his neck, ripping it off along with his spine, which comes out his body in a whole piece, splashing blood all over the place.

Drops of blood trickle down Lucien's devilishly handsome face as he closes his eyes and makes an expression of pleasure. "Ahh… it's been a while since I felt this."

"SHIT!!!" The Black Sea Riders are shocked by that. Despite being brutal pirates who kill and torture people naturally, they've never seen anything quite like Lucien's expression before. He looks really diabolic.

While Helena and Genevieve can't help but feel a little scared of Lucien, Eve and Daisy don't see anything wrong with that. They approve of his brutality against anyone outside their family as well as enjoy the loving way he treats them.

The Sins, on the other hand, feel something much more complex. Although they always bonded in soul with their hosts, they never really thought anyone could really be like them, at least not in the way Lucien is.

Lust, pride, anger, envy, sloth... He feels those on a level that no one but the Sins does. Not just that, but greed and gluttony are equally present in it. And he puts those feelings together perfectly, making the Sins admire him.

"Boy… you shouldn't have done that," Carmelo speaks as he looks at Lucien with a hostile expression. "Boss is going to have to be content to get you already broken."

Due to the way Lucien killed an Earth Realm late stages guy so easily, everyone else of that level or below backs off as the Sky Realm people begin to surround him.

Eve and Daisy feel an instinctive urge to go to his side, but they want to respect his request not to break the ship's barrier. Yet, they will act as soon as he appears to be in real danger.

The Sins also feel that desire, but they don't have such space limitations.

Then they materialize their bodies alongside Lucien. The first one to do that is clearly Lust, staying on his right side while Pride doesn't waste time getting on his left side.

Lucien's features are quite unique as his wings look dragonic while his horns and tail look demonic. But the characteristics of the Sins make it clear what they are.

And the Scout quickly understands that. "Demons! They are damn demons!!"

Carmelo is not scared when he notices the Sins appearing out of nowhere but more excited. "Demons?? I'll get an even better reward for giving your heads to the Guardians."

The Sins smile as Lucien steps forward. "Why don't you start with me? How about a duel? Or don't you want to get your hands dirty?"

"A duel?" Carmelo starts laughing. "You really have the balls... Oh, I forgot; actually, your demon head is too fucked up! Hahaha..."

Pride rolls her eyes. "Ants shouldn't fight dragons indeed..."

Her words shouldn't mess up with him too much, but Pride's mocking expression hurts Carmelo's ego in a way that no one else has ever done. Humiliating Lucien in front of his girls immediately becomes his main objective.

Then he materializes a beautiful greenish saber. Its aura quickly spreads everywhere, making it clear that it's a Soul Weapon. So he points the saber at Lucien. "Let's do it!"

Lucien smiles as he opens the Purple World portal behind him. His wives start coming out of the portal, surprising everyone, not only because they are appearing out of nowhere but also because of their incredible beauty.

His demonic energy and his life mana continue to make his girls even more beautiful and perfect. So they're already at the level that overcomes the greatest beauties of Blue Star, well, at least on the human side, as no one can really claim to know all the women of the aquatic races.

Lucien's wives already understand what's going on due to their connection to him, but the Black Sea Riders are increasingly confused. So he explains. "My wives love a good show performed by me."

"Hump!" Carmelo doesn't want to say anything else. He got tired of conversations and insults. Then he firmly grips the hilt of his saber as he walks to the side, thinking of the best way to attack Lucien.

However, Lucien wants to have fun with that. So he gives the Ghost Lady to Lust before walking towards Carmelo with open arms. "You know, my last duel was against a really worthy opponent, so I'm going to fight you unarmed to give you a chance."

Those words leave the entire Sea Devil crew with a bad taste in their mouths. Such an insult to their captain is an insult to them all. Yet, Carmelo is the most affected, getting really mad.

Meanwhile, Wrath is confused, wondering if when Lucien talked about his latest opponent being really worthy, he was talking about her or Alexa. That's not the kind of thing she usually cares about, but somehow, what he thinks of her feels strangely important.

Pride, on the other hand, is more focused on what she thinks of Lucien. Seeing him acting so arrogantly, she felt like looking into a mirror.

And for her, that's really weird. She has only admired one person in her entire life, and yet, she has never compared herself to Aylin.

But now she's comparing herself to Lucien and being pleased that he's so like her. She feels he could be described as a male version of her.

As a mix of feelings occurs in the girls behind Lucien, he continues walking towards Carmelo. The Sea Devil's deck is huge, giving them tens of meters of free space as an arena.

"What are you waiting for?" Lucien asks in a mocking tone. "I'm here with open arms, waiting for you to make the first move."

"..." Carmelo grits his teeth, containing his anger. He turned eleven hundred years old recently and is almost reaching the Immortal Realm. But an Earth Realm boy is pissing him off, which sounds absurd.

Lucien notices that Carmelo is scared, so he starts to spin slowly, still with open arms. "I'm afraid if I make the first move, you're done..."

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