Lust Knight

Chapter 491: Everyone has their own plans

Chapter 491: Everyone has their own plans


Lucien comes out of the portal inside the large bathroom again. His blood runs down the floor as his energies close his wounds.

Lust materializes her body beside him and tries to help him, but she also looks upset. "Why did you do that without telling me??? You could have really died if you were wrong about the Leviathan!"

He doesn't groan even though he feels so much pain all over his body. Then he holds her hand while she smiles lovingly. "You were very tired, and I wasn't sure about that yet. But I knew I wasn't wrong about that when I saw fear and anger in the creature's eyes, and she still didn't kill me."

"When did you start to suspect that?" Lust asks.

He tries to stay seated as he explains. "I don't know exactly when, but she kept saying she was doing that to get revenge on Aylin by hurting me. But I think it was clear that to hurt me, she should go after the girls and not test the limits of my body."

"It makes sense..." Lust comments and helps Lucien enter into the hot pool water. Next, she gently starts to wash his body like the caring wife she is.

But she still tries to keep an upset expression. "But I still don't like that you didn't tell me about that; we're partners, remember? We always have to work as a team."

Even still very injured, he starts to caress her body and kiss her face. "I know... It's just that you're always trying so hard for us, and I didn't want to disturb your rest."

She pouts because she can't be really upset with him. Then she hugs him and rubs her face against his chest. "Why do I need rest if I can recover like this?"

"Hehehe..." He chuckles as he keeps kissing and caressing her. "I think we can stay like this for a while; the Leviathan will not go after the girls, and she won't let me go either."

Lust makes a thoughtful expression. "That's so weird... what does this creature want from us?"

"Hmm..." He wonders. "I'm not sure, but there's something I haven't stopped thinking about since I saw the concerned expression on Pride's face."

"What is it?" She asks.

He explains. "Since we found out about Helena, we've been sure that someone is manipulating us. Whether that woman is my mother or not, she planned all this, and even though I don't like it at all, our goals lead us to continue following the path she prepared."

"I thought I had almost died in that cave, but Helena was there to make sure I survived. After so much time and resources invested and us, that woman wouldn't let me die so easily. And it would be even stranger if I died right after coming to this world as it seems to be her plan." He concludes.

"Damn!" Lust exclaims. "I was so worried about the creature that I didn't even think about it. But you're right; it would be really weird for that woman not to know that would happen."

He nods. "I also remembered how that girl, Kayla, said that this area is the most peaceful in this world. And the Leviathan said that she devours other creatures to absorb their power..."

Lust's eyes sparkle. "So it doesn't make sense to the Leviathan be sleeping here!"

"She was waiting for us." He comments.

"Yeah… I think you're right about it." She nods but then also looks confused. "But why? Even if Leviathan agreed to assume a demi-human form, I don't think she would accept to become your wife. We only found out about Helena when you were already very strong and could conquer her..."

"I don't think that's the issue here." He comments. "We are getting stronger so quickly; however, powerful enemies appear more and more often. If more people like Alexa showed up now, we would be in trouble."

"So?" She looks curious.

He explains his thoughts. "I think we have less time than we think. We have to get stronger even faster, but we can't just do that with pleasure. I think that mysterious woman wants to force us to seek another source of power."

Lust thinks for a second and quickly understands what Lucien is talking about. "Aylin's power..."

"Exactly." He comments. "That power she said that she would use to destroy the Gods. I think she was talking about the same power she used to defeat that Leviathan, something related to her soul weapon."

"But..." Lust thinks of something. "Aylin was unique. Although her daughter is also one of the most powerful people in the universe, no dragon is like Aylin. I don't think anyone has ever been able to use such power until..."

He smiles. "I feel it every time I hold her naginata. I'm sure that's the power that made Aylin so amazing. I also think it's related to the golden gates inside the naginata."

Lust can't believe the incredible way Lucien is related to Aylin. She's pretty sure he's really her descendant, but the main question is, "Why?"

"So it really makes sense for this Leviathan to be something of a training partner for you and try to help you control that power. This creature saw Aylin using that power personally... that's so crazy." She comments.

"Yeah, it's scary for me too..." He caresses her face. "But what makes me even more curious is what the mysterious woman promised the Leviathan in exchange for her help. Aylin killed her mother with that power, so she should really hate me."

"I bet it's power." Lust suggests. "Everyone wants power and more power; that's what moves the universe more than events that happened thousands of years ago."

"Maybe..." He nods. "Anyway, continuing to speculate isn't really going to help us. I feel closer to reaching the next golden gate inside the naginata after attacking the Leviathan, so I need to keep pushing my body to the limit."

Lust looks concerned. "I don't like it. This creature keeps beating you to death's door... I prefer our method of getting stronger."

He kisses her lips and caresses her perfect breasts. "I prefer this too... but now we don't have a choice. I think that was that woman's intention, to leave us with no options."

"If only there was another way for you to access these golden gates and Aylin's memories..." Lust wonders.

He sighs. "I think it has to do with her personality. Not giving up, facing stronger enemies, going beyond the limits, and finding a hidden power there... I have to try; it's the only way we have now."

Lust makes a loving expression and takes Lucien's hand. "Anyway, I'm with you; I'm always with you."

"Yes, you do..." He kisses her hand and then moves his lips over her arm to her breasts. "And you deserve a reward..."

"Now I'm enjoying this, hehehe..." She giggles as she starts stroking his cock inside the pool.


After an incredible lovemaking session with Lust, which doesn't generate much demonic energy but leaves both her and him very satisfied, Lucien leaves the purple world again.

He notices that the sea is calm and there are no dark clouds in the sky. So he quickly asks Lust. "Can you feel her?"

Lust focuses her senses as far as possible under the sea but cannot sense the single creature within an eight-mile radius. "Nothing yet..."

Lucien looks east, and even though he doesn't know which direction that is, he feels his lovers are in that direction. He can't feel exactly where they are or mentally communicate with them from such a vast distance, but he feels deep in his soul that that's the right direction.

"Maybe she gave up... we could fly quickly..." Lust comments.

"She would find us." He responds. "And we'd just be leading her towards the girls. There's no way that could be good now."

"I guess so..." As Lust thinks about that, the sea starts to get angry again, just as dark clouds start to form out of nowhere and gather above them.

"She is coming," Lucien comments with a thoughtful expression. There are so many mysteries surrounding the mysterious woman who is possibly his mother that he can't help but wonder what's the purpose of that all.


The Leviathan comes out of the sea, splashing water everywhere. Lightning and thunder echo through the sky as she gazes at Lucien and makes a spiral around him with her body.

"So you didn't want to run away, little dragon?" She asks.

Lucien shakes his head. "What was that, another test? We know we don't have that option. That's what that woman told you to do, right?"

"ROOOOOAR!!!" Leviathan makes a loud, furious sound as the ocean waves rise higher; nature itself seems to have got extremely angry along with the creature.

"Nobody says what I must do!" She comments as she brings her face closer to Lucien, almost touching him with her fangs.

Lucien swings his hand in front of his nose. "You have to stop attacking me with your breath; this is awful!"

"Arrogant little dragon..." The giant snake's eyes sparkle. "You should be more afraid of death, or at least fear the death of the people on that ship..."

"You can't kill me or attack them." He comments. "It's not that woman's plan..."

"Hahaha..." The Leviathan laughs sinisterly. "You don't know anything about me. Everything I do is only for my benefit, and I only heard what that woman said because I was curious to see what came next."

"But now, what she wants doesn't matter anymore." The creature smiles. "I'll help you get the answers I need, and then I'll devour you to absorb that knowledge; that's my plan."

'Shit!!!' Lust exclaims in Lucien's mind. 'That also makes sense. The situation is not under control as we expected...'

'I guess so...' He responds while realizing he needs a good plan not to be devoured.

In any case, he needs more power; precisely the power Aylin can get out of her soul weapon. Then he summons the golden naginata and smiles at the creature with a confident expression.

"Glad you're excited, otherwise keeping beating you close to death wouldn't be fun." The Leviathan comments with a sadistic expression.


Lucien flaps his wings, flying towards the giant snake. She also initiates her moves, attacking him directly with her tail.


As expected, he is thrown into the sea before being thrown out and back in... Soon Lucien gets too injured to continue and has to return to the purple world for more love sessions with Oya, Helena, and Lust.

The Leviathan doesn't feel any stronger, but at each sparring session, he and the girls get much stronger, and he gets closer and closer to the next golden gate, where Aylin's memories and power are.

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